The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 17 College Entrance Examination

That night, Wu Ruobing's family actually invited Lin Li's family to dinner, and they chose the famous Deyue Tower in Su City.

"Today is a celebration banquet for Xiaobing who won the first place in the online audition, and I also formally thank Lin Li for his help."

Wu Yong, as the head of the family, took the lead in speaking.

Zhang Li corrected: "Thanks to Lin Li for his help, and to celebrate Xiaobing's first place."

"Yes, yes." Wu Yong hurriedly agreed.

"Did the program team call you?" Song Wenjie asked.

"We called, confirmed the itinerary for us, and gave us the ticket collection code. We will set off on Wednesday night. Did your family receive it too?"

"I got it. We will be together when the time comes. I asked the program team and we all reserved seats together."

"That's great. Let's go buy some clothes tomorrow. Maybe we can show our faces too."

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow."

Lin Changmin said seriously: "What kind of clothes are you buying? There are so many clothes at home and I don't want to wear them. Your son will take the college entrance examination tomorrow. I have to go to work and you have to accompany me."

Only then did everyone realize that in the past two days, everyone had been focusing on the audition. They never thought that the college entrance examination would be tomorrow.

"My son is already seventeen. It's not like he doesn't know him at school, so he can't go by himself. Besides, even if I go with him, the exam will take more than two hours, so I can't go shopping yet."

Lin Li immediately said: "Mom, you can go shopping tomorrow, I can go by myself."

Wu Ruobing said apologetically: "Lin Li, you have been busy with my affairs these days, so you didn't even review."

"It's okay, I wish it was like this, because if this happens, I will have an excuse if I don't do well in the exam, haha." Lin Li laughed.

Song Wenjie spat: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Lin Changmin criticized: "With your usual grades, who can you blame if you don't do well in the exam?"

Lin Li curled his lips and said mischievously: "I can only blame heredity!"

Everyone laughed.

Lin Li asked Wu Ruobing: "Did you sing anything when you were preparing for the competition?"

Wu Ruobing nodded: "I've thought about it, I want to sing "Thank You for Having You"."

For Wu Ruobing, who loves singing all year round, she is simply a walking repertoire. Regardless of old songs or new songs, there is basically nothing she can't do, and she can sing very well.

Lin Li nodded. He didn't have a song for Wu Ruobing now. This song "Thank you for having you" is very good. It is very suitable for her to sing when she debuted on the stage. After all, so many people like her and vote for her. If this song is sung, everyone will sing it too. Be moved.

"What about you, what are you going to sing?" Wu Ruobing asked.

Lin Li smiled and said, "Keep it secret."

"Bang!" Wu Ruobing rolled her eyes and turned her head. Suddenly she thought of something, turned her head suddenly, and her eyes widened.

"Lin Li, you're not writing an original song again, are you?"

Lin Li smiled mysteriously and said, "You will know when the time comes."

Seeing Lin Li's expression, everyone understood that he really wanted to sing original songs again!

After being stunned for a few seconds, Song Wenjie said first: "Son, please sing a few lines and let us hear whether they sound good or not. Although we don't know how to write songs, we can still understand them. We can give you some advice, maybe it will be better. .”

"Mom, don't worry, my song is definitely a hit!" Lin Li was very confident.

"Just sing a few lines." Wu Ruobing didn't give up.

"When the time comes, you can just listen to it live." After Lin Li finished speaking, he said to the two fathers, "You guys, just watch TV."

Everyone knew Lin Li's temperament. If he didn't sing, there was nothing we could do. When the food came, everyone gave up persuading and started eating.

After dinner, everyone went back together. Because of the college entrance examination the next day, they all rested early.

College entrance examination day, Lin Li's alarm clock sounded in the morning, announcing that it had officially arrived!

Lin Li had been preparing for these three days for the past three years. He originally thought that he would be extremely excited when this day came, but the fact was that he didn't feel anything at all.

On the contrary, all sectors of society are very excited.

The media are gearing up to report on it.

Government agencies are on standby, arranging numerous security guards and sealing off several sections of roads to ensure the smooth progress of the college entrance examination.

The school was even more tense, and all the candidates looked very excited.

Lin Li's admission ticket information was sent to Tang Jun's home a few days ago. Originally, Lin Li was planning to go to school to pick it up, but Tang Jun came to get it, obviously not wanting Lin Li to show up at school again.

Lin Lizheng couldn't help but he didn't want to see Tang Jun's face.

Today, after more than half a month, Lin Li came to school again.

Inexplicably, Lin Li felt like he was in another world.

Outside the examination room, countless candidates and their parents gathered, and they were surrounded by water.

Half an hour before the exam starts, the school gate opens to let students in.

Lin Li found the examination room where he was, but what he didn't expect was that Zhang Cheng was also in this examination room.

When Zhang Cheng saw Lin Li, he sneered and said, "You're a big star, come and take the exam in person. I don't think it's necessary. You're already a big star, so you don't need to take the college entrance exam. Besides, you won't be able to pass the exam."

Lin Li covered his nose and said, "Oh, it seems that a dog fell into the toilet. It stinks!"

Many people nearby were high school seniors and recognized Zhang Cheng. Lin Li's words reminded them of Zhang Cheng falling into the toilet, and they all couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Cheng looked extremely ugly, but he was about to take the college entrance examination, so he didn't dare to cause trouble. He gritted his teeth and sat down in his seat.

Lin Li was sitting right behind him.

At 8:50, two invigilators, a male and a female, came into the examination room. The students immediately quieted down and stood ready.

The faint sound of electricity came from the radio in the classroom, and then began to announce the examination room rules.

"Dear candidates, please pay attention! The rules of the examination room will be read below!"

"1. You are not allowed to bring any books, newspapers, manuscript papers, calculators, mobile phones, and other items other than the stationery necessary for the exam. If you bring any, please hand it in before the exam."

"2. You are not allowed to make noises, whisper to each other, or peek at other people's test papers..."

After the lengthy announcement of the examination room regulations, it was 9 o'clock, and the college entrance examination officially began!

The first session, Chinese, 150 minutes, time 9:00-11:30.

Lin Li's grades have always been average, that is, Chinese is better.

If it weren't for his good grades in Chinese, Lin Li's score would have been at the bottom of the class.

Lin Li panicked for a moment when he saw the questions on the test paper.

Many of these questions are similar to the simulation questions I was given by the system a few days ago!

Some of the questions are the same, some are not the same, but they are also very similar.

Lin Li had only done it two days ago, so he couldn't remember it wrong.

Lin Li's Chinese language scores were not bad to begin with, but looking at it now, these questions are simply too easy!

With excitement, Lin Li quickly finished writing the previous questions.

All that remains is the composition.

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