But even though they went to the elevator,

Ye Yi was actually very nervous.

In fact, he had been dating Mina for six years, and they had only held hands and kissed.

They had never done anything else.

In other words, Ye Yi was also inexperienced! He was just provoked by Zhou Ling.

He had to fight back.

In fact, Ye Yi was also very nervous.

But there was nothing he could do.

He was nervous.

Now that he was here, he couldn't just run away, right?

That would be really impossible!

So Ye Yi was also deliberately calm!

In this way, the two people who were deliberately calm arrived at the hotel room.

It was worthy of being a presidential suite, and it was quite luxurious.

Ye Yi didn't feel anything.

But Zhou Ling was stunned.

It was the first time she had seen such a luxurious suite.

There was also a huge glass water tank in the room.

There were even sharks in the water tank.

Swimming around there.

Just like in the deep sea!

But soon Zhou Ling's pretty face turned red.

Tonight, she would finally end her single life of more than 20 years.

Zhou Ling's pretty face was of course red.

Then she went in to take a shower.

Otherwise, she couldn't hide her embarrassment.

As for after taking a shower, she is sure to turn Ye Yi into her boyfriend!

This is her confidence.

While Zhou Ling was taking a shower.

Ye Yi's heartbeat also accelerated ten times.

He was very nervous.

What should I do?

Why is it so fast, I am almost here.

Of course Ye Yi's heartbeat accelerated.

How could it not accelerate?

Ye Yi was nervous and wanted to be sober at this time.

But he couldn't be sober at all.

Because Zhou Ling is really too beautiful!

Does it mean that he will fall completely tonight?

Ye Yi was entangled.

Extremely entangled!

Seeing that Zhou Ling was about to finish showering.

Ye Yi was even more entangled.

How should he face Zhao Lu and Wei Xin?

When Ye Yi was entangled.

The phone rang.

It was Yang Feng's call.

This roommate would not call him in the middle of the night!

Ye Yi woke up at once.

He realized something was wrong.

He picked it up immediately!

"Ye Yi is not well, Liu Gui and his girlfriend had a car accident and are now in the hospital. We are on our way to see Liu Gui!"

Yang Feng spoke quickly on the phone.

He was very worried.

He was anxious.

Ye Yi was even more anxious when he heard it.

Although Liu Gui was not his biological brother, he was more important than his biological brother in Ye Yi's eyes.

He had taken good care of him during the three years of college.

He was his biological brother.

Now his biological brother was in trouble.

How could Ye Yi have the heart to be carefree? He suddenly woke up.

What happened to his biological brother!

He was now thinking about Liu Gui's affairs and had already left Zhou Ling behind.

What else could he care about?

"Which hospital? I'll be there soon."

Yang Feng told her about the hospital.

After that, Ye Yi hung up the phone. After that,


Yi of course didn't care about Zhou Ling anymore and just left.

As for the hotel bill, Ye Yi had just paid it.

So Zhou Ling didn't need to pay.

Ye Yi walked to the underground parking lot of the hotel.

He regretted it a lot.

How could he not regret it?

Wouldn't this prove that he was not good enough?

How would Zhou Ling see him?

Would she really think that he was not good enough!

Forget it, it's time now, saving people is the most important thing.

It's a misunderstanding.

Ye Yi didn't care anymore.

Of course, he still sent a message to Zhou Ling, saying that his good friend had a car accident and he had to go there.

Ye Yi didn't explain that it was really not He can't do it.

The more you explain this kind of thing, the more it covers up.

Believe it or not.

Ye Yi left after sending the message.

Zhou Ling was shocked when she just came out of the shower. Why did Ye Yi disappear?

Then she saw the message sent by Ye Yi.

How could she believe it?

A brother got into a car accident in the middle of the night?

Who is he trying to fool? Ye Yi can't really be incapable, right?

She was puzzled for a moment.

Then she felt it was quite possible!

Very worried.

If Ye Yi can't do it, then she will marry Ye Yi in the future.

Wouldn't that mean she will be a widow?

Of course she was worried about the future. She was very disappointed.

She thought it was a sure thing to win Ye Yi tonight.

Who would have thought that she would be so frank.

Ye Yi still didn't want her.

Of course she was very disappointed.

She was also extremely disappointed.

This was already the last chance.

Will there be another chance to be alone with Ye Yi in the future?

I'm afraid not.

Of course, she was even more disappointed...

Ye Yi didn't know what Zhou Ling was thinking.

If he knew, he would probably be so angry.

So it's better not to know.

The world of young people is cruel!

Ye Yi arrived at the hospital very quickly. In fact, the hospital was not far away.

After arriving at the hospital, Ye Yi went straight to the ward. He arrived at the ward very quickly.

At this time, there were three men and one woman in the ward.

Needless to say, the three men were all Ye Yi's roommates.

The four of them were like four brothers.

Liu Gui was bandaged like a dumpling.

And a woman was standing nearby.

He looked a little sad when he saw Liu Gui.

Another woman was also injured, but it was only a minor injury.

As soon as Ye Yi saw the woman, he knew that she was Liu Gui's girlfriend.

Ye Yi knew that Liu Gui had a girlfriend.

Liu Gui's girlfriend was also from Shuangya University, but she was a senior. She was also a beauty.

In addition, the woman seemed to be fair, rich and beautiful, with a family asset of more than 10 or 20 billion. She was a hot commodity in school anyway.

Several rich boys were pursuing her.

Even Zhang Kun had pursued her before.

But in the end, Liu Gui got her.

Liu Gui also boasted about this in the dormitory. Ye

Yi knew a little about these.

But Ye Yi didn't pay attention to them.

He just looked at Liu Gui and spoke.

"What's wrong with you? You drive so carelessly."

Ye Yi asked with concern.

But seeing that Liu Gui was just injured, it was no big deal.

Ye Yi was a little relieved.

That's right, he was a little relieved.

When Liu Gui heard Ye Yi's words, he immediately laughed and said

"What else could have happened? He was so busy chatting with his girlfriend that he bumped into a telephone pole.��?"

"Fortunately, there are airbags, otherwise I would have died."

"But he also got some injuries. The doctor said he couldn't move his bones for three months. I'm afraid he won't be able to go to class this month."

Liu Gui explained to Ye Yi with a smile on his face. He told Ye Yi not to worry.

Ye Yi was relieved after hearing that.

He just couldn't move for three months.

That's nothing.

As for going to school, it doesn't matter. Liu Gui is a poor student anyway.

I don't know how he got into Shuangya University.

Ye Yi suspected that this noble boy got in through the back door.

Liu Gui's girlfriend is Song Lin.

Song Lin was shocked at this time.

She recognized Ye Yi immediately.

Isn't this Ye Yi, the most powerful super rich boy in Shuangya University?

Ye Yi is actually her boyfriend's good brother?

She immediately saw that Ye Yi and Liu Gui had a brotherly relationship!

To be honest, Song Lin had a lot of suitors in college.

There were even those who were richer than Liu Gui before.

But she chose Liu Gui in the end.

It's impossible to say that she didn't have any complaints in her heart.

After all, Liu Gui's family conditions are not the best.

And his ability is not outstanding.

So she has some complaints about Liu Gui in her heart.

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