It's just that Ye Yi's family is definitely not comparable to the wealthy class.

But they have a car and a house.

They are natives of big cities.

With assets of 8 million, they are definitely better than ordinary families.

When Mina was with Ye Yi in high school, she was attracted by Ye Yi's good conditions.

After arriving home, because they called in advance,

Ye Dalong and Nulan went downstairs directly to greet their son.

Today is Sunday, and the processing plant is on holiday.

So his parents were not in the factory.

But soon they saw their son getting off the Rolls-Royce, and the couple were stunned.

How could they not be stunned?

Ye Dalong is also a car fan.

Although he can't afford luxury cars, he chases every luxury car.

This Rolls-Royce is 8 million!

And 8 million may not be enough.

But his son actually drove back a car worth 8 million?

What's going on?

Nulan was so surprised and happy that he almost fainted, but he was also worried.

Did his son do something illegal?

Otherwise, where would the luxury car of 8 million come from?

"What's wrong with you, you rascal? How come you drive a Rolls-Royce worth eight million?"

Ye Dalong and Nulan are both honest, simple, kind, and loving parents. They have been good to

Ye Yi since he was a child, and have educated him to be upright.

They are very good to Ye Yi and rarely get angry.

But now they are really angry.

A car worth so much?

If they don't ask clearly, won't their son go on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes?

After all, it's an eight million car.

His son is still a college student, where did the car come from?

Ye Dalong was of course furious.

He was determined to interrogate him clearly.

Ye Yi was also very moved.

When his parents saw him driving a luxury car, they were not happy at first, but were afraid that their son would go astray.

Such parents really care about him.

"Haha, okay, I'll explain it to you right away, but I can't explain it here, right? You have to let me have some tea."

Ye Dalong had no objection.

So the family of three went into the house.

Ye Yi's family lived in a village in the city in the early years, and later it was demolished.

Unfortunately, it didn't become the legendary demolition household. They only got a house in the community.

So Ye Yi and his family now live in the community.

After arriving at the house,

Ye Yi began to explain to his parents.

"Mom, I bought this car myself, but I didn’t do anything illegal, otherwise I would have been caught by the police long ago. How could I see you?"

"In fact, I started a startup during my freshman year, but I didn’t tell you about it because I didn’t have any achievements at that time."

"But this year our company's performance is very good. A large company spent more than 1 billion to acquire my son's company."

"So your son is now a billionaire!"

Ye Yi thought about it and said the prepared statement.

Fortunately, he prepared the statement in advance.

Otherwise, he would have been beaten.

Ye Dalong and his wife didn't believe it at first, but it made sense after thinking about it.

If their son really broke the law, he would have been caught by the police long ago.

Would he let you drive so openly?

And they knew their son well, he was upright and didn't bother to do anything illegal.

So they quickly ruled it out.

It might be that their son really did start a business in college and made a good success.

Then he has more than one billion in funds!

There is nothing to disbelieve in this. The country encourages college students to start their own businesses.

There are many well-known CEOs who made their first pot of gold when they were college students.

In addition, His son was originally a top student of Shuangya University.

Everything is easy to understand.

So the success of entrepreneurship is also understandable.

I believe the couple will be very happy afterwards.

How can they not be happy?

Their son finally has a promising future.

The couple are very happy!

Of course, after the great joy, the couple immediately advised Ye Yi.

Although their son has made a lot of money now, it seems that more than 10 billion is a lot.

But the couple are both experienced people.

They know that some people lose themselves after making a lot of money, and then squander it crazily, not only leaving nothing.

Instead, they are in debt.

They are local people in Yangcheng and have seen too many such demolition households.

In their opinion, their son is of the same nature as the demolition households.

""Son, although you have money now, you can't squander it casually, you know? Many people who have been relocated are like you. They lose themselves after they have money!"

Ye Dalong advised.

Advising his son to be frugal.

Ye Yi smiled. Now that he has a system, he can't squander all the money.

He will only spend more and more.

On the contrary, Ye Yi is troubled by having too much money.

Of course he won't tell his parents about this.

Otherwise, wouldn't they be considered crazy?

Ye Yi smiled instead.

Then he transferred 500 million in cash to Ye Dalong!

He came to see his parents just to make them live a good life.

Otherwise, there would be no need to come.

So giving Ye Dalong 500 million was also part of Ye Yi's plan.

After receiving the 500 million,

Ye Dalong was so scared that he collapsed.

Although he is a small boss.

But I have never seen 500 million!

500 million, what a terrifying number!

I dare not even think about it!

How many people in the whole city of Yangcheng can take out 500 million in cash at once.

Ye Yi smiled.

If he was not afraid of scaring his father, he could transfer 5 billion to his father at once.

500 million is nothing.

It took a long time for Ye Dalong and his wife to be sure that they were not dreaming.

Their son really transferred 500 million in cash to them!

After confirming it.

Ye Dalong was overjoyed, but he had to be overjoyed!

Of course, he was also worried at the same time.

He was worried that his son gave him 500 million.

Would it not be enough money to spend?

""Son, you gave your father 500 million. Will it be not enough for you?"

Nulan asked worriedly.

Giving 500 million at once is too much.

Ye Yi smiled and reassured the old lady.

"Don't worry, I've sold over a billion yuan, and I still have a lot more."

"Don't worry about spending money. Dad will expand the factory. Don't be the boss of a small processing factory anymore. You can do it boldly."

"If the money is not enough, ask me again."

Ye Yi smiled.

Hearing his son say that, Nulan felt relieved.

Then Nulan went to cook happily.

He just felt proud!

Not only did his son get into Shuangya University, but he also made so much money during college.

How could he not be proud?

Ye Dalong felt that his ancestral graves were smoking, and the Ye family really gave birth to a dragon!

Soon a meal was ready.

The family had a warm meal.

Although it was a simple home-cooked meal, it was definitely more delicious than a star-rated hotel.

While eating.

Nulan just remembered the matter and immediately looked at Ye Yi and spoke

"Ye Yi, are you still in touch with your sister Su Qian? It seems that your sister Su Qian has returned to Guangzhou!"

Su Qian is a childhood sweetheart of Ye Yi and a girl next door.

Although they were later separated due to demolition, it did not affect their former feelings.

Su Qian's father was in the army and was a major general in his early years.

He was a truly capable and upright person.

And because Ye Dalong was also an upright person,

Su Qian's father and Ye Dalong were just like brothers, and the two families were neighbors.

So they were old friends.

Their relationship was so good.

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