As for the girls in Yangcheng, most of them like this legendary overbearing president very much! He has defeated the bully twice for his girlfriend.

Who doesn't like him?

Most of the girls in Yangcheng are eager to become Ye Yi's girlfriend.

But Ye Yi will definitely not look down on her.

Such a big news in Yangcheng has of course attracted the attention of several other underground leaders. They were all ashamed and scared.

They immediately warned the young people in their families to be honest recently.

Not only do they want to die, but they also drag their families down.

How can they not be scared?

The example of Hongniu Gu Chunguang is right in front of them!

Of course they are afraid.

Not to mention them, their sons and nephews are even more afraid. They are scared by the legendary owner of Villa No. 1.

They don't even dare to go out and wander around at night.

They are afraid that they will not be able to see clearly and be directly dealt with by such a ruthless person.

Therefore, under the influence of Ye Yi,

Yangcheng has been much quieter recently!

The news continues to cause a sensation.

Naturally, it was spread to Shuangya University!

The students of Shuangya University were shocked again���Who would have thought that Ye Yi would be so amazing? It's fine that he got Hong Niu, but he also got Gu Chunguang!

This is a more powerful person than Hong Niu.

After being shocked, the students of course admired Ye Yi even more.

As for the girls, they were even more eager to become Ye Yi's girlfriend!

In the class group where Ye Yi was,

Liu Gui kept @Ye Yi!

Liu Gui of course saw the news.

He was shocked.

So of course he was crazy about Ye Yi, asking if it was true.

The bro was too cruel.

Unfortunately, Ye Yi ignored him at all.

Ye Yi was watching the news, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He was impressed by those paparazzi. They could dig out anything.

No, no, he had to be more low-key in the future.

Ye Yi made up his mind.

As for Liu Gui's crazy tagging of Ye Yi in the group,

Ye Yi could only pretend not to see it.

How could he admit it?

The next morning, Ye Yi got up early.

Wei Xin also got up early.

He had agreed with Wei Xin last night.

So Ye Yi drove directly to pick up Wei Xin!

After receiving Wei Xin,

Ye Yi naturally set off directly.

Ye Yi had made up his mind to create his own power.

So of course he did it right away!

Ye Yi first registered a group called Ye Investment Consortium!

Ye Yi owned 100% of the shares in this group!

In other words, this group completely belonged to Ye Yi!

Then Ye Yi transferred all the shares of Hongtai Group to Ye Investment Consortium!

Then he transferred all the shares of Lingyun Group to Ye Investment Consortium!

And he also transferred another office building under his name to Ye Investment Consortium.

And he also transferred nearly 40% of Longfei Company's shares to Ye Investment Consortium!

In other words, Ye Yi no longer has any assets under his name, he only has a Ye Investment Consortium.

But Ye Investment Consortium owns 100% of the shares of Lingyun Group and Hongtai Group! Ye Investment Consortium controls the two major groups, and the largest share of Longfei's company!

And it is also an investment consortium, and it also controls the office building under Ye Yi.

In fact, the property is still under Ye Yi's name.

It's just that it has all been transferred to Ye Investment Consortium.

Since Ye Yi wants to build the most powerful and powerful force, of course it must be divided into a whole.

This is the most powerful force.

This is the force that Ye Yi wants to build!

Ye's Investment Consortium, this behemoth appeared in Yangcheng in an instant!

Not only that.

Ye Yi transferred all the tens of billions of cash on him to the Ye's Investment Consortium!

Just like that within a few hours, the Ye's Investment Consortium had nearly 100 billion assets!

Ordinary families only have 100 billion assets.

Ye Yi alone has 100 billion assets.

You can imagine how terrifying it is.

Even in the whole of Yangcheng, it is a giant group.

After the establishment of the Ye's Investment Consortium, Ye Yi served as chairman.

And Wei Xin served as general manager!

Ye Yi is just a hands-off shopkeeper.

He only created the force, but the management was still handed over to Wei Xin.

And Ye Yi told Wei Xin not to be afraid of spending money.

You can spend money boldly.

In the future, the Ye's Investment Consortium will be much stronger than it is now!

Ye Yi established the Ye's Investment Consortium, naturally in order to have his own power and to build a behemoth.

Only in this way can we fight against those aristocratic families.

Only by having our own sphere of influence can we avoid becoming fat meat.

So of course we can't be afraid to spend money!

Not only can we not be afraid to spend money.

We must spend money boldly.

But Wei Xin was completely shocked.

How could she not be shocked? In just a few hours, she actually became the second-in-command of a 100 billion group.

The second-in-command second only to Ye Yi? She was stunned by Ye Yi's generosity.

He could easily come up with 100 billion at such a young age.

How rich must Ye Yi be? She didn't dare to think about it!

Nor did she dare to guess.

The establishment of the Ye Investment Consortium was only the first step.

Ye Yi soon arrived at Hongtai Group.

He asked Fang Wu to convene a meeting of all senior executives.

It was rare for the chairman to come back.

Of course, Fang Wu went to do it immediately.

Soon all the senior executives arrived.

Ye Yi and Wei Xin also arrived.

The current Hongtai Group has been completely renewed.

Gu Dong was sent to prison.

The original management of Hongtai Group has also been replaced a lot.

It is all clean.

There are many new faces in the senior management.

Ye Yi immediately announced at the meeting that he had established the Ye Investment Consortium, and Hongtai Group had been transferred to the name of the Ye Investment Consortium.

In other words, it was under the management of the Ye Investment Consortium.

And Wei Xin was the new general manager of the Ye Investment Consortium.

The entire Hongtai Group would be under Wei Xin's management, including Fang Wu.

And Ye Yi appointed Wei Xin as the new general manager of Hongtai Group.

In this way, Wei Xin was the general manager of several groups.

He had absolute control.

Fang Wu, of course, had no objection, and everyone fully cooperated with Wei Xin.

Not only did Fang Wu have no objection, but he was particularly happy!

Originally, he was worried that sending a general manager would squeeze him.

In fact, Wei Xin was in charge of so many groups.

She had no time to squeeze him.

She had no time to compete with him for power. He only needed to cooperate with Wei Xin.

So of course he was happy.

Besides being happy,

Fang Wu was also more determined to cooperate with Wei Xin.

How could he not make up his mind?

Although he was nominally the deputy general manager, it was equivalent to half of the general manager.

Such a good position was hard to find.

So of course he was determined to cooperate with Wei Xin.

Otherwise, if Wei Xin fired him, where would he find her?

Ye Yi soon arrived at Lingyun Group again. He also held a meeting to announce.

Ye Yi announced that Lingyun Group was merged into the name of Ye's Investment Consortium.

Wei Xin was the general manager of Ye's Consortium.

And he also served as the new general manager of Lingyun Group.

Ye Yi asked Tang Niu and others to cooperate with Wei Xin.

Wei Xin had the power of appointment and dismissal.

Whoever disobeyed orders could be dismissed on the spot!

Tang Niu certainly had no objection.

He was eager to repay Ye Yi's kindness.

Of course he was determined to cooperate with Wei Xin.

Although he was only the deputy general manager.

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