As soon as Ye Yi saw Zhong Nan and Zhao Fu, he spoke up immediately.

He said that they were too polite.

As for Zhao Lu, her pretty face turned red when she saw Ye Yi.

She was shy but liked him.

"Ye Yi, you are too polite. You are not only Zhao Lu's boyfriend, but you also saved our family."

"We won't pick anyone up, but we have to pick you up in person."

Zhao Fu and Zhong Nan spoke immediately.

Ye Yi was speechless.

He could only smile.

Then the four of them went to the hotel.

Zhao Fu and his friends reserved the top three floors, 17, 18, and 19.

The main important people were all on the 19th floor.

As for the minor people, the small fish and shrimp were on the 17th and 18th floors.

After all, Zhao Fu is now the boss of a listed company with a market value of 3 billion. He must have many friends of big and small people. They all have to be separated.

This is how it is done at high-class banquets.

Soon they arrived at the 19th floor.

Zhao Fu took Ye Yi to the main table.

This table was filled with Zhao Fu's family members, Zhao Fu's brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces were all at this table.

It was also the most important place here. A table that Zhao Fu requested.

Those who can sit here are all Zhao Fu's family members. They are more important than Zhao

Fu's big clients. And arranging Ye Yi to this table means that he has recognized Ye Yi's identity as his son-in-law.

Ye Yi was obviously a little embarrassed sitting at the table of Zhao Fu's family.

Fortunately, Zhao Fu, Zhao Lu and Zhong Nan were all sitting next to him.

It was not so embarrassing.

And Zhao Fu's family members also noticed Ye Yi.

This guy is so handsome.

But why did he sit here?

Could he be Zhao Lu's boyfriend?

It should be!

They were instantly certain, because there was no such person as Ye Yi in their family.

He could only be Zhao Lu's boyfriend.

Of course, after they were certain, their whole family had bad associations. place.

I haven't heard that Zhao Lu has a boyfriend.

Usually they keep it secret, so he must be an ordinary one.

And Ye Yi is so handsome.

Could he be a gigolo without any identity or background, just a gigolo?

Quite possible!

After all, Zhao Fu's family has some money, and this young man is so handsome, it's possible that he is a gigolo!

Thinking of this, all the family members of Zhao Fu looked at Ye Yi with contempt.

They had already determined that Ye Yi was a gigolo. After all, a guy who is so handsome is probably a gigolo.

Judging from Ye Yi's dress, he doesn't look like a rich man.

Ye Yi was despised by Zhao Fu's family, but he didn't say anything.

He didn't care too much.

With his current... identity, so there is no need to care about this.

And Zhao Fu also noticed the attitude of his family towards Ye Yi. He smiled complacently in his heart.

He didn't care if his family misunderstood Ye Yi.

He hasn't told his family about Ye Yi's identity yet.

This is an important guest, and Zhao Fu is waiting until the end of the banquet to make the important announcement.

How proud he will be then?

There will be no surprise at all if he announces it so early!

So Zhao Fu didn't reveal the secret so early.

He doesn't care what his family thinks of Ye Yi.

These people will be shocked later.

But Zhao Fu's family knows Ye Yi's identity, but Zhao Fu's family doesn't.

His brothers and sisters.

They immediately started to mock.

"Haha, young man, you are Zhao Lu's boyfriend, right? What do you do?"

Zhao Du was the first to speak.

Although he was asking, his face was full of sarcasm.

It was clear that there was more sarcasm.

Zhao Du was Zhao Fu's eldest brother and Zhao Lu's uncle.

Ye Yi was helpless.

But he still replied politely.

"I am a student."

Ye Yi couldn't possibly say that he was the chairman, who would believe him?

So he could only say that he was a student.

Hearing this, the people around him looked down on him even more.

Sure enough, he was a gigolo without any background!

When they thought of this, they all sneered, and were completely sure that Ye Yi was a gigolo.

After being sure, of course, they looked down on him even more.

They did not hide the contempt on their faces at all.

"Doesn't that mean you have no background and no career? It's not good for you to be Zhao Lu's boyfriend like this, don't you mean you're just a gigolo?"

Zhao Chunhua spoke. She is Zhao Fu's biological sister. She is also Zhao Lu's eldest aunt.

With Zhao Chunhua's straightforward words, the whole family laughed.

The look they gave Ye Yi was even more mocking and sarcastic.

They did not hide their contempt for Ye Yi.

So what if he is handsome?

Most people naturally look down on those who live off their wives.

Zhao Lu was listening, and she got angry when she heard her eldest aunt's words.

How could Ye Yi be a gigolo? He is very capable.

This is a super rich second generation with real abilities!

How could she not be angry.

Everything in their family was given by Ye Yi, so why would Ye Yi live off his wife?

If Ye Yi is willing to live off his wife, she would be willing to treat Ye Yi well for the rest of her life.

Besides, their family was in trouble before, and the three of them were about to commit suicide.

None of these relatives helped.

Instead, Ye Yi reached out to help.

Zhao Lu finally understood that at the critical moment, no relatives or friends were of any use.

Only Ye Yi was useful!

So Ye Yi was much more important in her heart than her eldest aunt.

""Aunt, how can you say that?"

Zhao Lu said angrily.

Ye Yi signaled Zhao Lu that it didn't matter. In this situation, happiness was the most important thing.

The family didn't care about hurting each other's feelings.

Zhao Chunhua didn't care about her niece's words at all.

She looked down on Ye Yi even more.

And the Zhao family also looked down on Ye Yi even more.

From time to time, the three words"eating soft rice" popped up.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see who these three words were directed at.

It was just a satire on Ye Yi.

Ye Yi didn't care, but Zhao Lu became even angrier.

The banquet continued, but at this time.

A middle-aged man came in with a young man.

The middle-aged man was full of murderous aura, and he was not a good person at first glance. The young man following him also had a sinister look on his face, and his eyebrows were somewhat similar to his.

The middle-aged man was indeed not a good person.

His name was Hong Niu.

Hong Niu was one of the leaders of the underground forces in Yangcheng.

In the Yangcheng arena, he was very prestigious.

Of course, he was also very powerful.

He did KTV, bars, clubs, etc.���The business related to sex is quite big.

Although the assets are not much, only about 2 billion.

But because he is very successful in both fields, even the billionaires with a net worth of 10 billion dare not offend him.

After all, what is the use of having money?

In society, you need power to have the right to speak.

Hongniu is so successful, and there is someone behind him.

If you offend Hongniu, even if you are worth 10 billion, he will find ways to find fault with you.

You can't defend yourself.

This is the horror of Hongniu. He is also one of the famous leaders in Yangcheng.

He has the power to cover the sky with one hand.

And behind him is his son Hongtai!

Hongtai did not inherit his father's cruelty and violence, but he inherited the insidiousness and cunning, so he looks very uncomfortable.

And Hongniu brought Hongtai here, of course there is something.

He came to propose to Zhao Fu. He wanted his son Hongtai to marry Zhao Lu.

In fact, it was not a marriage at all?

It was just that Hongniu took a fancy to Zhao Fu's company. After all, it is not only not bankrupt now, but the market value is 3 billion!

This is too much property.

Hongniu works hard all his life.

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