The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 173 Boys should protect themselves outside

The dormitory arranged by Lin Li was 404. There was already a person in the dormitory, lying on the bed reading a book.

After Lin Li and his son came in, he moved his eyes, but did not recognize Lin Li, did not say hello, and continued reading.

Song Wenjie made Lin Li's bed and put away his things, then took Lin Li and told him: "Son, you also saw today that there are still many people who know you. You are a boy, so you should protect yourself outside. Do you understand? ?”

After hearing this, the roommate who had been reading took away the book, looked at Lin Li, and glanced at him. There seemed to be a trace of disgust in his eyes, and his expression seemed like he wanted to laugh, but he held it back and continued reading. .

Song Wenjie went back after Lin Li had packed up.

Not long after, another person came into the dormitory, wearing glasses and looking polite.

After he came in, he smiled at Lin Li and the other one, then occupied the bed and made the bed.

Seeing that he didn't recognize him, Lin Li also smiled at him. The other man was still reading a book and had no reaction.

After a while, the dormitory door was kicked open with a bang, and a burly young man with a shaved head came in.

This man has a fair complexion, a cheerful smile, and even a somewhat honest feeling.

"Wow, you are all here, haha, hello, my name is... Huh? Lin Li?"

He seemed to want to introduce himself, but saw Lin Li.

"Oh, hello Yi Linli." The man who came before him smiled at him, "My name is Li Yongjun."

The tall young man finally reacted and shook his head: "No, no, no, my name is not Yi Linli, my name is Fu Tao, and his name is Lin Li."

Fu Tao pointed at Lin Li, still not sure, and asked, "Are you Lin Li?"

Lin Li thought that finally someone recognized him.

"Hello, my name is Lin Li."

"Wow! You are really Lin Li!" Fu Tao roared.

Li Yongjun saw Fu Tao so excited and asked, "Do you know each other?"

Fu Tao said in surprise: "You don't know him?"

Li Yongjun looked at Lin Li and said with some embarrassment, "I don't seem to recognize him."

Fu Tao looked at Li Yongjun as if he had seen a ghost and said, "Yanda is really a bunch of nerds. I don't even know Lin Li. Don't you watch TV?"

Li Yongjun immediately became interested and asked, "Is he famous?"

"Nonsense, in the past few months, I'm afraid there is no one more famous than him. You can find out by searching."

Li Yongjun smiled and said, "Oh, I really haven't paid much attention to other things these past few months because of the college entrance examination."

After saying that, he picked up his phone and started searching.

The man who had been reading silently before secretly took out his mobile phone.

"Lin Li, I watched the finals of "The Voice" and you were so awesome. By the way, there was also the exam that was broadcast live afterwards..." Fu Tao kept talking, pulling Lin Li along.

"Wow! Lin Li, "The Death of Red Rabbit" was written by you?" Li Yongjun suddenly shouted while checking his cell phone.

"What's "The Death of Red Rabbit"? Go and read his "The Man in the Cup", that's awesome!" Fu Tao said with admiration.

Li Yongjun hurriedly picked up his phone and continued to check it.

Suddenly, the young man who had been reading put down the book in his hand and walked over.

With an expression on his face, he walked towards Lin Li and stretched out a hand.

"Hello, my name is Bai Yiming."

"Hello, I'm Lin Li."

Lin Li shook hands with him awkwardly.

"Theoretically, Yu Wenchan calls Uncle Li Yuan, but from today's perspective, they are not actually directly related."

Bai Yiming took out his hand, and after saying this, he returned to his bunk expressionlessly and continued reading.

Li Yongjun looked confused, but Lin Li knew why he said such a thing.

Because the last question Lin Li asked Tang Jun in the extra test was what was the relationship between Yu Wenchan and Li Yuan.

"Actually, I know the answer."

Lin Li laughed and said that at that time, Lin Li told Tang Jun that he did not know the answer, just to make Tang Jun angry. If he could ask this question, he already knew the answer.

It was just that on that occasion, he said he didn't know the answer, which made Tang Jun want to cry more than saying he knew the answer.

Bai Yiming was going to continue reading, but after hearing what Lin Li said, he put down the book and looked at Lin Li again.

"You are quite interesting."

Lin Li smiled and said, "You too."

After some conversation, Lin Li finally had a preliminary understanding of them.

Bai Yiming is from Kyoto, Li Yongjun is from Guangdong City, and Fu Tao, like Lin Li, is a special admissions student.

However, he is a special sports recruit. Fu Tao has won three championships in the National Middle School Games, and also broke two sprint records.

With the blessing of the system, Lin Li is now 180cm tall, but in front of Fu Tao, he is still a little shorter, and Fu Tao is much stronger and feels like he is one size bigger than Lin Li.

The dormitories are arranged randomly, not according to the department. The four people in the dormitory are not in the same department.

Fu Tao didn't need to ask, he must be from the physical education department, Bai Yiming was from the law department, and Li Yongjun was from the finance department.

However, their military training was arranged in the same platoon.

Several people were chatting when suddenly several more people broke in.

The excitement on the faces of this group of people could not be suppressed. When they came in, they asked, "Is Lin Li in this dormitory?"

Fu Tao smiled and said, "Lin Li, it's up to you."

When the group of people saw that Lin Li was really there, they all gathered around.

"Hello Lin Li, we are all half of your fans." The group of people said excitedly, "Can you take a photo with us?"

Lin Li naturally couldn't refuse, so he started taking photos with them.

Then, every ten or twenty minutes, several people would come up and ask for a photo with Lin Li.

Lin Li's dormitory 404 was like a zoo.

"It seems that you are more famous than I thought."

Li Yongjun looked at the many students coming and going and sighed.

Those who can get into Yanda are top academics from all over the world, but not every top academic is a nerd. Many people also have many entertainment hobbies, and they are even naughtier than some poor students.

Among the more than 3,000 freshmen, seven out of ten have heard of Lin Li's name.

About half of the people can recognize Lin Li. Among these half, most of them have an impression of Lin Li as either a hot search maniac, the winner of "The Voice", or the author of "The Death of Red Rabbit" , they treat Lin Li the same way they treat other celebrities, that is, they are just people who have nothing to do with them.

I can't say I like it, nor can I say I hate it.

Some people have only heard the name and have no idea what Lin Li does or what he looks like.

Only a very small number of people like Lin Li, and even fewer of them are members of the Royal Forest Army.

However, Lin Li knew that he had already met one person today, that is the road idiot Ma Wen.

Lin Li also finds this feeling quite new that his classmates are his fans.

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