The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 276 The Crazy Program Team

The fourth episode returned to normal, with all the questions coming from the program team.

The first round is the poem question. The gameplay of this period is the same as the first period. 16 words are given on the big screen. Everyone writes the corresponding poems. 16 words, some are easy and some are difficult. The last word : Dragonfly, no poems came to mind after Lin Li read it.

According to the words chosen by the host, ten contestants on the stage quickly wrote relevant poems on the answer board.

"The first word, Chunyu, please start!"

Ten contestants wrote quickly on their clickers.

This Spring Rain is very simple, and everyone can naturally write it.

"Second word, pedestrian, please begin!"


Naturally, the host reported the questions in order from easier to more difficult. The first ten words were not difficult, and only two people were judged wrong due to typos.

"The eleventh word, bamboo stick, please begin."

With this word, many of the players began to think about it.

A minute later, Liang Sheng said: "Time's up!"

As soon as Liang Sheng finished speaking, the freeze frame of the ten contestants' clickers was displayed on the big screen. In other words, if they write on the clickers, it will not change on the big screen, and everyone is The content written on the big screen will be their submission.

Two of them were not written out, and the second player, Ye Biao, actually wrote: Bamboo sticks and mango shoes beat horses easily, who is afraid? A coop of mist and rain will last a lifetime.

Only a small number of people at the scene knew that this poem was written by Lin Li on Weibo before, including Liang Sheng.

"Ye Biao, do you know who wrote this poem of yours?" Liang Sheng asked.

Ye Biao smiled bitterly and said: "I know, but I thought of this sentence when I saw the bamboo stick in my mind. There was nothing else, so I wrote it down."

Liang Sheng explained to the audience: "Some of you may not know that the bamboo stick and mango shoes are better than the horse. Who is afraid? A raincoat and a life of mist are all written by Lin Li on Weibo a long time ago."

Although the audience at the scene were all lovers of Chinese studies, they did not recognize some of the poems written by many lyricists in front of them. When they saw this sentence written by Ye Biao this time, they thought it was some poem they had never seen before, and they were secretly surprised. How come I have never heard of such a good poem?

Unexpectedly, this poem was actually written by Lin Li!

Hearing Liang Sheng's explanation, there was a commotion at the scene, and many people even laughed out loud. Ye Biao actually took a sentence on Lin Li's Weibo as the answer. This is so funny!

Qiu Tian asked: "Lin Li, did he write these words correctly?"

Lin Li nodded and said, "The writing is correct, it okay for him to do this?"

Normally, the words that appear in this link are all ancient poems written by everyone. Occasionally, there are words and phrases from modern and contemporary people and great people, which are also familiar to everyone. Although Lin Li's sentence is very domineering, it is used as an answer. , it seems unreasonable.

Liang Sheng looked at the three judges and said, "Three judges, a very dramatic thing has happened in our program now. Ye Biao wrote a poem by Lin Li. Is this considered correct?"

The three judges discussed in low voices, and Yu Jie asked Lin Li: "I would like to ask Lin Li, is this a poem?"

Lin Li nodded and said, "It's "Ding Feng Bo"."

"Then can you read the entire poem to us?"

When Lin Li won the lottery for the song "Ding Feng Bo", he posted this sentence on Weibo instead of the full version. When he heard the judges asking questions, he picked up the microphone and read:

Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest, why not scream and walk slowly.

Bamboo sticks and mango shoes are easier than horses, who is afraid? A coop of mist and rain will last a lifetime.

The steep spring breeze blows away the drunkenness, it is slightly cold, but the mountain tops are shining slantingly.

Looking back at the desolate place where I came from, there was neither wind, rain nor sunshine.

Lin Li read it calmly and calmly, and others found it very comfortable to listen to it, but the three judges' expressions changed after listening to it.

This poem was broad-minded and elegant, full of openness and boldness, and had a unique understanding of life. They could not imagine that this poem could be written by Lin Li at his age.

This Lin Li is simply amazing!

"This poem is really good!" Yu Jie thought about it for a moment after listening to it, and couldn't help but say, "This poem really needs to be read by someone with some life experience to understand it!"

"I think I can go back and give a lecture on this poem to my students. I dare say that no one alive can write such a good poem!" Ye Zhiyong said excitedly.

Qiu Tian smiled and said, "Teacher Ye, Lin Li is here."

Everyone burst out laughing, as if Lin Li was already dead.

"Have the three judges got their results? Can Ye Biao get the answer right?" Liang Sheng asked.

The three judges whispered for a while, and Zhang Deming said: "We feel that Lin Li's poem is no worse than those written by modern masters, so these masters' poems are acceptable, and Lin Li's poem can naturally be considered correct, but we I want to reiterate that if the contestants can write verses from modern poets, of course they can, but we must judge whether these verses are poetry. If they do not rhyme or are not poetry at all, they will not be considered correct if they are written."

Liang Sheng said: "Then, congratulations to Ye Biao, you got this question right!"

The audience applauded one after another, while Ye Biao looked like a student who was confused about the subject, a little proud and a little embarrassed.

Qiu Tian smiled and said: "It seems that it is useful to check Weibo more often, especially Lin Li's Weibo!"

The audience laughed again.

"Lin Li, in the first issue, your song became the title, and this time your lyrics became the answer. I would like to ask you how you feel now?" Liang Sheng asked without losing the opportunity.

Everyone laughed when Liang Sheng said this. The fate between Lin Li and this show is really special.

Lin Lidao: "I just want to see how the program team can play with me."

The audience laughed loudly. Liang Sheng and Qiu Tian looked at each other and said, "Okay, let's continue the competition. The twelfth word..."

Half of the contestants failed to write the twelfth word, and only two people wrote the thirteenth word.

"The fourteenth word: Mooring cable, please start answering!"

After reading this word, the other contestants all frowned and thought about related poems. Only Fang Yurong wrote it out immediately.

"Time's up!" Liang Sheng announced that time was over. The big screen showed that only Fang Yurong had finished writing. Two contestants had written half a sentence, and both of them were wrong.

Fang Yurong wrote: The passenger boat is moored next to the willow shade, the shadow of the lake invades the canopy and the night air is cool.

No one has heard of this poem, not even Liang Sheng. Let’s take a look at the three judges.

"Yes." Yu Jie said.

Liang Sheng looked at the half-sentences written by the other two contestants on the big screen, and there were still traces of erasure, and asked: "Li Yao, what do you want to write, tide leveling cable?"

The player named Li Yao said awkwardly: "I only remember these four words, but I don't remember the others."

Fang Yurong asked: "Do you want to write, the tide is born, the tide is flat, the cable is tied, the tide falls and the song returns, this sentence?"

Li Yao nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, yes, that's it!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing this. Seeing that this meant poems that no one could write, Fang Yurong could write at least two!

This is not a player of the same level at all!

Liang Sheng became curious and asked Fang Yurong: "Classmate Fang Yurong, take a look at what Li Jiaxin wrote, "How many times do you need to tie the cable?" Which one do you think he was going to write?"

Fang Yurong said without thinking almost: "It should be the sentence in Zhou Bida's "Remembering the Yonghe Brothers" by Zhou Bida. Once the Wu sail is hung, the distance will not be measured. How many times will the mooring be tied? I don't know if it is?"

Li Jiaxin looked at Fang Yurong in surprise, then nodded in admiration and said, "Exactly."

Fang Yurong once again said a poem that the contestant had not written, which shocked everyone. This Fang Yurong is already so powerful!

Everyone applauded vigorously to express their admiration.

"Okay, only Fang Yurong answered this question correctly, the fifteenth word: Luan Yu, please start!"

Other contestants could write half a sentence of the previous words, but after this word came out, other contestants could not even write half a sentence.

Only Fang Yurong is writing.

"time up!"

What Fang Yurong displayed on the big screen was: Luan Yu walked out of Qianmen Liu, and looked back at Shangyuan flowers from the pavilion road.

Liang Sheng said: "Classmate Fang Yurong, I would like to ask, how many other poems can you write that contain Luan Yu?"

Fang Yurong thought for a while and said, "There aren't many, just two songs."

Fang Yurong said it in an understatement, but these words set off huge waves in everyone's hearts. I originally thought that the players' level was very high this time, but in front of Fang Yurong, the gap between them seemed a bit big!

The sixteenth word: dragonfly, everyone didn’t even know how to pronounce the last word before the host read it. When other contestants saw this word, they immediately abstained, but Fang Yurong still wrote it.

Destiny comes from the news, but the dragon has nothing to do with love.

Poetry is Fang Yurong's strength. These words that are very uncommon to ordinary people are often seen in books for Fang Yurong.

Just like when elementary school students read high school classical Chinese, they always feel that there are many unfamiliar words, but when college students read it, they are actually very simple.

After Fang Yurong finished writing, the scene was naturally excited. This method appeared in the first issue, and the best contestant at that time only wrote 13 words. This time the 16 words were even more difficult than last time, and Fang Yurong wrote all of them. Come out!

And Fang Yurong exceeded the target, which is really shocking!

The audience applauded enthusiastically. She was worthy of being Fang Wenjian’s granddaughter. Everyone found that Fang Yurong was very focused when answering questions, and she also felt unfazed. She exudes the quiet temperament of an ancient lady, and her handwriting is even more beautiful and elegant. As a person, everyone loves him endlessly.

"Is Fang Yurong the number one winner this time?"

"It's just the beginning, but I think it's stable."

“There’s something unfathomable about her.”

"Fang Wenjian's granddaughter is so awesome."

"The Royal Forest Army should be considered the most awesome group of fans in the entertainment industry, right?"

"With such good looks and talent, this young lady will become popular after the show airs."

"Definitely, but it's a pity that she is from Yan University, otherwise I would definitely have to go to her school!"

"Just to know how it compares to Lin Li?"

"Although Fang Yurong is very powerful, I think there is still no way to compare with Lin Li."

"I really like her, I really want to see her in the next issue, but... I also really like Lin Li, what should I do!"


Liang Sheng announced: "The poetry section is over. Fang Yurong is in first place with 100 points, and Li Jiaxin is in second place with 90 points..."

After reading the scores of all players, the second round began.

The second round is the riddle round, and this round is lantern riddles.

Because Lin Li was too unfaithful in the last round and did not give other contestants a chance, the program team took into account the mood of other contestants. Starting from this issue, there will no longer be a rush to answer the lantern puzzles. Instead, everyone will write it out after reading it, and then judge the correct answer. Or not, points will be added according to the ranking in the end.

The scope of the lantern riddle test is wider than that of word puzzles. The word puzzles are only Chinese characters, while the lantern riddles can include anything, daily necessities, animals and plants, etc.

But there are still rules to follow, and people with a little bit of thinking can easily guess it. However, in order to distinguish the strength, the program team must be making it more and more difficult. The first question is obviously the easiest.

"The first question, Daxinganling, hit a star." Liang Sheng read out the first question.

After Liang Sheng finished reading, the big screen displayed a countdown. Depending on the difficulty of the question, the countdown time would be different, with a minimum of 10 seconds and a maximum of 30 seconds.

This first question lasted for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the big screen displayed the clicker freeze-frame images of the ten contestants.

Three people didn't write it out, one wrote it wrong, and the other six people all wrote Lin Li.

The audience laughed one after another. There are many forests in Daxinganling, and the answer is indeed that there are many forests.

"Lin Li, they all wrote your name. Do you think this is the answer?" Qiu Tian asked.

Lin Li is the biggest highlight of the show, and they don't want Lin Li to be out of the camera during the previous contestants' competition.

Lin Li laughed and said, "I used my songs and my lyrics before. I just said I wanted to see how the show crew would play with me. Now they are using my people as the topic. The show crew is crazy enough."

Lin Li's words obviously admitted that the answer was himself, but he said it so witty that the audience naturally burst into laughter.

"Well, the program team is naughty enough, and the answer is Lin Li." Liang Sheng announced with a smile after reading the answer.

"Okay, contestants, please listen to the questions. For the second question, double eagles, type an idiom, please start!"

After hearing this question, Lin Li thought for two seconds and realized that with the word "Double Diao", the left half of "Double Diao" and the right half of "Diao Diao" can be combined into a difficult word. This idiom should be a dilemma.

This question is not difficult. When the time was up, one contestant failed to write it, and everyone was in a dilemma.

"The third question. I am worried about the rain in Nanjing. Please take a moment to try and answer the question..."

Lantern riddles also have rules. For example, this question is actually a word riddle. Nanjing is the lower part of the word "京". The small character "heart" is the center of the word "hurry". "彐" means "彐" under the rain, which is the word "snow". When added together, The answer to this question is Xiaoxue.

Of the ten contestants, nine wrote about light snow and one wrote about rain.

The riddles continue...

Twenty minutes later, the riddle session ended. Fang Yurong got all the answers and was still ranked first.

After two rounds, Fang Yurong has scored 200 points, while the second place Li Jiaxin has only 160 points.

The third round is Chinese traditional culture knowledge quizzes. This time there are rush-answer questions, which are all a bit difficult.

Fang Yurong was not as fast as Lin Li. Although she could do it well, she didn't have Lin Li's hand speed and couldn't get them all. However, she did get a few difficult problems and she still ranked first.

After three rounds, Fang Yurong scored 300 points. The second place has changed hands, but it is only 240 points. The score is getting bigger and bigger.

Qiu Tian was also excited and said, "It looks like our champion this time is about to be announced."

Although there are still two rounds left to compete, looking at the first three rounds, Fang Yurong's strength has been confirmed, especially those difficult problems that she knows well. The person who is attacking this period no longer thinks twice.

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