The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 172 Freshman Registration

After nearly three months of vigorous efforts, Lin Li became a very popular star and had many loyal fans.

However, all this was completely over from the moment Lin Li boarded the plane in Kyoto.

My new life is about to begin!

However, what Lin Li didn't expect was that when he came out of the Beijing Airport, he still saw a lot of Royal Guardsmen picking him up!

At least there were more than two hundred people.

The Imperial Guards all wore uniforms and carried banners: The Kyoto Branch of the Imperial Guards welcomes superstar Lin Li to Beijing!

Lin Li was a little funny. The Royal Forest Army has branches in various places...

Moreover, the Imperial Guards are becoming more and more naughty, with banners daring to show off superstars.

After thanking the fans, Lin Li and Song Wenjie took the car to Yenching University.

The driver didn't recognize Lin Li, which made Lin Li feel a little relaxed.

Opening some of the car windows slightly and facing the Kyoto air, Lin Li felt full of energy.

Lin Li also discovered that the air in Kyoto was not as bad as the legend said.

As the capital and political center of the country, Kyoto has a strong cultural atmosphere. Although many film and television and entertainment company headquarters are located here, the entertainment atmosphere here is not very strong.

Lin Li's popularity here is obviously not as good as in Xiangzhou, let alone compared with Su City.

After getting out of the car, Lin Li even took off his mask, and no one recognized him as he walked.

"Don't people in Kyoto watch the draft? It seems like no one knows you."

Song Wenjie was well prepared before setting off, fearing that the fans here would be too enthusiastic, but the current situation made her a little disappointed.

"Although our program is popular, its ratings are only 4 percentage points. It is estimated that less than one-tenth of the people watching TV nationwide. If you calculate this, only one or two out of three to four hundred people in the country will recognize me. Including hot searches, I estimate that at most one or two out of two to three hundred people will recognize me, and since this is Kyoto, many people watch cultural programs and even fewer talent shows, so it is normal not to recognize me."

Lin Li was not surprised. Just like himself, before participating in "The Voice", he recognized almost none of the so-called stars or even champions in the draft except Wen Xin.

In this world, Chinese studies are flourishing, and Chinese people do not just like variety shows and entertainment. Everyone still has a strong love for Chinese studies knowledge and traditional culture.

Some cultural programs are also very popular.

Under the influence of the general environment, it is understandable that "The Voice" did not have a high response in Kyoto. On the contrary, the reputation of Lin Li's "Death of the Red Rabbit" and "Peeping in the Cup" spread more widely in Kyoto.

Song Wenjie and Lin Li quickly arrived at the apartment arranged by Jiang Da.

Jiang Da arranged for them to live in a high-end community with two bedrooms and one living room. It has an elegant environment and exquisite decoration. It is also very close to Yanda University. It seems that they have spent a lot of money.

Lin Li and his son are very satisfied. The community is well managed and they won't have to worry about paparazzi blocking their doorstep in the future.

After settling in and taking a short rest, Song Wenjie took the notice, household register and bank card to school with Lin Li in the afternoon.

It was the first day of school at Yanjing University, and there were many people coming and going.

However, hundreds of imperial guards gathered outside the campus at this time. They knew that today was the registration day for Yanda, and they all came to greet Lin Li.

Most of them are from Kyoto, and a small number of them are students from other Kyoto schools.

The Imperial Guards could not enter the campus, so they could only gather together with banners outside the campus, hoping to encounter Lin Li.

"Let's go in through another door."

Song Wenjie said that there were too many imperial guards and she was afraid that the report would be delayed.

"Forget it, we bumped into each other, let's go over and say hello, it's not easy in the hot weather."

After Lin Li finished speaking, he walked up.

When the Imperial Guards discovered Lin Li's appearance, they became emotional and screamed, attracting many passers-by and the freshmen reporting on them to watch.


"Welcome to Kyoto, boss!"

"Boss, when you don't have class, tell us and we will take you to play!"

"Boss, we all bought your album, please sign it!"

Lin Li took a look and saw that these people were actually holding their new album.

"Okay, everyone, stop being messy and walk to the side. Don't block other people's way. Just line up in an orderly manner." Lin Li said and guided them to the side.

Song Wenjie took out a marker pen from her bag. This pen had replaced her original makeup pen and became one of the things she must bring with her when going out.

Several girls held parasols for Lin Li, and Lin Li signed autographs for them.

Some people who didn't know the truth saw this scene and couldn't help but talk about it.

"Who is this person?"

"I don't know him, he must be a little star."

"Why did you come to the gate of Yan University to sign autographs?"

"Don't you know Lin Li? He's very famous."

"Yes, I was specially recruited to Yanda University by Professor Fang Wenjian. These people must be his fans."

"He is the champion of "The Voice". Haven't you watched that show?"

"Hey, what's so interesting about that kind of talent show? I just changed the channel when I saw it!"

"You know "The Death of Red Rabbit", he wrote it."

"What? Haven't you been looking for the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" for a long time and don't know who it is?"

"It's been reported a long time ago, it's this Lin Li."

"Nah! How about... let's go get an autograph too..."


It took Lin Li more than half an hour to finally sign all the signatures.

"Okay, everyone, thank you for your hard work. Let's go back."

Lin Li walked into Yanda as everyone watched reluctantly.

People on the Yanda campus knew Lin Li much less well. Occasionally, there were a few people who seemed to recognize Lin Li, so they just looked at him twice. A few came up and asked, "Who are you?" Is that Lin Li?" After getting the answer, they just said hello without bothering Lin Li too much, and then went on with their own affairs.

After all, today is a reporting day, and everyone who comes in has their own things to do.

Reports often circulate that big stars come to YSU and are met with cold receptions. There is a natural barrier between this campus and entertainment stars.

Lin Li was not a big star, so it was not surprising that no one recognized him after entering the campus.

This was exactly what he wanted. He could have a good stroll around the campus. Lin Li had already experienced the charm of Yanda on TV. Now that he was in it, he was naturally very happy.

"Lin Li! You are Lin Li!"

Lin Li didn't expect that he would be recognized again before he was happy for a few minutes.

Although the cultural and entertainment atmosphere in Kyoto is not that strong, the students who come to Yenching University to report come from all over the world. Many of them recognize Lin Li, and some of them are even members of the Imperial Guard.

The man named Lin Li at the moment is the Imperial Forest Army.

Her name is Ma Wen.

She has a delicate and delicate appearance, with a little baby fat, and her eyebrows narrow into a straight line when she smiles.

Lin Li smiled slightly after being recognized and said, "Hello."

Ma Wen looked at Song Wenjie beside Lin Li and shouted, "Hello, aunt."

"Hello." Song Wenjie was very happy.

Ma Wen stood in front of Lin Li and stretched out her hand several times. She didn't know whether she wanted to hug him or shake his hand. Finally, she took the luggage from Lin Li's hand and said, "Follow me, and I'll take you to report."

Many university reports will have seniors and seniors to help guide them. Lin Li thought Ma Wen was a senior, so he followed her obediently.

Ma Wen turned back three times at a time and looked at Lin Li with a silly smile, which made Lin Li a little embarrassed.

"My name is Ma Wen."

"I'm as old as you."

"I am also a Chinese major..."

"My home is in Jinling, very close to Su City..."

Ma Wen kept talking and walked for a while. She suddenly turned her head, looked at Lin Li, and said with a smile: "Lin Li, why don't you speak?"

Lin Li smiled awkwardly and said, "Girl, are you taking the wrong route?"

Ma Wen was stunned, looked around, and said with a silly smile: "I was busy talking to you and forgot to look at the road. Come on, come on, I'll take you to the reporting place."

As a result, after walking for a long time, they still didn't see where the registration office was.

A school like Yan University must have obvious instructions when registering, but Lin Li didn't see it all the way. It was obvious that Ma Wen was led in the wrong direction from the beginning.

"Girl, this road seems wrong." Song Wenjie finally couldn't help but said.

Ma Wen looked around and said, "My morning report clearly went like this..."

"Aren't you a senior?"

Lin Li thought she was here to guide his senior, but he didn't expect that she was also a newcomer coming here for the first time.

"I didn't say I was a senior..." Ma Wen mumbled, "Don't worry, I'll find out after asking someone."

After Ma Wen finished speaking, the three of them asked questions while walking, and finally arrived at the registration location.

After registering, completing the formalities, and receiving the military training clothes, Lin Li expressed his gratitude to Ma Wen and prepared to part ways. No matter what, although Ma Wen took him the wrong way, he was also kind-hearted, so he still wanted to thank him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, hehe, Yan Dake is really big."

Ma Wen smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Well, after your guidance, I probably understand a lot now. It's really big."

Ma Wen scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed, and then said, "I'll take you to the dormitory!"

Although Lin Li lives outside, during the military training period, the school will be closed tonight and all students must live on campus. He also got his own dormitory building number.

Lin Li had a headache when he heard Ma Wen volunteering to send her to the dormitory.

"You...are you sure you know where the boys' dormitory is?" Lin Li asked.

"I know, don't worry, follow me, just in the southeast." Ma Wen said confidently.

Song Wenjie was a little upset after hearing this, and said: "How about... let's ask someone else."

After saying that, Song Wenjie stopped a passing student and asked, "Where is the boys' dormitory?"

The man subconsciously pointed to the northwest and said, "Go to the end of this road, just turn around and walk three hundred meters over there."

Ma Wen: “…………”

Lin Li pulled the box, smiled, and said, "No need to bother, we can just go by ourselves, thank you."

How could Ma Wen give up and follow Lin Li and his son all the way.

"I am also a Chinese major..."

"Well, I know, you said it."

"We will be classmates from now on."

"Oh yes."

"My name is Ma Wen."

"You've already said this." Lin Li said with a smile. Ma Wen seemed really excited.

"Let me help you with your luggage." Marvin said.

"I'm a man, so I can handle this small amount of luggage. Thank you."

Lin Li and Song Wenjie came to the gate of the boys' dormitory, thanked Ma Wen again, and then went to the dormitory building.

Ma Wen watched them go in and stood at the door, annoyed at her performance just now. After looking at the boys' dormitory for a while, she left in frustration.

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