"We plan to talk to the general manager of Hongtai Group again. The new chairman has not arrived yet, and he has the final say in Hongtai Group."

"As long as the general manager agrees to give us the contract, our company will be able to fully survive. In this way, even without the need for money, we can make a comeback in an instant."

"Or we can try to find the new chairman to talk to, although I don't know where to find the new chairman."

"But if the general manager still asks for too much, or the new chairman still can't be found, we have no choice but to borrow money from you."

"At that time, we can only trouble you to lend us a few hundred million yuan for turnover, so that we can recover after a period of time and pay you back."

Zhao Lu is indeed a strong woman.

She analyzed it from beginning to end.

She immediately pointed out the most important point.

If they can sign the contract, then their family does not need Ye Yi to borrow money.

But if they can't sign the contract, they need to borrow money from Ye Yi for turnover, but they can pay Ye Yi back after a period of time.

Ye Yi listened and immediately felt that this was feasible.

It just so happened that he also wanted to go to Hongtai Group to take a look

"Okay, just tell me if you need money. You don't have to pay back small amounts like a few hundred million. That's too polite."

"As long as uncle and aunt can be well, I will be satisfied."

Ye Yi agreed.

Zhao Fu and his wife were stunned when he said this.

A few hundred million is just a small amount of money?

No need to pay it back?

Just give it away!

How could they not be stunned? They felt so happy that they were about to faint.

How rich must this son-in-law be to be able to give away a few hundred million?

At least tens of billions of assets!

After being shocked, they were all overjoyed.

Their daughter has found a good family.

How can they not be happy.

And Zhao Lu was also shocked.

She is not Ye Yi's girlfriend yet, but Ye Yi is willing to give her a few hundred million?

How rich must Ye Yi be?

A few hundred billion is not so wasteful, I am afraid he must have at least hundreds of billions of assets. No wonder Young Master Long is so respectful.

After being shocked, she was completely moved. She decided to be good to Ye Yi for the rest of her life, even if she was willing to be Ye Yi's maid.

After all, Ye Yi gave her a few hundred million as he said..

How could he not be moved?

They had decided to go to Hongtai Group to talk to the general manager again.

So they set off naturally.

Ye Yi drove his own Rolls-Royce and took Zhao Fu and his family of three.

Seeing Ye Yi driving an eight million Rolls-Royce.

Zhao Fu was not surprised at all.

It was normal for a big shot like Ye Yi to drive an eight million Rolls-Royce. Not to mention Ye Yi, he already had a five million luxury car.

And he heard from his daughter that Ye Yi had an eighty million supercar.

So what was there to be surprised about.

Zhao Lu was surprised for a moment.

Ye Yi already had an eighty million supercar, and he bought another eight million Rolls-Royce so quickly?

This was too luxurious.

But when she thought about the fact that Ye Yi had so much money that he couldn't spend it all, she was not surprised anymore.

He bought a villa worth three billion. The luxury cars totaled less than ninety million, isn't this a piece of cake?

Ye Ye Yi didn't think about them so much.

He was just glad that he drove a Rolls-Royce.

It can only seat four people!

Otherwise, if he drove a poison, it would be awkward to only seat two people.

This is also the advantage of Rolls-Royce. It is much stronger than poison.

Ye Yi drove away quickly. Hongtai Group was not far away, not far from Shuangya University.

Although Hongtai Group is not a particularly powerful large group in the whole of Guangzhou.

After all, Guangzhou is one of the four cities with the best economy in China.

There are all kinds of large groups.

Even there are many giants.

Hongtai Group, with a market value of 10 billion, is certainly not the top group.

But Hongtai Group is definitely not a small group.

Even in the whole of Guangzhou, it is a first-class group, just weaker than a super giant.

And as a first-class group.

The office building of Hongtai Group is particularly domineering. Amazing!

It is a 33-story office building.

The ownership of this office building belongs to Hongtai Group.

It is the real estate of Hongtai Group.

Of course, it is also Ye Yi's personal property now. The market value of this office building alone is at least 3 billion.

It accounts for 30% of the market value of Hongtai Group.

Ye Yi was quite satisfied to see such a domineering office building.

This office building is also his.

How could Ye Yi not be satisfied?

They parked the car quickly and went into the group.

Because Zhao Fu often comes here, the security guards did not stop them.

They entered the group smoothly immediately.

The general manager's office is on the 32nd floor.

It is close to the top floor, only one floor lower than the chairman.

The 33rd floor is the chairman's office.

They immediately arrived at the 32nd floor.

After arriving at the 32nd floor, Zhao Fu asked the front desk very politely

"Hello, my name is Zhao Fu. I have agreed with your general manager to meet at two o'clock."

Zhao Fu looked at the receptionist very politely and asked.

He had indeed agreed to meet at two o'clock before coming.

Now it is a little after one o'clock.

It will be two o'clock soon.

When the receptionist heard what Zhao Fu said, she immediately smiled professionally and politely.

But when she saw Ye Yi next to her, she was stunned. It was the first time she had seen such a handsome boy, even more handsome than a star!

Her eyes lit up immediately. She almost wanted to stick to Ye Yi.

But when she saw the outstanding Zhao Lu standing next to Ye Yi, the receptionist was still self-aware. She immediately forced herself not to think about it.

The receptionist immediately made a phone call to inquire.

Then she smiled apologetically at Zhao Fu.

""I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao. The general manager is talking about something. Would it be convenient for you to wait for a moment?" Zhao Fu was used to this general manager.

Every time he came to ask for help from this general manager, he would be left alone for a long time. So when he heard what the front desk said, he didn't say anything.

He could only wait and see.

Ye Yi had no choice but to wait...

General Manager's Office.

At this time, a bald middle-aged man about fifty years old was sitting on a chair.

This bald middle-aged man was Gu Dong, the general manager of Hongtai Group!

Although he was in a high position and became the general manager of Hongtai Group, Gu Dong's face was full of insidious and cunning fat.

His face looked full of uncomfortable aura.

It was extremely gloomy.

Gu Dong is now fifty years old and relies on his capital. Li worked his way up to the position of general manager.

But it was not by ability.

He got there by flattering and making private deals.

During the years as a senior executive, he sucked a lot of blood and made countless benefits.

He swallowed up the group's assets into his own property countless times.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

When Gu Dong was a senior executive, he used his power to ask for benefits from suppliers countless times.

It was common for him to ask for exorbitant amounts of money.

He had only been a senior executive for ten years, but he had already made a fortune.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Dong dared to ask Zhao Fu for 100 million yuan.

He had long been used to it.

Gu Dong was not only greedy for money in the group, but also a mean person.

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