It was not clear what Zhou Ling was thinking.

Soon, Ye Yi and the others played for a while.

Chen Hu came in respectfully.

He handed Ye Yi a newly issued top VIP card.

It was the same level of VIP cards as the four wealthy families' young masters and daughters.

This VIP card was also the top card of Bar No. 1.

There was no card more powerful than this.

Originally, if you wanted to become an ordinary member here, you needed to be recommended by five old members.

To become an ordinary member.

And to get a top VIP card, you need to spend a sky-high price of 100 million, and you need to spend more than 100 million here to get it.

It can be seen how difficult it is.

But tonight, the young masters and daughters of the four wealthy families were all respectful to Ye Yi.

So Chen Hu was also a smart man.

What kind of ghost do you need to recommend?

Ye Yi was made a member directly without any recommendation.

After all, even the eldest sons and daughters of the four wealthy families were so respectful to Ye Yi.

Is there any need to doubt Ye Yi's strength?

Not only did he make Ye Yi a member directly.

He also called the boss to ask if he wanted to give Ye Yi a top member's card?

And reported the situation tonight.

Hearing the news reported by Chen Hu.

The boss was more anxious than Chen Hu, and asked Chen Hu to send the top card to Ye Yi quickly!

What a joke, such a great young master.

Of course, you can just give the card directly.

The young masters of the four wealthy families are so respectful, do you need to think about his identity? He must be from a super family.

Of course the boss wants to make friends.

If the boss is not doing business abroad and can't come back for the time being.

He would come back overnight to say hello to Ye Yi.

Make friends with this young man.

Ye Yi took the card and smiled instantly.

He doesn't come to the bar at all.

In fact, the VIP card is useless to him.

Tonight, he came to see it purely because Du Wei and Wu Kun mentioned it.

Ye Yi doesn't come here at ordinary times.

But there is no smiling man behind him.

Ye Yi would not refuse the card given by Chen Hu.

So Ye Yi accepted it.

Chen Hu was also very polite and took the initiative to leave Ye Yi's phone number.

Of course, Chen Hu must grasp this level of young master.

Chen Hu is a smooth person!

Ye Yi is also happy to make friends with local snakes like Chen Hu.

Besides, it is not advisable to hit a smiling person.

So he took the initiative to leave his phone number.

Chen Hu could leave Ye Yi's phone number.

Fulin, who was standing next to him, was extremely jealous.

As Ye Yi's brother, he didn't even have the nerve to leave his phone number.

So how could he not be jealous?

It was a pity that he was badly tricked by Gao Fu.

If it weren't for Gao Fu, he could have taken the initiative to ask Ye Yi for his phone number.

But with Gao Fu,

Fulin clearly felt that Ye Yi was not as enthusiastic about him as before.

He was embarrassed.

At the same time, he was furious with Gao Fu.

He hated this bastard even more.

If you want to die, it's fine, but why are you dragging me down?

But he hated it, and he was embarrassed.

After hesitating for a while, Fulin still shamelessly took the initiative to leave Ye Yi's phone number.

He planned to apologize to Ye Shao.

Get Ye Shao's forgiveness.

After all, Gao Fu was indeed wrong tonight, and Gao Fu used to be his man.

It was inevitable that he would be blamed by Ye Yi.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yi took the initiative to leave his phone number with Fulin.

And not only did he take the initiative to leave his phone number.

Ye Yi patted Fulin's shoulder generously.

He said it was not Fulin's fault tonight. He told Fulin not to take it to heart.

As long as Fulin treated him as a brother, he, Ye Yi, would still be Fulin's brother.

Fulin was so moved to hear this!

How could Fulin not be moved?

Of course he was very moved.

Who would have thought that Ye Shao had such a good character.

So generous and magnanimous.

Not only did he not embarrass him, but he also reassured him.

He told him that it would not affect the brotherly relationship!

He was completely moved at this moment. He completely felt Ye Yi's integrity!

In the past, he made friends with Ye Yi purely to cling to power.

But now Fulin completely admires Ye Yi's character. He completely likes this brother!

He completely feels that this brother has a very good character.

Ye Yi didn't think so much.

After leaving his phone number.

Ye Yi asked Zhou Ling why she couldn't study and came here to be a resident singer.

Didn't you know it was dangerous here?

Ye Yi was no longer concerned, but asked with a hint of blame.

Hearing this blame.

Zhou Ling's pretty face changed, and her beautiful eyes turned red. She felt very aggrieved.

She didn't want Ye Yi to misunderstand.

She was not the kind of girl who was dirty, messy and casual.

If there was a choice, who would want to hang out here all day?

She had a seriously ill mother! She needed to send tens of thousands of yuan home every month.

So Zhou Ling could only tell Ye Yi about her seriously ill mother.

It wasn't to win Ye Yi's sympathy. She just wanted to tell Ye Yi that she was not a girl who was greedy for money.

But she couldn't abandon her mother.

Ye Yi changed his mind about Zhou Ling a lot.

It turned out to be for his mother!

Ye Yi could imagine that Zhou Ling's family conditions were difficult.

There was really no choice under such conditions.

If Zhou Ling came here to spend lavishly, Ye Yi would look down on her.

But if she is forced to have no choice by her family.

Ye Yi will not only not look down on her.

On the contrary, he will think that Zhou Ling has a pretty good character!

Although she comes from the mud, she is not stained.

Ye Yi completely changed his impression of Zhou Ling.

After the change, Ye Yi directly asked for Zhou Ling's prestige!

No girl in the school could get Ye Yi's prestige.

She actually took the initiative to let Ye Yi ask for her contact information?

Zhou Ling was instantly surprised and happy!

Ye Yi quickly transferred 20 million to Zhou Ling!

Ye Yi has never been a saintly bitch.

There are too many poor people in the world, can they all be saved?

So Ye Yi will not care if he sees other people dying of illness.

There is no way to help.

But Zhou Ling's family situation is different, and Zhou Ling just helped Ye Yi get a 50 billion reward.

Give Zhou Ling 20 million out of the 50 billion, just as a good deed.

Repay a retaliation, right?

But although it is only 20 million, it is enough for Zhou Ling to buy a house in the city and then bring her mother over.

Give her the best treatment.

You can only drink red wine once at Ye Yi's place.

But it can change Zhou Ling's life.

So that she doesn't have to be trapped to death by her own mother!

Seeing Ye Yi being so generous.

The surrounding rich boys were shocked.

This... just donating 20 million for doing good deeds?

Plus 80 million for drinking tonight.

That's 100 million.

Ye Yi is too rich. Of course they were shocked!

Zhou Ling was also shocked when she got the money.

20 million was given away so casually?

How rich must Ye Yi be?

Anyway, he must be richer than Long Shao and the others!

After being shocked, she was deeply moved.

Ye Yi saved her twice.

She didn't know what to say.

But Zhou Ling could directly and boldly affirm that she was completely in love with Ye Yi!

Zhou Ling made up her mind completely. She must win Ye Yi.

But this time was different. She wanted to win Ye Yi purely for money before, which is commonly known as money worship.

This time Zhou Ling was completely in love with Ye Yi. She fell deeply in love with Ye Yi, so she wanted to win the person she liked.

This time it has become true love, not for money.

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