Zhao Fu felt even more desperate when he heard this.

How could he not see that Gu Dong was talking nonsense?

But he just wouldn't give in.

What could you do?

Although he hated Gu Dong, a parasite, he had to follow his rules.

In despair,

Zhao Fu naturally didn't want to give up, but he couldn't give up so easily.

He immediately put on a smiling face and apologized.

Although his heart was full of pain, he could only smile.

He is the head of the family and can't fall!

In the business world, as long as he can get a contract, what's wrong with asking the opponent for help?

"Brother Gu, one hundred million is really too much. Can you reduce it a bit?"

"As long as I can take it out, I will try my best to get it for you, okay?"

Zhao Fu continued to plead with Gu Dong.

As strong as he was, he almost knelt on the ground.

As long as he could keep his family alive, even if he had to kneel on the ground, it didn't matter.

When Gu Dong heard this, he despised Zhao Fu even more in his heart, and looked down on him even more.

Not only did he not pity Zhao Fu, but his face was full of arrogance.

In his opinion, it was awesome.

Aren't you awesome?

Now go and be awesome!

Gu Dong's face was naturally more proud, and he enjoyed the feeling of being complimented.

"No, Brother Zhao, I can't help you."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu's family turned even paler.

After all, they couldn't come to an agreement.

After waiting for more than two hours, there was still this result.

How could they not despair?

Zhao Fu felt as if the sky was about to fall.

Zhao Lu's pretty face was also completely white.

Her heart was also full of despair.

Of course, she also felt disgusted with Gu Dong, the dead fat pig.

How could she not feel disgusted?

Of course, she felt disgusted with this dead fat pig.

But she just couldn't do anything with this dead fat pig.

Just when Zhao Lu's family was in despair.

Gu Dong seemed to have grasped the opportunity.

A dirty smile appeared on his face.

He immediately looked at Zhao Fu's family and spoke.

"But it's not impossible to negotiate. I can lower the price to 50 million."

"But you must let your daughter stay with me for a month."

Gu Dong said shamelessly.

He didn't care about the public at all and said such shameless words directly.

It can be seen how arrogant and vicious he is.

In the group, he must be a lawless existence.

Of course, Gu Dong is also an old fox. He is very familiar with human nature.

He knows that people will not give in unless they are forced into a desperate situation.

So he just made Zhao Fu's family despair, and now he suddenly said that the contract can be given to you, but your daughter will stay with me for a month.

Although this is excessive.

But Zhao Fu will definitely agree.

Because this is Zhao Fu's only chance of survival.

This is the means.

It can be seen how terrible the means of Gu Dong, the old fox, are.

Usually, he relies on these beatings to harm the women of the group.

Hearing Gu Dong Such shameless words.

Zhao Fu's old face turned pale. He was instantly furious.

How could he not be angry? Gu Dong was the same age as him, but he wanted to seduce his daughter in public?

How shameless!

Zhao Fu was of course angry, he and Gu Dong were old acquaintances.

But he was so shameless.

But after being angry, Zhao Fu's heart was full of despair.

He couldn't resist Gu Dong at all.

Gu Dong was the general manager of a billion-dollar group.

And he was just the boss of a small company, what could he do to resist?

If he wanted a contract, he could only agree to Gu Dong.

Thinking of this moment, he was naturally extremely desperate.

How could Zhao Fu let his daughter do such a thing for the contract?

Or to accompany such a dead fat pig?

Of course he would not agree.

But the consequence of not agreeing is The company was ruined.

His decades of hard work were destroyed in an instant.

So of course he was instantly desperate.

Zhong Nan's face was also pale. She didn't expect Gu Dong to be so shameless!

But after the paleness, there was infinite despair.

This was also their only chance of survival, and now it's gone.

Zhao Lu was also listening at this time, and of course she was extremely angry.

She only had disgust for this dead fat pig.

How could she possibly accompany this dead fat pig?

This was the dead fat pig who almost destroyed her family and asked a huge price from her father!

But disgust was disgust.

In an instant, Zhao Lu's heart was filled with endless despair.

What could she use to fight against this dead fat pig?

At present, this was also the only way for their family to survive.

Thinking of her parents.

Zhao Lu couldn't bear it.

Is it really the only way to accompany the dead fat pig? ?

She didn't want to, but it seemed that this was the only way out.

This was her father's hard work for more than ten years!

Zhao Lu was in great pain. She was already wavering.

Could she only accompany this dead fat pig?

She only liked Ye Yi.

But in this situation.

It seemed that she could only accompany this dead fat pig?

She was entangled in all kinds of ways.

Ye Yi originally wanted to quietly observe the situation.

But when he heard this, he was instantly furious.

It would be fine if he was so shameless, but he actually wanted to seduce Zhao Lu openly?

Although Zhao Lu was not Ye Yi's girlfriend.

But in Ye Yi's heart, she was also a very important girl.

Gu Dong deserved to die.

This sentence touched Ye Yi's bottom line.

The dragon has a reverse scale and it will die if it is touched!

Ye Yi could no longer bear it.

Of course he exploded instantly!

""Haha, what a grandson, you dare to speak so arrogantly in front of me!"

Ye Yi spoke immediately. He directly confronted Gu Dong in front of him.

Hearing Ye Yi's words, the desperate Zhao Fu family's eyes lit up.

But soon turned into despair.

They knew Ye Yi was capable.

But this is Gu Dong's territory, and Gu Dong has the final say.

Ye Yi is so arrogant, and in the end he will only end up being thrown out by the security guards.

Thinking of this, not only can't they be happy.

Zhao Fu Zhongnan felt that Ye Yi was immature and irrational. He was so impatient.

Although Zhao Lu was moved by Ye Yi's righteous words, she knew that although Ye Yi was capable, he could not do anything to Hongtai Group.

After all, you have money, you have money.

What can you do if they don't give you a contract?

So she didn't think Ye Yi could fight in Gu Dong's territory. Thinking of Gu Dong, Zhao Lu became even more desperate.

Gu Dong heard Ye Yi's words. He, Gu Dong

, was immediately furious.

He, Gu Dong, is now the general manager and holds great power.

The new chairman hasn't arrived yet, but Gu Dong has already treated this place as his own home!

Now someone dares to confront him.

How can Gu Dong not be furious?

Only then did he realize that it was the kid he had always ignored.

Gu Dong was even more disdainful.

Such a kid is nothing more than Zhao Fu's follower. What can he have?

Naturally, he was even more disdainful.

At the same time, he also made up his mind to kill this kid.

At the very least, he had to give this kid a beating.

This way, he could put pressure on Zhao Fu and let Zhao Lu get into his bed quickly.

After making up his mind.

Gu Dong was of course instantly furious.

"Are you looking for death by being so arrogant in my territory? Believe it or not, I can call the police for trespassing into a private group and put you in jail for a week!"

""You are so bold at such a young age."

Gu Dong scolded loudly.

After that, he made a phone call.

At that moment, dozens of white-collar workers came to the general manager's office. These were also the top executives of the group.

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