Want to buy a sports car.

To replace the poison.

In this way, Ye Yi can drive a sports car wherever he goes in the future.

And it won't be too high-profile.

Ye Yi thought about it.

He doesn't need a very good sports car. Just buy a Lamborghini worth three or four million.

In this way, it won't be too bad and won't be too high-profile.

The store is not far away.

It's nearby. Ye Yi arrived in five minutes.

Wei Xin finally didn't feel embarrassed.

But she was stunned again.

What is Ye Yi doing here?

Repairing a car or buying a car?

She felt it was unlikely to buy a car, Ye Yi already has two super luxury cars.

Does he need to buy more?

But she still followed Ye Yi in.

Seeing Ye Yi driving a poison worth 80 million, the sales manager here came out to greet Ye Yi in person.

The sales manager is a beautiful woman in her twenties.

Not only is she beautiful, capable, but she is also well educated.

At this time, the woman was looking at Ye Yi with stars in her eyes, wishing she could throw herself on Ye Yi.

Driving a poison worth 80 million and being so handsome.

Who wouldn't like it?

Of course I like it very much.

But when the sales manager saw Wei Xin next to Ye Yi, he immediately lost his mind. Although she was pretty

, she was far inferior to Wei Xin.

She was very self-aware.

She knew she was not worthy of Ye Yi.

"Hello sir, my name is Lucy, I am the manager here, how can I help you?"

Manager Lucy immediately covered up her thoughts and looked at Ye Yi and spoke.

Ye Yi likes to be straightforward, so he spoke directly

"I need a Lamborghini sports car, not too expensive, three or four million is fine, and it must be low-key."

Ye Yi expressed his thoughts directly.

But the people around him were stunned. The rich are the rich. A sports car worth three or four million is still considered low-key.

The salesmen and customers around him all looked at Ye Yi with admiration.

Many salesmen even wanted to become Ye Yi's girlfriend right there.

But despite the admiration, no one doubted what Ye Yi said.

After all, compared to the poison worth 80 million, three or four million is indeed more low-key.

No one dared to laugh at Ye Yi.

""Sir, can I have a Ferrari sports car? We are currently out of stock of Lamborghini. The price is also in the range of three to four million."

Ruth heard what Ye Yi said.

She was shocked and immediately spoke respectfully.

Lamborghini is indeed rare, and they mainly target Ferrari.

Ye Yi heard that Ferrari is no problem.

In fact, they are all the same.

He doesn't know much about cars and hasn't studied them.

Anything is fine.

As long as it's a sports car.

It can run fast and not be too high-profile.

Ye Yi immediately said that there was no problem.

Ruth introduced the performance of this Ferrari to Ye Yi, and then the price was 3.48 million, all included, including transfer.

Ye Yi paid directly.

Then the transfer procedures were completed.

Ruth smiled so hard that she couldn't close her mouth. It was the first time she met such a straightforward customer.

She would make a lot of money from the commission alone. After

Ye Yi bought his car, he pointed to Wei Xin next to him.

"Give my friend a sports car, too. It doesn't have to be too high-profile. Three or four million will be fine."

Ye Yi smiled.

Wei Xin had just treated him to a meal.

Of course Ye Yi had to return the favor and give Wei Xin a sports car.

But Wei Xin was shocked.

Ye Yi bought a car for himself, but he was so rich that he wanted to give her a car worth millions?

He was too rich.

She was really shocked.

He just gave away a car worth millions.

Although she knew Ye Yi was rich, it was enough to shock her!

After being shocked, of course she would not agree to it no matter what.

She had received strict family education. She would never accept gifts from boys, let alone such an expensive supercar.

"Ye Yi, what do you want to do?"

"I plan to buy it for you."

Ye Yi said bluntly.

Wei Xin refused of course!

"No, I won't accept it. Let alone the fact that it's too expensive, I won't accept it even if it's not expensive."

Wei Xin refused decisively.

This is also her cultivation.

She would never accept it.

But Ye Yi smiled and said

"You just treated me to a meal, so what if I gave you a car? It's a courtesy between friends."

"If you don't accept, we can't be friends anymore, I will block you."

Ye Yi smiled domineeringly.

But in fact, he just wanted to scare Wei Xin.

Since Ye Yi said so, Wei Xin had no choice but to accept it.

But the salespeople around were envious of Wei Xin.

They were jealous that she had such a handsome and rich boyfriend!

Ye Yi quickly paid more than three million to pick a pink Ferrari for Wei Xin.

This is also suitable for girls to drive.

However, Ye Yi had already driven the drug here, so he couldn't drive the Ferrari. He also bought one for Wei Xin.

It was like having three cars to drive back, and Ye Yi couldn't do it alone.

Wei Xin was also drunk, and Ye Yi didn't dare to let her drive back.

Ye Yi could only let Lucy Find two female salespeople to help drive the car back.

Of course Lucy has no problem with that.

She immediately found two girls with good driving skills and arranged them to follow Ye Yi.

In this way, the three cars returned to Yangcheng Guoshuyuan together.

Ye Yi sent Wei Xin back.

Wei Xin's Ferrari was also left at her home.

Wei Fang and Lan Yun were shocked to know that Ye Yi had casually given their daughter a supercar worth millions.

At the same time, they were even happier. They were absolutely sure that their daughter and Ye Yi were definitely in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Ye Yi then drove the poison and the female salesperson drove another Ferrari back to Villa No. 1.

After returning to Villa No. 1, the female salesperson left.

In fact, before leaving, the female salesperson was still very hopeful. Hoping for Ye Yi's pity.

She was willing to do anything for Ye Yi.

She even hinted at it several times.

Unfortunately, Ye Yi ignored her mercilessly.

In the end, the saleswoman could only complain about Ye Yi's ruthlessness and left...

The next morning, Ye Yi got up very early.

Because it was the time he and Zhao Lu had agreed on.

Zhao Lu and Ye Yi had already agreed.

Today, he was going to attend their family's banquet, and it was at this time.

After breakfast, Ye Yi set off.

The venue of the banquet was set at the Ambassador Hotel.

The Ambassador Hotel is a five-star hotel and is quite famous.

To celebrate.

The Zhao family booked three floors of the Ambassador Hotel today. As a celebration banquet.

It was a big deal.

Ye Yi set off in a Ferrari.

This car was not so high-profile.

He soon arrived at the Ambassador Hotel.

He called Zhao Lu.

Unexpectedly, it was Zhao Fu, Zhong Nan, and Zhao Lu, a family of three who came to greet Ye Yi in person.

Of course, Zhao Fu and his family of three came to greet Ye Yi.

This was the benefactor who brought his company back to life, not to mention that he was his son-in-law.

And not only did his company survive, it also went to a higher level.

Zhao Fu might not come to pick up Ye Yi?

Of course he needed to come to pick up Ye Yi!

So the family of three came to pick up Ye Yi in person.

This was not only their son-in-law, but also a great benefactor of their family of three.

He saved their family of three.

"Uncle and aunt, you are so annoying. Why did you come to pick me up in person?"

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