"How is this possible?"

Qian Liu asked him stupidly, as if he was unwilling to believe what the housekeeper said, and then fell to the ground.

Because he had just turned on the prompt sound to slap Ye Yi in the face, the housekeeper's voice spread throughout the venue!

Not only Ye Yi, who was closest to him.

Even Mo Qingshan, Ming Yong and Wei Xin heard it clearly!

The Qian family was destroyed just like that?

Wei Xin was shocked!

She had been running the Ye Investment Consortium for so long, so she was naturally smart. She understood it instantly.

The Qian family was destroyed before Ye Yi came!

What kind of heaven-reaching method is this?

You know, the Qian family is a huge super first-class family!

Even if she has some listed companies worth trillions, she still can't compete with it.

And Ye Yi destroyed the Qian family in just ten minutes?

Even the super family can't do it!

Even Lei Kai, she didn't believe that the other party had this strength!

What is Ye Yi's origin?

He actually has such a terrifying strength.

Thinking of this, Wei Xin was even more shocked!

It was a pity that she had thought it was useless for Ye Yi to come here alone. She was even worried about Ye Yi.

Now she thought it was unnecessary!

She underestimated Ye Yi.

Wei Xin couldn't help but look up at Ye Yi.

The tall figure was once again deeply imprinted in her mind.

He saved her again.

Wei Xin made up her mind from the bottom of her heart that she must stay with this man!

Even if she couldn't be his girlfriend.

She was willing to serve Ye Yi for life!

Mo Qingshan on the side was also shocked.

He had only thought that Ye Yi had some money and some cultivation, and was kind and generous to others.

That's why he was willing to stay with him.

Who would have thought that the master he chose had such powerful means!

Thinking of his previous good attitude towards him.

Mo Qingshan felt that he had not followed the wrong person!

He even faintly believed that the means Ye Yi showed now were not all.

One day, he would stand at the top that everyone looked up to!

Mo Qingshan was immediately grateful.

Fortunately, he did not betray just now, but firmly protected Wei Xin.

In the future, he will definitely do his best to complete his task.

Ming Yong looked at his master's surprised look. He suddenly understood what a terrifying method it was to destroy the Qian family!

He was a little unconvinced before.

He thought that his master was noble, so how could he be willing to work for others?

Now he is completely convinced!

People who practice Taoism worship the strong even more.

Just now, Ye Yi defeated seven masters in minutes by himself.

He had long admired him!

But if it was a reckless strong man, he would not be able to convince the crowd.

But a genius like Ye Yi has a plan for everything and has strong strength.

It is no problem to destroy the Qian family.

Being able to follow such a strong man.

It is their blessing!

So Ming Yong is now completely loyal.

He even secretly vowed in his heart that he must practice well.

He was afraid that one day Ye Yi would look down on his cultivation.

The master and the apprentice looked at each other, and they could see a strong curiosity in each other's eyes!

Who is this Ye Yi?

Not only them, but even Qian Liu was dumbfounded.

After a while, he realized that the housekeeper was not kidding him.

Because of this, he was even more stupid.

He had always relied on the Qian family to do evil.

So he knew better than anyone how powerful the Qian family was.

Even the super family in the Magic City could not destroy the Qian family.

Therefore, Ye Yi could destroy the Qian family, which proved that his strength was definitely not limited to the Ye Investment Consortium with a trillion!

But now the facts are in front of him.

The Qian family was really destroyed!

As an heir, although he was arrogant, he was not stupid.

He soon realized that he had provoked someone he couldn't afford to offend!


Qian Liu remembered the rumor.

He said he didn't believe it before. But now he believed it thoroughly.

The facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it!

When he thought of those two words.

He regretted it very much.

With regret came fear!

Dragon Group.

As long as he thought of these two words.

Qian Liu couldn't help trembling.

Why did you poke a hornet's nest when you were fine?

If it happened again, he would never dare to touch Ye Yi again!

Not to mention Ye Yi.

Even Wei Xin, he dared not covet!

But now he not only did it.

And he also spoke nonsense to others.

He regretted it even more when he thought of this.

When he saw the ten masters whose cultivation was destroyed on the ground, he panicked even more.

At this moment, how could he care about his face? He immediately crawled to Ye Yi's feet and knelt down to beg for mercy!

"Boss Ye, I was blind and didn't recognize the great man. Please be magnanimous and let me go this time."

"I was blind and didn't recognize you. Please, please spare my life!"

How could Ye Yi care about him?

This kind of person is the cancer of society.

He can do anything for his own interests, even trampling on the lives and dignity of others.

Keeping him alive will only bring disaster.

So he directly and cleanly broke Qian Liu's neck!

Poor Qian Liu lived a carefree life.

He never thought that he would die so undignified.

Until his death, he was still begging others to spare him.

"I will spare your lives today, but don't let me see you again in the future!"

After finishing Qian Liu's business, Ye Yi looked at the masters whose martial arts he had destroyed.

He would not kill them.

Moreover, since these masters' cultivation had been destroyed by him, they would not be able to make any waves in the future.

Ye Yi did not mind sparing their lives.

"Yes! Thank you, Boss Ye, for sparing my life! I will never forget Boss Ye's kindness."

"Boss Ye, you are my second parent. From today on, I will turn over a new leaf and become a new person!"

""Stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. Otherwise, Boss Ye might get tired of listening and change his mind."

Soon, the masters stood up one by one and left with the help of the wall.

Today was destined to be a turning point in their lives.

In the past, they could do whatever they wanted by relying on their cultivation.

From now on, they can only be ordinary people!

"Wei Xin, are you okay?"

Seeing that the matter was finally settled, Ye Yi walked towards Wei Xin.

"I'm fine. Fortunately you came in time, otherwise I would have been……"

Wei Xin shook her head. The matter was finally over. She felt a sense of joy at having been reborn.

"If someone asks you out next time, tell me first."

Ye Yi frowned and said.

He would not allow Wei Xin to have any more trouble.


The latter nodded and agreed immediately.

I was touched and felt lucky again that I followed the right boss.

"Let's go, it's getting late. You got scared today, take a rest first."


Wei Xin nodded and followed Ye Yi away. She kept answering calls along the way.

She said she was taking a break, but she couldn't stop working.

Looking at the excitement on Wei Xin's face,

Ye Yi knew without guessing that the industries of the Ye Group that were previously blocked or blocked have been unblocked one after another!

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