The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 266 Why is this show so brain-burning?

After the three judges finished speaking, Liang Sheng said: "All contestants, Zhang Xingyue, please choose the session for the second round."

Zhang Xingyue thought for a while and said, "Let's have a Chinese traditional culture knowledge competition in the second round."

"Okay, let's ask Zhang Xingyue to give the question. Contestants, please start when Zhang Xingyue says it... ah... I'm sorry, I have to repeat this paragraph..."

Qiu Tian's face was slightly hot. For some reason, his mind was filled with what Lin Li had just said, so he couldn't help but swallow his mouth. Like a child who had made a mistake, she looked at Liang Sheng beside her with some fear. , afraid that he would blame himself, but Liang Sheng seemed to be suppressing a smile, and his face did not look angry.

On the contrary, Zhang Xingyue's face turned green and red.

Qiu Tian breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Okay, let's ask Zhang Xingyue to give the question. Contestants, please wait until Zhang Xingyue says please answer the three words before answering, otherwise you will be disqualified from answering the question."

Zhang Xingyue tried his best to calm down and read: "The first question is, savor the taste silently, and shed tears of lovesickness on the towel. What kind of food are these two lines describing? Please answer!"


The indicator light in front of Lin Li's stage came on.

Lin Li once again grabbed the right to answer the question!

Different from the previous exclamation, Qiu Tian was dumbfounded when she saw that Lin Li had grabbed the right to answer the question.

Will Lin Li let other players live?

"Lin Li, please answer." Qiu Tian said.

People who don’t know the original poem will write red beans because of the word lovesickness.

Those who know the original poem will know that it is about moon cakes.

"Mooncakes," Lin Li said.

The audience applauded whether they knew the answer or not. As long as Lin Li said it, they felt it was right.

"Congratulations, the answer is correct!"

"The second question, please listen to the question. On Poetry Ning bows to Fu Weng, which comes from Yuan Haowen's "Thirty-eight Poems on Poetry". Who does Fu Weng refer to in the poem? Please answer!"


The indicator light in front of Lin Li's stage came on.

"Huang Tingjian!"

"correct answer!"

"The third question is, among the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou, who is good at painting ghosts? Please..."


This time it was Huang Mengting who grabbed it.

Everyone looked at Huang Mengting.

"Mengting, Zhang Xingyue, please answer me and you haven't finished yet." Qiu Tian reminded.

Huang Mengting held her head high, not feeling anything wrong at all, and said, "I know, I just want to see if the answering machine is easy to use."

Everyone laughed. It seemed that Lin Li had forced these contestants to press the answering machine in advance.

"It seems to be useful. Unfortunately, you can't answer this round." Liang Sheng said.

"I know." Huang Mengting said.

Qiu Tian said to Zhang Xingyue: "Go on."

Zhang Xingyue continued: "Please answer!"


Still, the indicator light in front of Lin Li's stage came on, and everyone was helpless.

"Luo Pin!" Lin Li said the answer.

"correct answer!"

Zhang Xingyue was very unhappy to see Lin Li taking the lead. At the same time, he was also a little worried. He couldn't stop Lin Li's momentum tonight.

At this moment, Huang Mengting spoke.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say."

The entire audience fell silent and looked at Huang Mengting.

"Come on, little friend Huang Mengting, what's your problem?"

Huang Mengting pointed to Lin Li's answering station and said, "I think there is something wrong with his answering machine. He gets it every time."

Huang Mengting's words revealed the questions in many people's minds. Several times, they knew the answer within seconds, but they were always a beat behind Lin Li when pressing the answering machine. It was unreasonable that Lin Li's answering machine was fine.

Faced with Huang Mengting's doubts, Liang Sheng said: "Our program does not have any shady or behind-the-scenes operations. If you have any questions, you can always ask them. Not to mention other people's questions about Huang Mengting's questions, I am a little suspicious."

Everyone originally thought that Huang Mengting questioned Lin Li in public, and the atmosphere was a bit serious. Unexpectedly, when Liang Sheng said this, everyone laughed.

Liang Sheng said: "But, I am here to popularize the principle of this answering machine. This kind of answering machine relies on electrical signals to forward after pressing the button. Whoever's signal reaches the control center first will have his light on. The electrical signal is The propagation speed is 300,000 kilometers per second, so even if you think the answering machines are pressed at the same time, there is actually an error. This error time is enough for the person who pressed the answering machine in advance to turn on the light."

Liang Sheng explained it, and everyone understood the principle, but they still felt that Lin Li answered too quickly.

After Liang Sheng finished speaking, he smiled and said: "I know, after I have said so much, everyone still cannot eliminate the doubts in everyone's mind. Now, except for Lin Li, you can press your answering machines one by one to see if they are intact. Yes, if it is intact, there should be no problem in theory."

Starting from contestant No. 1, everyone pressed the answering machine one by one, and the lights on everyone's answering desk lit up.

From this point of view, everyone's answering machine was fine. It was indeed Lin Li's hand speed that was faster.

"Lin Li, can you tell me what your skills are for answering questions so quickly?" Qiu Tian asked.

Lin Li couldn't say that he had a system agility bonus, so he said: "The trick... is to press it quickly."

Qiu Tian: "..."

Player: "..."


Liang Sheng smiled and said, "Well, it sounds reasonable."

Lin Li said: "Well, Huang Mengting, let me change places with you, okay?"

Huang Mengting was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

Lin Li looked at Liang Sheng, and Liang Sheng agreed: "Okay, you guys can swap places and see if it's a hand speed problem or a problem with the answering machine."

Lin Li then exchanged positions with Huang Mengting. Huang Mengting touched Lin Li's answering machine and felt that it was different from her own.

"Zhang Xingyue, continue to ask questions." Qiu Tian said.

Zhang Xingyue thought about the question in his mind and continued: "The fourth question, how many reign titles did Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty have? Please grab it..."


This time Tang Zhenlin answered quickly.

"Tang Zhenlin, I'm sorry, you violated the rules."

Tang Zhenlin smiled bitterly and said, "Hey, I can't help it. I just want to tell everyone that I am also a player, not an audience."

The audience burst out laughing. If he hadn't said anything, they wouldn't have noticed that there were other contestants on the stage.

"Okay, now everyone knows that you are a contestant on the stage, but you can't answer questions this round." Qiu Tian said.

Tang Zhenlin nodded helplessly and said, "I know."

"Then, Zhang Xingyue, please continue."

Zhang Xingyue continued: "Please answer!"


This time, Lin Li grabbed it again.

At this time, Lin Li had swapped places with Huang Mengting. The place where he was was Huang Mengting's previous player platform.

Seeing that Lin Li had won the right to answer the question again, everyone was helpless and didn't understand why Lin Li could be so fast!

"Lin Li, please answer."

"11." Lin Li said.

Qiu Tian asked Zhang Xingyue again: "Is this answer correct?"

Zhang Xingyue nodded reluctantly and said, "Yes."

"Okay, Lin Li answered another question, Zhang Xingyue, please continue to ask questions."

Zhang Xingyue asked another question: "Among the standardized Chinese characters, how many characters have only one stroke? Please answer!"


This time, it wasn't Lin Li who finally got it.

The one who grabbed it was player No. 6, Zhang Xue.

The audience exclaimed.

Zhang Xue was also a little surprised, and almost felt like crying with joy.

"Wow, the first contestant to grab the right to answer the question from Lin Li finally appeared today." Liang Sheng said, "Zhang Xue, please answer."

Zhang Xue said: "Four... no... three."

Liang Sheng said: "How many are there?"

Zhang Xue thought for a while and said: "There are three, one, two and a niangun, but it is actually a stick, just one stick, 丨."

Everyone knows the first two, but the last one 丨 is a Chinese character that many people don’t know. Zhang Xue knows this character, which is obviously not simple.

"This character is polyphonic, and the pronunciation is different when written from top to bottom and from bottom to top, which is very interesting."

After listening to Zhang Xue's explanation, everyone applauded. Zhang Xue knew the word and gave such a detailed explanation. It seemed that she was indeed quite good. No one had noticed her before. It can only be said that Lin Li's aura was too powerful.

After everyone applauded, Qiu Tian asked: "Of the four you mentioned before, what is the other one?"

Zhang Xue smiled sheepishly and said, "I thought of the word '了' at first, but when I thought about it, I realized that the word was drawn twice."

Qiu Tian asked Zhang Xingyue: "Zhang Xingyue, is the answer three?"

Zhang Xingyue was also very happy to see that it was not Lin Li this time. His question was to see if everyone knew the Chinese character 丨. Another point was whether everyone would include "了" when they were rushing to answer the question. In fact, Zhang Xue avoided both pitfalls.

"Correct." Zhang Xingyue said.

Everyone wanted to applaud, but when they heard Lin Li say "Huh?", everyone immediately looked at Lin Li.

"Lin Li, do you have any questions?" Liang Sheng asked.

Lin Lidao: "The answer to this question should be four."

Everyone couldn't help but think about what other words to use, but no one came up with it.

Liang Sheng asked: "What other word is there?"

Liang Sheng's question revealed what everyone was thinking. Apart from the three words Zhang Xue said, what other words could be painted in one stroke?

"Radicals don't count," Zhang Xingyue said hurriedly.

"It's not a radical, it's zero."

After Lin Li finished speaking, everyone was confused. The word zero?

"Lin Li, did you say zero? Zero one, two three?" Qiu Tian asked.


"There are more than ten paintings with the word zero," Qiu Tian said. This was also the confusion of the audience.

Zhang Xingyue laughed, this Lin Li was finally going to make a fool of himself.

Lin Li stretched out his finger, drew a circle, and said, "Zero, draw one."

Everyone was stunned, and many laughed, thinking that Lin Li was joking.

Zhang Xingyue even laughed out loud. He felt that Lin Li seemed to be confused.

"Lin Li, are you sure it's 0? These are Arabic numerals, not Chinese characters."

Even Liang Sheng was confused. The question clearly mentioned Chinese characters, but what Lin Li said was too outrageous. It didn't look like something Lin Li would say.

"According to what you said, there are 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9, all in one painting." Zhang Xingyue said with some gloating.

Many people in the audience under the stage nodded and said, "Lin Li didn't get it this time, so it's just nonsense."

"You don't even know the difference between Arabic numerals and Chinese characters."

"Don't make any noise. Listen to Lin Li. I don't think it's that simple."


Lin Li on the stage had very good hearing, so he naturally heard everyone's comments. He smiled and looked at the three judges.

Yu Jie said: "Don't question it yet. We three judges just discussed it. The zero that Lin Li mentioned is not necessarily an Arabic numeral."

Everyone's discussion stopped suddenly, and their faces showed strange expressions.

The three judges whispered for a while, and Ye Zhiyong said: "We just discussed it again and wanted Lin Li to write this word."

Everyone was puzzled. Just now, Lin Li drew a circle in the air. Wasn't it just the Arabic 0? He himself said it was zero, so why did he need to write it down?

I really can’t understand it. Is this show so brain-burning?

Lin Li took out the stylus and drew a complete circle on the clicker.

When everyone saw the words written by Lin Li on the big screen, they found that what he wrote was not 0, because when the Arabic numeral 0 was written, it would normally be an ellipse, but what Lin Li wrote was a perfect circle.

Seeing Lin Li write this word, the three judges laughed, but the others were even more confused.

"This... doesn't seem to be 0?"

"This is a circle. Is a circle also a Chinese character?"

"I don't know, let's see what the judges say."

Liang Sheng looked at the three judges and said, "Teachers, can you tell me, is Lin Li's answer correct? I don't even know now."

Qiu Tian also said: "I am getting more and more confused."

Zhang Deming smiled and said: "The character Lin Li wrote is zero, but it is not an Arabic numeral, but our Chinese character zero. Here I want to explain to you that when a number is used for measurement, the Chinese character for 0 is written as zero. That is, the character for rain is on the top and the character for order is on the bottom. When used as a number, the Chinese character writing form of 0 is like this written by Lin Li. This is not a circle, not an Arabic numeral 0, but the Chinese character zero."

After Zhang Deming explained, everyone was stunned. After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Li turned out to be right!

What 0, Arabic numerals, circles, everything is wrong!

This is the Chinese character 〇!

And it’s all in one painting!

Zhang Xingyue, the person who asked the question, was dumbfounded. He didn't even expect this word to exist!

Lin Li also deliberately said that there was another Chinese character after Zhang Xingyue said that Zhang Xue's answer was only three correct answers. This was definitely intentional, just to make Zhang Xingyue feel ashamed.

The answers given by the person who asked the question are all wrong. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to throw them into grandma’s house?

After a brief moment of astonishment, the audience burst into huge applause.

I originally thought that Zhang Xue was awesome enough, but now it seems that Lin Li is even more awesome!

Zhang Xue, like the other contestants, clapped with a wry smile, only Zhang Xingyue looked like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"This to calculate the score?" Qiu Tian asked Liang Sheng.

Liang Sheng was also startled. Zhang Xingyue said that Zhang Xue got the answer right, but he himself got the answer wrong. The three Chinese characters Zhang Xue said were obviously wrong. Lin Li said four, but he was not asked to answer the question.

Normally, only if a contestant answered incorrectly would it be the other contestants' turn to answer. Lin Li was not the one to answer the question this time. It was obviously inappropriate to give Lin Li 10 points for this question.

"Let's see. Neither Lin Li nor Zhang Xue will score on this question. Lin Li, Zhang Xue, do you have any opinions?" Liang Sheng asked.

Zhang Xue said: "My skills are inferior to those of others. If you give this to me, I don't have the shame to ask for it."

Lin Li said: "I have no objection."

"Okay, that's it, Zhang Xingyue, I hope it doesn't affect you. Please continue to ask questions."

Although Zhang Xingyue got his answers wrong this time, the rules of this issue are that he will set the questions and will not change. There are three judges sitting on the chair. If there are any problems with the questions he asks, they can be corrected in time. After all, this is a recording. Although it may take a little longer, this episode is definitely more exciting.

Zhang Xingyue was also a little disappointed because his answer to this question was wrong. Hearing Liang Sheng continue to encourage him, he felt a little grateful and continued to read the next question.

The next few questions for Zhang Xingyue were not difficult, and there were no more incorrect answers.

It's just that the scene has become a world full of people again.

The contestants didn't know why, but Lin Li was one step ahead of them. Even if Lin Li changed positions, Lin Li still got the right to answer the question.

Little did they know that Lin Li now has 4 points in agility, and his reaction speed is more than twice as fast as ordinary people. Although many people feel that there is no difference between pressing the answering machine in 0.3 seconds and pressing the answering machine in 0.1 seconds, but these 0.2 seconds are in some cases The field is almost an insurmountable gap.

For example, in the 100-meter dash, or in this answering session, 0.2 seconds is a gap between Lin Li and them, so they can only look up at Lin Li.

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