Ye Yi was too lazy to care.

Soon it was the next day, and Ye Yi, the lazy bug, spent the whole day in the villa.

But it was much better than before, and he didn't have to eat takeout.

In the evening, it was the time agreed by Wei Xin and him.

Wei Xin asked her and Ye Yi whether she should drive separately or in the same car.

Ye Yi thought about it and decided to go in the same car since they were in the same community.

So he drove to pick up Wei Xin.

Strictly speaking, Wei Xin's villa is at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Yi arrived at the foot of the mountain very quickly.

It was a big and luxurious villa.

Because Ye Yi was driving a poison worth 80 million tonight.

Wei Xin's parents were also at home.

They were stunned when they saw it.

Wei Xin's mother had seen Ye Yi before, and was not surprised.

She knew that this was the owner of Villa No. 1.

But Wei Xin's father was stunned.

Who is this person? A car costs 80 million!

How rich must the family be?

Although Wei Xin's family has some money, her father's assets are 6 billion.

But he definitely can't take out 100 million to squander.

So of course he was shocked.

Wei Xin's mother quickly whispered that this was the owner of Villa No. 1.

Her daughter might be in love with him.

Upon hearing this,

Wei Xin's father was happy and excited at the same time!

How could he not be excited?

This was the legendary super rich boy.

If his daughter could get in touch with him, it would be like marrying up.

Wei Xin's father was Wei Fang and her mother was Lan Yun.

At this time, Wei Fang and Lan Yun looked very happy.

Ye Yi also saw Wei Fang and Lan Yun and was quite embarrassed.

But he still greeted them politely.

""Hello, uncle and aunt, my name is Ye Yi."

Ye Yi greeted politely.

Wei Fang and Lan Yun liked Ye Yi more as soon as they saw him.

There was no other way. As long as he was rich and capable, she would like him no matter how she looked at him. He was still so handsome.

Wei Xin's pretty face was shy.

She had secretly asked Ye Yi out.

Unexpectedly, her parents suddenly came back early and they were bumped into.

It was so embarrassing.

She had no choice but to say goodbye to her parents and then took Ye Yi away.

As for Wei Fang, she had no opinion on her face.

She also reminded him to drive slower.

Wei Xin was even more embarrassed after hearing this.

Wei Xin invited Ye Yi to dinner, and the place was very high-end.

The only Starry Sky Hotel in Yangcheng!

It is also the best hotel in Yangcheng.

A meal here starts at 100,000.

Although Wei Xin is a rich girl, she has not yet worked, and her pocket money is not much a month, about Three hundred thousand pocket money.

Because Wei Xin is also a frugal girl. She has never squandered like other children since she was a child.

She has always been very frugal and never spends money lavishly.

So Wei Fang didn't give her too much money.

About two or three hundred thousand a month.

And with these two or three hundred thousand, after buying necessary cosmetics and clothes, she doesn't have much money left.

This time, in order to repay Ye Yi.

Wei Xin directly chose the Starry Sky Hotel generously.

In fact, it is already beyond her consumption level.

But in order to thank Ye Yi for his kindness that day, she decided to be generous for once.

Be a little rich woman!

Wei Xin made up her mind cutely.

Ye Yi didn't know what Wei Xin was thinking. If he knew, he would probably be very moved.

This poor, weak and helpless little thing.

Soon they arrived at the Starry Sky Hotel, and Wei Xin and Ye Yi ordered.

Ye Yi was used to eating big fish and meat.

So he only ordered Steak.

Wei Xin also only ordered steak.

Then ordered a bottle of red wine.

In the hotel, although Ye Yi and Wei Xin were both quite shy.

But it has to be said that there was still a lot of topics to talk about.

Especially Wei Xin, who was the kind of quiet and strong woman with a good girl's personality.

Her character was even better, she was kind-hearted, generous, well-educated, and Ye Yi liked Wei Xin's character.

And the key is that Ye Yi and Wei Xin are both highly educated young people.

The two of them got along very well.

The meal was quickly finished.

Although it was just a simple steak and red wine, Wei Xin also paid 120,000.

Ye Yi didn't care.

He smiled happily.

It was only 120,000, and he could easily pay Wei Xin back dozens of times.

Then soon the two went to the underground garage to drive.

In the car.

Wei Xin sat in the co-pilot and Ye Yi sat in the driver's seat. At this time, Wei Xin drank some red wine.

Her face was completely red.

In addition, she was so close to Ye Yi, the atmosphere was a bit special.

The sweetness of love was spreading in the air!

Wei Xin liked Ye Yi in the first place.

She was emboldened by the alcohol.

She couldn't help it anymore.

She kissed Ye Yi on the forehead directly!

But the kiss lasted only three seconds.

Wei Xin reacted immediately and was immediately embarrassed.

She had never been in love since she was a child.

They had never held hands.

How could she suddenly be so bold?

She even took the initiative to kiss Ye Yi! Of course,

Wei Xin was so embarrassed that her pretty face was completely red.

She was so embarrassed.

It was all because of this damn red wine!

And it was also Ye Yi's fault, he was so handsome.

Wei Xin was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

At the same time, she was about to collapse.

What should I do?

Will Ye Yi mistakenly think that she is some kind of slutty woman?

But she is really innocent. She couldn't help it for some reason. Thinking of this, Wei Xin became more worried.

But she was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to explain to Ye Yi, and there was no way to explain.

Ye Yi was even more confused at this time!

Why was I kissed again? I am probably the most incompetent boy in the world!

He was kissed by two girls.

Ye Yi was stunned.

After being stunned, Ye Yi sighed.

It seems that being too handsome is not a good thing.

He was kissed by two girls when he went out.

Isn't it embarrassing? Ye Yi sighed.

Of course, he just sighed for a while, and Ye Yi didn't care.

He could see that Wei Xin was also drunk.

That's why it happened.

So Ye Yi didn't care.

But it should be said that the atmosphere in the car was very good at this time.

Wei Xin was so beautiful.

Like a beauty in a painting.

Ye Yi couldn't help but have other ideas.

Should I do something? But soon Ye Yi threw this idea away.

He is not that kind of person.

And he doesn't know how to deal with his relationship with Zhao Lu.

With another Wei Xin, Ye Yi will never allow it!

It's good that he will never allow it!

Ye Yi quickly pretended that he didn't feel anything to avoid embarrassment for both him and Wei Xin.

After not caring, Ye Yi drove away quickly.

But although Ye Yi didn't say anything.

But after what happened just now, Wei Xin was still very embarrassed.

Her pretty face was red all the way.

She didn't dare to say anything.

After all, when facing Ye Yi, they would think of what happened just now. Wouldn't it be awkward for the two of them?

Of course it was awkward.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became strange!

Ye Yi didn't have as many feelings as Wei Xin.

After driving away, Ye Yi thought about it and went to the largest 4S store nearby!

Ye Yi plans to buy another car.

Because Ye Yi now only has 80 million Poison and Rolls-Royce.

Poison is too high-profile.

Ye Yi doesn't want to drive most of the time.

And Rolls-Royce is not a sports car, and many times its speed is not as fast as a sports car.

So Ye Yi wants to buy a car.

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