The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 339 Counterfeiting everywhere!

Lin Li woke up and went to class at Yan University.

In the break class, a few students who liked Wuhei were chatting together, and suddenly one of them said loudly: "Damn it, look at station D, the big devil has come up with a new trick!"

"What? Really or fake?!"

"Really, the number one broadcast today is, you see, it is ranked with this Satan again."


Five people gathered around and watched on their mobile phones.

The video on Station D was a recorded video of Satan’s live broadcast. The five students couldn’t help but marvel while watching it.


"Sure enough, I didn't expect that the teleportation was online!"

"Cut the line of troops and send the tower away, haha!"

"Level 2 Go to the high ground, what are you doing?!"

"Eating three lines of troops! How will my teammates survive?"

"As expected, I got scolded, haha!"

"I guess they'll taste really good later!"

"Awesome, this is a much higher level than the opponent, and the economy is much higher. It's just crushing!"

"It's just that my teammates are a bit miserable, haha."

‘Wow, yes, yes, kill by force! ’


"666, five kills!!"

"The devil is so terrifying. Did you see that Wu Zetian and the blind man followed the route marked by him?"

"Yeah, it's too strong!"


"Haha, my teammates really smell good!"


E-sports fans are often more excited when watching games than football fans. These five people watched a live broadcast and shouted louder than anyone else in the classroom!

This is not the first time they have done this, and everyone is used to it.

After this live video, there are also scenes of Satan canvassing for votes.

"I really want to know who the big devil is!"

"Let's go to Weibo Night and vote for Satan!"


While those classmates were talking, Ma Wen shouted: "What's going on with you guys? I asked you to keep your votes and vote for Lin Li, but you want to rebel!"

Several students laughed and said: "Lin Li has so many votes, he will definitely not worry about winning. This anchor will not be able to do it. We have to support him!"

"No, what kind of bullshit anchor can you compare with your classmates? How good is Lin Li? You must vote for Lin Li!" Ma Wen was very domineering. She was very popular in the class, but once Lin Li's problems were involved, she changed her mind. Extremely domineering.

Those students were about to give in when Lin Li said, "It's okay. Just vote for Satan. Satan and I are considered acquaintances."

When those students heard what Lin Li said, they hurriedly said: "Ha, I just said that with Lin Li's votes, he must have a lot of votes from us!"

After that, they went to Weibo Night to vote for Satan.

"Satan is okay. There are 13 finalists, and he ranks eighth."

Lin Li was stunned, thinking that when he played with him last night, he was only ninth, but today he is eighth. It seems that the publicity effect last night was good.

After the students voted, they started a long quarrel about who would play Athena that night.

"I'm going to play black after school, and I'm going to play Athena!"

"Come on, I've played with Athena, let me do it!"

"I'm the strongest, I'm here to play, I will definitely take you away!"

"I, Athena, am a thief!"


Lin Li was listening to something funny not far away. He silently opened Station D and watched the video above. Sure enough, Satan's live broadcast last night ranked first, and three of the top ten videos were about death streams. An introduction to how to play Athena.

The views of these videos are so high, it goes without saying that there must be more people playing Athena in the game.

Lin Li was watching the video, and Ma Wen sat down, looking a little angry.

Lin Li thought they didn't vote for him and Ma Wen was angry, so he smiled and said, "I don't deserve their votes!"

"I'm not angry about this!" Ma Wen said angrily.

"Then what are you angry about?"

Ma Wen looked at Lin Li, her eyes a little distressed, and hesitated for a moment before saying, "You will definitely know anyway, so I'll just tell you. Do you know Fan Zhou?"

Fan Zhou has been a well-known anti-counterfeiting fighter on the Internet in China over the years. He has been fighting online for several years without missing a beat, winning every battle, defeating countless celebrities and companies, and has a large number of fans online.

Chinese people deeply hate being deceived and harmed by counterfeit goods. Fan Zhou has won the recognition of countless people after several successful crackdowns on counterfeiting. Now, with such a preconceived impression, many people think that what Fan Zhou has done is Everything he said was for the people and he was absolutely trustworthy.

In the eyes of Fan Zhou's fans, what Fan Zhou said is the truth!

Of course, Fan Zhou’s reputation today was also gained by his crackdowns on counterfeiting.

Fan Zhou became famous six years ago when he questioned on the Internet that a certain dairy industry added bone-building milk protein and insulin-like growth factor to its products. However, these two raw materials were not included in the standards for use of food additives and may be harmful. After the outbreak, relevant departments conducted an investigation, and the results were as Fan Zhou said.

A certain dairy company was fined a huge sum of money and its reputation collapsed. However, Fan Zhou's position in the eyes of netizens was suddenly established.

In the following years, Fan Zhou would take action once or twice every year, and each time the commotion was quite big.

For example, Fan Zhou questioned on the Internet that a certain host on Lychee Channel had faked his academic degree, but it was found out that it was true, and the host was eventually fired.

There have been many such achievements over the years, and Fan Zhou's reputation on the Internet has also grown day by day. It is natural that Lin Li would not know him.

"You know there is this person, what happened?" Lin Li asked Ma Wen.

Ma Wen still seemed a little angry and said, "He hit you on the head this time when he cracked down on counterfeiting!"

Lin Li was stunned and said, "Take my leave?"

"Yeah, it pisses me off."

Lin Li saw that Ma Wen didn't reveal the reason for a long time, so he searched it on his mobile phone.

The origin was that Fan Zhou posted a Weibo post last night, talking about what happened at Lin Li's New Year's Eve party.

Lin Li is also praised online these days for rescuing 32 missing firefighters at the New Year's Eve party.

However, Fan Zhou likes to target people and companies with great online reputations.

Anti-counterfeiting fighters naturally like to watch the people they admire so highly being pulled down by them, so that they can feel a sense of accomplishment!

In short, this time, Fan Zhou targeted Lin Li.

It's no wonder that there are so many things about a guy like Lin Li that are unbelievable. Fan Zhou, who is known as a fighter against counterfeiting, will not let him go.

Fan Zhou posted on Weibo last night that Lin Li didn't see any fire-resistant gloves at the Mango Channel New Year's Eve party. He deceived the national audience and was a fame-seeking person!

Naturally, Fan Zhou cannot talk nonsense, and there is evidence of him on Weibo.

Fan Zhou posted a lot of screenshots on Weibo. These were live broadcasts of 32 missing firefighters after they were rescued. Fan Zhou marked their palms one by one with red circles.

Apparently, all 32 firefighters were wearing fire-resistant gloves.

In other words, it was impossible for Lin Li to see a firefighter's fire-resistant gloves falling on the edge of the stone wall he mentioned!

Lin Li was obviously deceiving the audience when he said this!

On Fan Zhou’s Weibo, there are several screenshots of chats with lifeguards. They said they did not see any fire-resistant gloves left on the ground during the rescue.

With complete witnesses and material evidence, the evidence is ironclad. Fan Zhou said on Weibo that Lin Li was undoubtedly lying to the national audience!

Fan Zhou has more than 30 million Weibo fans, more than Lin Li. This Weibo was a big news in the country two days ago, so this Weibo has been on the hot search list and is now ranked second.

Fan Zhou is cracking down on counterfeiters!

The hot search point is Fan Zhou's Weibo. There are more comments than ever under Fan Zhou's Weibo, with a total of more than 300,000 comments.

The comment with the most likes is this.

"I've always liked you, but this time I stood up to Lin Li. Lin Li made a mistake and saved more than 30 heroes. His merits are immeasurable. You told the truth. In addition to proving your sharp eyes, you also pretended to be a famous person. I’ve gained you some fans and reputation, what else can I get?”

Lin Li felt very relieved after reading this comment and being voted number one by netizens.

However, many people below held objections and felt that it was indeed outrageous for Lin Li to lie in public and call a deer a horse.

Lin Li left a message on Fan Zhou's Weibo. Lin Li said: "I did not see any fire-resistant gloves, but I think it is not important. As long as the result is good, Mr. Fan Zhou is a fighter against counterfeiting, so he should focus on Focus on things that deserve attention."

After Lin Li finished speaking, many people immediately saw it.

"Haha, Lin Li begged for mercy, our Lord Fan Zhou is so powerful!"

"Lin Li was scared when he met Fan Zhou!"

"Is Lin Li asking Fan Zhou to let him go?"

"Why do I think Lin Li is mocking Fan Zhou for doing something serious?"


Fan Zhou also saw Lin Li's reply soon. There were too many people who liked the first post. Fan Zhou felt that he had worked so hard to find evidence but was said to be useless. Moreover, so many people liked it, and now Lin Li came to ridicule him. To put it bluntly, this made Fan Zhou, who had never dared to offend him, very unhappy.

Fan Zhou replied to Lin Li: "Since you said you didn't see the fire-resistant gloves, why did you dare to say that you saw the fire-resistant gloves on the satellite TV live broadcast? You know what the consequences would be if no one was there. How dare you say that? Isn't it early?" Do you know the firefighters are there?"

Lin Li didn't pay much attention to the previous content of Fan Zhou's Weibo. He really didn't see the fire-proof gloves at first, and he just panicked to make everyone believe that there was someone there.

But Fan Zhou's reply made Lin Li dumbfounded. Fan Zhou asked Lin Li if he had known about that person for a long time. This was obviously misleading. After hearing Fan Zhou's words, netizens might think that Lin Li planned this. Everything, and these 32 missing firefighters are acting with Lin Li to deceive the national audience!

Although anyone with some brains can see that this is impossible, Fan Zhou is a well-known figure with 30 million fans, countless crazy fans, and countless followers. Even his guesses will be regarded as the truth by countless people!

"Oh my God, no way, this kind of thing is just for show?"

"It's impossible for firefighters to risk their lives for a show, right?"

"Maybe he wasn't injured at all and just bribed the main people in the hospital."

"I'll go, Fan Zhou is really pretending!"

"Lin Li has such means?"

"It's definitely impossible to bribe the officials, but with just a few firefighters and doctors, it's really possible."

“The capital in the entertainment industry is so powerful that you can’t imagine it!”

"Conspiracy theories are too cruel!"

"This matter is indeed bizarre. It would be much easier to understand if there was a script!"

"Fan Zhou has been successful in cracking down on counterfeiting for so many years. This time Lin Li also said that he didn't see it. It seems that there is really a mystery!"

"Anyway, I believe in Fan Zhou!"


After Fan Zhou asked Lin Li something that was very misleading to netizens, the comments on this Weibo completely changed.

There are many anti-fans on the Internet. They only believe in the results they want to see. The truth or falsehood is not important to them at all.

Lin Li's anti-fans are having a hard time these days. They are praising Lin Li everywhere, so they have been holding back their energy for a long time. Now that Fan Zhou is here, they seem to have a backbone and they all jump out.

Fan Zhou's followers and Lin Li's fans together turned Lin Li's story of saving people into a conspiracy and a performance.

At noon, Lin Li discovered Fan Zhou's reply, and countless followers of Fan Zhou and black fans of Lin Li were pouring out of his Weibo account, crazy about the rhythm.

As far as Lin Li was concerned, it was okay for Fan Zhou to say that he had deceived the national audience, but it was not okay to secretly slander the firefighters who almost cost their lives!

This is the bottom line!

Lin Li immediately replied to Fan Zhou: "Mr. Fan Zhou, you are a well-known person. It is a good thing to crack down on counterfeiting, but do not implicate innocent people, especially heroes who almost sacrificed their lives for the country and the people. I hope you can delete the misleading words. Thanks."

Lin Li's reply was instantly liked by countless people, but many people also laughed at Lin Li for being cowardly.

Lin Li has always had a very tough image online. This time he surprisingly relaxed his posture and relaxed, making countless Fan Zhou followers feel proud.

Even Lin Li is afraid of Fan Zhou, which shows how powerful Fan Zhou is!

Worth bragging!

But they don't know that the reason why Lin Li is like this is just because he doesn't want the matter to get too big. If this kind of thing is seen by the firefighters, no matter how hot the mountain fire is, they can't feel the warmth in their cold hearts!

Not long after, Fan Zhou replied to Lin Li: "Are you guilty of committing a crime? Why should I delete those words? Isn't it okay to question them? It's okay if I delete them. Go to Weibo and tell the story about directing and acting!"

Seeing Fan Zhou's reply, Lin Li felt angry in his heart.

Another person who refuses to listen to good things!

Direct and act by yourself?

A celebrity who fights against counterfeiting, there is no evidence that he directed and acted?

Fan Zhou's previous doubts would be misleading, but these words are obviously based on his speculation without any basis!

If Fan Zhou’s doubts in his previous reply were just human nature, then Lin Li’s reply to him deleting these misleading words would obviously have reminded him that you are not an ordinary person, you are a public awareness officer in the fight against counterfeiting, and your doubts are very strong. The hint element will make countless people think that this question is also something you want to crack down on. This will misunderstand countless people and be unfair to those firefighters.

Moreover, there are many Lin Li sunspots on Fan Zhou’s Weibo who are blackmailing Lin Li and the firefighters. It is impossible for Fan Zhou not to see them.

But Fan Zhou's tone obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with him, and he even ordered Lin Li to "surrender" in an orderly tone!

He sounded like he must submit to his anti-counterfeiting authority!

Lin Li was very disappointed. He had only heard of Fan Zhou by name before and was not very clear about some of his specific content in fighting counterfeiting. Lin Li naturally welcomed the fight against counterfeiting, so he was naturally happy to have people like Fan Zhou exist.

However, today's contact gave Lin Li a more in-depth and comprehensive view of Fan Zhou.

At the beginning when Fan Zhou was cracking down on counterfeiters, Lin Li didn't see the fire-proof gloves. Lin Li felt that he was a little too full. There were so many meaningful counterfeiters in the world, but instead of taking advantage of them, he found fault with himself and said some misleading words.

After Lin Li reminded him, instead of reflecting, he began to use his anti-counterfeiting authority to order Lin Li to act, completely disregarding the truth of the facts!

Thinking about it now, Fan Zhou didn't care at all whether the fake fight was meaningful or not. He only cared about whether the fake fight could establish his prestige!

This can be seen from the fact that he ordered Lin Li to post on Weibo that he directed and acted in the play.

As a public figure in the fight against counterfeiting, the core of Fan Zhou's work is not purely to fight against counterfeiting, but to fight against counterfeiting of any kind. It must be counterfeiting from famous celebrities like Lin Li, because this is the most topical. If he wins, his prestige will be even greater. .

Perhaps Fan Zhou's original intention was to expose fraud, and he worked tirelessly to learn relevant knowledge and collect evidence. However, after he became famous, he has been burdened by today's fame and fortune.

Now Fan Zhou is just a fame-hungry person who only cares about his own success and failure, and does not care about the life and death of others!

For such a person, Lin Li felt that he no longer had to have illusions and be less polite to him.

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