Ye Yi's class was also in a complete sensation at this time!

The whole school was in a sensation.

Ye Yi's class was of course in a sensation!

Could it be that they didn't know?

Ye Yi's class was completely shocked!

It's not that they didn't know that Ye Yi was powerful. Of course, he was powerful enough to spend 3 billion to buy Villa No. 1!

But they just thought that Ye Yi was rich.

Who would have thought that even the underground leader who could cover the sky with one hand was directly razed because of offending Ye Yi!

How powerful is Ye Yi?

Of course the whole class was shocked!

After that, they all worshipped Ye Yi.

Of course they worshipped him, this is the real boss.

A real man should be like Ye Yi!

At night.

Liu Gui couldn't help it.

He tagged Ye Yi crazily in the group.

Of course, Liu Gui also heard about the matter and admired him very much.

So of course he tagged him crazily!

"Is the Ye Yi story true?"

"They all say that Hongniu offended you and that’s why his family was destroyed? Damn you, you’re awesome. I met Hongniu once, and he’s a real big shot in Yangcheng."

"My dad was always humble in front of Hongniu and was even blackmailed by him."

"As a result, Hongniu went bankrupt just because it offended you?"

"I'm going to talk to you, brother."

"You ignited my gossip fire"

"Do you know that after Zhang Kun heard the news, he was so scared that he went crazy, packed up his belongings and dropped out of school overnight, and even stopped going to school."

Liu Gui tagged Ye Yi crazily in the group. He had to tag Ye Yi.

Because he was also curious about the truth of the matter, that was the super boss Hong Niu.

Unfortunately, no matter how he tagged Ye Yi, he didn't show up.

He didn't reply.

But because of this, the whole class was more certain that it was true.

Because if it wasn't, Ye Yi could have just denied it directly.

And they knew Ye Yi's low-key personality.

This was to test his ex-girlfriend, who could pretend to be poor for six years!

So the more low-key Ye Yi was, the less he spoke.

They were more certain that it was true!

I'm afraid Hong Niu was really killed by Ye Yi!

After confirming it, the whole class was even more shocked and admired him.

He was simply a god-like classmate!

When Mina saw the chat records in the group, she was so angry that her eyes rolled up and she fainted.

It turned out that Ye Yi was not only rich, but also a real man who could cover the sky with one hand. Things!

Didn't you see that Zhang Kun was so scared that he dropped out of school overnight.


She actually betrayed Ye Yi for such a rubbish Zhang Kun!

Mina rolled her eyes and fainted completely.

Ye Yi was also looking at his mobile phone at this moment.

He saw Liu Gui's message.

But he didn't reply.

Ye Yi is used to being low-key, of course he would never show off about such things.

But Ye Yi was speechless.

How did Liu Gui know about this?

Ye Yi felt something was wrong.

Then he flipped through the chat history and found that it was on the news!

Ye Yi was so scared that he was sweating all over.

This was too high-profile, which was not Ye Yi's character.

Ye Yi flipped through it and it was indeed on the news!

Because more than a hundred gangsters kneeling at the door of the hotel was too high-profile, so it attracted reporters to dig up the roots.

Owner No. 1 was also dug out.

Ye Yi was instantly shocked.

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to... I can't be so high-profile in the future.

Being high-profile has never been his character.

Fortunately, the journalists did not discredit Ye Yi, and reported the true side.

For example, how Hongniu oppressed the innocent people was also dug out.

So it was razed by Ye Yi, and no one attacked Ye Yi on the Internet. Instead, they praised Ye Yi for eliminating harm for the people.

Fortunately, although it caused a sensation.

But the image is still decent.

So Ye Yi was relieved.

But even so, Ye Yi certainly made up his mind to keep a low profile!

Must be more low-key!

As for the news, it has already caused a sensation.

Then Ye Yi has no choice.

He can only wait for time to pass and disappear by himself.

Otherwise, what can Ye Yi do about the news that has been reported.

Of course, Ye Yi will definitely not reply to the messages in the group.

He can only play dumb...

In this way, more than a week passed quickly.

In more than a week, the heat caused by Hongniu has finally subsided.

Ye Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this week, Ye Yi went to a few classes when he had time.

Most of the time, he stayed at the villa and played Landlord.

Such a life is so easy and comfortable!

Really happy like a god.

Although he is a otaku, he is a high-quality otaku!

After all, he lives in a villa of 15,000 square meters. He dares to order tea eggs for takeout!

This morning was Sunday.

Ye Yi got up early.

After getting up, he was thinking about whether to go home?

Ye Yi is a native of Yangcheng.

His home is not far from the school.

It only takes more than an hour to get there by bus, and it takes at most 20 to 30 minutes to drive by yourself.

In the past, Ye Yi would go home once a week.

Because it is close to home.

His parents also hope to see him every week.

But recently, after getting the system, Ye Yi has not been home for two weeks after he became rich!

Not going home for a long time.

It is inevitable that his parents will worry about him.

Recently, the number of calls from his mother has increased.

So of course Ye Yi has a headache, should he go home today?

Finally, Ye Yi decided to go home and take a look!

He couldn't just live a good life and forget about his family.

But after making up his mind.

Ye Yi had a headache.

He suddenly became a multi-billionaire, not just a billionaire!

Should he tell his parents that he was suddenly so rich?

How to explain it to his parents!

Ye Yi fell into a painful dilemma.

If he didn't tell his parents, he couldn't let his parents live a hard life while he enjoyed himself!

So Ye Yi made up his mind to tell his parents.

But don't say it too much at once, so as not to scare his parents.

Just say that he now has assets of more than 10 billion!

But how to explain that he has so much money now?

Ye Yi thought about it.

He made up his mind to say that he started a business in his freshman year.

Now the company is getting better.

It was acquired by Alibaba Mom and made more than 10 billion, so he dared to tell his family.

Ye Yi made up his mind instantly.

Just use this excuse.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain where so much money came from.

After making up his mind.

Ye Yi didn't drive a very good car.

He drove a Rolls-Royce worth millions of dollars back home!

Driving too nicely may scare the old man.

Driving too badly may not be convincing.

After much calculation, the Rolls-Royce worth eight million is the most suitable.

Ye Yi's home is not far away, and they will arrive in 26 minutes.

Ye Yi's father is Ye Dalong and his mother is Nulan.

Ye Yi's family is considered a small wealthy family in Yangcheng, but not a particularly wealthy family.

His father's assets are about eight million.

He has a car and a house in Yangcheng.

He opened a small processing plant and has dozens of workers under him.

But because Ye Dalong is very conscientious, he treats the workers better than those in the same industry, so the profit is not much.

But there is a little left.

Ye Yi's family is still better than the average family.

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