Almost no one in the whole city of Yangcheng can take it out.

It's coming, it's finally coming!

Ye Yi was instantly overjoyed. He was still struggling whether to save Zhou Ling.

But if there is a reward.

Then there is no need to think about it.

Of course, do it.

So Ye Yi took action directly.

Gao Fu's eyes were full of beastly flames at this time, and he was about to pull Zhou Ling to the private room.

Gao Fu thought he was going to succeed!

Thinking of this, he was even more excited, and even the strength to pull Zhou Ling. It was even greater! He was also more excited.

This is a great beauty.

He seemed to have thought of a bloody battle!

Of course he was very excited.

Very excited!

But at this moment, when Gao Fu just thought he was going to succeed.

The next moment, Gao Fu was confused.

Before he could react, he fell directly.


Gao Fu fell directly to the ground.

Then a figure blocked Zhou Ling.

Of course, Gao Fu was kicked down.

And the person who took action was Ye Yi.

Since the system has a task, Ye Yi will not be polite to this kind of gangster!

Everyone can punish hooligans!

So Ye Yi didn't mind giving Gao Fu a kick.

He didn't mind giving Gao Fu a good beating.

Seeing Gao Fu being kicked over, everyone around was dumbfounded.

This is Fulin's cousin!

Although he is only the cousin of Fulin's mistress.

But he is his cousin, how dare someone kick him over?

When they saw Ye Yi.

The group of people were even more dumbfounded.

Who is this person? They have never seen him before. He is not a powerful person in their circle!

They were instantly sure.

It must be a young man with no background.

He wants to be a hero and save the beauty.

After being sure, everyone looked at Ye Yi as if they were looking at a fool. He is dead. This young man is definitely dead.

So of course they looked at Ye Yi as if they were looking at a fool.

It was as if they saw the scene of Ye Yi's tragic death.

Zhou Ling was just moved.

She thought some rich young man saved her.

She saw Ye Yi instantly.

She was really moved in her heart, but she didn't expect that it would be Ye Yi who took action!

But after being moved, Zhou Ling became worried.

Although Ye Yi is powerful, the owner of the number one villa, he also brought down Hongniu.

He is rich and powerful!

But what does it mean to Gao Fu?

Even if Gao Fu asks Hong Niu to lick his shoes, Hong Niu has to do it!

Because Fulin is the real boss.

Fulin is Gao Fu's cousin's husband.

He is so powerful.

So in Zhou Ling's opinion, Ye Yi can move to Hong Niu.

But he can't compare with Fulin at all.

Fulin is the real big brother.

Of course she was terrified instantly.

How could she not be terrified?

Zhou Ling actually didn't want to implicate Ye Yi.

In her opinion, Ye Yi actually kicked Gao Fu.

Gao Fu is not something that can be dealt with by money.

Isn't this implicating Ye Yi?

Of course she was deeply worried. She deeply believed that Ye Yi was not Gao Fu's opponent.

This is Gao Fu.

It's over, it's over!

Gao Fu and his group also saw Ye Yi clearly. They were instantly disdainful.

I thought he was some young master, but I knew at a glance that he was a country bumpkin who wanted to be a hero to save the beauty.

This country bumpkin is dead!

Of course they looked at Ye Yi with great disdain.

Gao Fu also came back to his senses at this time and was instantly furious!

When he saw clearly that the one who kicked him over was a particularly handsome guy, he became even more jealous.

Of course, Gao Fu was not a fool.

He first confirmed whether it was some young master who kicked him over.

After all, although Fulin was powerful, he was only a second-rate figure in the whole of Yangcheng.

There were still many people he could not afford to offend.

Of course, Gao Fu had to confirm.

He quickly confirmed that it was someone he did not know! It was definitely not a young master from some family. He was immediately furious.

He was Gao Fu, a great man who could walk sideways everywhere.

This time he was kicked over.

And he was kicked over by a stranger. Did they think that Gao Fu was easy to bully?

He must die.

This young man must be killed to deter others.

Let others know what the consequences of offending Gao Fu are.

Gao Fu thought very darkly and ferociously in his heart.

After thinking about it, Gao Fu of course spoke fiercely in an instant.

He wanted to make this young man who didn't know how to live or die die ugly!

"Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I will make sure you can't leave here."

"If you know what's good for you, kneel down and apologize, cut off one of your arms, and maybe I will spare you."

Gao Fu spoke very arrogantly.

Just like looking down on ants from a high place.

As if even if she knelt down and begged for mercy and cut off one of her arms, he would still show mercy.

Hearing this,

Zhou Ling's pretty face turned even paler. She was even more worried about Ye Yi.

How could she not be worried?

This is Master Gao Fu!

Master Gao's word is final.

In her opinion, how could Ye Yi resist? Gao Fu has Fulin behind him!

Thinking of this, she felt guilty.

Extremely guilty.

Guilty why she came here.

If she didn't come, she wouldn't have implicated Ye Yi.

Ye Yi was furious when he heard this.

Originally, he kicked Gao Fu for a reward, Although he was kicked by a hooligan, Ye Yi was still a little embarrassed.

But when he heard what Gao Fu said.

Ye Yi exploded instantly!

How could he not explode?

What an arrogant person, he actually dared to make him kneel down and beg for mercy.

He also wanted him to cut off one of his arms before he could leave?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ye Yi wouldn't believe that there was such an arrogant person in Yangcheng.

The key point is that Gao Fu wanted to force the girl.

Ye Yi saw it, and Ye Yi took action for justice.

Gao Fu was still so arrogant.

This completely refreshed Ye Yi's three views!

Ye Yi was furious.

After being furious, Ye Yi had a different temper.

Of course, he would not indulge Gao Fu.

He spoke immediately

"Haha, you're keeping me from leaving? Such arrogant words"

"Come on, let me see why I can't get out."

"I don't know if you can stop me from leaving, but with just one word from me, I can stop you from leaving!"

Ye Yi immediately fought back domineeringly.

He looked directly at Gao Fu and spoke.

He threw out words that were even more arrogant than Gao Fu's.

But when the people around saw this, they were all completely blown away.

How could they not be blown away?

The people around were shocked.

This was Gao Fu, and someone actually dared to speak harshly to Gao Fu.

Who was Gao Fu?

He was Fulin's brother-in-law.

Of course, they were all shocked.

Of course, after being shocked, they looked down on Ye Yi even more. After all, in their opinion, Ye Yi was an ordinary boy, but he actually dared to speak harshly to Gao Fu. This was no longer ignorance. It was quite ignorant. Quite courting death. So after being shocked, of course, they looked down on Ye Yi even more.

They were even more disdainful of Ye Yi.

They were even more Seeking death for Ye Yi.

This young man is quite ignorant.

They seemed to have seen Ye Yi die tragically on the street.

Hearing this.

Zhou Ling was also shocked.

But after being shocked, Zhou Ling laughed even more miserably.

She knew that Ye Yi had some ability.

But he could not compare with Fulin at all.

Ye Yi said this, which was equivalent to offending Gao Fu to death!

Of course, her face was pale.

She was deeply worried about Ye Yi.

At the same time, she also blamed herself deeply.

If she hadn't come here, Ye Yi would not have been implicated at all.

In her opinion.

Even if Ye Yi had some background, he would have been ruined by Fulin.

So she was even more desperate when she thought of this.

She was even more worried about Ye Yi.

The young men next to Gao Fu laughed disdainfully.

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