"Yes, Qianqian, don't worry, your mother and I will not interfere with you, you can still talk about your relationship as you wish."

After Xiao Guobang finished speaking, Xiao Qian became even more shy.

But the more she explained, the more confused she became.

She also knew that it was useless to say anything now. She just let them talk.

I just don't know if Ye Yi has any feelings for her...

Sea View Villa No. 1.

At this time, Ye Yi had no idea that another girl had fallen in love with him.

If he knew, he would definitely be speechless.

It's just 500 million, which is really nothing in his eyes now.

Wei Xin and Zhao Lu didn't know how to deal with it yet, and now there's another one, how can he not be speechless?

However, Ye Yi didn't know these now. He was just wondering why the system prompt sound hadn't come out yet? He was even a little worried.

In case of failure, the system will disappear!

But at this moment, the system prompt sound finally rang

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and successfully helping Xiao Qian. The system rewards 200 billion cash."

"Given the host���If the task is completed at the super-perfect level, the system will give an extra 100 billion cash reward. 300 billion cash has been transferred to the Ye Investment Consortium."

Hearing this, Ye Yi was even more disappointed.

He had expected that if the task was completed at the super-perfect level, there would be an extra reward of martial arts realm.

That's why he asked for 200 million to 500 million.

Now when he heard that it was cash again, Ye Yi had already become numb.

How could he still lack money now?

The money he had was already too much to spend, okay?

What's more, he had founded a company. With Wei Xin around, Ye Yi was even more certain that he would make a profit in the future!

So he was no longer sensitive to the system's cash reward.

It was just that there was more than nothing.

Isn't it infuriating?

How many people can't make so much money in their entire lives!

However, the disappointment only lasted for two minutes.

Ye Yi soon thought it over.

After all, it is a martial arts realm, and it should not be so easy to obtain.

Anyway, just wait for the next task of the system, and you will be able to improve sooner or later.

So, Ye Yi continued to play Landlord.

The life of a otaku is so cool!

Ye Yi sighed while playing cards with great interest.

And over at the hospital.

Although Wei Xin was recovering from her injuries, she couldn't help but want to deal with some work in her free time.

She has the personality of a strong woman, and she can't sit still for a while.

The injury was not serious, but she still had to hang saline solution, She could only continue to lie in the hospital.

She was bored, so she ordered her secretary to report the work situation to her.

When she learned that the company had an additional 300 billion in cash, her face was almost calm.

She had long been accustomed to Ye Yi being so rich.

She was numb to seeing the remittances every few days!

Wei Xin quickly calculated the total assets of the group.

There were already 1 trillion in assets, and now with the addition of 300 billion, the total was 1.3 trillion.

1.3 trillion!

You know, even the head of the four major families in the Magic City only has 1.5 trillion!

Is this still a human being?

At this point, Wei Xin was still She couldn't help but be shocked.

Who is this Ye Yi?

She became more and more curious about her boss and lover.

She was more certain that he had an extremely terrifying background. At the very least, he was a young master from a super family!

At such a young age, only 22 years old, he could beat the entire Lei family. What else could he be if not a super family?

Thinking of this, Wei Xin immediately cheered up and worked hard.

She was now very close to Ye Yi.

But it was far from enough.

Wei Xin secretly swore in her heart that she must prove herself and have enough ability to accompany Ye Yi!


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Seaview Villa No. 1.

After playing Landlord for a long time, Ye Yi stretched and put down his phone to take a break.

This life is too comfortable, but staying at home all the time is not a good thing.

Just when I was thinking about whether to go out for a walk, the phone screen lit up.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was a message from Chu Yu.

"Ye Yi! Are you free tonight? I wonder if I have the honor to treat you to dinner."

"I don't mean anything else! I just want to thank you on behalf of the Chu family for saving us."

It turned out to be Chu Yu.

Probably wanted to thank me for killing Li Long and others before.

Ye Yi had a good impression of Chu Yu.

It happened that he was free in the evening and wanted to go out, so he agreed immediately.

Besides, the girl took the initiative to ask, so he was embarrassed to refuse

"OK, six o'clock in the evening."

Looking at the reply message on the screen, Chu Yu jumped up excitedly!

He agreed!

When she thought about meeting her beloved soon, Chu Yu was as excited as a child who had eaten candy.

Although they had known each other for a short time.

But Ye Yi had saved her more than once.

Chu Yu had fallen in love with Ye Yi a long time ago!

But she was afraid that she was unrequited love, so she didn't take any action.

Although Chu Yu had never been in a relationship, now that she met someone she really liked, she decided to take the initiative.

That's right! She had to take the initiative.

Ye Yi was so good, even if she might be rejected, she had to give it a try! Plus, Chu Tianxiong has been instigating her.

Chu Yu made up her mind to take the initiative to ask Ye Yi out.

Afraid that Ye Yi would refuse, she even used"to express her gratitude" as an excuse.

But when she saw that Ye Yi really agreed, she was still so excited that she couldn't help herself! She immediately ran to the mirror to check her makeup and clothes.

She was confident that she could amaze Ye Yi tonight!

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was already six o'clock in the evening.

Ye Yi drove to the place he had agreed to meet with Chu Yu on time - the dating sanctuary, Ocean Park!

This Ocean Park has long been ranked among the most popular couples' sanctuaries in Shanghai. First, it is one of the best in the world.

The scene layout inside is not only exquisite and rich, but also incorporates many romantic elements. In order to avoid crowds, the number of daily tickets is even limited.

It was a decision made by Chu Yu after careful selection. As for

Ye Yi, of course, he didn't know Chu Yu's little thoughts.

He just felt that the location here was a little bit off, and a little strange. Chu Yu obviously called him out for dinner, so why did he come here?

While wondering, Ye Yi still parked the car. As soon as he left the parking lot, he saw a beautiful woman walking towards him.

Even though he was still a few steps away, Ye Yi instantly judged that this was a beautiful woman with almost no flaws! With thick black hair draped behind her, wearing a white dress, her temperament and cultivation were fully revealed in her every move.

Not only is her appearance and figure perfect, but her temperament is also full of confidence!

And who else could this person be if not Chu Yu?

Even Ye Yi was stunned for a while!

Chu Yu was originally a beauty with more than nine points, and now she has dressed up seriously, and with the background of the night lights, she is now almost close to full marks!

In an instant, Ye Yi couldn't take his eyes away!

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