The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 256 Don’t chase the light, become the light

After watching "I Am a Creator" for a while, Song Wenjie's phone rang, and she went out to the balcony to answer the call.

Ever since Lin Li won the championship in "The Voice", Song Wenjie had been making calls like this for a long time. Later, it got a little better. Now Lin Li has caused such a big incident with the Poetry Association in Kyoto, and in "I Am a Creator" After singing so many songs in the show, Lin Li received more invitations.

Lin Li also knew which program team the call was probably from, so he ignored Song Wenjie and continued to watch the video.

This episode of "I Am a Creator", like the first episode, consists of eight contestants who have finished singing and are divided according to their rankings. Those who will be eliminated will be eliminated in the next episode. After listening to all the songs of this group of people, Lin Li has his own Mental ranking.

In Lin Li's mind, everyone's songs seem to be more mature than those of the contestants in the first half of the season, but the best one is obviously Xu Hanxing.

Xu Hanxing sang a song called "Gentle Country", which was about marriage. He was very thoughtful and used pots and pans in the kitchen for percussion. These kitchen utensils sounded particularly nice under his careful arrangement. His His voice was magnetic, rich, full of vicissitudes of life, and full of fireworks, and won warm applause from the audience.

The result was no surprise. Xu Hanxing deservedly won the first place in this issue and entered the safe zone.

Many people in the barrage began to say that Xu Hanxing was much better than Lin Li and Bai Jingyu, and then all kinds of quarrels and taunts started.

Lin Li looked at the results and turned off the video. He saw that this video had been released for one day and currently had less than 20 million views, which was basically the same as the third and fourth issues.

It seems that even if a number of veteran singers such as Xu Hanxing join in, they will not be able to break the number of views brought to this program by Lin Li's fifth episode of "Anheqiao".

"Have you finished reading?" Song Wenjie asked as she just finished answering the phone.

"finish watching."

"Come on, mommy wants to tell you something."

Song Wenjie suddenly took out a small book, sat on the sofa and said.

Lin Li approached and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What can I do? It's about your recent work."

Lin Li has been receiving invitations to programs since he won "The Voice". However, he currently has a program in the works and has already told his mother that he can only accept one program at a time, and it depends on whether he likes it or not.

Now that half of the season of "I Am a Creator" has passed, there is no need to participate in more than a month. Lin Li can participate in other programs during this period.

"Son, let me tell you about a program that I'm looking for you to watch these days."

Song Wenjie opened her notebook and combed it carefully: "Let's talk about Mango Channel first. Mr. Liang Sheng of Mango Channel recently wanted to ask you to participate in a new program they planned called "Chinese Studies Conference". I asked about it and it was for the Chinese Studies Knowledge Competition. The program doesn’t seem to fit well with us.”

How could they have thought of me? "

Lin Li was also a little curious. He made his debut in the Mango Channel singing competition and was not participating in a cultural program.

"The people from the program team said that they all watched your last live exam and thought you could do it. I don't think there is any need to participate. Liang Sheng is a pillar of Mango Channel. If he comes to invite us, it will be hard for us to refuse. .”

Lin Li nodded and said, "Mom, I have a solution for this. You can continue talking."

Song Wenjie nodded and said: "There is a program on Lychee Channel that contacted us called "The Masked Singer". It seems that it does not show its face. I don't think it is very good. How can you be on TV if you don't show your face? There will be no exposure if you do it. Only the last few guests will take off their masks after guessing it. It’s a little exposed, but it’s not interesting. The ratings of the show are average, but we saved it ourselves.”

Lin Li had a different opinion after hearing this and said, "Go on, what other programs are there?"

"Blueberry Channel also has a program called "If You Love to Sing, You Will Win," it's about singing."

"Kyoto TV also has a singing program called "Who is the Singer?" where students from five or six conservatories sing together and let others guess who the real singer is."

"Then, Tomato Channel also has a program called "Our Song". This program is good, the ratings are also very good, and the appearance fee is also good."

Lin Li asked: "How much?"

"650,000 per phase." Song Wenjie smiled, "Of course, it's before tax and part of the company. We don't get that much, but it's true that your worth has increased."

Lin Li's appearance fee for participating in variety shows has always been set at around 500,000 yuan. Because of his relationship with Tao Yufeng, Lin Li only received 400,000 yuan per episode for participating in "I Am a Creator".

This price is already very expensive among newcomers. Lin Li estimates that only He Mo will have a higher appearance fee than himself in the first half of the season. Others may not have this price.

However, in terms of cost-effectiveness, Lin Li was the most cost-effective among all the contestants in the first half of the season. He almost single-handedly made the show "I Am a Creator" as popular as it is today.

At this time, Channel Tomato was willing to pay 650,000. Firstly, their program had good ratings and they were not short of money. Secondly, they knew that Lin Li was indeed worth the price!

Song Wenjie introduced this program to Lin Li. It was about a combination of new singers and old singers performing some songs. A total of four groups competed.

It can be seen that Song Wenjie still hopes that Lin Li will take this show, not entirely because of the money, but because the show has good ratings and high exposure, and maybe she can get to know seniors in the music industry and expand her network.

"Are there any other programs?" Lin Li asked.

When Song Wenjie saw that Lin Li didn't seem to be interested in the Tomato Channel program, she was a little disappointed and said, "Yes, it's also a network variety show. You definitely don't want to go."

"Oh? What show."

"It's that online variety show that's a little more popular than "I Am a Creator," "Tucao Pai."

"Tucao Pai" selects a main guest in each issue and lets several other assistants make complaints. The complaints are fake, but it is true that various stars with black spots are whitewashed.

Lin Li had watched a few episodes. Although the jokes were okay, otherwise it wouldn't have become so popular, but the program forcibly whitewashed the stars, which Lin Li didn't like very much.

No wonder Song Wenjie said that Lin Li would definitely not want to go.

"That's all?" Lin Li asked.

Song Wenjie nodded and said, "That's all for the near future."

Lin Li seemed dissatisfied when he heard that Song Wenjie was not satisfied and asked, "Mom, isn't it good to have so many program invitations?"

Song Wenjie said: "It's not bad. In the three months since we came to Yanjing, more than 20 programs have come to us. That means we don't pick up many programs, otherwise we would run programs all day long without stopping. I After asking around, this is almost the same as the number of invitations to those second-tier singers, but... the more shows we have, the more they are, it's just... not sophisticated enough, these shows can't be considered real first-tier variety shows."

Lin Li smiled. It turned out that his mother cared about these things.

"Mom, do you know what a real superstar is?"

Song Wenjie was stunned and said, "Real superstars? Aren't there just those few in the entertainment industry?"

Lin Li smiled and said: "The real superstar is the program he is in, which program is the first-line variety show. Those who squeeze in the first-line variety show will never become a superstar."

Song Wenjie did not expect Lin Li to say such words, and said thoughtfully: "Isn't that what he said, don't chase the light but become the light!"

"You can understand it that way."

Lin Li also thought about the programs his mother talked about tonight. They were indeed not first-line variety shows. Most of them were singing programs, which naturally showed that Lin Li was still well-known to the public as a singer.

However, Liang Sheng's "Congress of Chinese Studies" invited him, and it seemed that his cultural attributes were beginning to be accepted.

There is also the program "Tucao Pai". They must have invited Lin Li because of his performance in the "I am a Creator" program.

After a while, Song Wenjie asked: "Son, then...are there any of these programs that you want to participate in?"

Lin Li thought about it. He hadn't decided which one to choose yet. After all, he still had to participate in the "I Am a Creator" finals, and he only had one month to spare.

"Don't agree yet, I'll think about it before I say anything." Lin Li said.


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