I haven't thanked Ye Yi properly yet.

Soon they arrived at Wei Fang's house.

Wei Fanglanyun and his wife came out.

At this time, Wei Xin and her brother also arrived.

Only then did Wei Fanglanyun know that Ye Yi had saved his children tonight.

Wei Fanglanyun was immediately grateful.

At the same time, he was shocked.

What was Gu Huo's identity?

He was actually flattened by Ye Yi's words.

They felt even more unfathomable.

After being shocked, the couple liked Ye Yi even more. They wished that

Ye Yi would be their son-in-law.

Wei Fanglanyun was a kind-hearted and upright person, and also a person who knew how to repay kindness.

So of course they hoped that Ye Yi would be their son-in-law.

In this way, their family could repay Ye Yi.

Of course, Wei Bin was beaten up by them.

Although it was the other party who set a trap.

But it almost implicated the whole family.

It was a good beating!

Ye Yi didn't care about those things.

Ye Yi thought of a big thing.

Ye Yi had made up his mind before to cultivate his own power.

But cultivating his own power requires someone to help him manage it!

Ye Yi doesn't have time to care about those things.

And Wei Xin is very good - a typical strong woman.

A smart, kind and gentle strong woman who can help him manage the power!

Ye Yi has also felt it during this period.

Wei Xin is very capable.

She is a real strong woman. She seems to have a high degree of education.

So Ye Yi made up his mind instantly.

Why not invite Wei Xin to help him manage the power.

After making up his mind, Ye Yi of course asked immediately.

But Ye Yi was not in a hurry.

Instead, he asked about the education first.

If the education is not high, it will not be able to handle such a big plate.

""Wei Xin, what is your education?"

Ye Yi asked immediately.

Wei Xin was confused for a moment.

She didn't know why Ye Yi asked this.

But she answered immediately.

"Master of Economics from the University of the Kingdom of God!"

Wei Xin spoke immediately.

Ye Yi was shocked!

The Kingdom of God is the first superpower on earth, and the University of the Kingdom of God is the first university in the Kingdom of God, and it is also the most powerful university in the world.

China's Qingshui University is already powerful enough.

But compared with the University of the Kingdom of God, there is a big gap.

Wei Xin is actually a master of economics from the University of the Kingdom of God!

How could Ye Yi not be shocked?

In comparison, he, an undergraduate from Shuangya University, who has not yet graduated, is simply beaten.

The key is that Wei Xin is only about 26 years old. She is only four years older than Ye Yi.

She has actually completed a master's degree.

And a master's degree from the University of the Kingdom of God?

After being shocked, Ye Yi was very satisfied.

A good academic degree is enough.

So he immediately invited Wei Xin to help him manage his business and power!

"Wei Xin, I own many groups, including Lingyun Group with 20 billion, Hongtai Group with 10 billion, and I have invested several billion in Longfei's company. I also have industries like office buildings."

"In addition, I have tens of billions of cash, ready to invest in business and expand my industry."

"But I lack someone to help me take care of it"

"Are you willing to help me manage it? If you are willing, I will give you a higher platform."

Ye Yi didn't like beating around the bush.

He directly said that he hoped Wei Xin would help him manage all the industries!

Ye Yi wanted to integrate these industries into a super power to cultivate his own power!

And then hand them all over to Wei Xin.

With Wei Xin around, he would be absolutely assured.

Wei Xin was shocked!

Ye Yi actually had so many assets?

She knew that Ye Yi was powerful, but she had never known that he was so powerful.

Wei Fanglanyun was even more shocked.

Wei Xin hadn't paid much attention to this kind of super group, but they all knew how powerful it was. They were all the industries of this young man.

It was incredible.

Of course, no one doubted it.

This was the owner of Villa No. 1.

No one would doubt Ye Yi's words.

After being shocked, the couple was completely divorced. Happy, they all hope their daughter will agree!

How can they not be happy?

If she helps Ye Yi manage such a big industry.

That would be equivalent to the number two person!

How much power and influence does the number two person have?

It can be said that in the future, they can do whatever they want in Yangcheng.

Not to mention the huge amount of money they control, their connections alone are more powerful than many wealthy families! It is not something that a small group like theirs can compare to.

So of course they all hope their daughter will agree.

After being shocked, Wei Xin began to hesitate. This is a big deal. She originally needed to hesitate for a long time. But when she thought about agreeing, she could stay with Ye Yi for a long time. Her heart is full of Ye Yi now. Nothing else matters! So she agreed instantly!

""Okay, I promise to help you manage all your properties."

Wei Xin said immediately.

Hearing this, Wei Fanglanyun was even happier.

How could she not be happy?

Her daughter finally agreed.

From now on, their daughter is a real big shot in Yangcheng!

She is Ye Yi's number one confidant!

Ye Yi was also very happy.

Wei Xin finally agreed.

He can also officially start to cultivate his own power.

So Ye Yi is happier than anyone else.

""Okay, I'll come see you tomorrow."

Ye Yi said happily.

Wei Xin's family nodded.

It was late now, and there was nothing they could do.

They could only deal with the power issue tomorrow.

So Ye Yi drove back to Villa No. 1.

But at this moment, Yangcheng caused a huge sensation.

Gu Chunguang, one of the major underground leaders in Yangcheng, had all his businesses closed down!

Gu Chunguang was one of the big guys in Yangcheng. He was originally powerful.

But suddenly he went bankrupt.

And not only did he go bankrupt, his whole family was forced to pay debts by creditors.

His family was destroyed overnight.

Such a big figure fell overnight.

Of course, it caused a sensation in the upper class.

It also triggered The paparazzi paid attention.

So the paparazzi smelled the scent of a hot search. They immediately dug deep!

You don’t know until you dig, and you’ll be shocked when you dig.

The paparazzi suddenly discovered.

It turned out that Gu Chunguang’s son had offended the owner of the legendary Villa No. 1.

It is said that Gu Chunguang’s son wanted to do whatever he wanted with his power.

He wanted to use his power to suppress others.

But he angered the owner of Villa No. 1.

The owner of Villa No. 1 directly took action.

So Gu Chunguang’s family fell!

After digging out the news, the paparazzi were overjoyed.

Now the owner of Villa No. 1 is a hot search figure in Yangcheng.

Everything about him is on the front page of Yangcheng.

���The whole city of Yangcheng is also quite interested in such a super rich young man.

After all, it has caused a sensation several times.

The paparazzi immediately reported the news they dug out!

So the owner of Villa No. 1 was on the headlines again.

The whole city of Yangcheng was in a sensation.

Most of the big shots in

Yangcheng looked towards the direction of Yangcheng Guoshuyuan again. They were completely shocked by the legendary super young man.

They were also completely curious.

What kind of young man could cause such a big storm.

And several storms in a row.

Yangcheng continued to be shocked.

However, although it was shocked, fortunately Ye Yi's image was decent.

After all, the Guhuo family was the one who did evil.

So no one attacked Ye Yi.

They all praised Ye Yi.

And in shock, most of the boys in Yangcheng admired Ye Yi even more.

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