There is not so much money yet.

So of course Hongniu was tempted and had evil thoughts. He wanted to swallow up the company.

Just swallow it up directly.

Zhao Fu has no son, only a daughter.

Wouldn't the company be handed over to his daughter in the future?

So he set his sights on Zhao Lu and let his son marry Zhao Lu.

In this way, the company will be taken over in less than two years.

The company will belong to their family.

It just so happens that his son also likes Zhao Lu, and Zhao Lu is also very beautiful.

Of course, after taking over the company and getting tired of Zhao Lu, he can kick her out.

At that time, she will have no use value.

This is also how he taught his son.

Hongtai saw Zhao Lu at this time.

His heart was full of bad thoughts.

Zhao Lu is very beautiful, with a beauty score of more than 9 points, more beautiful than a star!

Hongtai knew Zhao Lu for a long time. He thought a lot in his heart that he must take Zhao Lu down.

Unfortunately, Zhao Lu ignored him.

He had no chance to do it.

But this time was different. His father took action personally.

Who could stop him?

Zhao Fu didn't dare to not give his father face.

Although his father was only one of the leaders, no one dared to oppose what he said.

He had the aura of covering the sky with one hand.

Naturally, he didn't take the little Zhao Fu seriously. Then

Zhao Lu would be his?

When he thought about how he could make Zhao Lu pose in eighteen different positions in the future.

Hongtai's heart was even more full of fire.

He was even more determined to take Zhao Lu down today.

As for Ye Yi next to Zhao Lu, he ignored him directly. He was just an insignificant little person who didn't need to be paid attention to at all.

Zhao Fu also saw Hongniu and his son.

He did have a little friendship with Hongniu.

But before, his company was about to go bankrupt, and he found Hongniu. Hongniu not only didn't help but also blocked him.

Zhao Fu was disappointed.

The two of them broke off contact.

He also saw through Hongniu, a snobbish villain.

Moreover, he didn't invite Hongniu to today's banquet.

Why did this guy come?

But the upper class pays attention to face.

Hongniu came, and he was embarrassed to refuse him.

After all, Hongniu is also a big shot in Yangcheng.

Few people dare to offend him.

This is a big shot who can make half of Guangzhou tremble with just one stomp of his feet.

Even if he is a chairman with assets of 10 billion, he dare not offend Hongniu easily.

After all, Hongniu has a lot of people under him.

There are many ways to make your group unable to operate.

This is the power of Hongniu.

So of course he arranged a seat for Hongniu.

But he didn't expect that Hongniu would not sit in the seat he arranged, but sat directly next to Zhao Fu.

Pretending to be very intimate and hugging.

Zhao Fu didn't like the unruly Hongniu. He just frowned. He asked Hongniu what he came for. Hongniu flashed a sinister smile on his face, and immediately got straight to the point.

"Brother Zhao Fu, we are old friends, so I won't waste words. This time I came for the marriage of my son and your daughter."

Hong Niu looked overbearing and would not tolerate any refusal.

Zhao Fu was confused when he heard it.

My daughter and your son have never had any relationship, so how can there be any marriage?

Besides, my daughter's official boyfriend is still here, so don't talk nonsense.

Zhao Lu was even more disgusted.

She had never liked this Hongtai.

Hongtai was insidious and vicious, how could he compare to Ye Yi even one ten-thousandth?

Hongtai did pursue her several times.

But Zhao Lu rejected him every time.

Zhao Lu didn't like this kind of person at all.

How could Zhao Lu marry such a person? She only felt disgust towards Hongtai.

"Brother Hongniu, that's not right. My daughter doesn't like your son, so how could they get married?"

"Besides, they are not suitable, so don't think about it!"

Zhao Fu came back to his senses.

He refused directly and forcefully.

Don't even think about it. His daughter must be Ye Yi's.

Only Ye Yi's!

Not to mention that he doesn't like Hongtai, even if there is someone better than Ye Yi, she can only be Ye Yi's!

Because Ye Yi saved their whole family.

So he only recognizes Ye Yi.

"Brother Zhao Fu, you are wrong. Young people have no feelings at first, but they will have feelings after they get married and have children."

"You rejected me so quickly. You are not giving me face."

"Do you think I, Hongniu, am easy to mess with?"

"To tell you the truth, you have to agree today whether you agree or not. Even though your company is so prosperous now with a market value of 3 billion, as long as I say one word, your company will not be able to operate tomorrow."

Hongniu heard what Zhao Fu said.

But he didn't care at all. He had an expression that he had Zhao Fu in his hands. He, Hongniu, was all-powerful in Yangcheng. What was a CEO with a market value of 3 billion? Even the chairman with assets of 10 billion had to give him face.

So of course he would not take Zhao Fu seriously.

In his opinion, Zhao Fu's company must belong to them!

He will definitely make Zhao Fu agree today!

If Hongniu's words just now were still a negotiation, this sentence was an obvious threat.

Zhao Fu's face turned pale.

How could he not be pale?

The company finally avoided the crisis and was just thriving.

And here comes Hongniu!

Zhao Fu was terrified Fear.

He knew Hongniu too well, one of the underground leaders in Yangcheng.

Does Hongniu have this ability?

Others don't know, but Zhao Fu knows that Hongniu definitely has it!

If he doesn't agree,

Hongniu can really close his company tomorrow.

Because Hongniu has too many dirty tricks.

And he has a lot of connections, and people in the province give him face.

So of course Zhao Fu has a shadow in his heart.

There is fear in his heart.

But after a while of fear,

Zhao Fu will certainly not compromise.

In his opinion, his daughter and Ye Yi are in love with each other.

His daughter can only be with Ye Yi!

So he made up his mind instantly.

Even if it means the company will go bankrupt, he will not let Hongniu's shadow... The conspiracy succeeded.

Thinking of this moment.

Of course, he made up his mind instantly.

At worst, he would fight with Hongniu.

But he must not let his daughter marry Hongtai, Hongtai is a scum.

Ye Yi was also watching at this time.

He instantly understood what happened.

So this guy came to force a marriage? He is really looking for death.

A trace of murderous intent flashed across Ye Yi's eyes.

Who dares to bully Uncle Zhao's family? Ye Yi suddenly felt fortunate that he came to the banquet today.

Otherwise, Zhao Lu's family would not know how they would be bullied.

Of course, although there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

But Ye Yi decided to wait and see how things developed.

But as long as he is here.

Zhao Lu.

Our family will not be bullied by anyone today!

Ye Yi calmed down when he thought of this.

Zhao Lu's pretty face also changed.

It was pale.

She never thought that after just driving away the wolf of Gudong, here comes the tiger of Hongtai.

Zhao Lu knew too well what Hongniu's strength was.

He was one of the leaders of Yangcheng.

He had all the means.

If he wanted to do something, he could definitely do it.

He could make her father's company go bankrupt the next day.

Because there were too many dirty means.

You can't beat him at all.

Hongniu has connections everywhere, how can you fight him? Thinking of this, of course her pretty face turned pale.

She didn't like Hongtai, not at all, and only hated Hongtai.

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