"Auntie Nulan said you broke up with that girl, do you know how happy I was?"

"You used to be so self-conscious that you didn’t dare to face it. I was also afraid of hurting your self-esteem, so I didn’t dare to confess to you."

"But I didn't expect you to grow to this point. Auntie said that you have made some money from your small business now, and I'm afraid it will be far more than that. Even the four major wealthy families will respect you."

"Although the four wealthy families cannot compare with the aristocratic families, and are even more insignificant in the capital, but my silly brother, you have grown to this point in just a few years. Your sister has begun to look at you with admiration!"

"In the past, I was afraid of hurting you and didn’t dare to hold you, but this time, I will definitely not miss you."

"Sister must hold you well, but now your strength is far from enough, and sister also wants to know how many surprises you will give her!"

The girl as graceful as a fairy.

Looking at the direction where Ye Yi was, countless thoughts emerged in her mind!

This is still her silly brother.

But he is more handsome, but still upright.

Of course, she likes him more.

At the same time, she made up her mind.

This time when she comes back, she must not miss her silly brother again. She must hold her silly brother.

Of course, her silly brother is not strong enough.

But it doesn't matter.

With her by his side, her silly brother will have smooth sailing from now on.

Looking at the whole of China.

No one dares to stop her silly brother!

She wants the whole of China to light up a lantern for this silly brother!

The fairy girl made up her mind.

After making up her mind, she was already very satisfied.

Tonight, she discovered another side of her silly brother, and the harvest was very huge.

So she drank a sip of wine generously.

Then she left with her bodyguard...

Where is Ye Yi at this time.

Suddenly inexplicably It felt like someone was watching him in a corner of the bar!

And it was someone he was very familiar with!

Ye Yi was startled.

He looked over quickly.

But then he was dumbfounded. There was clearly no one there.

It was strange why he had that feeling?

His feeling told him that there was clearly a very familiar friend!

But Ye Yi didn't care. He just thought that his feeling was wrong.

Gao Fu's problem was solved.

Of course, the whole audience was completely shocked.

They all knew that Ye Yi was a big shot.

He was probably a super rich man.

So who would dare to provoke Ye Yi?

As for Zhou Ling, her eyes were full of stars when she looked at Ye Yi!

Gao Fu's problem was solved.

But Ye Yi was worried.

The task was completed.

Why hasn't the reward arrived yet?

Of course Ye Yi was worried!

Just when Ye Yi was worried.

The system voice finally sounded in his mind. Hearing this voice, Ye Yi shuddered all over.

He was so happy!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the mission and successfully saving Zhou Ling. The system rewards 30 billion cash. The 30 billion cash has arrived. Please check the host."

"Ding Dong, considering that the host has completed the task at the super-perfect level, the system will give you an additional 100% equity of a group worth 20 billion. The chairman has been changed and the host has become the new chairman. Please go to the receiving group."

"The equity certificate is currently in the safe of the host's villa No. 1"

"Ding Dong, the completion level is too high, the system will give you an extra reward of one billion yuan worth of Yangcheng Riverview Community real estate. Currently, all the documents have been processed, and the real estate certificate is in the host's No. 1 villa safe."

"Ding Dong, the system gives you an extra Douying recharge card worth 20 million!"

The system voices sounded one after another!

Ye Yi not only received 30 billion in cash, but also received a 20 billion group and a set of Jiangjing community real estate worth 1 billion!

So together, it is a reward of 51 billion!

As for the Douying recharge card, it was directly ignored by Ye Yi.

He didn't even know what it was!

Completed such a small task.

And got a reward of 51 billion.

Ye Yi was simply overjoyed.

In an instant, he didn't hate Gao Fu so much.

Yes, he didn't hate Gao Fu so much.

This is not a villain, he is simply a boy who gives away money. For the first time, Ye Yi felt that Gao Fu was particularly cute.

Not just cute.

Of course, Ye Yi didn't think much about it after being happy. He got a huge sum of 50 billion, and after a while he found that it was nothing.

Now Ye Yi has a system.

50 billion is just the beginning.

Ye Yi soon I thought of going to the group.

Yes, the new group is going to take it over.

As for Jiangjing Community, Ye Yi has also heard that it is the best community in Yangcheng.

Yangcheng Villa Park is the best villa park in Yangcheng.

And Jiangjing Community is the best community in Yangcheng.

This is different. It must be distinguished.

Jiangjing Community is located in the center of Yangcheng City, a prime location, and it is also the coolest and most luxurious community in the whole of Yangcheng.

You can see it from Jiangjing Community!

Suddenly got the property of Jiangjing Community.

Ye Yi was a little curious in his heart. Should I go and have a look?

Ye Yi made up his mind.

Let's go and have a look today.

Ye Yi was also curious about what a property worth one billion yuan would look like!

Ye Yi thought about it and then didn't think about it.

But although Gao Fu was dealt with.

But Long Fei and the others were obviously unwilling to let it go.

Long Fei and the others immediately warned Chen Hu next to them.

"Chen Hu, this is the person we brought here. It's not your turn to take care of him."

"We are very disappointed with your performance today, we will tell your boss in person!"

Others are afraid of Chen Hu.

Long Fei is not afraid.

This is the young master of the real four wealthy families.

Young Master!

Long Fei dodged and stomped his feet, and the whole of Yangcheng was shaking.

Hearing this, Chen Hu's old face turned pale.

He didn't actually target Ye Yi, he was just following the rules.

But obviously the boss would not listen to his explanation.

This is the eldest son of the Long family.

If the young masters and daughters of the four wealthy families join forces to express their dissatisfaction with the boss.

What do you think the boss will do?

The boss will definitely fire him.

In order to give an explanation to the four wealthy families.

So of course his face turned pale.

He can be so glorious because of his identity as a manager.

But if it weren't for the manager , then he is nothing.

He was extremely desperate.

Chen Hu was not stupid in despair.

He looked at Ye Yi with a pleading look.

Chen Hu could see that Ye Yi was the boss of the group.

It seemed that the young masters and daughters of the four wealthy families all regarded Ye Yi as their leader.

As long as Ye Yi was willing to stop.

Then the four wealthy families should not care.

Ye Yi also saw Chen Hu's pleading look.

To be honest, one thing at a time.

Chen Hu did not target him, it was just a routine matter.

If Chen Hu offended Ye Yi.

Then Ye Yi would not mind giving him a blow.

But he did not offend Ye Yi, so one thing at a time.

Ye Yi did not want to implicate the innocent.

He immediately shook his head and said

"Forget it, Manager Chen was just doing his job and he didn't offend me."

"Now the culprit, Goff, has been dealt with."

"Just consider it as making friends with Manager Chen. Don't chase me out when I come here next time."

Ye Yi smiled.

He also made a little joke to Manager Chen.

He said that he should not care about these things.

When Manager Chen heard this, he was immediately grateful. He was very grateful to Ye Yi for speaking up for him.

If it weren't for Ye Yi, he would definitely be unemployed.

So do you think he was touched?

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