Lin Li was in class the next day, and he actually received a text message from Liang Sheng during class.

Liang Sheng: Lin Li, this is Liang Sheng. If you have time, give me a call.

Lin Li also had a very good impression of Liang Sheng, and Liang Sheng was a big brother-level figure on Mango Channel. Xu Zhe had to call him Brother Sheng when he saw him. His status in Mango Channel was outstanding, almost on the same level as the director of Mango Channel.

The debate over who is the first brother of Mango TV between Liang Sheng and Xu Zhe has never stopped, and there are frequent rumors of bad relations between the two.

Someone once asked Liang Sheng who was the first brother of Mango TV between him and Xu Zhe. Liang Sheng's answer was: Xu Zhe is the first brother of Mango TV, and he is just Xu Zhe's big brother.

Very beautiful answer.

Liang Sheng has a high emotional intelligence and a high level of cultural literacy. Most of the programs he hosts are cultural. Occasionally, some entertainment programs have become very cultural because of his presence.

When Lin Li saw this text message, he naturally called him back immediately after class.

"Hello, Teacher Liang Sheng. Sorry, I'm just in class."

"I thought of it. I'm sorry to bother you."

"Don't say that. There are so many people in the entertainment industry who beg you for this text message."

Liang Sheng is a well-known social old-school person. There are no Weibo, Douyin Kuaishang and other popular software. Countless stars have flocked to attract fans. Liang Sheng is not impressed at all, but he is very interested in some cultural heritage. , I actually learned to be a carpenter at home, and made many things in my home by myself.

He looked completely like an outsider.

It is not easy for people in the entertainment industry to curry favor with him, because nine times out of ten Liang Sheng will not reply if you send a text message, but even so, no one dares to say that Liang Sheng is arrogant.

After all, Mango Channel is the leader in entertainment variety shows. Even CCTV has to be ranked second in this aspect. Entertainment variety shows are the battleground for major companies and celebrities in the entertainment industry. For someone like Liang Sheng who has the right to speak, Host, they naturally want to fawn over you in every possible way.

So it's not an exaggeration for Lin Li to say that people in the entertainment industry can't even ask for Liang Sheng's text messages.

After hearing this, Liang Sheng laughed and said, "How many days have you been in college and your mouth has become sweet?"

Lin Li smiled and said, "You should know that what I said is all the truth."

"Haha, okay, don't talk nonsense. I'm looking for you to invite you to participate in a new program I supervise. It's a cultural competition. I wonder if you are free and would you like to participate?"

Nowadays, many TV stations have knowledge-based cultural programs. Chinese studies are still very popular in this world, and the ratings of knowledge-based programs are also pretty good.

Mango Channel has always been the overlord of entertainment variety shows. The market share of knowledge-based cultural programs is not that large. Naturally, they do not want this market cake to be divided up by other stations. So this time, Mango Channel planned for half a year and invited Liang Sheng to be the director. The host wants to ensure that the "Chinese Studies Conference" can become the leader in cultural programs.

This time Liang Sheng is both host and producer, so he naturally values ​​this program even more.

With Liang Sheng's status on Mango Channel, he has no worries about inviting celebrities to the platform, but it is a bit difficult to invite celebrities to participate. Not many celebrities are willing to expose their shortcomings, even though there are many in the entertainment industry If celebrities with academically superior personalities really want to compete on a show, these people will definitely ask the show team to give them a question bank.

And this is not what Liang Sheng wants to see.

So, after much deliberation, Liang Sheng thought of Lin Li. If there was anyone else in the entertainment industry who had this level and the courage to come on his own show, apart from Lin Li, Liang Sheng really couldn't think of anyone else.

It's just that Lin Li was a little surprised when he heard Liang Sheng's invitation. He had shown a little knowledge of Chinese studies during the live broadcast of the exam more than two months ago. At other times, he really had nothing to do with Chinese studies. This type of program tests knowledge reserves, and Most of what Lin Li showed was his creative ability. Lin Li was naturally famous in modern poetry, but it had little to do with Chinese studies, at least not with this competitive Chinese studies program.

Lin Li really didn't know why Liang Sheng wanted to invite him to compete.

Lin Li asked: "Teacher Liang, my mother told me that the program team has approached her, but...I'm afraid my level is not good. I'm really not qualified. If you need a contestant, I can introduce you to one."

"I think you are thinking too much. You are strong enough to participate in the competition. I have done so many programs, and your live exam was an eye-opener for me." Liang Sheng encouraged.

Lin Li hesitated. There was still more than a month until the finals of "I Am a Creator". During this time, he could indeed participate in a show. But when he heard the name "Chinese Studies Conference", Lin Li was a little afraid to agree easily.

Seeing Lin Li's hesitation, Liang Sheng said: "Well, let's do this. For our first episode, can you write a song for our show? We can use it to promote it, and you can come and experience it live. You can decide after watching it, how about it?"

Liang Sheng's move was very exciting. He not only let Lin Li write the song for the show, but also let Lin Li come to watch the game live so that he could make up his mind.

When Liang Sheng said this, Lin immediately saw through it but couldn't refuse. He thought about it and realized that he really seemed to have a suitable song.

"When will your first program be recorded?"

"Recording next Thursday, airing Sunday night."

"Okay, I will record the song for you later. You can listen to see if it suits you." Lin Li said.

"Then it's settled. I'll thank you again after we meet."

"Teacher Liang, you're welcome. I should support your new program."

After the call ended, Lin Li took the time to go to the recording studio in the afternoon to record the song and sent it to Liang Sheng in the evening.

Liang Sheng didn't expect Lin Li to write the song so quickly. He thanked Lin Li and told the program team to listen to it and reply later.

At noon the next day, the people from the program team called Song Wenjie and decided to use Lin Li's songs. They discussed the cost for a while. After the negotiation, they received the tickets from the program team not long after.

In the blink of an eye, Wednesday night came, and Lin Li and his son boarded a plane to Fulan.

Some flight attendants on the plane recognized Lin Li, but out of professionalism, they just smiled at Lin Li, looked at Song Wenjie next to Lin Li a few more times, and did nothing else.

After getting off the plane, someone from the program team held a sign outside the airport to pick her up, but in order to avoid attracting attention, they held up Song Wenjie's name.

The program team took the two of them to the same hotel where Lin Li stayed when he participated in "The Voice".

When Lin Li and his son arrived at the hotel, they remembered a lot of things that happened when they participated in the competition, and they felt a little nostalgic.

The next day, the recording of "Chinese Studies Conference" officially started.

Seeing the familiar Mango Channel, Lin Li was still in a daze. It had been three months since he won the title of "The Voice". In the past three months, Mango Channel had invited Lin Li to participate in the program, but this was the first time that Lin Li had returned to the program. Mango station.

Following the guidance of the staff, Lin Li came to the lounge, and then a staff member came to explain the process to Lin Li. Lin Li just sang a song at the beginning. It was very simple, and there was nothing else to do. After singing, Lin Li could sit in the program. Watch the game from the spectator seats arranged by the team.

Not long after the process was finished, Liang Sheng came in.

Coming in with Liang Sheng was Qiu Tian, ​​the female host of this "Chinese Studies Conference" who was partnered with Liang Sheng.

Qiu Tian is one of the four little flowers on Mango Channel. The problem that Mango Channel has been criticized for is the lack of hosts. Except for Xu Zhe and Liang Sheng, there seems to be no host who can hold up the scene. This is much worse than CCTV. Far.

Therefore, Mango Channel has been promoting new talents. Qiu Tian and the other three female hosts are the focus of Mango Channel's training. They are known as the Four Little Flowers of Mango. Many programs have Liang Sheng or Xu Zhe leading them.

Liang Sheng rarely went to the celebrities' lounge to chat privately with them before the show started. When Lin Li saw Liang Sheng coming, he quickly stood up and said, "Teacher Liang, long time no see."

Liang Sheng looked at Lin Li and said, "You haven't seen me for a long time, but I hear news from you almost every day. You have caused a lot of trouble in Kyoto in the past few months."

Qiu Tian had also heard of Lin Li's name a long time ago, and knew that he almost made the TV show "The Voice" pornographic. Seeing that Liang Sheng valued him so much, she naturally didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Hello, Lin Li, I am Qiu Tian."

Lin Li recognized Qiu Tian and said with a smile: "Hello, I have watched your show and I like it very much."

Qiu Tian said: "I have read your poems and like them very much. We will all memorize your poems."

Lin Li smiled and said, "It's forced by the situation."

"I think it's very good. I won't force you. We don't know when we will be able to see those poems."

Liang Sheng said that he has always liked Lin Li's poems.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then a staff member came in and said, "Brother Sheng, Sister Tian, ​​the studio is ready."

Liang Sheng signaled that they understood, turned to Lin Li and said, "Come over with us."

According to the procedure, at the recording site, Lin Li first sang the show's theme song, and then the host came on stage.

Lin Li nodded and followed the two hosts backstage.

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