This time it is a material composition. It starts with a short story. It tells the story of an old king who had no children, so he wanted to find someone to inherit his throne. So he selected many children for testing and gave them some seeds. They went back to plant the flowers and said that in three months, whoever planted the most beautiful flowers would be chosen as the heir.

Three months later, everyone else came with colorful flowers to offer, but only one person's flowerpot was empty. The king asked him why there were no flowers. He said that he watered and fertilized hard every day, and held the flowers while sleeping. The baby just won’t grow.

The king smiled. What he gave them were fried seeds, which could not grow flowers at all. Everyone lied in order to please the king, but he did not, so the king chose this child as his heir.

The title of this composition is to write down my own feelings based on this short story, no less than 800 words.

This material, without analyzing it, requires candidates to write an essay on the theme of integrity.

Lin Li suddenly became more excited. He thought of the article "The Death of Red Rabbit" in his mind, and suddenly cried out: "Ouch!"

The examination room was originally quiet. Unexpectedly, Lin Li suddenly made a sound and everyone looked over.

"Whatever you do, test yourself!"

The examiner yelled loudly, and then said to Lin Li: "You, don't blame me for not warning you. If you make strange noises again, I will disqualify you from taking the exam!"

Zhang Cheng smiled disdainfully and thought: Ugly people really do more mischief!

Lin Li became quiet, thinking that you guys know nothing!

After calming down a little, Lin Li picked up his pen, took a deep breath, and started writing quickly on the test paper.

In the twenty-sixth year of Jian'an (AD 221), Guan Yu went to Maicheng, was defeated and captured, refused to surrender, and was killed by Sun Quan. His mount, a red rabbit horse, was given to Ma Zhong by Sun Quan.


Ma Zhong led Bo Xi back to his home and went to the trough, where he saw the red rabbit horse lying on the ground, neighing mournfully. Everyone was puzzled, but Bo Xi knew it. Bo Xi sent everyone away, stroked his back and sighed: "In the past, Cao Cao wrote "The Turtle is Longevity", 'The old man is in trouble, and his ambition is thousands of miles. In his old age, a martyr is ambitious.' I know very well that you are gracious to General Guan Guan, and I want to follow him. Underground. However, Lu Fengxian died in Baimenlou that day, and he did not see you so dependent on him. Why is he committing suicide today? Doesn't he fail to fulfill your ambition of thousands of miles?"

The red rabbit horse neighed sadly and sighed: "I have heard that when a bird is about to die, its song is also sad; when a man is about to die, his words are also kind." I am lucky enough to meet you now, and I can tell you what I say from the bottom of my heart. In Xiliang, he was later captured by Dong Zhuo. This man was domineering, killed the young emperor, and slept on the dragon's bed. He is actually a Han thief, and I deeply hate him."


Lu Bu was the most dishonest person. He killed Ding Yuan for glory, assassinated Dong Zhuo for beauty, surrendered to Liu Bei and captured Xuzhou, and beheaded his envoy after marrying Yuan Shu. "If a person has no faith, he will not stand." To be named as such a person without integrity is really a great shame in my life!


Chitu Ma cried and said: "I have often heard that Boyi and Shuqi who did not eat Zhou millet were righteous. Jade can be broken but its whiteness cannot be damaged, bamboo can be broken but its knots cannot be damaged. A scholar dies for a close friend, and a man survives because of his integrity. , I am willing to eat Wu millet and survive in this world?" After saying this, he fell to the ground and died.

Bo Xi burst into tears and said: "Things are like this, how can people be embarrassed?" This was later reported to Sun Quan. Quan also cried when he heard about it: "I didn't know that Yun Chang was so honest. Now that loyal and righteous people have been harmed by me, how can I see the common people in the world?"

Later, Sun Quan passed an order to bury Guan Yu, his son, and Red Tuma in a grand ceremony.


Lin Li finished writing more than 800 words in less than 20 minutes.

His father arranged for him to take calligraphy classes since he was a child, and he has been practicing for more than ten years. Therefore, although Lin Li's grades are average, he still has some skills in calligraphy. Paired with this wanton and unrestrained composition, it seems like a kind of enjoyment.

Lin Li read it again and was still impressed by this essay. It was a perfect score for the college entrance examination. The system really gave himself a big gift this time.

After Lin Li finished writing, he turned around and saw that people around him were still frowning and thinking about their compositions. At this time, it was less than an hour before the exam started, and there was still an hour and a half to end.

This is about the same speed as his usual speed, and Chinese language exams always take longer.

The previous questions do not waste time, and a large part of the remaining time is reserved for the composition.

Lin Li's composition had no conception at all. It was written in one go, which naturally saved a lot of time. He didn't even make a single correction.

Of course, Lin Li immediately realized the disadvantages of going too fast.

There is still so much time to come, what should we do?

Lin Li's exams can never be used to check.

"Stop looking around and write your own paper!"

At this moment, Lin Li had become the focus of the invigilator, and he was warned as soon as he turned around.

Zhang Cheng turned around and cast a contemptuous look, as if to say: "This is the college entrance examination, don't even think about cheating!"

Zhang Cheng also deliberately kept his own papers, fearing that Lin Li might steal them.

Lin Li curled his lips, feeling really uncomfortable.

After writing and finishing, but you can't move around, and you can't hand in the paper in advance, then the only thing left is...sleep!

Lin Li then lay down on the desk and fell asleep.

The invigilator wanted to call Lin Li several times, but after thinking about it, he found that there was no such thing as not being allowed to sleep in the examination room regulations. After thinking about it, Lin Li could just sleep as long as he didn't disturb other people's exams. This kind of study was not allowed at first glance. Good student, too lazy to care.

Zhang Cheng saw Lin Li sleeping out of the corner of his eye, and felt even more proud. He felt that Lin Li must have given up on himself because he wanted to copy but couldn't.

Lin Li didn't care what others thought. He knew how well he did in the exam. With the help of the system, he would definitely surprise everyone this time!

It seems that my hard work and staying up late these past two days to study the questions was not in vain.

After a drowsy sleep, Lin Li woke up. His hands and feet were a little numb. When he looked at the time, he saw that there were still more than 20 minutes until the end of the exam.

"Teacher, can I hand in my paper?" Lin Li asked.

The examiner looked at the time and wanted to stop it, but felt that there seemed to be no reason.

"Okay... leave the test papers there and go out by yourself."

The examiner raised his hand, and Lin Li put away his things with a smile and left the examination room.

Hey, my hands and feet are a little numb, so I need to do some exercise.

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