The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 341 If you are fine, then that’s okay!

Lin Li felt very uncomfortable after hearing what Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law said.

Looking at Zheng Ruoqing's young face in the posthumous photo, she should have had a life as brilliant as her age, but the illness caught up with her, not only the illness caught up with her, but also the demons on the Internet. she.

Fan Zhou gave the Internet demons a high-sounding reason to do evil and still feel that he is extremely righteous!

The name Fan Zhou is no longer a public knowledge of anti-counterfeiting, but more like a shelter for a group of Internet mobs!

Lin Li turned to look at Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law and said, "I know you will be curious about why I came here. You may not know that Fan Zhou is trying to take advantage of me now. I came here to find out the mistakes that Fan Zhou has made. Too bad."

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law was stunned. She also knew a little about Lin Li and knew that Lin Li had a bad temper, but it seemed quite real.

"how come……"

Lin Li smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, if he hadn't taken advantage of me, I might never have known about your family in my entire life."

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law didn't know what to say. She was silent for a while and suddenly remembered something: "Oh, look at me... sit down quickly! I'll make you a cup of tea. I wonder if a big star like you would drink it?"

"Big stars are human beings too, and they also need to eat, drink, poop and pee."

When Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law heard what Lin Li said, she laughed and stopped immediately as if she thought it was not polite.

"Then wait a moment."

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law was busy getting tea. Her daughter stood on the chair next to the coffee table and looked at Lin Li with her head tilted.

"What's your name?" Lin Li asked when he saw her looking at him.

"My name is Zheng Xinyue, and my nickname is Yueyue." The little girl said in a milky voice, "What's your name?"

"My name is Lin Li, Lin of the woods, standing Li."

Yueyue nodded and said, "Is your nickname Li Li?"

Lin Li smiled slightly and said, "No, usually those named Lili are girls!"

"Then can I call you Lili?"

Lin Li: "..."

Yueyue's mother smiled and said: "Yueyue, go do your homework!"

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law brought tea to Lin Li and said, "Kid, don't mind if you like to talk nonsense."

"It doesn't matter." After Lin Li finished speaking, he said to Yueyue, "You can call me whatever you like."

Yueyue was very happy and shouted: "Li Li!"

"Yueyue!" Yueyue's mother said sternly, "You can't be both big and small!"

"It's okay, kid." Lin Li said.

After hearing what Lin Li said, Yueyue's mother thought that this Lin Li was easier to get in touch with than ordinary people. He was very different from the celebrities in her impression.

Lin Li took a sip of tea and got down to the topic, saying, "Before I came here, I actually came here for myself. Fan Zhou wanted to take my leave. I wanted to find some clues to see if he had done anything wrong, so that he could His credibility has declined or even collapsed, so no one will believe what he says."

Yueyue's mother nodded after hearing this. Naturally, she didn't like Fan Zhou.

"What did he question you for?" Yueyue's mother asked.

"I don't know if you know what happened to me at Mango TV on the night of the New Year's Eve party..."

"I know. Didn't you save those firefighters? The news was released."

"Fan Zhou said that it was a scene planned by me." Lin Li said.

Yueyue's mother was stunned for a moment, then became a little angry and said, "How could he say that!"

Lin Li was much calmer and said: "I was a little angry at first, but when I came to your house and saw Zheng Ruoqing, I suddenly felt that it was so normal for me to encounter this. Fan Zhou now doesn't even know whether the serious illness is real or fake. Research shows that he has been lying all these years!"

Yueyue's mother said: "So, what do you want to tell him..."

"Yes, I have already decided, I want to fight him!"

"I want him to apologize for what he did wrong!"

"I want to clear up the unjust injustice suffered by Zheng Ruoqing and the fire-fighting heroes who are still lying in the hospital!"

Yueyue's mother was filled with indignation when she saw Lin Li's words, and couldn't help but think of the days when Zheng Ruoqing was wrongly accused.

At first, Zheng Ruoqing was afraid that her brother and sister-in-law would worry about her, so she refused to tell her. Later, when her brother and sister-in-law found out about the incident, they were also afraid that a commotion would affect Zheng Ruoqing's treatment, so they kept away from the Internet and treated her in peace as a family.

After Zheng Ruoqing's death, the couple had not thought about seeking justice for Zheng Ruoqing, but when they heard that litigating a lawsuit was expensive and laborious, Fang Zhou's legal advisor was a well-known lawyer, and the odds of winning were very low, and Fan Zhou was completely It can be said that he only questioned whether the operation of Zheng Ruoqing's account was planned and hyped by Jiandao website, not that Zheng Ruoqing was ill.

Therefore, even if they fight to the end, the most they can get is an apology from Fan Zhou, or even no apology at all, but what they get in exchange is definitely more people's abuse of them and Zheng Ruoqing.

The couple has too many debts to repay and their own jobs. They cannot afford to go to court, and they are already afraid.

As for Zheng Ruoqing's matter, the buzz has long since faded, and the news media don't care at all.

Therefore, after such a long time, the couple had already accepted their fate and let the matter go.

So what if you feel wronged, this world is never fair.

However, Lin Li was right in front of her at this moment, and Lin Li's influence was much greater than that of the general media.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them!

And Lin Li spoke so seriously and emotionally, as if he was expressing his inner injustice, as if Zheng Ruoqing and the 32 fire-fighting heroes were his family!

Facing such a person, how could Zheng Ruoqing's family not agree? !

"Okay, tell us what we want to help you with. As long as it doesn't break the law, I will definitely help!"

When Fan Zhou was beaten by hired thugs, Zheng Ruoqing's family knew about it.

"I just want Zheng Ruoqing's death certificate and the contact information of some of her relatives and friends, so I can visit her personally," Lin Li said.

Sister-in-law Zheng Ruoqing smiled and said: "This is too simple. Come on, let's take a photo together!"

Zheng Ruoqing and Lin Li sat side by side and took a selfie.

Taking off her phone and looking at the photos, Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law couldn't help but feel something in her heart.

Lin Li's eyebrows were heroic and his facial features were deep, with a hint of melancholy at this moment.

When Ruoqing was infatuated with Lin Li, she didn't think anything of it. She had been chasing stars before she got married, and she was chasing male idols from Bangzi Country. Later, after she got married, when she recalled the days of chasing stars, she was always a little confused and missed them. At that time, I occasionally felt that I was a little ridiculously naive.

However, after seeing Lin Li in person today, she suddenly felt that if someone like Lin Li had appeared in the country when she was young, she would not have gone to those people in Fenbangzi Country.

In that case, when you mature, perhaps there will only be nostalgia left but no childishness anymore!

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law took a look at the group photo to Lin Li and said, "Is this okay?"

"No problem." Lin Li said.

Sister-in-law Zheng Ruoqing said: "My mobile phone has no beauty. Aren't you stars tabooed by this?"

Lin Li smiled and said, "I don't have any taboos. This is good."

Sister-in-law Zheng Ruoqing said: "You are not that particular."

After Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law finished speaking, she clicked on Moments and typed on her mobile phone: Oh my God, there is a big star in my house. All Ruoqing's friends and colleagues, if you are free, you can come to my house. He...

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law asked Lin Li: "How long can you wait?"

Lin Li didn't expect her to use such a method, but it was good because he didn't have to go door to door.

"The flight is at eight o'clock in the evening, and it's okay before seven o'clock."

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law nodded and added after the text in the circle of friends: He didn't leave until six o'clock in the evening, and he didn't refuse anyone who came!

After saying that, Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law sent it to Moments.

Within a minute, someone came to Zheng Ruoqing's door, obviously her next door neighbor.

"Wow, a big star is coming to Lao Zheng's house!"

A woman in an apron came in. She poked her head and saw Lin Li, then smiled and said, "Hello... I know you, you are Lin Li."

Lin Li stood up, smiled at her and said, "Hello."

Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law invited the man to come in and sit down, and then seven or eight more neighbors came.

Most of them were women around thirty years old. One person even shouted: "Everyone, come quickly, Lin Li is here, the star Lin Li!"

There were more and more people in the room, and most of the people who came knew Zheng Ruoqing and knew about her affairs.

After knowing Lin Li's intention, this group of people expressed their willingness to come forward to prove it.

Lin Li took out his cell phone, asked someone to borrow a cell phone holder, put it in the middle of the hall, and started talking to everyone about Zheng Ruoqing.

People came and went in waves. Some people didn't know what happened to Zheng Ruoqing, but most of them did. They took photos and talked with Lin Li, and they talked about things they knew.

Lin Li also asked them for their wishes one by one, asking them if they were willing to let Lin Li disclose the video. Those people had an old relationship with Zheng Ruoqing, and Lin Li was so friendly, so they were naturally willing.

They didn't know whether Lin Li directed and acted in the New Year's Eve party scene, but they knew about Zheng Ruoqing's affairs, and they were all talking about Zheng Ruoqing's affairs, so they were naturally not afraid of being accused of perjury.

And after interacting with Lin Li for a while, they were all willing to believe that Lin Li was not that kind of person.

The tragedy of Zheng Ruoqing cannot be allowed to happen to the 32 firefighters.

Even if there is only a glimmer of possibility!

More and more people gathered at Zheng Ruoqing's house. Because the people who came earlier took a group photo and posted it on WeChat Moments, more people came all of a sudden.

Zheng Ruoqing's family can no longer squeeze in.

And because of the transformation of the relationship circle, most of the people who came later did not know Zheng Ruoqing.

In the end, Zheng Ruoqing's brother also rushed back. Zheng Ruoqing's sister-in-law called and told him what happened, so he immediately asked for leave and came back. He sent Lin Li Zheng Ruoqing's death certificate and diary.

Lin Li took a photo and thanked him.

Zheng Ruoqing's brother and sister-in-law wanted to stay with Lin Li for dinner, but Lin Li declined.

I took a look at the mobile phone that I had been shooting for several hours. I found that the more than 200 gigabytes of mobile phone memory occupied almost half of it.

Lin Li felt that he had gained a lot today, but he was not very happy. The more he heard about it, the more he felt pity for Zheng Ruoqing, whom he had never met before.

After catching a flight at night and returning home, Lin Li imported the video taken with his mobile phone into his computer, because in the video a lot of time everyone was taking photos with Lin Li and talking about a lot of irrelevant things, and there were many people who didn't know Zheng Ruoqing. These irrelevant things Lin Li needed to cut out the video footage, otherwise no one would have the patience to watch the three or four hours of video.

At this time, Lin Li's Weibo account was already being attacked by Fan Zhou's fans and some netizens who were carried away by the situation, and the imperial guards were quarreling with them.

"Haha, it's been a day, and Lin Li hasn't dared to say a word."

"I must be in a meeting now to study how to do public relations!"

"Lin Li, isn't your team very powerful? Why, as soon as Fan Zhou made a move, he shrank?"

"Lin Li, you are a man, just come out and apologize!"

"A bunch of scum. The last time they mocked Lin Li like this, now the grass on their graves is three feet high!"

"I suddenly thought of the people from the Poetry Association!"

"If Boss Lin doesn't say anything, then it's okay. Once he speaks, you guys should take care of it!"

"The calm before the storm!"


After Lin Li finished editing the video, it was already late at night. He had read so many comments on Weibo that day and took a look at them casually.

Seeing Fan Zhou's fans jumping like this, Lin Li naturally couldn't help it.

Thinking of the experience of this day and the Zheng Ruoqing who had long since left this world, Lin Li's heart surged.

Opening Weibo, Lin Li wrote under Weibo:

Time such as water, always silent.

If you are well, then all is well.

In memory of a friend I have never met and will never meet again.

The world is too noisy, I want them to be quieter.

Lin Li fell asleep after posting on Weibo.

However, netizens have been waiting for a day for Lin Li to post on Weibo.

A fighter against counterfeiting and a straight man in the entertainment industry, the battle between these two will definitely be fierce!

Everyone was looking forward to the two of them getting together, and of course, many were looking forward to Lin Li posting an apology on Weibo.

No one expected that Lin Li had been quiet all day and finally posted such a Weibo post.

"Is this...poem?"

"It seems pretty good..."

"Be confident and get rid of it!"

"For Lin Li's poems, just shout 666!"

"But I can't tell anything about this poem. The last sentence does have a bit of a Linli flavor."

"Lin Li didn't even criticize Fan Zhou. He was really scared this time."

"Haha, Fan Zhou seems to have revealed that there is a shady secret behind Lin Li's victory in Super Voice!"

"Wow, this is trying to kill Lin Li!"

"Fan Zhou's analysis seems to make sense!"

"It's said to be an analysis, but it's actually all his guesses, with no substantive content at all!"

"Fan Zhou has no evidence to prove that Lin Li has a shady secret behind his victory, but does Lin Li have any evidence to prove that he has no shady secret behind him?"

"Come on, come on, prove to me that your mother is your mother!"

"What the hell kind of logic, do you know who claims it and who provides evidence? Now Fan Zhou's crackdown on counterfeiting is all his claim, and the other party provides evidence??"


Under Lin Li's Weibo post, fans from both sides were still at each other's throats.

Lin Li didn't see these contents until he got up the next day.

Lin Li sneered after reading it and posted a message on Weibo.

My friend I have never met is named Zheng Ruoqing.

Fan Zhou, do you still remember this innocent girl?

To her, what I want to say is: If you are well, it will be a sunny day.

However, she is not well, she is gone.

Now I just want to say to Fan Zhou: If you are fine, then it will be okay!

After typing these words, Lin Li posted the video he had cut last night on Weibo!

The video lasted for half an hour, and about fifty people appeared in the video, including Zheng Ruoqing's brother and sister-in-law, neighbors, classmates, and the doctor she was attending at the time.

The conversation in the video includes their relationship with Zheng Ruoqing, Zheng Ruoqing's condition, and how Zheng Ruoqing died.

It took about three minutes and the half-hour video was uploaded to Lin Li's Weibo.

Lin Li clicked solemnly.


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