After all, Ye Yi promised him that his position would remain unchanged.

Tang Niu was of course pleased.

Ye Yi smiled and looked at Tang Niu and said

"General Manager Tang, immediately arrange for all management backbones to wait for me in the conference room. The meeting will start in 20 minutes."

Ye Yi smiled.

Tang Niu was of course happy to do so. He gave the order as quickly as possible.

It is normal for leaders to like to hold meetings.

So Tang Niu immediately ordered the meeting to start in 20 minutes.

Everyone went to the conference room to wait for Ye Yi.

After Tang Niu and the others left,

Ye Yi did not hold the meeting immediately.

Instead, while the senior management was being transferred away,

Ye Yi summoned several grassroots employees one after another.

Don't look at the grassroots employees.

Often, the grassroots employees know about the internal fighting in the company, and know which leader is reliable.

Only then do they know which leader is unreliable.

How should I put it?

Ye Yi cannot govern a group based on his feelings alone.

Instead, he must understand which management level is unreliable. Only in this way can he get rid of that management level.

Ye Yi specially transferred all the management.

Isn't it just to listen to the real situation?

This is also a trick Ye Yi specially played.

Being summoned by the chairman in person.

The employees were trembling.

This is the chairman!

But they all... Tell Ye Yi the truth in a proper manner.

Soon Ye Yi had a detailed understanding of the group's situation.

He roughly knew the situation of the group.

It turned out that Tang Niu was indeed a good leader.

But other leaders were not so good.

Ye Yi was determined to kill him.

He made up his mind to have a big change.

Get rid of these corrupt middle-level leaders.

Re-employ Tang Niu!

After making up his mind.

Ye Yi naturally went to the meeting!

Although it took a full hour for Ye Yi to arrive.

But no one dared to be dissatisfied.

This is the new chairman.

And many middle-level leaders such as directors and managers in the conference room sneered, thinking that they saw Tang Niu's unlucky scene.

After all, when the boss is changed, the general manager will be the first to be killed.

Replaced by his own trusted subordinates.

Of course, they sneered even more.

After Ye Yi sat in the chairman's seat.

Ye Yi is also a man of iron-blooded means and doesn't like nonsense.

So Ye Yi spoke directly.

He said that he wanted to bloodbath the middle-level

"I know the mentality of many employees. They think that the general manager will be the first to be fired after the change of boss, so they have been less respectful to General Manager Tang during this period."

"I am the new chairman, and I want to tell you all that not only will Tang Niu not be replaced, but I trust Tang Niu very much. From now on, I will increase Tang Niu's year-end bonus by 10 million every year!"

Ye Yi immediately looked at all the management and spoke!

Although Tang Niu had known for a long time that Ye Yi would give him a raise, he didn't expect so much!

His total annual salary before was only 3 million, plus all the dividends.

Ye Yi directly increased his bonus by 10 million every year?

Of course he was dumbfounded!

After being dumbfounded,

Tang Niu was very excited.

How could he not be excited? He actually increased his bonus by 10 million every year!

This was simply great news for Tang Niu. It was the first time he felt that changing bosses was so good.

He was so excited.

The managers and directors present were dumbfounded.

Why was it different from what they thought?

The script was wrong. Shouldn't the general manager be replaced when the new boss arrives?

Why not only didn't he change it, but he also gave the general manager a raise?

They were all dumbfounded.

Originally, they all thought that the general manager was going to be fired, so they didn't respect the general manager that much. They even secretly tripped him up.

As a result, you suddenly told me that not only was the general manager not fired, but the boss also gave him a promotion and a raise?

Not only were they dumbfounded, but they also felt quite bad.

There were cold sweats behind their backs!

They had already seen their own unlucky scene.

The new boss trusts the general manager so much.

They don't need to say more about the consequences!

They have already seen their own future.

"Of course, I will indeed arrange new staff for the general manager in the future, but I want to tell you that I trust General Manager Tang Niu very much. Even if a new general manager comes in the future, Tang Niu will still be the first deputy general manager and the third in command of the group."

"But before the new general manager comes, General Manager Tang Niu holds all personnel power and can appoint and dismiss all employees. Did everyone hear that clearly?"

"I hope that General Manager Tang Niu can clean up all the bad elements in the group during this period. I personally don't like people who do whatever they want just because they have a little power."

Ye Yi looked at all the management of the group and spoke.

He said that he would send a new general manager in the future.

But even if there is a new general manager, he still trusts Tang Niu absolutely. Tang Niu is also the third in command of the group!

He also gave Tang Niu important power.

Tang Niu can appoint and dismiss all personnel.

I hope Tang Niu can clean up the bad elements in the group.

Tang Niu heard this.

Although he felt a little disappointed, it was also normal.

Every new boss will definitely arrange a new general manager.

So of course he thought it was normal.

On the contrary, even if a new general manager comes in the future, he will have a year-end bonus of 10 million, which will not affect him.

And Ye Yi promised that he will still be the third in command.

So Tang Niu is very But he was not disappointed.

Instead, he was even happier.

An extra 10 million yuan in year-end bonus, are you happy?

That is a real benefit.

Tang Niu was even more grateful to Ye Yi.

How could he not be happy?

At the same time, he was even more moved.

He felt Ye Yi's absolute trust in him! He was even more determined to do a good job for Ye Yi, eliminate all the scum, and assist the future general manager!

Hearing Ye Yi's words, the faces of the middle managers turned even paler.

This meant that the new boss absolutely trusted Tang Niu.

Of course, their faces turned pale.

Moreover, Tang Niu had all the personnel rights, which meant that he could get rid of them at will.

They had been making trouble for Tang Niu a lot during this period.

In other words, maybe today They will be killed by Tang Niu tomorrow.

Of course they were pale!

There was no need to think too much, as they already understood their bleak future!

After Ye Yi gave these instructions,

Tang Niu's position was already consolidated.

Ye Yi was relieved.

Then the meeting was adjourned.

Those middle-level managers walked out like walking corpses, at a loss!

Their doomsday has come.

Of course they were at a loss.

Many middle-level managers have already thought that it would be better to resign voluntarily than to be fired.

After the middle-level managers left, Ye Yi comforted Tang Niu again.

Ye Yi would not lie.

So he told the truth.

He said that although he would arrange for a new general manager to come in the future, it was also because He had to use his absolute confidant.

But Tang Niu was still the third in command.

Ye Yi still trusted Tang Niu very much. Ye Yi also said that if Tang Niu did a good job, he would definitely get more than 10 million yuan in year-end bonus in the future.

Ye Yi absolutely trusted Tang Niu.

Ye Yi's heartfelt words.

Plus the promise of real benefits.

How could Tang Niu not be satisfied? He was extremely satisfied.

In fact, even if Ye Yi didn't say this, he was going to work hard for Ye Yi!

He was even more moved when Ye Yi said this. He was even more determined to work hard for Ye Yi.

Tang Niu also had a heartfelt talk with Ye Yi and promised that he would definitely get rid of all the corrupt middle-level managers in the group.

Wait for the new general manager to come.

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