Gu Dong knew what he had done over the years. If he was put in jail, he would be sentenced to at least 20 years.

And that required the judge to show mercy.

Thinking of this moment, Gu Dong naturally felt more regretful.

Even more terrified.

He thoroughly felt the means of the new chairman.

Gu Dong was extremely regretful and terrified.

Why did he commit suicide?

Why did he offend the new chairman.

Now not only has he lost his position, but he will have to spend the rest of his life in jail.

Thinking of this, Gu Dong regretted it even more.

After regretting it, Gu Dong was not a man of integrity.

He was originally a greedy villain.

Where was his integrity?

So Gu Dong panicked. He didn't care about anything and kowtowed to Ye Yi for mercy.

He didn't want to go to jail.

If he went to jail, not only would everything be destroyed.

And all the illegal income would be confiscated or returned to the group.

It would become a joke.

So of course he didn't want to go to jail. He immediately lost face and looked at Ye Yi and kowtowed for mercy.

"Chairman, I beg you, it's all my fault."

"I can't go to jail. I'm already old. Can you please spare me?"

"Can you please let me enjoy my old age? I beg you. I will leave immediately and never come to the group again. Can you please forgive me?"

Gu Dong no longer had the arrogance he had before.

He was just a pitiful fat old man.

Or an embarrassed old man.

All of Gu Dong's glory came from the position of general manager. Once Hongtai Group fired him, he would be worthless.

The so-called fox borrowing the power of the tiger is just like this.

But among the dozens of people in the hall, no one felt sorry for Gu Dong.

They all looked at him with eyes that he deserved it!

Even Gu Dong's former subordinates showed a happy smile.

They were bullied by Gu Dong a lot.

So seeing Gu Dong like this, of course they felt happy!

Even Zhao Lu didn't have any pity for Gu Dong.

She just felt very relieved!

Gu Dong almost killed their family of three last night, so how could Zhao Lu feel sorry for Gu Dong?

She just felt very relieved, retribution came so quickly!

Of course, Zhao Lu soon looked at Ye Yi who was sitting on the chair. She just felt that Ye Yi was too tall.

At this moment, Zhao Lu fell in love with Ye Yi completely.

At the same time, she couldn't see through it at all, how rich Ye Yi was, how powerful he was... Ability!

Zhao Lu thought she had seen through it before.

Now she realized that she hadn't even seen the tip of the iceberg.

Zhao Fu and his wife looked at Gu Dong.

They just felt particularly relieved.

It's what he deserves!

It's not that the time has not come yet!

It's now.

Look how cool it is.

They just think that Ye Yi Guang's actions are not enough, and he should also let Gu Dong have a taste of the feeling of his family being torn apart.

But they are overthinking.

Gu Dong lost his position as general manager, and he has a lot of enemies behind him and offended a lot of suppliers.

Even if Ye Yi doesn't mess with Gu Dong.

There are many people who will destroy Gu Dong's family.

After all, those suppliers are rich and powerful.

Gu Dong lost his status as general manager.

He is worthless and can't compete with those suppliers at all.

So it's only a matter of time before Gu Dong's family is destroyed.

Ye Yi saw Gu Dong kowtow.

Not only did he not have pity, but he felt disgusted.

This dead fat pig.

Why don't you get out?

Ye Yi couldn't stand this old man who weighed almost 200 pounds.

He immediately looked at the management and said

"Where is the security guard? Where is the security manager? Get him out now."

"Don't affect the image of our group. Do you still want to work?"

Ye Yi is a new official, and this is the first time he has said something angry!

Hearing Ye Yi's words, a sturdy middle-aged man immediately came out wiping his sweat.

He was the manager of the security department.

Then he immediately called a few security guards and dragged Gu Dong out.

At the same time, the manager of the security department cursed Gu Dong countless times in his heart.

If you don't want to do it yourself, don't drag me down.

I have no grudges against you.

If the chairman is unhappy, I don't have to do it either.

So of course he cursed Gu Dong countless times in his heart.

However, although Gu Dong was dragged out in a very embarrassed state, he still struggled desperately along the way to beg the chairman to let him go.

It attracted the attention of the entire group.

Everyone was curious about what happened to the general manager?

Why was he dragged out?

Did he offend the chairman?

The once glorious Gu Dong ended in such an embarrassing way. When he ended, even the street He was worse than a stray dog.

He lost face in front of thousands of people in the group.

Even kneeling down and begging for mercy did not win Ye Yi's mercy.

Soon the news spread that Gu Dong had offended the chairman, was fired by the chairman, and kneeling down and begging for mercy was useless.

And there was also news that Gu Dong would go to jail soon!

However, thousands of people in the group had a bad impression of Gu Dong, and they just felt particularly relieved.

Gu Dong should be killed.

For a time, thousands of people in the group worshipped the new chairman.

He was so domineering, and he killed the general manager as soon as he arrived.

Especially there were rumors that the new chairman was young and handsome.

So nearly two thousand female employees' eyes lit up instantly, and they wanted to fly into Ye Yi's bed.

And then become the chairman's wife overnight. It's a pity that they can only think like this. They don't even have the face of the chairman.

Qualified to see.

Take care of Gu Dong's matter.

It was quieter then.

Ye Yi convened a high-level meeting immediately!

The so-called high-level meeting means that only deputy managers, managers, directors, and deputy general managers and above can attend.

Even small leaders like supervisors cannot attend.

It can be seen how high the standards are!

Of course, there are three extra guests this time.

It is also the only time that Hongtai Group has guests who are not members of the group but attend the group meeting, and it is a high-level meeting of the group.

These three people are naturally Zhao Fu's family of three.

Ye Yi specially invited them to attend.

Ye Yi originally came to help Zhao Fu solve the problem.

Now that the general manager has been removed, of course he has to return the contract to Zhao Fu, so he simply asked them to attend the meeting.

The meeting began.

Don’t think that only senior executives can attend.

But there are also thirty or forty people in the conference room at this time!

Just There are thirty or forty senior executives.

It can be seen that Hongtai Group is indeed a large group.

There are many people.

Except for the black sheep like Gu Dong, there are still many basic elites.

At this time, Ye Yi was sitting in the high position of the chairman.

Looking around at everyone.

Young, handsome, rich, and domineering!

All the female managers in the meeting looked at Ye Yi with shining eyes, wishing to pounce on Ye Yi.

It's a pity that they know themselves.

Besides, it is rumored that Zhao Fu's daughter is Ye Yi's girlfriend.

It was for Zhao Fu that Ye Yi angrily fired the general manager and put him in jail.

Now Zhao Lu is next to Ye Yi.

Of course they know themselves.

Zhao Fu and Zhong Nan looked at this son-in-law.

It just felt like a dream!

They begged and begged.

In the end, the new chairman of Hongtai Group turned out to be their future son-in-law?

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