There must be a very powerful master teaching her!

Ye Yi didn't care about these.

He walked into the living room and saw a peerless pretty face.

If Ye Yi had noticed it in the bar that day, he would have found that this girl had appeared on the seventh floor of Bar No. 1.

Unfortunately, she only drank a glass of wine and left with her bodyguard.

Of course, Ye Yi didn't notice it that day, so he didn't know where this girl appeared.

What kind of pretty face is this?

Stunning, a lady from a noble family, well-educated, and generous!

Beautiful to the extreme!

Zhao Lu and Wei Xin should be considered peerless beauties.

At least more than nine points.

But compared with this beauty, they are still inferior!

The most beautiful one should be Meng Yi, whom Ye Yi had seen.

But even Meng Yi is inferior!

If ten is a full score, then the girl in front of him is ten.

It can be seen how beautiful she is.

And this girl is Su Qian.

She is also a childhood sweetheart with Ye Yi.

Su Qian is also looking at Ye Yi at this time. She had seen him once in the bar before and discovered Ye Yi's secret.

So she was not surprised.

Not only that.

After coming back, Su Qian was still curious and specially asked someone to investigate Ye Yi!

If you don't investigate, you won't know.

Once you investigate, you will be shocked.

Ye Yi just appeared out of nowhere.

He actually has hundreds of billions of assets.

And today he has established the Ye Investment Consortium!

A truly giant consortium worth hundreds of billions.

You know, ordinary families only have 100 billion.

Ye Yi has 100 billion in one group.

Of course she was shocked.

And she was shocked instantly.

After the shock, Su Qian was also a smart girl.

She immediately understood what Ye Yi might have experienced in the past few years.

But Ye Yi didn't say it, and she didn't ask.

Su Qian and Ye Yi were childhood sweethearts.

Although she investigated Ye Yi, she naturally had no ill intentions.

She was just curious about the changes in this stinky brother.

Looking at Ye Yi at this time.

Su Qian's beautiful eyes were full of touching and love. She couldn't hide it!

Six years ago, Ye Yi was inferior.

And she also understood Ye Yi's inferiority.

So she chose to let go.

But now Ye Yi has grown up.

Become extremely eye-catching!

Even she is curious.

How much glory has Ye Yi not yet bloomed?

So she won't miss it again.

Su Qian made up her mind.

She must grasp Ye Yi. She must hold Ye Yi tightly this time.

She will not let go this time. She must catch Ye Yi this time!

Ye Yi certainly didn't understand Su Qian's thoughts.

Seeing his childhood sweetheart again, there is indeed a different feeling. Ye Yi used to be inferior.

He didn't dare to face Su Qian.

Su Qian was like a proud girl in the sky.

The moon can't hide her brilliance.

Although Ye Yi and her childhood sweetheart, he never dared to face her.

But at this time, Ye Yi has undergone a huge change.

No longer inferior.

He dared to examine this beauty.

He found that Su Qian was really the most beautiful in the world.

Extremely beautiful.

Of course, when they met again, youth was still beautiful.

Ye Yi and Su Qian couldn't tell what they felt.

But it was like good friends.

Ye Yi took the initiative to smile at Su Qian.

But it was just a smile.

There was no transgression.

"Haha, long time no see"

""Enen, we haven't seen each other for many years."

Su Qian heard Ye Yi's words and immediately looked at Ye Yi and spoke.


Su Qian asked Ye Yi many things like a good friend.

After a while, Ye Yi and Su Qian started chatting happily like good friends reunited.

They talked and laughed and had a very happy chat.

At this time, Nulan and Wang Yun also came out.

Wang Yun was a lady from a noble family.

You could tell at a glance that she was born in a noble family.

She was worthy of being the daughter of a big family.

Wang Yun was also a real daughter of the capital.

The eldest daughter of the Wang family.

Su Xiangzhong was upright and decent at that time.

That's why he was appreciated by Wang Yun!

But appreciation alone was not enough.

It was not enough to be in the eyes of the Wang family.

Ye Yi heard from his parents that the people around the Wang family were real dignitaries at that time.

How could a poor boy...

Catching the Wang family's eye!

It seems that the Wang family still appreciates Su Xiangzhong's talent.

Finally, the old man agreed to betroth Wang Yun to Su Xiangzhong.

When he was a child, Ye Yi didn't understand.

What talent does Su Xiangzhong have? But now Ye Yi understands.

I'm afraid the Wang family appreciates Su Xiangzhong's martial arts talent.

That's why they betrothed Wang Yun to Su Xiangzhong.

Otherwise, how could Uncle Su Xiangzhong win the daughter of the Wang family? In fact, the Wang family was not wrong.

Su Xiangzhong has reached this level before he is fifty!

Wang Yun also likes Ye Yi very much.

She has always hoped that her daughter can marry Ye Yi.

Of course, the mother-in-law likes her son-in-law more and more!

Soon the two families started dinner.

The more Wang Yun looked at her son-in-law, the more she liked him, and of course she couldn't help but speak.

Although Ye Yi is not her son-in-law yet.

But he has long been the first choice.

"Ye Yi, you don't have a girlfriend yet, right? What do you think of our Su Qian?"

Wang Yun is also a straightforward person.

Although she is a lady from a wealthy family

, there is no need to hide anything from the relationship between the two families.

So she asked directly.

Hearing her mother's words,

Su Qian's pretty face turned red. She was so embarrassed. What was she saying in public?

Although she liked Ye Yi very much, she couldn't ask like that.

What if she scared him away?

Su Qian had no choice but to look at her mother and said coquettishly

""Mom, what are you talking about? Let's eat."

Su Qian was speechless.

She had no choice but to look at her mother.

She was indeed very pretty.

Even her coquettish expression was so pretty.

Ye Yi was almost stunned.

Seeing Ye Yi almost stunned,

Su Qian was even more delighted. She couldn't help but feel a little happy. It seemed that her silly brother still had feelings for her. Of course, she was secretly happy in her heart, but she just didn't show it.

Su Xiangzhong rarely spoke.

"Just eat quickly, and let the child handle his own affairs."

Su Xiangzhong smiled.

Although he said so, he liked Ye Yi more than Wang Yun, and hoped that Ye Yi would be his son-in-law.

After saying that,

Su Xiangzhong thought of Ye Yi's talent. A

22-year-old who was at the peak of the initial stage of the inner family was simply unheard of and unseen.

It seemed that only that place had such a level of monster!

Su Xiangzhong was shocked.

He thought of a terrifying place.

That place also gathered the most powerful masters and the most talented masters in the whole of China. Those who could enter there were the most powerful people in the whole of China, representing the whole of China.

Maybe Ye Yi can really be recommended there!

Only there is the final destination for a genius like Ye Yi.

He was shocked.

But in an instant, he thought of it.

He had an idea.

Of course, it was just an idea.

He didn't think much about it.

The banquet ended quickly.

Ye Yi and Su Qian were like good friends.

Their feelings warmed up a lot.

Ye Yi found that many years had passed.

His feelings for Su Qian had not changed.

The banquet was finally over.

Ye Yi didn't talk much.

Instead, he wanted to walk alone with Su Xiangzhong.

Su Xiangzhong wanted it.

Ye Yi had too many secrets.

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