They all thought that this young man was impatient.

They all thought that Ye Yi was dead.

After all, he had offended Hongniu and his son. What else could he do except die?

Thinking of this, they certainly thought that Ye Yi was a fool.

"Haha kid, you have successfully pissed me off, so just prepare to die!"

At this time,

Hongniu, who had been silent, spoke up.

Hongniu was angry just now, but he was not stupid to get to this level.

He was just looking at Ye Yi to find out whether Ye Yi was someone he could not afford to offend.

Although Hongniu looked glorious, he knew his own weight.

In a provincial capital like Yangcheng, one of the four first-tier cities, dignitaries are everywhere.

Hongniu was not as glorious as he imagined. If he offended a nobleman casually, he would be wiped out. Hongniu was quite self-aware.

So of course he had to observe whether Ye Yi was the son of some big shot.

But after observing again and again, he did not find out which family Ye Yi was from.

In addition, Ye Yi looked ordinary. Apart from being handsome, he did not have any extraordinary temperament.

The clothes and watches he wore were a bit expensive.

But rich people were nothing to him.

He was so powerful that he had dealt with too many rich people.

Hongniu immediately concluded that this young man just had a little money at home and did not know how high the sky was and how deep the earth was.

He concluded that when he became Ran angrily. People in the world looked at what the consequences offending Hong Niu. His strength is so good to the group.

"Who can settle the matter in Yangcheng? I met a gangster leader here, I think his name is Hongniu."

Ye Yi shouted in the group instantly.

The group was originally quiet.

As soon as he appeared, it exploded.

All the young masters appeared.

"Hongniu? That rubbish has become a leader? If you hadn't said it, I wouldn't have even remembered this person."

Dewey was the first to speak.

But his words were full of contempt.

Can this kind of rubbish be called a leader?

If Ye Yi hadn't spoken, he wouldn't have even remembered this person.

No wonder he said that.

The four great families are too high-level. If they stamp their feet, the whole city of Guangzhou will be shaken.

Hongniu is just famous.

But in the eyes of the rich families, he is still like a grasshopper.

When Ye Yi heard Dewey's words, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But he knew that Dewey was not bragging.

It was indeed like a grasshopper in the eyes of the rich families.

"Where are you? I'll be there soon."

Long Fei replied immediately

"The 19th floor of the Ambassador Hotel."

Ye Yi also sent the name of the hotel and the floor number.

"I'll be there in five minutes.

"I have seven minutes."Dewey sent

"I have six minutes. Wu Kun returned

"I'll be there in six minutes, I want to watch the show too!" Qi Xin, the little witch who only fears chaos in the world, also spoke up immediately.

Ye Yi saw so many favors sent by the young masters.

He couldn't help but feel touched.

One person could handle it.

Ye Yi didn't expect that the young masters of the four wealthy families would come so quickly.

And they rushed here at full speed.

But he was touched.

Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This time he owed a lot of favors.

He owed four favors at once, isn't it infuriating?

Thinking of this, Ye Yi was of course more determined.

He had to deal with Hong Niu and his son.

If it weren't for these two people, Ye Yi wouldn't have owed four favors at all!

When the people around saw this scene, they all looked at Ye Yi with contempt.

In their opinion, Ye Yi was already dead.

So of course they looked at him with contempt. God looked at Ye Yi.

This young man has no ability, and he is so arrogant.

Now it's all right.

Hongniu's people are here.

In their opinion, in five minutes, the young man in front of them will definitely die an ugly death.

So at the moment, of course, everyone looks at Ye Yi with contempt.

It's as if they saw the scene of Ye Yi missing hands and feet.

Zhao Fu's family members also looked at Ye Yi with contempt.

Even with hatred!

In their opinion, Ye Yi has no ability.

Now he has to implicate them, of course they are very angry.

As for Ye Yi being Hongniu's opponent?

It's a joke. They never think so.

Hongniu is a big boss in Yangcheng who can cover the sky with one hand.

Who is Hongniu's opponent?

In their opinion, this country bumpkin is... He is just an ignorant troublemaker.

So he looked down on Ye Yi even more.

It was as if they saw Ye Yi getting them into trouble.

Zhao Lu was also watching at this time. She was extremely worried.

How could she not be worried?

At this moment, her heart was full of Ye Yi.

Zhao Lu was extremely worried for a moment and was completely panicked.

In her opinion, although Ye Yi was rich, how could he be a match for Hong Niu.

So she was completely panicked.

She didn't want Ye Yi to get into trouble.

After Zhao Lu panicked, she wavered.

If she wanted to save Ye Yi, she had to risk her life and agree to Hong Niu and his son?

But she didn't like Hongtai at all and hated him very much.

But now if she wanted to save Ye Yi, this was the only way.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but waver.

If it really didn't work, she could only marry Hongtai.

This way Can save Ye Yi.

Although she is extremely reluctant, this is the only way at the moment. But before marrying Hongtai, she has to give the most precious thing to Ye Yi!

Even if Hongtai succeeds, he can't get the complete her!

Zhao Lu made up her mind.

She must use everything to protect Ye Yi.

Ye Yi must not be hurt.

Zhao Fu was also very worried.

Ye Yi is indeed rich, but how could he be a match for Hongniu.

Of course, he was worried to the extreme!

Worried about the future.

Zhao Fu made up his mind that he would rather give up the company.

He must save Ye Yi.

After all, Ye Yi is the savior of their family. Of course,

Zhao Fu made up his mind completely at this moment. After making up his mind,

Zhao Fu looked at Hongniu next to him and spoke.

"Brother Hongniu, why bother? The child is just ignorant. Why don't you just let it go for my sake today?"

"Do you have any dignity? Get out of here now or I'll punish you later."

Hongniu didn't give any dignity to Zhao Fu. He looked directly at Zhao Fu and spoke.

Zhao Fu's face darkened.

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