With the power in his hands, he has lured countless female employees.

Even many female managers and deputy managers have been promoted by trading with him behind the scenes.

Because of this.

Gu Dong has a very bad reputation in the group.

It's just because he is the general manager, so no one dares to deal with him.

But his reputation has long been rotten in private.

And as Gu Dong sat in the office chair, how could Gu Dong talk about things at this time?

It was obvious that he was bored.

The reason why Gu Dong said he was talking about things was that he wanted to leave Zhao Fu alone.

So that he could ask Zhao Fu for a big price.

In Gu Dong's opinion, leaving Zhao Fu alone for two hours was his kindness!

Let Zhao Fu wait for a few hours first, and let him open his mind before talking about things.

Before, Zhao Fu relied on his relationship with the chairman and never gave bribes.

So Gu Dong's heart was full of malicious thoughts!

Now he finally waited for the chairman to be replaced.

It is said that it was just a 22-year-old boy who bought the group.

Although the other party is the boss.

But Gu Dong doesn't take the legendary new boss seriously!

In his opinion, what does a young man know? Just a few flatteries and the other party will be flattered.

Then, with his decades of shrewdness in the workplace, he can sideline the new boss in an instant.

Wouldn't this group belong to him, Gu Dong?

How can a young boy beat him?

At that time, he can get whatever benefits he wants.

Of course, whether the group collapses or not, Gu Dong doesn't want to care at all, he just wants to make money and enjoy himself!

And the new boss has changed, and the new boss has not arrived yet.

This group is simply controlled by Gu Dong alone.

So he immediately blocked Zhao Fu's contract. He said that if he wants the contract, he must take out 100 million.

As for whether Zhao Fu will go bankrupt, whether he can take it out, and whether the whole family will jump off the building.

It has nothing to do with him, Gu Dong.

Thinking of this moment, Gu Dong sneered even more.

It seems that he sees a bright future!

How can it not be bright?

Now the new boss has not arrived yet, even if the new boss arrives, what will happen?

A 22-year-old young boy can beat him?

Isn't this group his, Gu Dong?

Not Ye Yi's!

Thinking of this, of course he laughed even more wantonly and happily.

Ye Yi and his friends waited for two hours.

From two o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Yi was not stupid.

How could he not see that Gu Dong was deliberately trying to intimidate them?

After all, it was impossible for an appointment to be postponed so much.

Once it was postponed, it could only mean that the other party deliberately left them alone!

Thinking of this moment,

Ye Yi naturally became more murderous.

This Gu Dong had not only touched his bottom line. He had reached the point where he had to die.

Ye Yi made up his mind instantly!

At four thirty in the afternoon.

After waiting for two and a half hours, the front desk finally took Ye Yi and his friends in... and soon saw Gu Dong sitting on the office chair.

Ye Yi was even more disgusted when he saw Gu Dong.

His face was full of fat.

He looked like a sinister and wretched person.

No wonder he did such a thing!

Although Zhao Fuzhongnan was very angry with Gu Dong, he was an old acquaintance after all. He had to pretend.

So he pretended to be very enthusiastic and walked towards Gu Dong.

As for Zhao Lu, she was full of disgust for the fat and big-eared Gu Dong in front of her.

After all, this man almost forced their family of three to death!

If it weren't for Ye Yi's promise.

Their family of three is now finished.

So how can I not be disgusted?

Gu Dong looked at Zhao Fu and his wife with disdain.

In his opinion, now that the chairman has changed, he, Gu Dong, is the one with power!

You are a small boss, so what?

Still have to look at my face?

So of course he looked at Zhao Fu and his wife with disdain.

But soon as his eyes swept over Zhao Lu.

Gu Dong's sinister and cunning eyes lit up!

Gu Dong has stalked many female employees, and even tasted third-tier actresses.

But none of them is as beautiful as Zhao Lu.

This is simply more of a star than a big star!

The moment he saw Zhao Lu.

Gu Dong's mind was full of dirty thoughts, and he felt that the one he had played with before was no different from a sow.

In an instant, Gu Dong's heart arose with evil thoughts. He immediately made up his mind.

He must get Zhao Lu.

Taste it well!

Let her climb into his bed willingly!

Gu Dong made up his mind instantly.

He was always greedy for money and that.

How could he control himself?

Especially when it came to Zhao Lu, such a stunning beauty!

"Brother Zhao Fu, welcome, welcome!" He had originally intended to give Zhao Fu a cold shoulder, but when he saw such a beautiful girl following Zhao Fu, he immediately put on a smiling face. His expression changed so quickly that it was as speechless as a villain.

After greeting, he saw Ye Yi next to him!

At that moment, Gu Dong's heart was shocked.

He felt as if he had seen Ye Yi somewhere before, but he couldn't remember.

However, he soon ignored Ye Yi. How could he have seen a young boy before?

It was not worth his attention at all.

Gu Dong immediately looked at Zhao Lu next to Zhao Fu and asked

"I don't know who this lady is."

"She is my daughter."

Zhao Fu felt it was a shame to be asked about his daughter by Gu Dong, the old rubbish.

But out of politeness, he had to introduce her.

When Gu Dong heard that it was Zhao Fu's daughter, his eyes lit up!

At the same time, he made up his mind to get Zhao Lu into bed!

As for disagreement?

He had plenty of ways to make Zhao Lu agree.

Just a little bit of trouble in the contract, Zhao Fu's family would be destroyed.

Wouldn't he just send his daughter up to him?

Thinking of this moment,

Gu Dong seemed to see Zhao Lu lying in his bed! He couldn't help but feel angry.

The look he gave Zhao Lu was also full of evil thoughts that he couldn't hide at all!

After the evil thoughts, he naturally made up his mind completely.

"Brother Gu Dong, we have been friends for a long time. Can you give me the contract? I really can't afford one.��"

"But I promise that as long as we make money, you will definitely get a share."

After all, we are here to talk business.

Zhao Fu opened his mouth immediately and begged Gu Dong.

Although he had begged countless times.

Gu Dong just wanted money.

But of course he asked for it for the last time!

This was also his last chance to survive.

So of course he needed to beg.

When Gu Dong heard this, his fat face showed his usual disdain.

"Brother Zhao Fu, I have made it very clear. As the general manager, I also need to make arrangements. It is not easy. One hundred million is already a fair price."

Gu Dong spoke slowly.

The new chairman has not arrived yet, and he is the most important general manager. What

's the point of making arrangements?

It's nothing more than finding a reason to ask for benefits openly.

This shamelessness was instantly brought to the extreme.

Ye Yi was furious, but still did not explode.

He wanted to see Gu Dong perform.

Zhong Nan and her daughter were both pale.

It seemed that Gu Dong still refused to give in. This was their last hope.

Of course, their faces were pale. Their hearts were also full of despair.

They were desperate to the extreme.

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