Of course, Long Fei and the others had no objection. They immediately agreed. They were very happy to be invited by Ye Yi.

Then Ye Yi also invited Wei Xin.

These were all the young ladies of the four wealthy families. Ordinary people were not qualified to make friends with them. How could she be qualified to go with them?

Wei Xin was stunned.

How could she not be stunned?

After being stunned, she naturally agreed. It would be good to go and see it.

In addition, she knew that Ye Yi had good character.

He would not harm her.

So Ye Yi drove a Rolls-Royce and took Wei Xin with him.

The young masters and young ladies of the four wealthy families followed Ye Yi.

As for Wei Xin's mother, she was even more proud to see her daughter get in the car of the owner of Villa No. 1.

The owner of Villa No. 1 might be her son-in-law soon.

They soon arrived at Villa No. 1.

The three young masters and young ladies didn't feel much.

Their villas were also luxurious.

But Wei Xin was stunned.

It was the first time she saw such a luxurious villa, so of course she was shocked.

Soon the three young masters saw the poison in Ye Yi's garage.

He didn't open the poison worth 80 million, but drove the Rolls-Royce worth 8 million.

Ye Yi was deliberately keeping a low profile!

They were even more certain that Ye Yi was definitely the eldest son of aristocratic family.

They felt that Ye Yi was unfathomable.

Ye Yi quickly invited them to the lobby on the first floor and made tea for them personally.

Everyone here is a super young master or young lady, so Ye Yi was even more unfathomable.

Didn't you see that even Young Master Long was so polite to Ye Yi?

Wei Xin felt like sitting on pins and needles sitting there. She was extremely nervous.

Although she knew Ye Yi.

But of course she was extremely nervous.

Ye Yi didn't care and made tea for everyone.

Then they chatted calmly.

But Ye Yi's calmness shocked the young masters and young ladies.

This is definitely the confidence that only the eldest son of a super family has! They were even more determined to hold Ye Yi's thigh.

As they chatted.

Long Fei spoke

"To be honest, with so many people here today, I want to discuss a project with you. Of course, if you don't invest, it won't matter."

"But if you are interested, you can invest money."

Long Fei looked at everyone and smiled.

This was exactly his purpose of having so many people together. He was to discuss investment projects with everyone.

When they heard about investment projects, everyone became interested.

Ye Yi was even more interested.

He still had more than 10 billion in cash in his bank card, but the cash would depreciate if it was not invested! It would be the worst to keep it in the bank card.

If there was a project that was sure to make money, Ye Yi would not mind investing.

Of course, it was also to repay Long Fei. After all, Long Fei took good care of him.

"Tell me about it."

Ye Yi smiled.

Long Fei was relieved to see that Ye Yi was interested.

He mentioned this project just to get Ye Yi's support.

Only Ye Yi had this ability.

"So, what is the most important thing in the 22nd century? It must be finance."

"This will be the most popular industry in the future"

"So our Long family plans to invest 14 billion to build an investment company in the most developed country, the first superpower, the Kingdom of God."

"The financial sector in the Kingdom of God is also the most developed. You can make money there without any loss. The annual rate of return is at least 30%."

"This is also what our Long family decided after investigation. I will personally take charge of the project, but the investment target is 14 billion, and our Long family can only take out 3 billion at most."

"For the remaining 11 billion in cash, anyone with money can invest directly, and we will hold shares in proportion to the funds."

"At that time, we will distribute dividends according to the shares. You all know what kind of person I am, Long Fei. As long as you dare to invest, I will not let you down!"

Long Fei generously told the plan.

This is also a project that their Long family is optimistic about, and it can indeed make money.

And Long Fei's character is needless to say. He is indeed very reliable.

If he was not really short of money, he would not have asked a few brothers and friends to raise money.

After all, no one wants to give shares to people for no reason.

But the fact is that the Long family, which claims to have hundreds of billions, can only invest 3 billion.

After all, they are all real estate.

Who has so much money to invest!

Hearing this, Qi Xin, as the second richest family, of course had to express

"I can only come up with 500 million yuan, and I have to sell the shares my brother gave me to make up the money."

Qi Xin said.

She was only 20 years old, and she didn't have much money to spend, basically all pocket money.

But even so, it was terrifying.

At the age of 20, she could come up with 500 million yuan.

This is the horror of the daughter of a wealthy family.

"I'll offer 2.5 billion. I just happened to have some cash coming in, but I don't have any good projects yet."

"I will also offer 2.5 billion. It will be enough to sell the shares of a group that is not profitable."

Wu Kun and Du Wei spoke up.

The two of them raised 5 billion at once.

They are indeed the daughters of aristocratic families. They casually asked for 5.5 billion.

And 5.5 billion, there are no more than a few hundred groups in the whole city that have reached this market value.

This shows how terrifying they are.

Ye Yi also looked at everyone and spoke up.

In this way, it will be 8.5 billion, so there is still a shortfall of 5.5 billion in cash.

It's only 5.5 billion, and Ye Yi can invest it alone.

Anyway, he still has more than 10 billion.

And Ye Yi is also optimistic about finance, he himself studied this.

In addition, how to say it, Ye Yi has a good impression of Long Fei.

He knows that Long Fei will not cheat him

"I will pay for the remaining 5.5 billion."

Ye Yi said generously.

He indicated that he would pay for the 5.5 billion by himself.

Hearing this, Wei Xin, who was standing beside him, was completely shocked!

Their family's assets of 6 billion were already wealthy.

Wei Xin thought it was already very impressive.

But these people were too amazing at this time. They could easily use billions of funds. They could easily use all their family's assets.

And it was just a small matter.

Ye Yi was even more terrifying. He took out 5.5 billion in cash by himself! He took it out easily.

How rich must Ye Yi be?

She couldn't imagine it.

But it was absolutely certain that his origin was definitely stronger than Long Fei's!

The thought of this was of course shocking.

Long Fei was also shocked.

Although he had known that Ye Yi Incredible.

But no one expected that 5.5 billion could be taken out so easily.

The young masters and daughters next to him were even more shocked. They were more certain of Ye Yi's identity as a super family.

Otherwise, how could he be so rich?

Soon Long Fei sent someone to deliver the contract, and Ye Yi transferred 5.5 billion.

With a shareholding of 39.2%, Ye Yi officially became the largest shareholder.

Of course, Ye Yi didn't have the mind to manage.

The management was still done by Long Fei.

Ye Yi had already stated in advance that he would only distribute dividends and not manage.

Firstly, he looked down on such a small amount of money.

Secondly, it was to reassure Long Fei.

Should I listen to you or me?

Ye Yi was quite confident in Long Fei, knowing that Long Fei would not cheat him.

Ye Yi said so.

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