Ye Yi barely blinked his eyes and came back to his senses.

He immediately stood up and walked towards Chu Yu.

"You look very beautiful today."

Ye Yi would not hesitate to praise beautiful women.

"Wasn't she beautiful before?"

Chu Yu smiled when she heard that.

Her eyes curved into beautiful crescents.

Noticing Ye Yi's momentary distraction, she was in a good mood. She was even a little happy, thinking that she had a little more confidence in winning Ye Yi.

Since the Chu family returned to the first-class family again, Chu Yu has gradually regained her confidence.

With the help of Ye Yi, the Chu family has not only successfully returned to the first-class family, but also occupies a very important position in the first-class family.

Chu Tianxiong's health is also getting better.

Without pressure and anxiety, Chu Yu is in the mood to dress up, and naturally becomes more beautiful

"What should we do now?"

I didn't see any restaurant, but Ye Yi was not in a hurry.

"Let's take a walk first"

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Ye Yi didn't care. Since Chu Yu said to take a walk, he went into the ocean park and strolled with the latter.

It must be said that this famous ocean park is different.

Ye Yi had been to some ocean parks before, but compared with the one in front of him, it was like a stream meeting the sea, there was no comparison!

Along the way, Ye Yi was watching the marine life very seriously.

This naturally made Chu Yu very angry!

This blockhead, why didn't he even hold hands.

Chu Yu's mind was all on Ye Yi.

She had completely fallen in love with Ye Yi a long time ago. Let alone holding hands, even if she was allowed to dedicate herself to him, she would be very disappointed. Ye Yi, she was happy with it!

But this Ye Yi was as stupid as a piece of wood!

She had hinted so obviously, almost all the people who came here were couples, and it was such a good atmosphere, but Ye Yi just did nothing!

She was a girl, and it was her first date, and she was embarrassed to take the initiative.

She was naturally angry!

But no matter how angry she was, Chu Yu soon got over it.

After all, Ye Yi had never shown anything to her, and the two of them were not in a relationship.

After all, it was Ye Yi who saved her family.

Why was she so angry?

Thinking of this, Chu Yu calmed down and took the initiative to speak.

"Ye Yi, thank you for your help. Now the Chu family has not only successfully resolved the crisis, but also returned to the ranks of first-class families. This is all thanks to you."

"If it weren't for you, I'm afraid there would be no Chu Yu in the world."

Chu Yu thanked him sincerely.

She was telling the truth. If Ye Yi hadn't come that day, she would have died rather than lived in disgrace.

After hearing this, Ye Yi waved his hand nonchalantly.

"It's just a small favor, don't mention it. If you can help me with anything in the future, just tell me."

Chu Yu is a nice girl, and she is also his friend. Of course, Ye Yi doesn't mind helping out within his ability.

But when Chu Yu heard these words, it was different.

She had already fallen in love with Ye Yi, and now Ye Yi was so nice to her, how could she not be moved?

There were tears in the corners of Chu Yu's eyes!

She was even more determined that Ye Yi was the only one she would have in her life.

Ye Yi, who was standing aside, naturally didn't know what she was thinking, and he was still looking at the scenery.

Not to mention, it feels different to have a beautiful woman by your side!

Coupled with the moving sea view, Ye Yi felt it was quite pleasing to the eye.

It seems that we can't just stay at home and play Landlord in the future, we should go shopping more when we have time!

After shopping for a while, they both felt a little hungry, so they went Restaurant.

It was also the place where Chu Yu made an appointment, a seven-star couple restaurant.

After entering the private room, the atmosphere gradually became a little ambiguous.

A seven-star restaurant is a seven-star restaurant, elegant but not vulgar, it interprets romance to the extreme, and the food is also top-notch.

And there is a beauty to accompany you for dinner, it will be even more enjoyable!

No matter how dumb Ye Yi is, he can see that something is wrong at this time.

Chu Yu in front of him obviously likes him!

But Ye Yi has no choice but to play dumb.

He has already provoked several girls inexplicably, and with so many people around him, he is afraid that he can't give Chu Yu the happiness she wants.

Thinking of this, Ye Yi naturally made up his mind to play dumb to the end.

So Ye Yi focused his attention on the food and started looking for topics.

"This shrimp tastes good."

Ye Yi wanted to say"Try it", but after thinking about it, he felt it was a bit ambiguous, so he didn't say anything more.


Chu Yu just nodded in disappointment after hearing this.

How could she have the heart to taste whether the food was delicious or not.

Ye Yi has been like a piece of wood, without any movement!

She was about to doubt whether she had no appeal at all. Was she not beautiful enough?

Or was there something she did that made Ye Yi dislike her?

Chu Yu bit her lip and kept thinking about it during the meal.

Ye Yi saw it, but he could only see through it without saying it.

He even wanted to shout to the sky.

Oh my God! What evil trick did I do to have so many peach blossoms?

I have no interest in these now!

During the meal, the two were thinking about their own things.

When they finished eating slowly, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

Ye Yi originally wanted to send Chu Yu back first, after all, it was a bit late.

But Chu Yu said that he ate too much and wanted to walk to digest the food.

Ye Yi naturally agreed. His physical and mental qualities are now many times better than before, so he is naturally not sleepy.

In addition, with martial arts by his side, Ye Yi is sure that he can protect Chu Yu's safety.

So, the two went for a walk under a nearby mountain.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

The two of them walked slowly around the path, with lights illuminating most of the road.

This was Ye Yi's first time here, so his attention was naturally focused on appreciating the surrounding scenery.

It has to be said that the Magic City is the Magic City, and even the path at the foot of the mountain is more exquisite than other places.

But Chu Yu was obviously not as leisurely and comfortable as him. She was struggling almost the whole time.

Why didn't he move at all?

The atmosphere was set to this point!

It was the first time for her to hang out with someone outside so late.

Even if she didn't do anything, she should at least hold hands, right?

Why didn't he do anything?

Did he really have no feelings for me, or did he think I wasn't pretty enough?

Or was he as embarrassed as I was?

Chu Yu added ten thousand scenes to herself in her heart.

This opportunity is rare. For a busy person like Ye Yi, she doesn't know when she will see him again after today.

She really loves Ye Yi and doesn't want to lose him.

And even Chu Tianxiong supports her to take the initiative.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu felt that she could no longer be indifferent.

So she stopped.

"Ye Yi"

"What happened?"

Seeing her stop, Ye Yi also stopped, worried that Chu Yu was in trouble, and immediately asked what happened.

But the next second, he was kissed again.

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