Their family can be so prosperous.

Isn't it because of Fulin?

But now Fulin doesn't want his cousin anymore. He has completely drawn a line with his cousin.

Of course he was dumbfounded.

And he was completely dumbfounded.

At the same time, he was extremely regretful.

Why did he provoke Ye Yi?

If he hadn't provoked the young man in front of him, none of this would have happened.

But the young masters were obviously not satisfied.

Is it ok to just draw a line?

How is that possible?

Gao Fu almost drove out the Ye brothers they brought with them.

That was their brother.

The young masters then spoke.

"This is our brother Ye. Who the hell do you think you are, Gao Fu, to dare to drive our brother away?"

"I give you three days to get out of Yangcheng, otherwise I will bankrupt your group and destroy your family."

"Three days? How can you be so merciful? One day will do!"

Long Fei and several other young masters spoke up one after another.

They said they would only give Gao Fu and his family one day to get out.

Otherwise, their family would be destroyed!

Gao Fu was dumbfounded when he heard this.

How could he not be dumbfounded?

Get out!���Yangcheng doesn't matter, at most they can move to another place to live happily.

But their family in Yangcheng is the group.

The group can't be taken away.

If the group is to be sold suddenly, the only way is to cut the price.

It's hard to say whether 8 billion can be sold for 1 billion in the end.

After all, if the price is suddenly reduced, the loss is the lowest.

And if you offend the four major families like this, no one dares to buy your group.

So this is forcing their family to death.

Of course, Gao Fu was completely terrified.

If his father knew about it, wouldn't his father beat him to death?

But he didn't doubt the strength of the four major families.

The four major families have said so, if they don't get out in a day, their family will definitely be destroyed.

Thinking of this moment, of course he was extremely terrified. He also regretted it very much.

Why did he offend Ye Yi so much?

If he hadn't offended Ye Yi, it wouldn't be like this!

With more and more regrets, how could he bear it. He immediately looked at Ye Yi and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

He looked at the several young masters for mercy.

No more arrogance

"Young Master Long, I beg you to spare me."

"Ye Shao, I'm sorry, I was wrong." How could he still be arrogant at this moment? He just kept begging and wailing.

The people around were completely shocked when they saw this scene!

They just thought that Ye Yi had sneaked in, and they despised him very much.

Who would have thought that he was not a sneak in, but a super young master with real ability.

Didn't you see that the young masters and daughters of the four wealthy families all flattered the young man in front of them?

After understanding it, these people were ashamed.

How could they not be ashamed? They were all slapped in the face.

Of course, they were shocked.

After all, Gao Fu, who was just in glory, was sent to hell in an instant.

Of course, they were shocked! What kind of identity is this young man? How could he make several people...

All the young masters flattered him so much.

Gao Fu's friends were also dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that Ye Yi was not only a big shot, but also a super big shot.

Didn't you see that even the young masters and daughters of the four wealthy families were polite in front of him?

So of course they were extremely shocked.

After being shocked, they wanted to hide away and not be noticed by Ye Yi.

They didn't want their family to be broken up.

At this time, Chen Hu was also shocked!

He secretly felt that he was lucky to be polite and handled the matter impartially. He didn't offend Ye Yi.

Otherwise, he would have died miserably.

The most shocked person was Zhou Ling behind Ye Yi.

Zhou Ling was a resident singer here.

Of course she understood the four wealthy families. The daughter of a rich young master!

But the four daughters of rich young masters were all very respectful in front of Ye Yi!

What kind of identity did Ye Yi have?

She didn't dare to imagine.

But it was certain that his background was even more terrifying than that of the four wealthy families.

Ye Yi was really a super rich young master!

She was completely shocked.

After being shocked.

She made up her mind completely, and was even more determined to take Ye Yi down!

But at this time, there had been changes.

Before, she wanted to take Ye Yi down because she purely liked Ye Yi's money.

This time, she was moved.

It was no longer just about money.

Because Ye Yi saved her, she really liked Ye Yi in her heart. She also really had feelings for Ye Yi.

Of course, having feelings was also A capable and good man.

Of course she doesn't want to miss it! She is determined to win Ye Yi.

Ye Yi certainly doesn't know what Zhou Ling is thinking at this time.

He just looks at Gao Fu quietly.

But Ye Yi has no pity for Gao Fu at all, the reason is very simple.

If it weren't for the support of the four big families,

Ye Yi would be the unlucky one.

The humiliation and harm suffered by Ye Yi would not be less than this.

So Ye Yi will not pity Gao Fu.

Nor will he pity Gao Fu.

In the final analysis, it's tit for tat, and he deserves it.

Ye Yi is also a real person.

He is not a saintly bitch.

He has a ruthless side.

Since you have offended me.

Sorry, you deserve to die.

"Why are you begging for mercy? Get out of here right away. Don't waste a day, or we won't even give you a day."

Mr. Long said bluntly.

Haha, what kind of bastard is this?

How dare you offend his brother Ye?

Hearing this,

Gao Fu's face turned pale.

He knew that it was useless to beg for mercy. If the four big families said they would ban him, then they would definitely ban him.

Thinking of this, of course his face turned pale, and then he went home in despair.

Like a drowned dog!

Gao Fu was desperate.

He didn't know how to talk to his family. He was afraid that if he talked, he would be beaten to death by his father.

Gao Fu, who was just so glorious, was now in despair.

Everyone around him hated Gao Fu.

No one dared to approach Gao Fu.

At this time, in the bar, in a secret corner on the seventh floor, there was a woman as beautiful as a fairy watching this scene.

The woman wore sunglasses to hide her identity.

But it is not difficult to see that she is so beautiful!

Even Zhou Ling, who is more than nine points, is vulnerable in front of her.

It can be seen how beautiful she is.

She is as beautiful as if she came out of a painting.

This woman usually She doesn't come to the bar, and even hates it. She came to the bar specially tonight, purely because she returned to a place she hadn't seen for a long time.

It touched up some sad memories.

So she came here to relieve her sorrow.

But although she came to the bar, the woman did not come alone.

There were a few bodyguards looming in the corner.

They were all protecting the woman in secret.

And they were all elites!

Even Long Fei and his young masters didn't have bodyguards of this level.

It can be seen how terrifying the woman's identity is, and how grand it is.

It is far higher than Long Fei.

At this time, the woman's beautiful eyes were staring at Ye Yi motionlessly.

The beautiful, delicate and graceful face, like a fairy, actually smiled rarely!

The girl came here to drink to relieve her sorrow just because her memories were touched.

Who would have thought that she would meet the person she had been thinking about day and night here.

And encountered such a thing.

Who would have thought that she would discover the true side of the young man in front of her here!

Of course, a satisfied smile bloomed on her pretty face.

She was extremely beautiful in an instant.

"Silly brother, I didn't expect to meet you here."

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