How could it not feel like a dream?

Of course it felt like a dream.

Of course when they came to their senses, the couple were very happy.

They were also shocked.

They were happy because the company's problems could be solved immediately.

They were shocked because the son-in-law their daughter found was too amazing.

At the age of 22, he took out 13 billion in cash, and even bought the entire Hongtai Group with 10 billion in cash.

This was too amazing.

Of course they were shocked.

He bought such a big group at the age of 22.

Of course they were shocked.

Then the wealth behind Ye Yi must be at least 100 billion to be able to take out more than 10 billion in cash.

Ye Yi didn't care about these.

He looked around the management. There were about 40 people in the hall at this time.

There were three deputy general managers.

And then there were general managers and the like.

After looking around, Ye Yi spoke first

"I announce that Deputy General Manager Fang Wu will temporarily take over the position of General Manager."

Ye Yi said, looking at many senior executives.

Before the meeting, Ye Yi specifically contacted people in the group to find out.

Only then did he know that several deputy general managers were promoted by Gu Dong, who was a cancer.

Ye Yi would definitely not use someone promoted by Gu Dong!

But Fang Wu was also the only deputy general manager who was not promoted by Gu Dong.

Not only that.

Gu Dong also targeted Fang Wu everywhere.

So Gu Dong and Fang Wu were like fire and water.

The two did not get along.

Of course, Fang Wu could not beat Gu Dong, after all, Gu Dong was the general manager.

With the power in his hands,

Fang Wu had been suppressed before.

But now it is different.

Ye Yi really needs someone like Fang Wu who has no relationship with Gu Dong to temporarily manage the group.

Ye Yi certainly cannot use Gu Dong's previous team.

Otherwise, the group will be in chaos again.

So he can only use someone like Fang Wu.

At present, Fang Wu is the most suitable.

So Ye Yi decided to use Fang Wu.

Appoint him to temporarily take over the position of general manager.

Of course, it is only temporary, and the general manager must arrange Ye Yi's confidant to do it.

Ye Yi currently does not have a suitable candidate.

So let Fang Wu temporarily take over.

If there is one in the future, I will need to use my confidants to do it to feel at ease.

Hearing this, Fang Wu was the first to be shocked.

He was overjoyed!

Of course he was overjoyed. He had been suppressed by Gu Dong in the group for several years.

When he wanted to quit, the new chairman asked him to temporarily serve as the general manager.

Although it was only temporary,

Fang Wu felt proud and finally turned over.

This is really a silver lining.

He was very grateful and regarded Ye Yi as his reborn parents.

The other vice presidents were very disappointed.

They looked at Fang Wu with great envy.

Although they were all vice presidents,

Fang Wu's temporary acting general manager was equivalent to the general manager. He could get rid of them at any time.

So in fact, Fang Wu was already one level higher than them.

Of course, they all looked at Fang Wu with envy.

And the other executives made up their minds to flatter Fang Wu.

Now that Gu Dong has fallen and a new general manager has been replaced , there must be a big purge.

Of course, they decided to hold on to Fang Wu's thighs and stay away from the former Gu Dong team.

In order not to be implicated!

"Thank you for the chairman's trust. I will definitely work hard.

Fang Wu was very excited and bowed to Ye Yi.

Ye Yi waved his hand to indicate that he had something else to say.

Then he continued

"During Fang Wu's temporary term as general manager, he has the power to appoint and dismiss all personnel, including deputy general manager Fang Wu can directly dismiss. Fang Wu's words represent my words."

Ye Yi then granted Fang Wu the highest power.

Fang Wu was even more moved!

With this, he is more of a second-in-command than a real second-in-command in the group.

When several deputy general managers heard this, they were not only pale, but also worried.

But the chairman said so.

They had no way to compete.

From now on, the fate of each of them is in Fang Wu's hands.

"Fang Wu, I must tell you in advance that I will arrange for someone else to take over the position of general manager in the future. You are the temporary replacement now."

"But don't worry, I will improve your salary and give you an extra 10 million bonus every year. Just do your best and don't let me down."

"Although you are not the general manager, your treatment is better than Gu Dong's before."

"I hope you won't let me down, ok? Don't let Gu Dong do the same thing he did before, or I won't show mercy."

Ye Yi explained to Fang Wu in advance.

At the same time, he gave him a shot of prevention.

If you mess around like Gu Dong, don't blame me for turning against you.

Of course, Ye Yi also gave you a candy, and directly gave you a bonus of 10 million every year!

The general manager can't get 10 million a year.

With this 10 million, Ye Yi is not afraid that Fang Wu will not work seriously.

Fang Wu was a little disappointed when he heard that there would be another general manager in the future.

But he was very happy in an instant. He was actually given a bonus of 10 million every year?

The general manager can't get this money!

What is he disappointed about?

Of course he is happy.

Just replace him temporarily.

Who asked Ye Yi to give so much, he can't refuse it at all.

So Fang Wu has no objection.

Of course, why would Fang Wu mess around with a bonus of 10 million every year? Does he still need to make money? He has 10 million in legitimate income.

Of course he won't mess around. He made up his mind to do a good job for Ye Yi.

After Ye Yi announced it, he looked around at all the management.

He announced that the order contract would be handed over to Zhao Fu's company.

And Ye Yi not only gave the order contract to Zhao Fu, but also all the order contracts to Zhao Fu.

Hongtai Group has several suppliers.

Zhao Fu is just one of them.

Now Ye Yi Not only will he give Zhao Fu's share, but he will also give all the orders to Zhao Fu.

In the future, Hongtai Group will not need several suppliers.

It only needs Zhao Fu.

Of course, no one dares to disobey the chairman's words.

Prepare the contract immediately.

Ye Yi and Zhao Fu signed one after another.

So the contract officially came into effect.

Zhao Fu was so happy holding the contract. With this contract, his company will not only not go bankrupt.

Not only will it be able to return to the peak of more than one billion assets, but it will also be able to go to a higher level.

Directly reach 3 billion assets!

Yes, 3 billion assets.

This is not his fantasy, but the addition of this So many orders.

It is normal to have assets of 3 billion.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu was not only happy, but also extremely grateful to Ye Yi.

At the same time, he completely recognized Ye Yi in his heart.

Ye Yi is his son-in-law from now on.

Regardless of whether Ye Yi marries his daughter in the future, he is willing to let Zhao Lu follow Ye Yi.

This is also a great favor from Ye Yi.

Zhong Nan was also very moved.

Completely recognized Ye Yi.

As for Zhao Lu, she looked at Ye Yi with bright eyes.

From this moment on.

She is completely Ye Yi's.

No regrets in this life.

After Ye Yi gave the contract to Zhao Fu, he looked at Zhao Fu and spoke

"Uncle Zhao, do you still need money? If you need it, feel free to ask me."

Ye Yi was worried that Zhao Fu didn't have enough money , so of course he immediately looked at Zhao Fu and asked.

Zhao Fu heard this, but he shook his head again and again.

"No need for Ye Yi, with this contract our company can move to a higher level without any other funds."

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