The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 340 She quite likes you

After seeing Fan Zhou's true nature clearly, Lin Li suddenly realized something serious.

If Fan Zhou had lost his original intention a long time ago, would there have been some unjust, false and wrong cases in his fight against counterfeiting over the years?

Lin Li used his mobile phone to search Fan Zhou's anti-counterfeiting cases over the years, and checked everything in detail.

Fan Zhou has been involved in several cases of fraud every year for the past six or seven years, mostly related to academic fraud and food safety.

It's rare to take a break from entertainment stars. This time, he didn't know what happened, but he targeted himself.

However, after getting to know more about it, Lin Li also confirmed his thoughts. In the past two years, Fan Zhou was very professional in cracking down on counterfeiting, with detailed content and sufficient evidence, and he told facts and reasons. Basically, the people and companies he eliminated in those two years were all Despised by the whole people.

At that time, Fan Zhou was known as a fighter against counterfeiting.

Even three years ago, Fan Zhou suffered retaliation for cracking down on counterfeiting. He was beaten by hired thugs and was almost disabled.

Since then, Fan Zhou's style of fighting counterfeiting seems to have changed. He no longer pursues factual evidence, but begins to stalk the other party at all costs until he is completely unable to stand up.

Therefore, in the past two years, there has been a lot of controversy over Fan Zhou's anti-counterfeiting campaign. Although Fan Zhou has won victory after victory with his strong fans and national favor, it has also overdrafted Fan Zhou's credibility.

Moreover, over the years, Fan Zhou has been in trouble due to his crackdown on counterfeiting, and many people have begun to question Fan Zhou's methods and purposes of cracking down on counterfeiting.

After reading these materials, Lin Li even felt that the reason why Fan Zhou chose him this time was because of someone behind it!

In other words, someone wants to deal with Lin Li!

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, and many people are actually potential competitors. If Lin Li is too sharp and has a good reputation, it will harm the interests of certain people, not to mention Lin Li has offended many people.

Therefore, Fan Zhou's crackdown on counterfeiting Lin Li is just the tip of the iceberg. Under the ice, the forces to deal with Lin Li have already been formed.

Of course, these are just some of Lin Li's guesses, but Lin Li's guesses are much more reliable than Fan Zhou's.

At noon, Jiang Da called.

"Lin Li, regarding Fan Zhou's matter, Lawyer Posen wants us to sue him for infringement of reputation. Lawyer Posen said we will definitely win."

Lin Li laughed after hearing this. In the past, when celebrities stopped rumors, they only received warning letters from lawyers. It seemed that they had no other means except this. Lin Li did not want to do this.

"Don't worry, let me get to know this Fan Zhou well before talking."

Jiang Dadao: "Fan Zhou is not easy to mess with, so be careful."

"Oh, I, Lin Li, am easy to mess with?" Lin Li said.

Jiang Da smiled and asked a little excitedly: "What, do you mean you want to beat him?"

Lin Li also laughed and said, "I just think that since he has been cheating for so long, it's time for someone else to take his vacation away from him."

"Does he have any excuses to fight?" Jiang Da asked.

"How do you know if you don't fight?"

Jiang Da advised: "You have to think clearly. Fan Zhou has been invincible in recent years. He has many fans and believers."

"What, are you scared?"

Jiang Da immediately raised his voice: "Fart, let me tell you, I can't help you in terms of resources. I can't help you when it comes to things. No, I can't help you with a hundred. Just wait and watch me make a big news for you." !”

Lin Li smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be waiting for your news."

"Don't worry, did you forget that we teamed up to do Tianyun last time, haha!"

After Jiang Da finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Lin Li remembered the time when the two of them fought against Tianyun. At that time, Jiang Da was responsible for collecting and Lin Li was responsible for releasing the information, which created a big drama.

It's quite interesting now that I think about it.

However, this time Fan Zhou has a better reputation than Tian Yun and cannot be taken lightly.

Fan Zhou's followers saw that Lin Li didn't say anything on Fan Zhou's Weibo, and Lin Li's Weibo was also silent, so they all thought that Lin Li had given up, and their emotions were high for a while.

"Lin Li is scared. Let me just tell you that if you bully the weak, you will be afraid of the strong. If you meet Fan Zhou, our anti-counterfeiting fighter, you won't dare to be tough!"

"Be a guilty thief!"

"Please Lin Li apologize to the people of the country!"

"I have long disliked Lin Li and his team. Support Fan Zhou!"

"Hit Lin Li!"


Naturally, the Imperial Guards quarreled with them, and both sides were full of gunpowder.

On, countless passers-by began to discuss whether Lin Li directed the play at the New Year's Eve party, and some netizens began to discuss whether Lin Li would be ruined in the end.

Netizens took Fan Zhou's question as a real statement.

Fan Zhou’s influence in cracking down on counterfeiting is indeed huge!

That night, Lin Li's family relationships and upbringing were exposed by some people. Fortunately, Lin Li had not done anything bad, otherwise anyone in the entertainment industry would not be able to sleep.

Netizens' eyes were all focused on Lin Li, trying to find any clues that Lin Li directed the New Year's Eve party drama.

Lin Li finally understood why Fan Zhou had been so successful in cracking down on counterfeiting over the years. It was because he was not alone. He only had to question a word, and the entire network would focus on the other party, and all the dirt on the other party's background would be revealed. It's all exposed.

Many times, Fan Zhou's success in fighting counterfeiting does not rely on his own real evidence, but on netizens' in-depth knowledge. Sometimes Fan Zhou's victory is not in the field where he fights counterfeiting, but on netizens' in-depth work on other aspects of the opponent's problems, such as corruption. , peach news and the like.

In short, no matter what method he uses, the people or companies that Fan Zhou cracks down on counterfeiting are eventually knocked down, and Fan Zhou is credited with credit for this. Even though the opponent's downfall has nothing to do with the content of his crackdown on counterfeiting, everyone likes to take credit. For Fan Zhou, it is regarded as his contribution to eliminating the bad apples for the broad masses of people.

This is not a bad thing, but it would be very scary if Fan Zhou used his influence to exclude dissidents and suppress others.

Lin Li did not feel that he was the first person to bear an unjust injustice. Fan Zhou must have also questioned others in the past few years, but there were cases where netizens concluded the case without any real evidence.

Lin Li searched for many cases, and it was not until night that Lin Li saw a case of fraud involving a leukemia patient that Fan Zhou had filed a year ago.

Lin Li had heard about this news, but he was busy with studies at the time and had no time to care about these things, so he didn't know much about what happened, so Lin Li read the records of the incident completely.

After reading this case, Lin Li had a hunch that something was wrong!

What happened was that at the beginning of last year, the editor of a small website called Jiandao posted a request for help on Weibo. The content was probably that a little girl named Zheng Ruoqing on their website had cancer and needed help.

Under the request for help on Weibo, the editor of Jiandao website posted the anti-cancer diary that Zheng Ruoqing had written on the Jiandao website over the past six months.

The content of the diary is very touching, and there is also a photo of a very beautiful girl named Zheng Ruoqing. However, due to chemotherapy, the girl has shaved her head, but the girl in the photo is smiling brightly.

This Weibo was very influential at the time, and many netizens were immediately moved and asked for the account to be released, and netizens asked for donations!

Zheng Ruoqing's Weibo was also found. Although there was no anti-cancer diary of Zheng Ruoqing, there were some photos and words of her life from a long time ago.

Then, Fan Zhou started cracking down on counterfeiting.

Fan Zhou questioned this matter as soon as he came up and made a hot search!

The most popular one to buy is the Jiandao website!

The Jiandao website is a small forum for writing mood records. It has always been tepid. Fan Zhou questioned the simple use of such things for advertising.

Because of Fan Zhou's huge prestige, netizens instantly believed in Fan Zhou. They hated the Jiandao website for using such things to advertise and cursed him endlessly. This incident naturally involved Zheng Ruoqing.

Zheng Ruoqing was also regarded as the website's trustee and was scolded by many netizens.

Later, the editor of had no choice but to issue a statement, saying that the website had indeed bought hot searches and hoped to use this incident to increase the popularity of However, Zheng Ruoqing was not hired by the company, and her diary was published on the website by herself. Yes, the company selected her because of her interesting performance, not because of her.

However, after admitted its behavior, the focus of everyone's attention was no longer Zheng Ruoqing's condition. No one cared about the authenticity of Zheng Ruoqing's condition. They felt that took advantage of the kindness of netizens and scolded bloody head.

But Fan Zhou did not let Zheng Ruoqing go. He later started to give evidence, saying that Zheng Ruoqing's illness was also fake. He also compared the writing style of Zheng Ruoqing's diary on Weibo and Jiandao. It was obviously inconsistent. He also found information about Zheng Ruoqing's marriage proposal on a marriage website. I decided that Zheng Ruoqing was hyping herself up too!

Then Zheng Ruoqing's personal Weibo and all the chats in Penguin Space were leaked. Many of Zheng Ruoqing's jokes with her friends were posted by Fan Zhou as evidence that Zheng Ruoqing wanted to be famous and hype herself up.

The final result of this incident was that the reputation of the website Jiandao collapsed, and it was not long before the website was completely closed due to poor management.

At that time, Zheng Ruoqing deleted all the diary text on Weibo and, leaving only one Weibo post: Just pulled out the needle, dear you, I will be grateful for everything good and bad. Thank you all for your love and slander. I envy you for your life with such strong vitality.

Zheng Ruoqing quit Weibo, and naturally everyone thought she had a guilty conscience.

The matter ended here, saw through the trick, and the entire network criticized it verbally and writing. Zheng Ruoqing quit Weibo, and there has been no news since. Fan Zhou once again won a big victory!

However, after reading what happened online, especially Zheng Ruoqing's last message, Lin Li had an even stronger premonition.

There is definitely a problem with Fan Zhou’s crackdown on counterfeiting!

Fan Zhou's typical method of fighting counterfeiting in the later period was all based on his subjective judgment, asking netizens to dig deep for evidence, deny it completely after grabbing the pigtails, and then force the other party to admit defeat and apologize!

This is exactly the same as Fan Zhou’s crackdown on counterfeiters this time!

Lin Li called Bai Yiming's father, Bai Sen, and asked him to check where Zheng Ruoqing lived. Lin Li wanted to see Zheng Ruoqing and see how she was doing.

Berson is the legal advisor of Lida Entertainment. He is also a famous lawyer in Kyoto. Needless to say, there is no need to talk about interpersonal relationships.

After listening to Lin Li's words, Person immediately agreed.

After Poson signed a lawyer contract with Lida Entertainment, he never contributed any help. At this time, Lin Li encountered Fan Zhou. Poson's entire law firm was on standby, and he would naturally handle this matter.

Lin Li took leave the next day and waited for news from Berson.

The news about Bai Sen came early in the morning. Zheng Ruoqing was from Qindao. After Lin Li found out, he directly booked a plane to Qindao.

It was winter now. Lin Li was packed tightly and went to the airport without being recognized by anyone along the way.

After getting off the plane, Lin Li took a taxi according to the address. Half an hour later, Lin Li showed up at the address Berson gave him.

In front of Lin Li is a tube building. Today is a working day and there seems to be no one around.

Lin Li walked to Unit 206 on the second floor and knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door was a woman of about thirty years old. Along with this woman, there was a little girl of three or four years old.

The woman looked at the tightly wrapped Lin Li and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Lin Lida said, "Excuse me, is this Zheng Ruoqing's home?"

The woman's expression changed, she looked at Lin Li and said, "You... who are you, and what are you doing... with her?"

Lin Li saw the woman's face and knew that this was Zheng Ruoqing's house, so he took off his mask and smiled at the woman.

When the woman saw Lin Li, she was stunned for a while, then looked down at her daughter, who said, "Mom, is this uncle the person on TV?"

The woman looked at Lin Li and asked, "Are you that...Lin Li?"

Seeing that she recognized him, Lin Li felt relieved. Although he was quite famous now, he was still far from being known to all women and children. Fortunately, they recognized him, so the next step would be easy.

"I'm Lin Li." Lin Li smiled.

The woman was startled, and then said: " you looking for Ruoqing?"

"Yes, is she here?"

The woman's expression darkened, and after a while she said, "You... come in and sit down!"


Lin Li was stunned as soon as he walked into the house, because Lin Li saw a photo of a deceased person on the desk of the house.

The person in the photo is none other than Zheng Ruoqing.

Lin Li froze in place. When the woman saw that Lin Li had seen her, she said, "I am Ruoqing's sister-in-law. She...she has been gone for more than two months. Do you know her?"

The woman was very curious. Her sister-in-law liked Lin Li very much before she left. It was also because Zheng Ruoqing spent her last days listening to Lin Li's albums and videos that her family got to know Lin Li.

But what puzzled the woman was that they probably didn't know each other. How could Lin Li come to the door in person?

" blood cancer?" Lin Li asked.

The woman nodded, looking a little sad, as if she was thinking of Zheng Ruoqing.

Lin Li felt very uncomfortable. In this way, the Jiandao website was indeed a hype, but Zheng Ruoqing's illness was indeed real!

Zheng Ruoqing was originally a poor and innocent person, but she was dragged into the hype by Fan Zhou.

At the end of her life, she actually suffered an unparalleled disaster!

He was reviled by countless netizens and regarded as a liar by those people!

Lin Li stood in silence for a while in front of Zheng Ruoqing's photo and asked, "Why didn't you defend her when Fan Zhou slandered her?"

The woman looked ashamed, sighed and said, "Hey, Ruoqing's illness brought down our family at that time. My husband worked two jobs to make money, and I had to take care of her and the children. We didn't Knowing what happened, Ruoqing was afraid that we would be worried, so she didn't say anything herself, and it was better not to tell us later. Ruoqing said that the matter was over and she didn't want to mention it again. We also know that Fan Zhou has a lot of fans, and we are afraid of being harassed too much. She received treatment, so she never fought about it."

Lin Li felt even heavier after hearing this. Zheng Ruoqing was afraid that she was sick and felt that she was causing trouble to the family, so she didn't want her brother and sister-in-law to worry about this for her.

What a kind girl!

In fact, it is not difficult to defend this matter. Zheng Ruoqing took out the medical records and exposed the facts of the hospital where she was working. It was clear through casual verification.

However, Zheng Ruoqing didn't do it. Maybe her illness prevented her from arguing with netizens, maybe she had despaired of the world, or maybe...she was afraid that she would reveal the case and expose the hospital to Fan Zhou and his followers. They won’t investigate at all, and they will still pursue her and beat her up!

There might even be Fan Zhou followers coming to the hospital to ridicule Zheng Ruoqing for a show!

Lin Li thought for a while that this possibility was really high. Just like him now, Fan Zhou and his followers didn't even go to the hospital to check whether the 32 firefighters were in critical condition, so they arbitrarily concluded that they planned all of this.

Zheng Ruoqing was tired, and she just wanted to leave quietly.

The three of them were silent for a while, and the woman suddenly said:

"I don't know why you came to our house, but I think she must be very happy when she knows you came to see her, because...she likes you quite a lot, and she was still listening to your songs before she left."

(Zheng Ruoqing, prototype: Lu Ruoqing!)

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