"I was wondering who it was, it turned out to be you."

Qian Liu still looked down on Ye Yi. He was even a little happy.

"Since you are here, I don't have to make another trip. How about you just give Ye's to me today, and I will leave you a few million to live out the rest of your life?"

"Millions? You are quite kind, unlike me. Not only do I not intend to give you money, but I also want you to die here today."

Ye Yi counterattacked without any hesitation.


It's simply an insult, okay?

His own consortium is worth trillions.

What's the difference between Qian Liu's meaning and sending away beggars?

So when Ye Yi heard what Qian Liu said, he had almost made up his mind.

Qian Liu must die!

And not only him, but all the Qian family members present must die!

After making up his mind, Ye Yi did not hesitate at all and took action directly!

With his cultivation, he could naturally see that three people were seriously injured and couldn't even stand up.

So he directly attacked the remaining seven people fiercely and neatly.

One punch each, the seven masters were blown away one by one before they could react!

In the end, they all fell to the ground and screamed.

After seeing this scene, Mo Qingshan and the others were shocked! They didn't expect Ye Yi to have such a strong ability!

Mo Qingshan was immediately glad that he did not follow the wrong master.

He has such a skill at such a young age!

He will surely become a generation in the near future. A tyrant!

But after being thankful, he became even more desperate. What if Ye Yi blew away all these masters?

The most powerful thing about the Qian family is their background.

One sentence can prevent them from leaving the door today!

And beating up someone's men is even more offensive.

Such rash behavior.

I am afraid it will lead to even more terrible revenge from the Qian family!

Qian Liu, who was standing aside, watched all this in amazement.

He was also shocked.

He didn't expect that this boss Ye was really capable.

The rumors were actually true.

But thinking of this, he didn't take Ye Yi seriously anymore.

The background of the Dragon Group was probably exaggerated.

He was very confident in the background of the Qian family.

Besides, things had come to this point, and he didn't mind getting rid of one more Ye Yi. But now

, the situation has become that he is controlled by others.

So he just looked at Ye Yi and didn't dare to act rashly for the time being.

But seeing Ye Yi.

After blowing away the masters, he didn't stop.

Instead, he crippled those ten masters one after another!

"No! No! Ah——"

"Grandpa, I call you grandpa, please give me a way out!"

"It was the Qian family who forced me to do this. I don’t want to do such a thing!"


For a while, screams were heard in the box.

Ye Yi showed no mercy.

No matter what the reason was, he did it.

He didn't care if you were forced to do it.

If you dare to touch him, you must bear the consequences!

Soon, these scums were destroyed by Ye Yi one by one.

Then, Ye Yi walked towards Qian Liu.


Let’s talk about two things.

The Qian Family in Magic City

"Hello? Really? Hello? Hello?"

"Hello, it’s me, Lao Qian, hello?"


The current head of the family is Qian Liu's father.

At this moment, he was receiving one call after another, and his face gradually showed a look of despair.

The Qian family was suddenly attacked by a large amount of funds, and all the industries of the Qian family, a super first-class family, were sealed within ten minutes.

He has been the head of the family for so many years, so he is naturally not a fool.

He soon realized that it was probably because the Qian family offended some terrifying force, which led to the disaster of killing!

After an investigation, it was found that the industries that had been sealed before by the Ye Investment Consortium were gradually unsealed.

The head of the Qian family only remembered at this time that his son had said that he wanted to annex the Ye Investment Consortium.

He has always been supportive.

But he didn't expect that the Ye Investment Consortium was really good, and there were probably backers behind it.

Although it is still unknown who has offended, the head of the Qian family is not a vegetarian!

After all, he has been a super first-class family for so many years.

There are still many connections.

The head of the Qian family immediately tried to fight back and called those backers immediately.

But he never expected!

Those backers all deliberately didn't answer or dared not to reply!

Occasionally, someone would answer the phone and tell him to prepare to run away!

Everyone in the Qian family collapsed to the ground, knowing that they were doomed!

In just twenty minutes, the huge Qian family fell in an instant.

That's not all, many of the direct descendants were arrested with evidence of illegal activities! Only then did the head of the Qian family completely understand that they had offended an extraordinary person.

But where is the chance to quibble?

They were the ones who provoked him first!

The head of the Qian family regretted it deeply. If he had known this would happen, he would have stopped Qian Liu from attacking the Ye family.

Thinking that his thousand-year foundation was destroyed in his hands, the head of the Qian family was so desperate that he couldn't speak.

Ye Rong was in the hotel.

Seeing Ye Yi walking towards him.

Qian Liu was immediately panicked.

This man was simply a devil.

There was no guarantee that he would not do something to him on impulse.

Although Qian Liu was confident that he could definitely bring down Ye Yi.

But that also depended on the family background.

Now he was alone, and Ye Yi was so powerful, how could he not be afraid?

In panic, he immediately threatened Ye Yi

"Ye Yi, I warn you, if you dare to touch me, the entire Qian family will not let you go. I am the future heir of the Qian family. If something happens to me, you will die ten thousand times more miserably than me!"

Speaking of the Qian family, Qian Liu became more and more proud, as if he saw Ye Yi kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Ye Yi, on the other hand, spoke to Qian Liu as if he was looking at a fool.

"You might as well make a phone call and ask. If anyone in the Qian family still answers your call, I will lose."

He said this arrogantly.

But he was very confident.

After saying this, he looked at Qian Liu as if he was looking at a clown.

The latter felt a little guilty when he saw him.

But when he thought about the Qian family's thousand-year background, how could something go wrong?

Qian Liu really didn't accept it and called.

He called his father first, but no one answered for a long time.

There was only a burst of busy tone on the phone.

"Don't be so proud, my dad might be busy with something, wait for me to change someone."

Qian Liu didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at this time.

Seeing Ye Yi's smug smile, he immediately changed the person in charge of the family to make a call.

But after changing five or six people, no one answered.

It couldn't be such a coincidence!

Qian Liu looked at Ye Yi suspiciously, and his heart became more and more flustered.

He swiped through the address book frantically. He almost called someone from the Qian family.

But who in the Qian family was free to answer his call now?

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the housekeeper finally answered!

But what he said next made Qian Liu collapse on the spot!

"Young Master, you should prepare to run away quickly. The Qian family has collapsed. All of their assets have been sealed, their direct descendants have been arrested, and the assets that have not been sealed have been divided up by other families!"

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