The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 277 Answer the question bank!

Then in the idiom section, an idiom will appear on the big screen, but it will not display all of it, only part of the four characters will be displayed, allowing the contestants to guess what the idiom is.

The Chinese character session is still dictation.

In these two rounds, Fang Yurong was also full of firepower and won first place in all.

Lin Li's performance in the last period was a classic, forcing other players to have no room to perform. Although Fang Yurong is not so perverted this period, the confidence and calmness she exudes are also impressive.

At the end of five rounds, Fang Yurong won by far 100 points ahead of the second place!

After Liang Sheng saw the result, he announced loudly: "I declare that Fang Yurong wins and will challenge the challenger Lin Li next!"

Everyone applauded enthusiastically. They were very excited because they were about to see such a strong Fang Yurong face off against Lin Li.

Lin Li was very calm, because Fang Yurong's victory had long been expected by him.

"The Chinese Studies Conference welcomes the most beautiful contestant!"

"Hey, shouldn't the one with the best looks be Lin Li?"

"I'm a straight man and I like Fang Yurong!"

“Classmates fall in love and kill each other, it’s so beautiful!”

"This young lady is going to be popular!"

"I want to join the Royal Forest Army and see if I can get to know this young lady!"

"Hahaha, I mean so too!"

"Is Lin Li in danger?"

"Yeah, it seems possible. Both of us like it. What should we do?"


The other contestants left the field, and Liang Sheng asked the champion Lin Li to come to the field.

"Lin Li, this is your classmate and your fan. She is here to challenge you today. Do you have anything to say?" Liang Sheng asked.

Lin Li said: "If you come out to hang out, you will have to pay it back sooner or later. I'm ready."

Everyone laughed, and Qiu Tian asked Fang Yurong: "Classmate Fang Yurong, do you have anything to say to Lin Li?"

Fang Yurong thought for a while and said, "I will try my best to defeat you."

Defeating Lin Li was the purpose of Lin Li asking Fang Yurong to come here. Lin Li would not let go. Fang Yurong was not absolutely confident that she could win against Lin Li, but she would naturally do her best according to Lin Li's request.

"Okay, our program team will only have one session in this challenge, which is Chinese traditional knowledge quizzes. There is no limit to the number of questions. Each of you two will answer one question until one of the two parties fails or answers incorrectly. "

Originally, the Challenger Challenge consisted of one question for each theme, with a total of five questions. Generally, the winner would be determined by three or four questions. Naturally, the program team made this change in the hope that Lin Li could appear for a longer period of time, otherwise Lin Li's time on the screen would be too short. , the ratings are not good.

This change was notified to all the players before the game, and Lin Li and Fang Yurong nodded to express their understanding.

"The scene is quiet, the Challenger Challenge begins now!"

"Lin Li came first. There is a poem by Wang Anshi, 'The spring breeze is green again on the south bank of the river, when will the bright moon shine and I return it'? Where does he want to return it?"

Lin Li replied: "Jinling."

"Correct, Fang Yurong, please listen to the question. Where is the city described by Su Qin as 'car hubs hit, people shoulder-to-shoulder rub shoulders, folds of clothes form a curtain, lifts of sleeves make a curtain, and sweat turns into rain'?"

Fang Yurong replied: "The capital of Qi is Linzi."



Liang Sheng read a question, Lin Li answered a question, then Qiu Tian read a question, and Fang Yurong answered a question. Occasionally, he stopped to let the three judges comment on the questions to popularize their knowledge.

However, as Liang Sheng and Qiu Tian read out more and more questions, everyone was surprised to find that neither Lin Li nor Fang Yurong made any mistakes, and they basically answered in seconds.

Moreover, the two of them were expressionless throughout the whole process, and they seemed to have no emotional fluctuations at all. It really felt like a master, a master, a master.

One question...

Two questions...

More than ten questions......


The audience could no longer remember how many questions had passed, and the two of them had yet to decide the winner!

"Correct, Fang Yurong, please listen to the question. If you want to do everything well, you must ask the three elders. What do the three elders mean?"

Fang Yurong replied: "San Lao should be the official name of the township official."

"correct answer!"

After Liang Sheng announced that Fang Yurong was correct, he did not continue to ask Lin Li questions or ask the three judges for advice. Instead, he looked at his hand card and said with a smile: "Friends in the audience, are you wonderful?"


the audience chorused.

"Now there is a small problem..." Liang Sheng shook the card in his hand like a playing card and said with a wry smile, "The questions in our hands have been answered!"

The entire audience was in an uproar. This was the first time such a situation had occurred in the four episodes of the program. Lin Li and Fang Yurong were too strong!

"Don't worry, everyone. We have asked the staff to retrieve the question bank urgently. The competition will continue immediately. Please wait patiently." Qiu Tian reassured.

Liang Sheng said: "Let's take advantage of this time to record the scene of the commercial."

After speaking, Liang Sheng and Qiu Tian took this time to record some words for commercials in front of the camera, and then everyone drank water and went to the toilet.

After this challenge was changed to a traditional Chinese knowledge quiz, the program team had prepared a lot of questions. The program team felt that the questions given to the host were more than enough because they felt that the questions were all-inclusive. Even if Lin Li did not make any mistakes, the challenge After completing more than thirty questions, I will definitely fail.

However, to the surprise of the program team, today's challenger Fang Yurong was too strong.

Fortunately, the last program used questions from Zhang Xingyue, and the program team still had a lot of stock, so the program team rushed to print the questions on hand cards and brought them to the stage to give to the host.

After waiting for more than twenty minutes, the program continued.

"Okay, our staff has sent the latest and most complete questions to our two hosts. Now let's continue answering questions!"

Liang Sheng held a thick stack of cards and felt a little emotional. Lin Li said that Fang Yurong was better than him. Liang Sheng knew it was true, but he never thought that Fang Yurong would be so strong.

Liang Sheng even began to worry that Lin Li would really lose.

"Following the previous order, Lin Li will come first this time. Please listen to the question. How old is the 'Cha Shou'?"

"108 years old."

"Fang Yurong, please listen to the question. Who is the person who passed Shaoguan and grew old overnight?"

"Wu Zixu!"


Lin Li and Fang Yurong started answering questions back and forth again. Just like before, both of them basically didn't think about it. They answered quickly and without expression, as if they had become emotionless answering machines.

Liang Sheng and Qiu Tian had fewer and fewer questions, and their cards became thinner and thinner. Finally...

Bottomed out!

Liang Sheng looked helplessly at Lin Li and Fang Yurong, then looked at the audience, raised his hand and said: "As you can see, they have not finished answering the questions we have this time. They have put our program group on the first stage this time." The question banks for this issue and the next issue were all answered!”

Qiu Tian exclaimed: "You two are really monsters!"

The audience at the scene also exclaimed. Lin Li and Fang Yurong had answered seventy or eighty questions back and forth, but there was still no winner. This was really killing the question maker!

"Damn, I thought the last episode was great, but I didn't expect this one to be even more exciting."

"This Fang Yurong is too strong!"

"I always thought Lin Li was very strong, but I didn't expect him to be so strong!"

"These two are monsters!"

"Who are the students of Yan University?"

"I'm so impressed. I think it's a tie between the two."

"Yes, there are two champions. The contestants in the next period choose who they challenge."

"No problem, what should I do with the show crew now?"


Qiu Tian looked at Liang Sheng and said, "What should I do?"

There are no questions now. It will definitely take more time to wait for the questions, and it is easy to be imprecise. And I don’t know how many answers Lin Liao and Fang Yurong can answer. If there are no questions that they can’t answer, won’t they have to record until tomorrow? ?

After all, Liang Sheng encountered many unexpected situations. He thought for a while and then came up with an idea. He said: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to me. I have an idea. Let's see if it works. I also asked Lin Li and Fang Yurong for their advice. Opinion, one of them is attacking, thundering, and the other is defending, motionless as a mountain. We are full of questions now, why not let them do it by themselves. Fang Yurong comes up with questions and Lin Li answers them. Lin Li comes up with questions and Fang Yurong answers them. Let’s see. How about your spear being sharper or his armor being stronger?"

Liang Sheng knew that the people on the program team were far inferior to Lin Li and Fang Yurong, and it was too difficult for them to come up with questions that stumped Lin Li and Fang Yurong.

Lin Li and Fang Yurong were classmates and were familiar with each other. They might know each other's weaknesses and find the other's blind spots.

As soon as Liang Sheng finished speaking his suggestion, the audience burst into cheers.

This drama of falling in love and killing each other is really rare to see in cultural programs, let alone two such strong people.

Liang Sheng is indeed an experienced host. In such an embarrassing situation, he actually came up with such a good plan, which turned the situation around and made the program more interesting.

Neither Lin Li nor Fang Yurong expected that they would be asked to ask questions, and they were slightly stunned.

Lin Lidao: "Before, my songs and my people were used to set the questions. Now, do you want me to set the questions directly?"

Lin Li's words caused laughter in the audience.

Qiu Tian also smiled and said: "Yes, who made you two so perverted! I feel a headache for the question writer of our program team."

"Okay, now it's my turn to have a headache. I don't know what classmate Fang Yurong can't do." Lin Li said helplessly.

Fang Yurong smiled and said: "I have a few questions. Based on my understanding of you, I'm afraid you won't know how to answer them."

When Lin Li heard this, he became happy and said, "Then let's get started!"

Seeing that Lin Li was so eager to defeat, everyone burst into laughter.

"Everyone allows you to think for a while, and then according to the order just now, Fang Yurong will ask questions first." Liang Sheng said.

Fang Yurong said: "I can do it."

"I can do it too," Lin Li said.

Seeing that both of them had agreed, Liang Sheng said: "Okay, then Fang Yurong will come up with the question first."

Fang Yurong asked: "Excuse me, why is the other half said to be a cuckold when a partner cheats, instead of being called a cuckold of other colors?"

Lin Li thought for a while and realized that he had never paid attention to this issue in all these years. He smiled and said, "I haven't studied this matter!"

The audience all laughed after hearing what he said.

"I won't." Lin Li thought for a while and said firmly.

Everyone's smiles froze. This question was relatively easier than some of the previous questions. Many people in the audience knew the answer, but Lin Li didn't know the answer.

"Lin Li, you really don't know how?" Liang Sheng sounded worried when he heard Lin Li said no.

"I really don't know how." Lin Li said.

Everyone in the audience did not expect that Fang Yurong would grab Lin Li's weak point as soon as he spoke. They originally thought that the two of them would not know how long the fight would last, but as soon as it started, Lin Li was defeated.

"Hahaha, if Fang Yurong speaks out in person, Lin Li can't stand it anymore!"

"Lin Li was too fast this time!"

"I told you to be careful what you say. If you say that, I will think wrong!"

"I don't understand either. Does this cuckold have something to do with Chinese studies?"

"Of course it does matter. It seems to be a rule of which dynasty this is."

"If you ask a straight man such a question, no wonder Lin Li can't answer it."

"Oh, Lin Li must have lost now, what a pity!"

"It's not a pity, it's not a pity. From now on, "Chinese Studies Congress" will still look good, and Fang Yurong is also very good-looking!"

"Fang Yurong is too strong!"


Liang Sheng, Qiu Tian and the three judges were a little caught off guard by the result. With Lin Li leaving, the program would definitely be affected. However, Lin Li and Fang Yurong answered nearly a hundred questions back and forth in this episode. This section has become a classic moment in all cultural programs. .

Before Lin Li left, he brought a character like Fang Yurong to the program team. The future programs will not be too ugly. Moreover, Fang Yurong has a good image and temperament, and his strength is unfathomable. It is also possible to replace Lin Li and become the iconic character of the program team. Unknown.

"I really didn't expect that the competition between the two lasted for so long, but everyone felt that the end was too fast..." Liang Sheng said with some regret.

"If possible, we really hope to see you fight for another three hundred rounds!" Qiu Tian said.

"Lin Li, do you have anything to say?" Liang Sheng asked.

Lin Li smiled, showing no sign of the sadness or frustration after the failure: "I feel that both Fang Yurong and I have won. We both got the results we wanted."

Liang Sheng smiled and said, "How much do you want to leave our show?"

"I can't help it. I have to study the cuckold thing when I get back."

After Lin Li finished speaking, everyone laughed again.

"Fang Yurong, tell me why he is a cuckold and not a blue hat or a black hat." Qiu Tian reminded.

Fang Yurong said: "There are many opinions on this issue. The most preferable one is the regulations written in the Yuan Dian Zhang of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty stipulated that the relatives of the parents of prostitutes must wear green turbans to distinguish them from good people. Later, this system disappeared, but the cuckold A legend has been passed down.”

Lin Li continued: "No wonder I don't know."

Many people at the scene who knew the term cuckold were dumbfounded after hearing this.

Liang Sheng then asked three judges to comment on the entire competition. Naturally, the three judges praised Lin Li and Fang Yurong again and again.

This recording lasted for more than four hours, but when it ended, everyone was still unfinished.

After completing the recording, Liang Sheng organized the show and invited the three judges and Lin Lifang Yurong to have dinner.

After eating, Lin Li and Fang Yurong returned to the hotel to pack their things and boarded the evening flight back to Kyoto.

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