His face darkened.

Zhao Fu could only sigh and discuss with Hongniu.

"Brother Hongniu, how about this? Let's settle it today. I will give you 20% of the shares. What do you say?"

Zhao Fu offered a very generous price.

20% of the shares means a value of 600 million.

This is almost a huge loss.

Hongniu was tempted.

The money was right in front of him, how could he not be tempted?

As for letting Ye Yi go, how could that be possible?

In his opinion, after getting the shares, there would be many ways to deal with Ye Yi.

It was too easy to let a young man die suddenly somewhere.

Hongniu immediately made up his mind.

First, he would cheat Zhao Fu's shares and let the young man go temporarily.

But after getting the shares, he would immediately let the young man die suddenly unexpectedly.

However, it was impossible for him to cheat for only 20% of the shares.

Hongniu himself was cruel and ruthless.

He was very black-hearted.

How could he be satisfied with one-fifth of the shares?

He immediately opened his mouth

"Give me 99% of the shares, and I can consider letting this young man go."

Hongniu asked for a big mouth.

99% of the shares.

This is equivalent to swallowing up the entire company.

What's the use of leaving 1% of the shares?

It shows how black-hearted Hongniu is.

Zhao Fu, who was beside him, was listening. He was furious.

Hongniu almost swallowed up his entire company, but he was only considering letting Ye Yi go?

He saw it instantly.

Hongniu didn't really want to let Ye Yi go.

In this case, he might as well fight with Hongniu!

Zhao Fu made up his mind.

He wanted to perish with Hongniu.

Anyway, Ye Yi saved their family of three. They had all died once.

They were not afraid of dying again!

Soon Hongniu's brothers arrived.

More than a hundred ruffians surrounded the hotel.

Seeing this scene, the people around looked at Ye Yi and became more sarcastic.

It was as if they saw Ye Yi's unlucky scene. They despised Ye Yi even more!

After all, he was arrogant.

Young man, aren't you very arrogant? You overestimate your own abilities!

How dare you provoke Hong, the real boss of Yangcheng Niu.

Everyone had a sarcastic smile on their face.

It was as if they saw a young man who was in trouble.

Hongtai's face was full of sinisterness. He must cut this young man into pieces and cut many cuts on his face.

Hongtai looked sinister and scary since he was a child.

So he was particularly jealous of those who were more handsome than him!

And Hongniu had a grim smile on his face.

It was as if he had Ye Yi in his grasp.

As for Zhao Lu's family, they were even more contemptuous and looked down on Ye Yi even more.

Just now, they thought Ye Yi had some ability.

They still had a little expectation.

Now the expectation is completely gone.

This is just a young man who can only brag, and they despise him even more.

Zhao Fu and his wife clasped their hands tightly. They were very worried about Ye Yi.

Zhao Lu's face was pale, and she was already considering whether to agree to Hongtai's proposal now.

Only in this way can Ye Yi be saved.

Ye Yi was not panicked at all.

Looking around, the time was almost up.

Long Shao and the others should be here.

So Ye Yi looked at Hongniu and his son calmly and spoke

"As long as you kneel down and kowtow to me now, I can consider sparing your life today."

Ye Yi spoke very seriously.

It's a pity that no one believed his seriousness.

Ye Yi's seriousness was exchanged for the whole audience's laughter.

Those people looked down on Ye Yi even more.

It's okay that he has no ability, but he is so arrogant. He is so good at bragging.

Of course, they looked down on and despised Ye Yi even more.

In their opinion, he was simply a fool who didn't know the dangers of society.

So they despised him even more.

Zhao Lu's family also looked down on Ye Yi even more.

There is no hope.

It's okay that he is a fool who eats gigolo, but he is full of big words.

It's really funny.

They looked down on Ye Yi even more.

Zhao Fu's family also felt that Ye Yi was very impulsive.

At this time, you still dare to ask them to kneel down.

This is the big boss of Yangcheng!

However, although he felt that Ye Yi was impulsive, Zhao Fu still decided to perish with Hongniu!

Still made up his mind.

Hongniu's face was full of anger at the moment, and he couldn't hide it at all.

He has been the eldest brother for so many years. He also has a temper. He was provoked by ants again and again.

His anger broke out completely!

So Hongniu waved his hand

"Come on, chop this guy into pieces."

As Hongniu waved his hand, a bunch of younger brothers walked towards Ye Yi with a grim smile!

The Zhao Fu family was worried.

The whole audience looked at them with ridicule!

But at this moment, a loud voice came!

"Stop it!"

It turned out that it was Wu Kun who showed up with a middle-aged man.

Seeing Wu Kun, Hong Niu was shocked.

This was the young master of the Wu family, one of the four great families. How could he not know the next patriarch of the Wu family?

What kind of status is the Wu family?

A real rich family.

The top bosses in Tianhai Province have to give face to their existence.

If he stamps his feet, the whole city of Yangcheng will be shaken three times.

Although Hong Niu has some face, he is just a grasshopper in front of Wu Shao. He is not even qualified to jump.

As for the middle-aged man next to Wu Shao, his name is Fulin.

He recognized him immediately.

That Fulin is the real big brother of Yangcheng!

But he is in secret.

The big brothers on the surface are Hong Niu and a few others.

But Hong Niu can't compare with Fulin at all.

Because Fulin He is the real boss who can cover the sky with one hand.

Behind Fulin are the four great families.

The four great families personally supported him to become a boss.

Fulin has assets of 10 billion!

This is the difference.

It's just that Fulin doesn't want to be in the limelight, so he and a few other people became the leaders in public.

But Hongniu knows it very well.

He is a piece of shit.

Not to mention facing Wu Shao.

Even if Fulin wants to deal with him, it's just a matter of one word.

There is no other reason.

Fulin is very powerful in Guangzhou!

Seeing the two big men.

Hongniu immediately trembled all over and walked over with a flattering face.

He wanted to show off in front of the younger brothers.

He knew Wu Shao!

But soon he was dumbfounded.

Fulin and Wu Shao acted as if they didn't see him.

He walked straight towards Ye Yi.

Then Wu Shao shouted respectfully.

"Brother Ye"

""Master Ye."

Fulin also respectfully followed and called Master Ye.

On the way here, Fulin already knew that there was such a powerful young master in Yangcheng. He was even more powerful than Master Wu.

Of course he was respectful.

This was the young master of a super family.

Who was Fulin?

He was nothing more than a dog of the four great families.

The dog owner had to be respectful.

Of course Fulin had to be polite to Ye Yi.

But seeing this scene,

Hongniu was struck by lightning!

How could it be possible?

How could Master Wu and Fulin know this young man?

Hongniu was not a fool to be able to get to this level. He immediately understood.

It turned out that Ye Yi was not ignorant.

It was that he did not recognize the great man.

He really provoked a big man who was all-powerful.

Seeing Wu Kun and Fulin being respectful to Ye Yi, he understood.

Ye Yi's background was even more powerful than Master Wu.

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