But Tang Niu's treatment is better than that of the general manager.

So what can he object to?

Both groups have been taken care of.

Ye Yi is completely relieved.

Then just let Wei Xin manage it.

Ye Yi doesn't need to worry about it.

With Wei Xin here, this behemoth will be foolproof.

Wei Xin's ability is stronger than Ye Yi.

Of course, Ye's Investment Consortium does not have its own office building yet.

Ye Yi asked Wei Xin to buy one herself.

Anyway, the consortium is not short of money now.

Wei Xin nodded of course.

As long as the investment can make money, she will not be stingy.

So she naturally will not refuse.

But there is no office for the time being.

She can only work in Lingyun Group first.

Anyway, the office of the general manager of Lingyun Group is hers.

Tang Niu has moved to the office of the deputy general manager.

Ye Yi of course doesn't care.

With Wei Xin here, Ye Yi doesn't need to worry about it.

So Ye Yi left directly.

But just as Ye Yi drove away.

He received a call from his mother Nulan.


Nulan said happily on the phone.

It was obvious that there was some good news. Ye Yi could tell what was going on.

So he quickly asked what happened.

Nulan happily told Ye Yi the reason.

"Didn't I tell you that your sister Su Qian has returned to Yangcheng? Your aunt Su Xiangzhong and uncle Wang Yun said that it was a rare opportunity for the two families to have people together."

"So I hope our two families can have a meal together."

"The time is this afternoon, you have to come back early."

Nulan explained her purpose of coming.

That's why she was so happy.

Nulan and Ye Dalong liked Su Qian a long time ago.

They always hoped that Su Qian would be their daughter-in-law. But fate played tricks on them.

Now they have a chance to sit together.

Of course she is happy. She also hopes that her son can be a couple with Su Qian.

She used to be very self-abased.

But now her son has made a difference, right? When

Ye Yi heard it, he immediately understood.

It turned out that the two families were having a meal together.

This is also very normal.

Their family and Su Xiangzhong's family are old friends. They used to eat together often.

It has to be said that Su Xiangzhong's family is good.

Obviously, their conditions are much better than Ye Yi's family.

But they have never disliked Ye Yi's family.

They have always regarded Ye Dalong as a good brother.

Even Su Xiangzhong likes Ye Yi very much.

He has said many times that he wants Ye Ye Yi is his son-in-law.

Su Xiangzhong is Su Qian's father.

Wang Yun is Su Qian's mother, the former daughter of the Wang family in Beijing!

Ye Yi thought about it quickly and seemed to have time in the afternoon.

So he agreed.

So Nulan happily asked Ye Yi to meet at the Su family's lakeside villa.

The two families will gather at the lakeside villa this afternoon.

Ye Yi has been to the lakeside villa countless times.

Of course, he hasn't been there since college.

After falling in love with Mina, he and Su Qian rarely contacted each other.

So he hasn't been there.

Of course, Ye Yi has no problem.

In the afternoon, Ye Yi did not drive a high-profile poison.

Instead, he drove a mature and stable Rolls-Royce.

It is also relatively low-key.

So they set off for the lakeside villa.

The lakeside villa is in the center of Yangcheng.

Although it is not in Yangcheng Guoshuyuan, it is definitely a luxury community.

A villa now costs at least two thousand. The starting price is 10,000.

Uncle Su Xiangzhong is just an upright civil servant. He definitely can’t afford it.

This lakeside villa was bought for them ten years ago by Su Xiangzhong’s father-in-law’s family, that is, Su Qian’s grandfather’s family.

The Wang family is one of the giant families in the whole capital.

Even Ye Yi has heard how powerful they are.

Buying such a villa must be as easy as pie.

So it’s not difficult at all.

Ye Yi knew which villa it was.

So he got there quickly. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Ye Dalong and Su Xiangzhong chatting.

After Ye Yi got out of the car.

He looked at Su Xiangzhong and was instantly shocked!

Ye Yi then discovered that Su Xiangzhong was actually also a master of ancient martial arts!

Although he had learned from Fulin that there were many masters of ancient martial arts in the world.

But Ye Yi was still shocked.

He never thought that there was a master of ancient martial arts around him.

And it was Uncle Su who had watched him grow up since he was a child. Uncle.

Do you dare to believe it? And Su Xiangzhong is not an ordinary master, the realm is much higher than Ye Yi!

Shocking is completely shocking..

Ye Yi suddenly became an unprecedented desire.

Ye Yi 's realm.

Stepping into the inner family at any time.

How is it possible? Ye Yi grew up under his watch.

Ye Yi has never been a warrior.

He is still clear about this.

How did he suddenly become a warrior.

And such a terrifying warrior.

Although the peak of the inner family's initial stage is not particularly strong.

Su Xiangzhong is a major general.

He has been in the army.

He has seen too many masters.

But he has never seen an inner family peak of the initial stage in his early twenties.

He has seen the most talented ones.

It takes thirty or forty years to reach this level.

Ye Yi actually reached it at the age of twenty-two.

He couldn't help but be shocked!

Extremely shocked.

Only his talent can explain it.

Of course, after being shocked.

Su Xiangzhong is also a smart man.

He heard that Ye Yi could make a lot of money recently, and he suddenly became a warrior.

He immediately guessed that Ye Yi might have an opportunity!

Suddenly worshipped a powerful master.

That's why he suddenly had all these!

That's why he suddenly made a lot of money and entered the realm of martial arts.

He immediately confirmed it.

And after confirming it,

Su Xiangzhong liked Ye Yi even more!

He liked Ye Yi very much before.

Now he liked Ye Yi even more. He hoped that Ye Yi could become his son-in-law.

A martial arts master with outstanding talent!

There might be a famous teacher behind him!

And he was a childhood sweetheart with his daughter.

Of course he liked him even more. He appreciated him even more.

Ye Yi didn't think so much.

It was as if he didn't see anything.

He called Uncle Su politely!

And Su Xiangzhong didn't mention anything either.

He looked at Ye Yi with satisfaction and nodded.

After all, things like warriors.

It's better to keep it secret from ordinary people.

But Su Xiangzhong has made up his mind.

He must find Ye Yi to ask clearly after dinner.

How did he suddenly become a warrior?

According to Su Xiangzhong's guess.

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