But she also didn't want her father's hard work to go bankrupt.

But now she had no choice.

Could it be that only by marrying Hongtai could she save her father's company?

But she didn't like Hongtai at all, she hated him very much.

She only liked Ye Yi.

She just wanted to be Ye Yi's bride.

Thinking of this, of course her pretty face turned pale.

Her heart was full of despair.

As for Ye Yi.

Although Ye Yi seemed to be a super rich boy.

But in her opinion, no matter how rich he was, he couldn't beat a powerful leader like Hongniu.

So she didn't think Ye Yi could beat Hongniu.

On the contrary, she didn't want to implicate Ye Yi.

"Brother Hongniu, now that you've said that, I really only have one thing to say: my daughter will not marry your son."

"There is no possibility between them"

"But if Brother Hongniu wants to bankrupt me, I, Zhao Fu, am not so easy to bully. Let's fight to the death."

"The net of heaven is vast and long. I don't believe that Brother Hongniu can cover the sky with one hand just by knowing a few people!"

After Zhao Fu made up his mind, he rejected Hongniu with righteousness and firmness.

At the same time, he made up his mind that at worst, he would fight to the death with Hongniu.

Hongniu looked at Zhao Fu with a new eye.

Although Zhao Fu was quite upright, as a businessman, he had always been bullied by both sides and was submissive all his life.

He didn't expect that Zhao Fu would dare to reject him so firmly at this moment.

This was the first time he saw Zhao Fu so firm.

He couldn't help but be surprised.

But what if he was firm?

A playful smile immediately flashed across his face, as if he had Zhao Fu in his hands.

In the face of absolute strength, do you still want to fight to the death?

That's a good idea.

Thinking of this, of course he was even more disdainful!

"Brother Zhao Fu, do you still want to fight me to the death? What are you thinking?"

"Only your family will be destroyed."

"Don't refuse a toast and then refuse a punishment. I just want to ask you one thing: will your daughter marry my son?"

"I think tomorrow is a good day. Why don't you marry your daughter to my son tomorrow? Then our two families will be relatives."

"How nice it would be if we could support each other in the future? Why are you making things so unpleasant?"

Hongniu looked at Zhao Fu instantly.

He issued an ultimatum with some impatience.

His words were full of threats.

It was obvious that this was the last warning.

If you refuse your company, you will not see the sun tomorrow.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu's face turned pale instantly.

He really couldn't beat Hongniu, so of course he was full of pressure.

At this moment, his face was completely pale.

Under the pressure from Hongniu!

But Zhao Fu was also a man of integrity.

Although he was under pressure.

But he had already made up his mind that he would rather the company go bankrupt than agree to Hongniu.

So he still made up his mind to refuse.

Not at all.

Hongtai saw this scene.

It was as if he had seen the scene of Zhao Lu's family surrendering.

In his opinion, what suspense was there?

What could Zhao Fu use to fight his father?

Zhao Lu was his!

Tomorrow Married!

Thinking of this, he didn't care about the public, and stretched out his hand.

Go to pinch Zhao Lu's face!

He has completely regarded Zhao Lu as his woman!

In his opinion, he can pinch her however he wants tomorrow.

As Hongtai stretched out his hand.

Zhao Lu's face was of course extremely pale.

She hated Hongtai's hand very much, it was just like a pig's paw.

But in the face of strength.

She is just a leaf.

How can she have the qualifications to resist Hongtai's family?

Zhao Lu's pretty face was pale.

Her heart was full of despair!

Seeing Hongtai's hand, it was about to reach Zhao Lu's face at this moment.

But at this moment.

A hand grabbed Hongtai's hand.

A young man stood in front of Zhao Lu.

This young man was of course Ye Yi.

Ye Yi couldn't stand it. His anger reached the extreme.

So of course Ye Yi took action now.

He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen such a shameless person..

Ye Yi had already made up his mind to kill.

Hongniu and his son must die.

Anyone who bullies Zhao Lu like this must die!

Hongtai was furious.

He didn't expect to be grabbed by the hand by an inconspicuous young man.

When he saw how handsome Ye Yi was, he became even angrier. He wanted to struggle.

Ye Yi kicked Hongtai over with one foot!

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

Damn, this is Hongtai, the son of Hongniu.

The son of the leader of Yangcheng.

How dare you kick over his beloved son.

Isn't this courting death?

Everyone around looked at Ye Yi with pity at once.

In their opinion.

He kicked Hongtai without any ability.

Isn't this courting death?

In their opinion, Ye Yi was just an ordinary young man.

As a result, he offended Hongtai.

This time his hands and feet must be broken.

Thinking of this, of course he despised him even more.

He felt that Ye Yi was reckless. What about

Zhao Lu's relatives were also They were so scared. Damn, you even dare to kick Hongtai?

If you want to die, don't drag us down.

They just thought that Ye Yi was just a gigolo.

Now they think that Ye Yi is too impulsive, too angry, and too impatient.

In their opinion, an ordinary person like Ye Yi.

If he offends the Hongniu family, he will definitely die.

He even provokes Hongtai. Isn't this courting death?

Too brainless.

Thinking of this, Zhao Lu's family despised Ye Yi even more.

They looked down on Ye Yi and hated Ye Yi even more.

Zhao Lu felt a full sense of security, but soon she became worried about Ye Yi.

How could she not worry?

Although Ye Yi is rich.

But this is Hongtai.

Ye Yi actually dared to kick Hongtai.

How could she not worry about Ye Yi? The rich can't beat Hongniu.

This is the man who covers the sky with one hand in Yangcheng.

Of course, she is very worried about Ye Yi.

She is worried to the extreme.

She is even desperate.

"You are looking for death."

Hongtai was angry and wanted to teach Ye Yi a lesson.

But he found that he was just a small guy.

He couldn't beat Ye Yi at all. He immediately became timid.

Ye Yi looked at Hongniu Hongtai and spoke disdainfully.

"Looking for death? You little brats dare to say I'm looking for death?"

"Trash like you and your son are not even worthy of my attention."

Ye Yi looked at Hongtai and started to scold him.

He not only scolded Hongtai, but also Hongniu.

Because Hongniu was also responsible for offending the Zhao family, so Hongniu could not leave the hotel today.

But when Ye Yi said this, the whole place was shocked.

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The first one to be dumbfounded was Zhao Fuzhongnan.


Ye Yi actually dared to scold Hongniu like this?

After being moved, they felt that Ye Yi was too impulsive!

Although Ye Yi was rich, how could he possibly beat Hongniu.

They were instantly filled with worry and still felt that Ye Yi was too impulsive.

As for Zhao Lu's family members looked at Ye Yi like a fool.

Big brother, do you know what kind of mess his family is in?

How dare you talk to him like that?

In their opinion, Ye Yi's behavior was just that of a fool.

So they looked down on him even more.

They thought Ye Yi was doomed.

After all, in their opinion, what else could Ye Yi do except to seek death with his brainless and backgroundless provocation?

The people watching around were also dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that someone would dare to scold Hong Niu.

This was a big shot in Yangcheng who could cover the sky with one hand.

But after being dumbfounded, they all felt that Ye Yi was too impulsive.

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