Zhou Ling is originally a college student.

She has an innocent look.

Not only is she innocent, beautiful and talented, she also has an amazing body.

Ever since he first saw Zhou Ling, Gao Fu has been attracted to her. He couldn't even take his eyes off her.

It soon turned into lust!

But lust is lust. Although Gao Fu wants to possess Zhou Ling, he is still relatively rational.

The origin of Bar No. 1 is unusual, and the seventh floor is even more terrifying. Generally, no one dares to do anything wrong here.

The owner of Bar No. 1 has a close relationship with Fulin.

Gao Fu can walk sideways because of his relationship with Fulin.

So of course he doesn't dare to do anything wrong here. He just wants to possess Zhou Ling.

But it's just a thought.

But Gao Fu's friends don't think so.

They immediately found that Gao Fu had taken a fancy to Zhou Ling.

Between rich young men, isn't it just some dirty jokes?

So they immediately instigated Gao Fu

"Goff, are you interested in that girl?"

"If you like her, just take her. I think that girl is definitely a virgin. You will make a profit if you take her."The rich boy next to Gao Fu encouraged

Gao Fu to take her.

In the eyes of the rich boy, isn't it just a girl?

Girls are meant to be taken.

But Gao Fu is not stupid.

He knows his own weight.

Although he is usually a beast.

But how can I say that he has a high IQ to get to this point. Gao Fu certainly won't do anything reckless in Bar No. 1 for a girl.

"Forget it, it's not necessary."

Goff smiled and refused.

But the rich boys kept joking.

"Why don't you dare take it? Your brother-in-law is Fulin, isn't this embarrassing for your brother-in-law?"

"Yes, even if you mess around here, the owner of Bar No. 1 is also a friend of Fulin."

"You can't be incapable, right?"

Several rich boys beside Gao Fu instigated him.

They even used provocation.

A man can't be incapable!

Once provoked by these rich boys,

Gao Fu was not a good person to begin with, so of course he made up his mind to possess Zhou Ling.

He wanted to take Zhou Ling down.

As for the No. 1 bar owner, he had to give face to his brother-in-law!

What is there to be afraid of! After being instigated by his friends, Gao Fu was of course not polite.

He led a group of rich boys directly to Zhou Ling

, ready to take Zhou Ling down directly.

Gao Fu soon arrived in front of Zhou Ling.

However, Gao Fu still had some brains and did not use force right away.

Instead, he used money first.

Girls just like money.

As long as you have money, he can do whatever he wants.

So of course Gao Fu used money.

Zhou Ling also recognized Gao Fu.

She often went in and out of here, and of course she knew that Gao Fu was a rich boy with an unfathomable background.

Her face changed immediately.

And Gao Fu not only had an unfathomable background. His reputation was also very bad.

It can be said that he was worse than Zhang Kun.

Although Zhou Ling wandered among rich boys.

But to be honest, she had never done anything out of line. In fact, she looked down on such rich boys. They didn't treat women as human beings.

It would be a miracle if they could look up to them!

""One million for the beauty, spend one night with me, and the money is yours!"

Gao Fu said.

He said one million.

Hearing this, the rich boys around Gao Fu all joked and came to support Gao Fu.

"Haha, you've earned a million, why don't you just marry Mr. Gao? He's the young master of the Gao family."

"It's just that goods like yours are sold for 5,000 yuan, and Master Gao directly gave you a 20-fold premium, so you made a profit."

The several rich young men beside Master Gao commented on Zhou Ling as if they were discussing cheap goods.

Hearing this,

Zhou Ling's pretty face turned pale, and there was anger burning in her eyes.

Although Zhou Ling was poor, she was very stubbornly poor.

Poor people also have self-esteem.

It just so happened that Zhou Ling's self-esteem was particularly strong!

She could devote herself to a rich young man, and she did like money, but if someone used money to humiliate her, she would never agree.

And even if she devoted herself to a rich young man, she had to be someone with good character like Ye Yi.

Zhou Ling was willing to devote herself!

If he had no character, she would just treat him as a plaything.

Zhou Ling was not that stupid.

Because Zhou Ling knew that it was far better to stay with a rich young man with good character than to kick him out when he got tired of playing with him.

That way, the benefits could be maximized.

So Zhou Ling was quite disgusted!

Although she really needed one million to save her mother's life!

So Zhou Ling directly refused!

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Zhou Ling refused without hesitation.

Gao Fu felt slapped in the face.

He was a rich young man who asked for it himself, but a singing bitch refused?

Gao Fu felt extremely ashamed!

He continued to add money. He didn't believe that this woman would not bow her head.

Gao Fu's heart became more ferocious when he thought of this, and he decided to kill this woman tonight.

Take back the chips!

"Two million"

"not interested"

"Four million!"

Gao Fu was completely furious and raised the price to four million.

In his opinion, this kind of stuff is not worth four million.

The average school beauties can be taken for one million at most.

But Zhou Ling still refused!

Although she needs money, she also has dignity.

Gao Fu was furious. He was so angry that he didn't care.

He wanted to use force directly!

As long as he dragged Zhou Ling to the private room, it would be solved in five minutes.

At that time, even the money would be saved.

Although the owner of Bar No. 1 has a great background.

But she is nothing more than a woman.

I believe that the employees here are very sensible and will not stop him.

The boss here will also see Fuling's For the sake of face, he turned a blind eye.

He still trusted his brother-in-law very much!

After making up his mind.

Gao Fu's face was naturally ferocious, and he directly dragged Zhou Ling to the private room.

The rich young men around were cheering.

Who dared to care about Gao Fu's affairs.

This was Gao Fu.

Zhou Ling panicked all of a sudden.

What would happen if she was really dragged to the private room?

Zhou Ling is not a fool.

Just think about it, how can she not panic?

She wanted to ask for help.

But no one around dared to help.

Thinking of this moment, she was of course extremely desperate.

She didn't know anyone here.

Who would help her?���

The only person she knew was Ye Yi.

But in Zhou Ling's opinion, Ye Yi had nothing to do with her, so why would he help her.

Besides, Gao Fu had such a powerful background.

Even Ye Yi was no match for him.

Thinking of this, she became even more desperate.

Zhou Ling struggled more and more in desperation.

But unfortunately, how could she struggle?

Gao Fu was a grown man, and the woman's strength was useless. She was dragged to the private room!

Ye Yi also watched this scene.

If it was someone close to Ye Yi, Ye Yi would have helped her long ago.

But it was a pity.

Zhou Ling was almost a stranger to him.

Ye Yi was not a saintly bitch, and he would not save everyone he saw.

But after all, they were classmates.

Ye Yi considered whether he should save her or not?

Just when Ye Yi was struggling.

The system suddenly rang!

"Ding Dong, the system task has been released. Save Zhou Ling and you will be rewarded with 30 billion in cash!"

The system has released the most important task in history.

30 billion in cash!

All the rewards Ye Yi had received before were only a little more than 30 billion.

But this time the reward was 30 billion in an instant!

And it was in cash!

This was 30 billion in cash.

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