The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 265 The hand speed of being single for eighteen years

Amid the discussion among the audience, the third "Chinese Studies Conference" competition officially began!

"This time, Zhang Xingyue came up with the entire question, and even the order of the steps was decided by Zhang Xingyue," Liang Sheng said.

Qiu Tian then said: "Zhang Xingyue, come on, please tell me the first link, which one is going on?"

Zhang Xingyue sat on the ring chair, enjoying the pleasure of being dominated by him.

"Then let's do the riddles first." Zhang Xingyue said, "What I came up with is a word riddle."

The riddle session is divided into word riddles, lantern riddles and pairs. There are thousands of these contents, and even the three tutors may not be able to guess them all. In the first two riddle sessions, both pairs and lantern riddles have been guessed, so this time, Zhang Xingyue An anagram was chosen.

"Okay, the contestants are ready to answer. I want to emphasize that you must wait until Zhang Xingyue finishes speaking before you can start answering. Do you understand?" Qiu Tian said.

The contestants said in unison: "I understand."

Only Lin Li added after he understood what he said: "Wait until he says it before you can answer!"

This sounds like Zhang Xingyue said shit.

The people who heard this couldn't help it and laughed.

Zhang Xingyue didn't think anything when he heard what Lin Li said, but when he heard the audience's laughter, he immediately understood and his expression suddenly changed.

Zhang Xingyue wanted to get angry, but Lin Li was talking about the beginning, and there was nothing wrong with his words. If he got angry, it would really make some people who had not thought about it think about it.

So Zhang Xingyue glared at Lin Li and forcibly held back.

"Haha, we haven't even started yet, and Lin Li is starting to fight now?"

"Oh, you made me laugh so hard. Lin Li is so funny."

"I think Lin Li is a bit too much. He said that on the show."

"Lin Li is right, you are wrong, haha."

"It's still fun to watch it live. This broadcast must have been cut off. I spent hundreds of dollars and it was not in vain!"

"It would be better if the two of them fight..."

"Are you the devil?"


Zhang Xingyue has been preparing questions in the past few days. In order to make his questions very cultured and difficult, it is best to make all the players have a headache or even be unable to answer them, so that he can show his level.

"For the first question, type one word. Liu Bang will be very happy when he hears it, and Liu Bei will be very sad when he hears it. Please answer it quickly!"

Zhang Xingyue was originally going to say "The answering begins", but after listening to Lin Li's words just now, he changed it to please answer.

Based on the experience of the previous two periods, people are not so quick to answer questions like crossword puzzles. Everyone has to think about the answers to these questions.

The questions asked by Zhang Xingyue are the essence of the test questions that his father, a professor at Fulan University, has studied over the years. They are all new questions for the contestants. They cannot have read them in other books, so they cannot answer them so quickly.

However, as soon as Zhang Xingyue finished speaking, Lin Li rushed to answer.

With a beep, the indicator light in front of the Linli platform came on.

The thing that Liu Bang was happy about was gaining the world, and the thing that made Liu Bei cry was the loss of his beloved general. When combined, it is easy to think of one as the death of Xiang Yu and the other as the death of Guan Yu. These two things form one word. Think about it. Just think about it and you will know that it is a feather pawn, which adds up to a green!

This question was good, but not particularly difficult. The contestants should be able to figure it out if given some time. However, Lin Li's mind moved much faster. The other contestants were still thinking about Liu Bang's great joy. The world is here. Lin Li finished answering.

Lin Li discovered that he had an agility attribute bonus. Not only had his body become more agile, but his thinking had also become much more agile. When Zhang Xingyue was reciting, Lin Li's mind was running very fast. When he finished reciting, Lin Li was Got the answer.

"Lin Li, it's so fast." Qiu Tian sighed.

Qiu Tian just sighed casually, but some gentlemen in the audience let out a weird laugh.

Lin Li felt a little strange after hearing this.

"Lin Li, please answer."

Lin Li said: "Cui, emerald green."

Zhang Xingyue's expression changed, and many of the audience and contestants reacted and applauded after hearing the answer.

"Why this word?" Qiu Tian asked.

"Feather pawn." Lin Li said.

Now everyone understood. They suddenly understood and applauded. This question was well done. Lin Li's answering speed was also amazing.

"Zhang Xingyue, do you have any objection to this answer?" Liang Sheng asked, seeing Zhang Xingyue in a daze.

"Oh, no problem, that's the word."

It was just the first question. Although Lin Li answered too quickly, it didn't mean anything. Zhang Xingyue also answered quickly.

"Okay, everyone is ready for the next question, Zhang Xingyue, please continue."

Zhang Xingyue came back to his senses and continued: "The second question, Wanyan Aguda ascended the throne, please answer it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Li rushed to answer again.

Among the players, Huang Mengting and another player lamented, obviously knowing the answer but not grabbing it.

"Lin Li, you are really fast." Qiu Tian praised.

Some people in the audience laughed again.

Qiu Tian didn't realize there was anything wrong with this and continued: "Lin Li, please answer."

Lin Lidao: "Jianjin, so it should be the key of the keyboard."

Lin Li explained it directly, and the audience understood it. This was the answer.

"Zhang Xingyue, this answer must be correct, right?" Liang Sheng said.

Zhang Xingyue nodded with a sullen expression.

"Okay, please continue..."

Zhang Xingyue didn't expect that Lin Li would answer the question he thought was difficult so quickly. If he hadn't asked the question himself, he would have thought it was leaked by the program team.

But now he had nothing to say.

"The third question, wildfire cannot burn out, please answer it quickly."


Lin Li answered the question again!

Qiu Tian looked at Lin Li and smiled: "Lin Li, what speed are you doing?"

Lin Lidao: "The hand speed of being single for eighteen years."

The scene was full of laughter.

Qiu Tian was speechless by Lin Li's words, so she could only say: "Okay, please answer."

"This is the fly head grid in the crossword puzzle, and the answer is Dong Sheng."

Everyone saw that Lin Li not only told the answer, but also the riddle of the crossword puzzle. It seemed that he had done some research, and they couldn't help but burst into warm applause.

How did they know that this knowledge was written in a small booklet that Lin Li used to play word puzzles with the children when he was in elementary school.

The host, like everyone else, did not know the answer in advance, so after Lin Li gave the answer, they would inevitably analyze it.

Qiu Tian analyzed: "I know, wildfire can't burn it all, which means the grass will regenerate. Add it all up, it's Dong Sheng, right?"

Qiu Tian was talking to Lin Li, but Lin Li did not answer her directly. Instead, he asked Zhang Xingyue: "Classmate Zhang, right?"

Zhang Xingyue was a little reluctant, but had to nod.

After three questions, Lin Li had all the limelight.

Zhang Xingyue felt that his previous questions were still too easy, so now he decided to take out the most difficult question in the riddle session.

"The fourth question is a riddle: Zhaojun goes out of the fortress, please answer!"

This question was difficult, and Lin Li did not rush to answer it immediately. Huang Mengting and other contestants also frowned.


One of the players, Sun Jing, pressed the answering machine.

"Okay, finally another player has beaten Lin Li. Come on, Sun Jing, please answer."

Sun Jing hesitated for a long time and said awkwardly: "I...I saw that Lin Li didn't grab it. I thought it was a rare opportunity, so I pressed it...I didn't expect...I wouldn't know how."

Everyone laughed.

Liang Sheng said to Lin Li: "Look what you've done to other players!"

Lin Li didn't answer and pressed the answering machine.

The laughter stopped and everyone looked at Lin Li.

Liang Sheng asked: "It seems you already know the answer?"

Lin Li said: "It's the word wall, wall of walls."

When Lin Li told the answer before, many players and the audience reacted immediately. But this time, after Lin Li told the answer, no one reacted. Even the contestants looked confused. Zhaojun came out of the wall and the wall. what is the relationship?

"Why the word wall?" Qiu Tian asked.

"Wang Zhaojun, whose name is Qiang and whose courtesy name is Zhaojun..."

When Lin Li said this, Huang Mengting, one of the contestants, suddenly turned her head and glanced at Lin Li. She knew the answers to the previous questions, but she was always one second behind Lin Li. But this time, she did it after Lin Li said these words. Only then did I know the answer.

"Zhaojun's departure from the fortress is not a mystery, the mystery is the story contained in Zhaojun's departure from the fortress. A woman who left without returning is the mystery.

It would be better to use this riddle to guess the answer.

If Wang Qiang removes a daughter, isn’t she just a wall? "

After Lin Li explained it, everyone understood it. Everyone understands this kind of thing once it is said, but it makes you think that you may not be able to figure out the answer in your life.

If it weren't for Lin Li's words, many people at the scene would not know what Wang Zhaojun's name was.

This is where the difficulty of this question lies.

Everyone applauded Lin Li for his intelligence and profound knowledge.

Zhang Xingyue was very unhappy. He originally thought of some difficult problems to embarrass Lin Li, but in the end he helped Lin Li, which made everyone think that Lin Li was too awesome and could solve such difficult problems.

I didn’t expect that!

Zhang Xingyue was extremely angry.

Qiu Tian felt a little funny when she saw Zhang Xingyue's face, but she still said: "While everyone is applauding Lin Li, don't forget that this question was asked by Zhang Xingyue. This question is also very good. We also give Zhang Xingyue our applause." .”

Everyone burst into applause, and Zhang Xingyue felt better.

Seeing that Lin Li was also applauding, Qiu Tian couldn't help but ask: "Lin Li, you also think Zhang Xingyue's question is very good, don't you?"

Lin Li nodded and said, "Yes."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard that Lin Li recognized Zhang Xingyue's ability in answering questions.

As a result, Lin Li immediately replied: "The questions he asked are very good, and I know them all."

Everyone laughed when they heard the second half of the sentence.

"Isn't this a mockery?"

"Well, this guy's questions are good, and I know them all, hahaha."

"I can tell that Lin Li is targeting Zhang Xingyue."

"Who made this kid not afraid of death? He secretly mocked Lin Li on Weibo. He must regret it now."

"It's still early. Let's wait until Lin Li wins against Zhang Xingyue."

"It's great to watch. I like the explosive programs the most."

"Look, are there sparks in Zhang Xingyue's eyes?"


When Lin Li said this, Zhang Xingyue naturally lost his temper. Qiu Tian also regretted for a moment. She shouldn't have asked this question. Fortunately, it was recorded.

Liang Sheng didn't think it was anything. Lin Li's performance in "The Voice" was much more hard-core than this.

"Zhang Xingyue, please continue to ask questions." Liang Sheng reminded.

Zhang Xingyue tried hard to calm down his emotions, thought about his question, and said: "When it meets water, it becomes clear, and when it meets fire, it becomes bright. Please answer it!"

Anyone who knows the rules of crossword puzzles in this question knows that the first four characters are the answer to the riddle plus three dots of water or the word "水", which expresses the meaning of "qing". Of course, since there are no subtitles on site, it may also mean "qing" or "qing", and the last four This word indicates that the answer to the riddle is added next to the word "fire" or the word "fire" expresses the meaning of brightness.

The contestants thought quickly, and the audience also started thinking, but no suitable words appeared for a while.

There are many words that add three dots of water to mean clear, light, and leaning, and there are also many words that add the word fire to mean bright, but there seems to be no words that match both.

None of the contestants rushed to answer. According to the rules, if there is no answer within one minute, it will be deemed that no one has answered the question.

Zhang Xingyue felt proud when he saw that the players seemed to have no clue.

It seems that what is lost is gained in the east, this question buried a small hole, and it really stumped the contestants.

After a while, Zhang Xingyue was very happy when he told his answer and saw the admiration on their faces.

One contestant was obviously unwilling to give in. He raised his hand and said, "I have a question."

Liang Sheng said: "What's the problem?"

"When it meets water, it becomes clear. Which one is it? The pure clear, the relaxed light or the tilted."

Everyone suddenly realized that this issue really deserves a closer look. If we can clarify which one it is, we can at least narrow the scope.

However, Zhang Xingyue hasn't answered yet.


Lin Li pressed the answering machine.

Everyone took a breath and looked at Lin Li.

"Lin Li, do you have the answer?"

Lin Li nodded and said slightly mischievously: "Sorry, I know it again."

When everyone heard what Lin Li said, instead of being disgusted by Lin Li's stinky attitude, everyone found it funny.

After everyone smiled, they looked at Zhang Xingyue, the only person in the audience who couldn't laugh.

Qiu Tian was also completely amused by Lin Li's style and said, "Then tell me the answer."

At this time, no one had figured out the answer yet, so they all looked at Lin Li.

Lin Li said: "Climb high."

After Lin Li finished speaking, Huang Mengting and several other players softly praised him.

"Deng adds three points of water, which means Cheng. Next to the word "adding fire" is the word "deng", which is the traditional Chinese character for "deng". Lin Li explained, saving Qiu Tian from asking herself again.

Only then did everyone realize that there was a trap in this question. When everyone was thinking about the answer, due to the inertia of their thinking, the words they naturally used were simplified Chinese characters that they usually read. But one of the answers to the riddle was in traditional Chinese characters. No wonder everyone thought. I haven't found such a word in a long time.

After the answer came out, everyone felt that it was not difficult. Give them some time, and they might also think of traditional Chinese characters. As long as they think of traditional Chinese characters, the answer will be easy to come up with.

What makes Lin Li better than everyone else is that he came up with traditional Chinese characters in such a short period of time.

Qiu Tian looked at Zhang Xingyue and said, "I don't think there is any need to ask. There should be no other answer, right?"

Zhang Xingyue felt angry in his chest. He used to be very happy every time he was mentioned by the host, but now, he always felt that every time Qiu Tian mentioned him, it was like adding salt to his wounds.

Zhang Xingyue glanced at Lin Li and nodded.

The audience applauded enthusiastically.

Judge Ye Zhiyong spoke and said: "Host, wait a moment, I have a question for Zhang Xingyue."

Zhang Xingyue did not dare to be disrespectful to the judges or the host. He stood up and said, "Teacher Ye, please speak."

Ye Zhiyong asked: "Did you come up with these questions yourself?"

Zhang Xingyue was stunned and looked a little embarrassed: "Yes... I produced it. The program team told me on Tuesday, and I have been preparing for it."

Ye Zhiyong smiled and said: "I don't mean anything else. It's just that you answered these questions very well. You obviously put some thought into it. We know that your father is also a literature professor at Fulan University. So in this question, Did I give you some advice on the topic?"

Zhang Xingyue looked even more embarrassed and said, "My dad...he is quite busy, so he doesn't know what happened this time."

Yu Jie said: "It would be amazing if you really came up with it. We couldn't guess the answers to some questions right away."

"Yes, we all have to think about it for a long time, but Lin Li's brain is quick. Not only does he have a good cultural background, he also has a quick mind!"

"Lin Li's performance is indeed wonderful, I have to accept it."

"If I had such a smart child, I would probably wake up with a smile."

Zhang Xingyue: "??"

Zhang Xingyue thought, wasn't he praising me? Why did he suddenly switch to Lin Li?

Liang Sheng also smiled and said to Zhang Xingyue: "I think you can continue to present questions in the next issue, which will be better than those produced by our program team."

Liang Sheng's words were exaggerated, but Zhang Xingyue sounded as if he was sure that he would be eliminated in this issue. In the next issue, he could only give questions and not be the winner.

The next few word puzzles were very simple, and all the contestants almost knew the answers after listening to the questions, but Lin Li was the one who got the answer every time.

The first round of crossword puzzles was over. Lin Li scored 100 points, while the other contestants did not answer any questions.

All the audience were deeply impressed by Lin Li's wonderful performance. This guy can no longer be described as awesome, he is simply a pervert!

Let others play with it! ?

"I didn't expect that we would have such a situation this time..."

After the first round, even Qiu Tian was a little dumbfounded. If it weren't for Zhang Xingyue's question, she really felt that the program team had revealed the question to Lin Li behind her back.

"Three judges, who will comment on everyone's performance in this round?"

The three judges looked at each other and smiled bitterly. How could everyone's performance be so good in this round? Wasn't it just Lin Li's performance?

Yu Jie said: "I have always thought that Lin Li was an entertainment star. After this episode, we have to re-examine him."

Ye Zhiyong also smiled and said: "I hope he can be as brilliant in the future."

Zhang Deming: "I think this is only the first round, and Lin Li may be good at crossword puzzles, so there is such a dramatic scene. Please work hard in the following rounds. I believe there is still a chance."

Zhang Deming said this to comfort him. Compared with the following rounds, the crossword puzzle round is the one that least tests the knowledge of traditional Chinese culture. This crossword puzzle round is more about the players' thinking ability, or IQ.

If you guess the word puzzle well, your knowledge of traditional Chinese culture may not be very strong. At least the other contestants feel that they will not have no chance at all. After listening to Zhang Deming's consolation, the contestants finally regained some confidence and began to welcome the arrival of the second round.

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