The scattered laughter around him ignited a prairie fire of anger in Zhou Sheng's heart.

"Lin, please keep your mouth clean!" Zhou Sheng's face turned redder because of his anger.

Shao Yan saw that the health of the vanguard on his side was losing wildly, and he couldn't help but help Zhou Sheng, and said to Lin Li: "Young man, be humble!"

Lin Li heard that Shao Yan was using his age to put his age down again, and sneered: "Humility is necessary, but that is also for those who have strength. It is not necessary for those who deceive the world and steal fame and sensationalize themselves. And you may also know that I just said I’ve been faked online for a while, but now it seems that some fakers in the literary and art circles have to be beaten too. How can anyone be called a master?”

Shao Yan was so angry that he blew his beard and glared when he saw Lin Li saying that he was cheating the world and stealing fame to please the public.

"Lin Li, don't rely on yourself as a star. A few fans are talking nonsense and doing random things here!" Shao Yan gritted his teeth.

Zhou Sheng also said: "Ignorant child!"

"Lin Li, okay, enough said!"

Xu Taiyue also criticized Lin Li. They all felt that Lin Li had gone too far. In the cultural circle, they were all people who wanted face. Lin Li's words were too merciless.

The three people on the stage were all blaming Lin Li, and President Yang did not dare to speak for Lin Li anymore. The situation was very embarrassing.

The three middle-aged men spoke in the same tone on the stage and made scoldings, which made Lin Li, an eighteen-year-old boy, look a little lonely. The waiters couldn't help but feel distressed when they saw it.

I thought that if at my age, three adults said that to me on stage, I would definitely not be able to bear it.

However, Ayu, who was most familiar with Lin Li in the venue, didn't seem to feel sorry for Lin Li at all, and even wanted to laugh.

Because Ayu knew that if she felt sorry for someone this time, it would only be for those three middle-aged people.

They were afraid they didn't know what they would face if they treated Lin Li like this.

Lin Li didn't show any embarrassment on the stage. He just had a smile on his lips and stroked Corgi in his arms.

Suddenly, Lin Li felt the corgi in his arms was a little commotion, and his hind legs seemed to be lifting up.

Lin Li looked at the waiter beside him and said, "Sisters, please hold Master Shao's masterpiece for a moment."

Although the waiters didn't understand why Lin Li made such a request, they very cooperatively picked up Shao Yan's "painting" and stood in a row again to display it.

Lin Li looked at the three people on the stage and said, "You think I'm talking nonsense? I'm an ignorant child? Okay, you just have to watch."

After Lin Li finished speaking, he picked up the dog, pulled its legs apart, and faced the rice paper.

It seemed that the dog had been holding it in for a long time, and now it was relieved. A long stream of light yellow urine came out, and it happened to urinate on the rice paper that Shao Yan was painting on.

Lin Li imitated Shao Yan's example and walked forward, spinning the dog around like a dog in the middle, and then accelerated and charged.

Lin Li's imitation of Shao Yan was very vivid, but because he was holding the dog, he became extremely funny, and everyone below laughed.

When Lin Li ran to the finish line, the dog had finished urinating, leaving a faint but long urine mark on the paper.

Everyone took a closer look and found that the traces of dog urine were exactly the same as when Shao Yan shot a book with a syringe!

The waitresses on the stage also laughed.

Before Lin Li came on stage, they wanted to laugh when they saw Shao Yan painting with a syringe, but first they felt it was impolite, and secondly they felt that if they laughed, it would appear that they were uneducated and did not understand art, so before that they all Holding it in.

Now Lin Li came on stage and directly said that Zhou Sheng and Shao Yan were sensationalizing and their works were rubbish. This made the waiters realize that there was nothing wrong with their ideas, especially the way Shao Yan's paintings looked very similar to the way Lin Li made them with dog urine. Like, so they couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed out loud.

Many people in the audience just thought that Shao Yan's painting was strange at first, but they couldn't say how strange it was. But when Lin Li held the dog and peed on it, everyone suddenly understood.

It turns out that Shao Yan's painting... looks like dog urine!

No wonder it looks so familiar!

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they thought of this.

Netizens in Ayu's live broadcast room burst out laughing when they saw this scene.

[Don’t tell me, it really looks like it! 】

[The dogs Lin Li hugged were different. They had an artistic feel when they peeed. 】

[Hahaha, Lin Li’s imitation just now really made me laugh to death. 】

【How nice it would be to have a boyfriend like this. 】

[The ladies at the back laughed, it was so nice. 】

[It must be embarrassing to pretend to be a ghost in front of Lin Li. 】

[This master probably won’t paint with a syringe anymore, otherwise everyone will definitely think of dog urine again. 】

[This is a tasteful piece of art. 】


Shao Yan didn't expect that the dog he just kicked would cause such a huge embarrassment to him on this stage, and he was so angry that his teeth itched.

"Lin Li, what do you know? This is creation, art! You let this dog urinate on my painting, are you deliberately causing trouble?" Shao Yan shouted.

Zhou Sheng also said: "You singing actor, go back and sing. Why are you trying to show off your prestige to us?"

On the stage, the atmosphere is full of gunpowder.

Lin Li suddenly laughed and said to Zhou Sheng: "If you don't tell me, I have forgotten that I am a singer and an actor. I am not qualified to express my opinions on art. Then I can sing a song, right?"

People in the audience have long heard that Lin Li's singing is very shocking. This shock does not refer to the singing skills, but to the content of Lin Li's singing, or the impact that Lin Li has after singing.

Now when Lin Li said he wanted to sing, the waitresses on the stage were the first to applaud.

Some people below also started to cheer and applaud.

When President Yang had a dinner with people from the Poetry Association, Lin Li was about to recite a poem, but ended up reciting a song called "Dead Water", which scolded the Poetry Association so much that the Internet was ridiculed and scolded. Now he heard that Lin Li was going to sing. , suddenly felt bad.

"Lin Li...well, I think singing...just...just skip it..." President Yang couldn't help but said.

"No, I'm a singer. If you don't sing here, what else can you do?" Shao Yan quickly interrupted President Yang and said. The meaning behind his words seemed to be that Lin Li came here just to sing, so there was no way he could comment on them. not qualified.

Zhou Sheng also felt that this was an opportunity. Lin Li was not dictating his own creations, so let him create them. He would respond to others in his own way and call his works garbage. Let's see how he refutes!

The most important thing is that there are no musical instruments at the scene today. Lin Li has no accompaniment, so the songs he sings are even more difficult to listen to. When the time comes, I will be more convincing when I say that his songs are rubbish.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sheng also said loudly: "That's right, this is a big star. Most people have to pay if they want to listen to it. Lin Li, sing! I want to hear if your song can be heard!"

Shao Yan sang along with Zhou Sheng and said, "Lin Li, we are all new today. Don't fool us with your old songs."

Shao Yan said this specifically because he didn't want Lin Li to sing his previous songs and wanted to force Lin Li to do it.

If Lin Li had no new songs or couldn't compose new songs, Shao Yan would have reason to mock him.

And even if Lin Li prepared a new song, Shao Yan and Zhou Sheng would continue to mock him after he finished singing. After all, many of Lin Li's songs were not very appreciated by people in the literary and art circles. The two of them took the lead in denying them, and Lin Li was afraid that he would also Can't get off stage.

Lin Li smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's definitely something you haven't heard before!"

Netizens in Ayu's live broadcast room were all excited when they heard that Lin Li was going to sing.

[Lin Li wants to sing a new song. He will make a lot of money tonight! 】

【I’m looking forward to it so much! 】

[There was a brother on the stage who heard that Lin Li was going to sing. He was so scared that he peed and laughed to death! 】

[The two big brothers actually dared to let Lin Li sing, they were so arrogant! 】

[Haha, I feel like they will cry after Lin Li finishes singing! 】

[Planes and rockets are activated! 】

[Is Lin Li going to make big news again? 】


At this time, a woman came downstairs, tiptoed to look at the stage, then squeezed in, and said in the audience: "Ah, I'm so sorry, this is my dog..."

When the dog in Lin Li's arms saw its owner, it broke away from Lin Li's arms and ran towards its owner.

Shao Yan was humiliated by Lin Li with the dog. He had no place to vent his anger and shouted to the woman: "Why do you raise a dog? You don't even watch it!"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I kept it tied up in the room, but it escaped out of nowhere."

Lin Li had his hands free and smiled at the woman: "No need to be sorry, you are a very smart dog and can create paintings like the master. Treat others well in the future."

The woman was stunned and didn't understand what Lin Li was talking about, but everyone around her laughed.

Shao Yan's face turned blue and his eyes were about to bleed.

"Lin Li, stop talking nonsense and sing!" Shao Yan said through gritted teeth.

This is not a five-star hotel. They can get you a piano and guitar right away. Shao Yan can't wait for Lin Li to sing. He just hopes that Lin Li will not have these accompaniments and let him sing a cappella, so that he can later scold him for singing rubbish.

Lin Li had not prepared to sing on stage before arriving, nor had he prepared any accompaniment, and there were no accompaniment instruments at the scene.

Fortunately, Lin Li's song doesn't really need accompaniment. The focus of this song is not its music, but its words, so it's better to sing it a cappella.

Xu Taiyue handed the microphone to Lin Li, and Lin Li took it.

The whole place was quiet.

Lin Li picked up the microphone and said, "This song is called 'Artists'."

After saying that, Lin Li started singing.

Some of your recent paintings

I suspect it was done in a prison.

That kind of restraint

Follow the rules and surrender

You have some poems recently

I suspect it was generated by computer software

The flow of consciousness is so great that it causes a miscarriage of consciousness

Still feeling elated

Keep those sleep talks to yourself and avoid publishing them.

Some of your recent songs

I suspect it took dozens of minutes to finish.

There are no details worth reading, the announcement is very busy

You have some new dramas recently

Makes me doubt that I can also be a director

The plot remains boring from beginning to end

Popular stars are guaranteed to appear in the show

Although these things are popular, they are not virtuous


Lin Li sang a verse, and everyone at the scene was shocked!

What paintings are completed in a prison, poems are generated by computer software, songs are rushed, movies are boring, and stars spread their virtues!

This damn guy is not just complaining.

This is simply heartbreaking!

Moreover, this guy Lin Li has criticized painters, poets, singers, directors, and celebrities one after another!

Almost everyone in the literary and entertainment circles!

No wonder Lin Li said they had never heard of it. Who has heard of this kind of song?

Anyone who can write such a song either has a bad mind or doesn’t want to be in the industry anymore!

How can anyone be so insulting? !

Lin Li ignored them and continued singing in a disdainful tone.

my old friends

Don't care about my casual teasing

I know you all have smart minds

There is a broad path, and there is a sense of superiority among artists.

my old friends

Please criticize me

I'm not as good as you in many places

People who talk nonsense should reflect on themselves after a night of insomnia


Although this song has no accompaniment, the lyrics are too sharp and not modified at all. It can be said that it not only dissed the entire audience, but even dissed the entire literary and entertainment circles, scolding the so-called "artists" in the circle back to their original forms. All the people were speechless.

Most of the people present were from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles. After listening to Lin Li's song, they naturally thought of their own works.

It seemed that Lin Li was right.

Shao Yan and Zhou Sheng, who were on the stage, clenched their fists in anger as they listened to Lin Li blasting them with songs.

my old friends

Don't say you love my innocence to death

The higher you go, the colder it gets

Before you climb Mount Everest

Play mahjong with me in the basin

Turn all living beings upside down

Lin Li sang it once and then stopped. Originally, he had to sing the full version of the song again, but Lin Li felt it was no longer necessary.

Others present felt that the party had become unreal for a moment, and wondered if they had gone to the wrong venue.

Zhou Sheng and Shao Yan, who were originally planning to get into trouble after listening to Lin Li's song, suddenly gave up.

Lin Li sang such a song, and they jumped out at this moment, as if Lin Li was scolding him.

Lin Li's song criticized the hypocrisy of those artists, scolding them for their poor quality, shoddy workmanship and immorality, but they did not name them by name. At this time, they jumped out and said that Lin Li's singing was rubbish, which made it seem like they were hurt by Lin Li's scolding. It seemed like he was the kind of person Lin Li was scolding in his songs.

This made Zhou Sheng and Shao Yan very uncomfortable. They knew clearly that Lin Li was trolling them, but they couldn't take the initiative to claim it, so they could only keep silent.

After Lin Li finished singing, there was no sound for a while, and everything seemed to have stopped.

Only the barrage in Ayu's live broadcast room was scrolling crazily.

[An old Yulinjun said that this song is Lin Li’s personal act. Just criticize Lin Li, don’t scold Yulinjun, haha! 】

[Yes, Lin Li is an adult now, he can bear it. The Imperial Guards are too difficult and they have made too many enemies. I feel sorry for myself for a second, haha! 】

[The singing world is against the gods—Lin Li! 】

[I got a new curse word: You must be an artist! 】

[Well-known artist XXX, well-known director XX, well-known painter XXX, well-known poet XX... more than 300 people are planning to issue a lawyer's letter to warn Lin Li. 】

[Lin Li sang about things that everyone knew but didn’t dare to say. It was so cool! 】

[Lin Li actually knows how to play mahjong? No, I have to study! 】


The barrage scrolled for a long time before Ayu took the lead in shouting: "Good singing!"

Ayu's voice was a bit abrupt, but it immediately broke the atmosphere of the scene. The waiters on the stage also said: "It sounds good!"

Some people also applauded off the stage.

Then the applause grew louder and louder.

Whether it was out of appreciation for Lin Li's song, admiration for Lin Li's courage, or even just to prove that he was not the kind of person Lin Li scolded, in short, everyone at the scene quickly applauded.

Zhou Sheng and Shao Yan almost fainted on the spot when they saw that Lin Li had so many people supporting them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Lin Li's song is directed at the two of them.

But this song actually got the approval of the audience, which the two of them couldn't accept.

It felt like Lin Li was not spraying him, but the whole audience was humiliating him!

What a shame!

Zhou Sheng and Shao Yan were on the verge of crying, as if they had been greatly wronged.

The waiters on the stage were amused when they saw the "master" who had just mocked them for their ordinary people's ignorance of art.

They were not members of the Royal Forest Army, and had only heard of Lin Li's name in private. After seeing it with their own eyes today, they couldn't help but feel good about Lin Li.

Although he has a bad temper, Lin Li is much more real than Shao Yan, Zhou Sheng and the others, and he is much braver than those smooth-faced stars in the entertainment industry.

They secretly regretted in their hearts, how could they not have noticed such a star like Lin Li earlier!

Join the Royal Forest Army when you get back!

Zhou Sheng gritted his teeth and said to Xu Taiyue: "President Xu, I drank too much, so I'll go back first!"

"I'm back too!" Shao Yan also said after Zhou Sheng, with a very bad expression on his face.

Xu Taiyue also knew that the two of them were in a bad mood and could not keep them if they were forced to stay, so he sent them out personally.

Lin Li also left the stage after singing. According to the party process, there were also games.

Although there were some accidents, these sessions had to continue. Soon everyone was involved in the game session, forgetting what happened to Lin Li just now.

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