Long Fei was even happier.

How could he not be happy?

The investment was so straightforward, and he would not make decisions. He was simply a god-like shareholder.

Of course, he liked Ye Yi more.

The contract had been signed, and Ye Yi also held 39.2% of the shares.

So of course it was officially effective.

As for dividends, they would be distributed every year.

Long Fei would transfer the money to the bank cards of all shareholders at that time.

Ye Yi and his friends didn't need to worry about these at all.

After it was done, everyone dispersed.

Everyone went back.

Including Wei Xin, who went back to her villa.

Because they lived in the same community, Wei Xin lived at the foot of the mountain.

It was only a few minutes' walk.

So Ye Yi didn't send her back, and Wei Xin went back by herself.

After seeing off the guests, Ye Yi took a rare break.

But the break didn't last long.

He received a call from the property company.

"Hello, Mr. Ye. There is a girl named Mina at the gate. She said she is your friend and wants to come in to see you."

""Excuse me, is she your friend? Should we let her in?"

The security captain's respectful voice came over the phone.

How could he not be respectful?

This is their boss Long Shao's buddy, and the most important thing is that he is the owner of Villa No. 1.

One sentence can make him get out.

If he dares to be disrespectful, then there must be something fishy.

Ye Yi was surprised.

Why did Mina come?

But he was not surprised soon, and guessed Mina's intention. Maybe she wanted to get back together?

It's a pity that Ye Yi has long looked down on Mina.

Let's not talk about Mina betraying Ye Yi. Ye Yi doesn't like sluts.

Even if she didn't betray him, there are many beautiful women around him.

Ye Yi is now worried about how to cut off these peach blossoms, so how can he have the mind to entangle with Mina?

Which girl around him is not more beautiful than Mina?

Ye Yiqi He really wanted to refuse and not let Mina in.

But then he thought that some things should be made clear, so he let the person at the door in.

But he just let her in.

Ye Yi didn't have the heart to drive to pick up Mina.

If Mina wanted to walk to Villa No. 1, it would take at least 30 minutes!

Because this community is super big.

Yangcheng Guoshuyuan.

Thirty minutes later, Ye Yi saw a woman at the door.

Who else could it be but Mina?

Mina's face was very pale at this time.

Mina was very entangled these days and regretted it very much. She missed such an excellent boyfriend like Ye Yi and she couldn't sleep.

And now Zhang Kun has completely abandoned her.

Mina has become a joke.

After seeing Ye Yi's excellence again yesterday , Show, so she gritted her teeth and made up her mind to get Ye Yi back.

So she shamelessly ran to Villa No. 1 to find Ye Yi.

After all, Ye Yi doesn't go to school now.

If she wants to find Ye Yi, she can only go to Villa No. 1.

But Mina thought that although Ye Yi broke up with her, he still had feelings for her.

Mina is very confident in this aspect.

When they were in love before, she wanted Ye Yi to pick all the stars in the sky for her.

He spoiled her like a princess.

Mina always thought that she was the most charming person.

Ye Yi always had her in his heart.

Mina was confident that Ye Yi would definitely look back once she made a move.

At least he wanted to relive her warmth.

But now Mina is dumbfounded.

Ye Yi actually let her walk in alone, and didn't drive to pick her up.

She walked for 30 minutes to get to Villa No. 1.

Ye Yi was so cold now, the coldness she had never seen before.

Mina was completely dumbfounded.

And completely desperate!

Mina just didn't know, Ye Yi treated her well before because he liked her.

But after the betrayal, they were strangers.

A stranger without feelings, of course, can only have Ye Yi's attitude.

This is also Ye Yi's true face.

Without feelings, Mina is still a hammer?

Ye Yi didn't do anything to her, which was enough to show their friendship.

Mina's pretty face was desperate.

But she still summoned the last bit of courage, walked directly to Ye Yi, and knelt down in front of Ye Yi.

"Ye Yi, please forgive me, okay? I was really wrong."

"I shouldn't be greedy for vanity, but you love me in your heart, let's go back, okay?"

Mina immediately spoke to Ye Yi.

She cried so hard that people who didn't know would think Ye Yi was a scumbag.

I have to say that his acting skills are quite high.

It's a pity that Ye Yi had no feelings for Mina a long time ago, and he would not be moved no matter how she cried.

Of course, when Mina knelt, the grudges disappeared completely.

Ye Yi had some hatred for Mina before.

Now he doesn't hate her at all.

He has become a stranger with no relationship.

"Mina, please go back. We can't go back."

Ye Yi rejected Mina without any emotion.

Mina was dumbfounded.

How could this be completely different from what she imagined?

In her opinion

, if she turned back like this, Ye Yi would definitely forgive her, and then she would be able to become a wealthy wife that everyone would pay attention to.

But now Ye Yi just rejected her like this.

He rejected her without any emotion.

There was no emotion at all.

It meant that he had no feelings for her at all, and he rejected her so decisively!

Of course she was dumbfounded, and she didn't know what to say at all.

"Ye Yi, let's go back, okay?"

"Let's go back! I was wrong, I really know I was wrong."

Mina was still crying, making a fuss, and threatening to commit suicide.

But Ye Yi was too lazy to care.

He turned around and left.

Mina was extremely desperate.

She could see in an instant that Ye Yi really had no feelings for her.

She was just humiliating herself.

After understanding,

Mina regretted it very much. How could she not regret it?

If she hadn't despised the poor and loved the rich, this scene wouldn't have happened.

All of this was originally hers.

Mina was extremely desperate when she thought of this!

After despair, even if she was shameless, she couldn't stay here.

Of course, she left with a pale face and full of despair.

Ye Yi watched Mina leave, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Mina had no place in his heart for a long time, and she couldn't cause any fluctuation in him at all.

Soon, when Ye Yi was playing Landlord, he found that Long Fei had created a group.

He pulled Ye Yi, Qi Xin, Wu Kun, Du Wei and others in.

The name of the group was Brothers and Sisters Group.

It was obvious that those who could enter this group were Long Fei's best friend and also a shareholder of Long Fei Company.

Anyway, it's a very important position to get in.

Ye Yi didn't care and didn't speak in the group.

But the little witch Qi Xin kept tagging Ye Yi in the group.

The other three young masters were very afraid of the little witch and didn't dare to remind her at all.

Qi Xin was a witch that scared them.

How dare they remind her!

But they were all puzzled, why would the little witch keep tagging Ye Yi?

There are many outstanding men in the circle, but there has never been one that the little witch likes, not to mention that it is so abnormal to keep tagging.

Could it be that the little witch has taken a fancy to Ye Yi?

Not likely!

They denied it, because Qi Xin was too scary, she was simply a relative of Satan, and she was a first-class teaser.

It seemed that she had no feelings and never liked anyone.

How could she like Ye Yi.

But they couldn't understand why Qi Xin kept tagging Ye Yi.

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