"Use this money to treat your mother's illness and buy her a house in a big city to take care of her."

Ye Yi said after transferring the money.

Twenty million is just a drop in the bucket for him.

He still has nearly 40 billion in cash in his bank card.

This is just cash.

It does not include real estate such as real estate and group shares!

Zhou Ling woke up from the shock and emotion.

Of course, she was very moved.

I don't know what to say!

She actually has her own self-esteem and is unwilling to accept money easily.

But she really needs this money to treat her mother's illness!

So she had to agree.

After agreeing, she was confused.

Why did Ye Yi give her so much money? Did he like her?

Damn, if Ye Yi wanted her?

Should she pretend to be reserved?

Or should she be reserved and let Ye Yi succeed?

Oh, it's so hard to choose.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ling's pretty face became even redder.

Ye Yi didn't notice Zhou Ling's thoughts, and it was a good thing he didn't notice it.

Otherwise, he would be angry to death!

I helped you so much.

You actually want to"plot something bad" against me.

Oh my god, a real-life version of the farmer and the snake!

The world is going downhill!

Ye Yi and his friends just played for a while, and it was already one o'clock in the morning.

So Ye Yi took everyone to pay the bill and leave.

He paid 80 million without hesitation!

When Zhou Ling learned that Ye Yi paid 80 million for a drink, she didn't even blink.

She was completely shocked. She was also completely sure of how amazing Ye Yi was!

She paid the money and left.

But she finally hugged Ye Yi.

We are about to separate?

If she missed this opportunity, she would never have another chance in the future.

Zhou Ling's pretty face flushed instantly.

She made up her mind!

She must hug Ye Yi's thighs.

Even if it was not so shameful.

So Zhou Ling chased after him immediately. She boldly asked Ye Yi if he could take her back to school?

In fact, Zhou Ling had never mentioned this to a boy.

This was the first time she said this.

Her pretty face flushed to the extreme.

Qi Xin was even more jealous when she heard it.

Vixen, you are so shameless. You can even say such words.

Ye Yi didn't think much about what Zhou Ling said.

It is indeed not safe for a girl to go home alone at night.

It really wouldn't be a difficult task for him to give Zhou Ling a ride.

Ye Yi thought about it and of course agreed.

Several young masters said goodbye one after another.

They all drove away.

So Ye Yi also drove and took Zhou Ling back to school.

But as they got closer and closer to the school.

Zhou Ling became even more anxious!

How could she ask Ye Yi to take her back to school?

She just wanted to win Ye Yi!

This was her decision.

It was so hard to make an appointment with Ye Yi.

If she missed this chance, there would be no chance in the future.

Of course, she became more and more anxious! She made up her mind after being anxious.

Even if she had to be shameless once, she had to win the man she loved!

So she spoke with a blushing face.

"Ye Yi, it's so late, the dormitory must be closed, and I have my ID with me, why don't you just find a place to drop me off."

Zhou Ling said tactfully.

The dormitory is closed.

I have my ID with me!

Such an obvious hint.

Any boy would understand, right?

What's more, Zhou Ling is so perfect.

She has always been very confident about her appearance and figure.

She is sure that 100% of the boys will take her straight to the hotel after hearing this.

Ye Yi is simple, but not a fool.

It's so obvious, how could Ye Yi not hear it?

He understood it instantly.

This girl likes him.

But after understanding it, Ye Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He now has Zhao Lu and Wei Xin around him.

His peach blossom luck is endless, so how can he care about another girl?

Isn't this going to kill him?

Besides, Ye Yi was born not that kind of person.

You want him to have two relationships at the same time.

It's harder than climbing to the sky.

So although he understood it, Ye Yi would never accept it.

He immediately pretended not to understand.

"It's okay, the school dormitory is not closed at this time, I will take you to school and then go back."

Ye Yi smiled.

Let Zhou Ling rest assured.

But Zhou Ling was almost anxious.

Straight male cancer, did you understand?

You can even bend the steel bars sent by the matchmaker!

Did I tell you about the dormitory?

The point is that I brought my ID card!

You can take me wherever you want!

But seeing that they were almost at school.

Zhou Ling was getting more and more anxious.

If she really missed tonight, she would no longer have such a chance to be alone with Ye Yi!

She must win Ye Yi.

It doesn't matter if he is a little shameless!

"Ye Yi, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? I like you!"

"You are not bad at that, are you?"

Zhou Ling decided not to hide it anymore.

She was just shameless for once!

For the man she loved.

Even if she was shameless for once, she had to use provocation!

Ye Yi slammed the brakes when he heard it.

Damn, what a shame.

A man can be bad at anything, but not at this.

If he can't do this, is he still a man?

Being provoked by such a beautiful woman,

Ye Yi was aroused by the fire all over his body!

He couldn't tell whether it was anger or something else.

Ye Yi angrily used a finger to lift Zhou Ling's delicate chin.

Then a flawless face with a charming figure appeared perfectly!

Only a Liu Xiahui like Ye Yi could bear it.

If it were someone else, he would have died a few years earlier.

""Little girl, do you know you are playing with fire?"

Ye Yi gritted his teeth and warned.

Don't play with fire!

But Zhou Ling said this!

She only had Ye Yi in her eyes.

There was nothing else!

There was only one word.

Take down Ye Yi!

Actually, it was four words.

She couldn't wait to play with fire.

"I am just playing with fire, and I am sure you can't do it!"

Zhou Ling said provocatively.

What a shame!

In order to provoke Ye Yi, she was also shameless.

She really fell in love with Ye Yi. She wanted to win Ye Yi.

Not for money.

In the past, she won Ye Yi for money.

Now she really fell in love with Ye Yi, that's why she wanted to win Ye Yi.

Hearing this, how could Ye Yi bear the provocation?

He immediately stepped on the accelerator and turned around.

Headed for the best five-star hotel nearby.

A man can't say no!

Ye Yi is going to teach this girl a lesson tonight.

Let her lose something.

Let her know that he, Ye Yi, is not only good, but also very good!

Seeing that Ye Yi really went to the hotel.

Zhou Ling panicked.

She even The boys had never done anything intimate, and they hadn't even had their first kiss yet!

She had no experience in this kind of thing!

Zhou Ling really had no experience at all.

It was good that Zhou Ling had no experience at all.

She just said that just to win over Ye Yi.


But when Ye Yi really dragged her to the hotel, she panicked.

But she was the one who took the initiative to tease Ye Yi.

She couldn't be afraid.

But her snow-white arms were shaking.

She had to control herself and hide her fear.

Ye Yi quickly arrived at a five-star hotel and booked a presidential suite.

It wasn't expensive, only 100,000 yuan a night.

It was quite cheap.

After booking the presidential suite, Ye Yi naturally took Zhou Ling to the elevator.

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