There will be a clean and perfect new group.

Then the new general manager will be able to take over effortlessly.

He will clear all obstacles for the new general manager.

Ye Yi was relieved instantly.

Tang Niu is really very good.

A typical good guy.

Ye Yi likes Tang Niu very much and admires Tang Niu very much.

After Ye Yi was relieved, he drove away.

He can rest assured with Tang Niu here.

Ye Yi admires Tang Niu very much.

After Ye Yi left the group. He was at Du's house at this time.

Du Wei was completely shocked after hearing a new piece of news!

After being shocked, he couldn't wait.

Immediately pull Long Fei, Wu Kun and Qi Xin into a group!

Only Ye Yi was missing.

It can be seen that it is definitely related to Ye Yi.

At this time, Long Fei and the others were curious.

Why were they pulled into the same group?

Long Fei was the first to send a message


The question mark expressed Long Fei's doubts!

The other young masters also had doubt marks on their faces.

Why did they suddenly create such a group?

Of course they were confused.

""Big news, I just got a big news, about Brother Ye Yi, do you know what news is?"

Dewey spoke immediately. He kept it a secret in the group.

As soon as they heard about Ye Yi, Long Fei and the others became very interested. They became very curious.

Isn't it curious?

Now they are very curious about everything about Ye Yi.

""Speak quickly, don't keep me in suspense."

Wu Kun was the first to get anxious.

The four great families were all good brothers. They would stand together and fight together.

So there was no need to be polite. They were usually very open-minded.

It was normal for them to say rude things to each other.

Long Fei and the others were also anxious.

What was going on? They were all on suspense. They all wanted to know.

Hearing this,

Du Wei's face darkened, but he knew he couldn't keep it a secret any longer.

He could only speak.

"Do you know Lingyun Group? It's the big group that has been cooperating with my family, with a market value of 20 billion."

Du Wei sent the message out instantly.

Seeing this message,

Wu Kun and others replied immediately.

Lingyun Group is a big group.

Not only does it cooperate with Du Wei's family, but Long Fei's company also has more or less business dealings with Lingyun Group!

After all, the assets of wealthy families are only tens of billions, and the assets of Lingyun Group alone are 20 billion!

Don't you think it's amazing?

It's a real super group.

It can compete with wealthy families!

Even the top two leaders in the city value it.

"The Lingyun Group was bought by the Ye Yi brothers, and they paid 20 billion in cash directly!"

Du Wei sent it out immediately.

Seeing what Du Wei sent,

Long Fei and the others were shocked. They were completely shocked.

How could they not be shocked?

They directly took 20 billion in cash to buy the Lingyun Group.

What a big deal.

Anyway, the Long family couldn't afford it.

Don't even think about it.

The Long family claims to have 100 billion in assets, and the liquid funds are at most tens of billions.

If you want to take out 20 billion, you have to sell the assets to take it out.

But assets are fixed, and once they are sold, they will only depreciate.

Who would be so stupid as to depreciate and sell their assets to buy Lingyun Group!

Once someone can take out 20 billion in cash to buy Lingyun Group!

It definitely means that there are at least hundreds of billions of assets.


"Brother Ye previously spent 3 billion to buy Villa No. 1, 10 billion to buy Hongtai Group, 5.5 billion to invest in my company, and now he has taken out another 20 billion, which means he has almost taken out 40 billion in cash!"

Long Fei was the first to make an analysis.

Seeing Long Fei's analysis, everyone nodded in agreement.

Taking out 40 billion in cash all at once.

Ye Yi is unfathomable.

"Our family's total assets are only around 40 billion, and Brother Ye directly took out 40 billion in cash!"

Du Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Their family ranked fourth among the four wealthy families, the worst one.

The total assets were only around 40 billion.

Ye Yi directly took out 40 billion in cash!

This is 40 billion in cash.

Wu Kun was not much better, with a look of laughter or tears on his face.

Their family only had around 60 to 70 billion.

Ye Yi casually took out more than half of their family's assets.

And this was just what he had taken out.

How much more was left behind?

He was so scared that his face turned pale.

"Before, we all speculated that Brother Ye Yi was the eldest son of a super aristocratic family, but now it seems almost 100% certain that he is definitely the eldest son of a super aristocratic family!"

"Isn't it true? The average family has only 100 billion in assets, but he casually took out 40 billion in cash! He is definitely not an ordinary young master of an aristocratic family. He is unfathomable in the aristocratic family."

"Brother Ye Yi is unfathomable!"

Several young masters and daughters spoke up one after another.

Finally, they sighed and said something. They were completely sure that Ye Yi was unfathomable!

Ye Yi certainly didn't know what happened in the small group at this moment.

He also didn't know that his acquisition of Lingyun Group had caused a major sensation in the whole of Yangcheng.

Even the top two leaders in Yangcheng were curious about this mysterious young man in the rumors!

Ye Yi quickly returned to Villa No. 1.

After returning to Villa No. 1,

Ye Yi had nothing to do for the time being. He didn't need to go to class for the time being.

Ye Yi happened to have a lot of free time, so he flipped through the system out of boredom.

Finally, he found that he still had a Douying recharge card.

A credit limit of 20 million.

Ye Yi happened to be bored, so of course he looked at this recharge card.

Finally, Ye Yi downloaded the Douying software and registered an account.

Then Ye Yi used this card.

He found that his account had more gold beans equivalent to 20 million cash!

Ye Yi instantly understood how to play.

Feelings are equivalent to giving yourself 20 million on Douying.

In fact, a considerable part of this 20 million can also be cashed out.

For example, Ye Yi goes to find an anchor and says that I will give you a reward of 20 million, and we will share the 10 million you get 50-50. points.

Then Ye Yi can also cash out 5 million.

But that's a loser's way.

Ye Yi is no longer short of money.

Of course, he can't do that.

Now Ye Yi has more money than he can spend.

Of course, he doesn't care about this little money.

So Ye Yi thought about it and decided.

Forget it, just look around in the software.

If you see a favorite anchor, give a reward.

Anyway, it's only 20 million!

Ye Yi made up his mind instantly.

Then after making up his mind, Ye Yi started to look inside.

What a pity.

Such a huge software disappointed Ye Yi.

It's all The anchors were heavily made up.

Each of them looked like a demon. They probably had two kilograms of powder on their faces.

If the beauty filter was turned off, they would probably not be as pretty as Qiao Biluo!

Ye Yi was extremely disappointed. He had seen too many beauties recently.

His aesthetic standards had become much higher.

I won't say much more.

Zhou Ling was a knockout.

Zhou Ling was a goddess even without makeup!

Ye Yi couldn't even think of putting on makeup.

So Ye Yi had unknowingly begun to look down on these anchors.

Ye Yi flipped through them out of boredom.

He flipped through anchor after anchor.

Finally, after Ye Yi had switched for who knows how many times.

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