The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 354 This is a wild horse running wild!

It’s almost time for the Weibo Night voting to end.

There are still four hours left before the voting ends. However, in order to let the opponents relax their vigilance, fans from all the fans have not voted out today's votes. Everyone is waiting for the last moment to stage a desperate counterattack.

With the help of countless e-sports otakus, Satan successfully surpassed the original fifth place. At this moment, Satan ranks fifth among all the shortlisted Weibo Person of the Year on Weibo Night, five years away from the fourth place SG girl group. More than a million votes.

Today is the last day of voting on Weibo. People who voted continuously can accumulate up to fifteen votes at most. So although there is a gap of more than five million votes, it is not impossible to surpass fourth place.

But by the same token, the gap between the sixth-placed person and Satan is only over two million, so it is possible for them to surpass Satan.

So, nothing is decided yet.

Today, Lin Li and Satan made an appointment to have a live broadcast and then reveal their identities.

Lin Li was originally a teenager who loved games. He felt that some friendships in games were often more real than reality, and the fun of games could not be replaced by many things.

However, young people who like to play games are always considered to be bored with things. In fact, as long as they are not too addicted to games, playing games is just a way of entertainment, just like watching TV series, watching movies, or going shopping.

And any pastime is not good once you become addicted to it. Why is it that playing games is the most criticized? This is obviously caused by social prejudice.

Therefore, Lin Li felt that having a person like Satan who could attend Weibo Night instead of people in the e-sports circle was a positive publicity. Lin Li also had some affinity with him, so it was natural to help him.

What's more, Lin Li's name as the Great Demon King is now so resounding in the gaming circle. Revealing his identity will be of no harm to Lin Li.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Lin Li first turned on Satan's live broadcast, and saw that Satan was already on the air, but he was not playing a game, but canvassing votes.

The live broadcast screen is in the ranking waiting interface, with four in a row.

Obviously, they were waiting for Lin Li to come online.

The name of Satan's live broadcast room is: The identity of the big devil will be revealed tonight! !

Satan’s live broadcast room has reached the top of the list, with a huge gap between it and the second place.

There are countless barrages in the live broadcast room.

[Hehe, I'm here to steal your teacher again. 】

[Why hasn’t the big devil come yet? 】

[Is the identity of the big devil really revealed tonight? 】

[I guess it’s the passerby Wang Fengxue Sword. 】

[It should be professional kung fu players. 】

[Probably not, they are all live broadcasting, I guess they may be from abroad. 】

[Come on, let’s open a village! 】


Netizens in the live broadcast room began to speculate one after another. Almost the top professional players and passerby kings of "Glory of Heroes" were guessed, but they all rejected them one by one.

Either the game time doesn't match, or the playing style doesn't match.

After some speculation, everyone became more curious about who the big devil was.

The Great Demon King Lin Li is online!

Satan saw the big devil light up in his friend list and quickly added him.

Lin Li had already handed over his account to Satan for a while, and by this time he had become a master.

After the account of Big Devil went online, netizens naturally also sent words of welcome in the live broadcast room.

【Welcome the Great Demon King! 】

【Welcome the Great Demon King! 】

【Welcome the Great Demon King! 】


Lin Li saw that Satan had formed other water friends today to prepare for five blacks, so he thought about it. Lin Li had always played a single hero system before, but this time it seemed that he could play a team system.

Satan is not an idiot: "Big Devil, can we start?"

Satan asked in the game group.

Lin Li thought about what he wanted to play. After thinking for a while, he typed: "Okay, let's play. Just listen to my arrangements."

The other three water friends were lucky enough to be ranked with the Big Demon King and Satan. They were so happy that there was no problem.

Ranking begins...


More than ten seconds later, the opponent was ranked.

Both sides conducted bans and selections.

Big Devil: "First floor, Sun Bin."

The first floor hesitated for a few seconds, but still chose Sun Bin obediently.

Big Devil: "Second floor, Jace."

The second floor also obediently chose Jace.

Big Devil: "Satan, Galio."

Satan naturally had nothing to say.

Lin stood on the fourth floor and chose the troops.

Big Devil: "Fifth floor, time."

The fifth floor also obeyed and chose time.

[It is indeed the big devil, this feeling of controlling the whole scene is here, but... this lineup is a bit...]

[Sun Bin’s support seems useless! 】

[There is no hard control, and it is squishy. This version is not strong, and I don’t quite understand how to choose this support. 】

[Jace is okay! 】

[No ADC? 】

[I feel like this lineup doesn’t do enough damage. How to fight? 】

[Look, the big devil asked to choose, it’s not bad! 】

[It’s so embarrassing. We, the Five Blacks, should we imitate this lineup? 】


The lineup selections for both sides have been completed.

Red side: Sun Bin, Jace, Galio, Centaur, Time.

Blue side: Wu Zetian, Sword Girl, Mantis, Xiao Pao, and Bull Head.

Lin Li's troops chose teleportation and sprinting.

Teammates are weird.

Galio: Big Demon King, don’t you want to go jungle?

Big Devil: Killing people in the jungle is not as important as killing people!

The teammates on the red team were all in disbelief. If they hadn't known about the big devil's previous record, they would have cursed him.

Without punishment, you can’t buy a jungle knife, and there will be no jungle monster attack bonus.

This means that your own jungle area will definitely be countered.

And without punishment, they couldn't defeat each other at all.

This... Before the start, the jungle area is destined to be lost, how can we still fight?

None of the netizens who watched the live broadcast could understand why the troops did not use punishment but instead used teleportation. There was no one in the red team's lineup who could jungle. The consequence of not using punishment was that the red team's jungle area would be lost.

[What’s the big devil’s trick this time? can't read. 】

[It feels silly, but this is the big devil, and I feel like there is something inside. 】

[My understanding of the game is not at the same level as that of the Big Demon King, so just watch it and you will know it right away. 】

[No matter what, we have already chosen the lineup of the Big Devil. Whether we live or die depends on this! 】


Entering the game, both parties began to purchase initial equipment and prepare to release the spring water.

Centaur: "Jace, click E!"

As the top laner, Jace's best thing is his long hands. Generally, the first level is Q and long-range cannon, so that he can use his strengths. However, Lin Li asked him to upgrade the acceleration belt. This skill has nothing but acceleration. The effect is far inferior to the Q skill.

Jess: "A speed strip?"

Jace confirmed it, fearing that the big devil might not remember Jace's skills clearly.

Centaur: "Yes!"

Lin Li didn't explain anything.

Jess hesitated for a moment and replied, "Oh."

The troops continued to direct: "Sun Bin, click W."

Centaur: "Time, click E."

Centaur: "Gario, click Q."

After Lin Li finished giving instructions, everyone realized that the Big Demon King had asked everyone to activate the acceleration skills.

Everyone began to realize that this game was no longer simple.

When the Big Devil asked all the heroes to abandon attack skills and click on acceleration skills, many netizens reacted.

Damn it, the big devil wants four of them to assist one of him!

Too domineering!

But...I like it so much!

When it started to go online, the Big Devil's men stayed in the spring and did not move, but began to mark their own jungle area.

Obviously, the red side does not have a jungler, and the opponent will definitely come to counter the jungle immediately.

So what the red side needs to do now is to see clearly whether the opponent is counter-attacking from the blue buff or the red buff.

Centaur: "Go ahead Jace and ward the blue buff!"

Centaur: "Gario in the middle, ward in the river!"

Centaur: "Sun Bin's triangle eye and lower river channel eye!"

Centaur: "Time, put an eye on the red buff!"

The men and horses stood in the spring, directing their four teammates to attack everywhere. It really felt like strategizing and winning a thousand miles away.

The four teammates also cooperated very well and followed Lin Li's instructions to place the wards.

[The big devil is going to cause trouble! 】

[With so many wards, it doesn’t matter if the opponent doesn’t counter-attack, but if he does counter-attack, he will definitely be exposed! 】

[Silly, this must be anti-wild. 】

[The big devil has arranged this, is he going to cause trouble? 】

[I can’t seem to beat him at level one, and the opponent still has punishment. 】

[My teammates have all activated the acceleration skill, how do I fight? Escape is no problem. 】

[You have all forgotten, this is the big devil, look at it! 】


As expected, the blue team saw that there was no one on the red team to fight in the jungle, so they formed a team to fight against the jungle.

After all, the blue side doesn’t know what skills the red side has activated at level one, so since they are going against the jungle, it’s safer to stay together as a team.

The blue side comes to the red side's red buff!

The centaur marked the location of the red buff and said, "Come here and prepare a first-level group!"

The four teammates all rushed towards the red buff, but they were still a little frightened.

At this level, all the acceleration skills are activated, so there is no harm in fighting. The first-level group seems not very safe, not to mention that the troops haven't gone out yet, they are just in the spring. Do they have to fight four against five on their own?

But who makes the person who speaks is the big devil.

They can only listen, and they also want to see what the big devil is going to do!

At this moment, they are no longer gamers, but just swords in the hands of the big devil. The big devil tells them to point east, but they will never point west.

Even if the big devil tells them to unplug the network cable now, they will do it!

This is the position of the Big Devil in the hearts of avid players of the game "Glory of Heroes"!

There are still ten seconds left for the wild monsters to appear. The five people on the blue side have all taken their positions at the red buff. The reason why they chose the red buff to start countering is because there is punishment. Countering the red buff, if the red side dares to fight As a first-level group, those with the red buff naturally have a huge advantage.

It’s very possible to seal the victory at level one!

The red buff appeared, the four people on the red side also began to show up, and the red side began to attack the red buff.

Lin Li marked a ward in the grass and said, "Get ready to give me skills!"

After saying that, the centaur teleported.

When they saw the teleportation between the men and horses, the blue side was a little panicked. They didn't expect the red side to dare to fight!

The red buff was only halfway through, so he was obviously in a dilemma.

At this time, the troops have landed!

Jace's accelerating belt, Galio's tornado, Father Time's clockwork of time, and Sun Bin's wave of time. These acceleration skills are all added to the horse the moment after they land.

At this moment, the centaurs are charging with the E skill and sprinting with the summoner skill!

The most important thing is that the centaurs and horses now have double the movement speed after coming out of the spring!

With the blessing of so many acceleration skills and effects, the speed of the troops has reached more than 1,300!

At such a terrifying speed, the attacks of men and horses are equally terrifying!

Generally speaking, the normal movement speed of a normal hero in the initial stage is around 350.

After the Liushen equipment, the fastest heroes only have a movement speed of more than 2,000, and rarely exceed 3,000 movement speed.

The attack of the centaur and horse is related to its movement speed. The centaur's E skill is charge. When the centaur and horse dash forward, the first attack will cause very high damage. However, without the E skill, the centaur and horse's normal walking speed will cause some damage. Not enough.

At level one, no one has defensive equipment. The movement speed of the troops and horses is more than 1,300, which is almost the same speed as the normal three-piece equipment, and the attack power is naturally the same!

There are three sets of attacks at level one, how terrifying!

The blue side's auxiliary Niutou lost a quarter of his health due to resisting wild monsters, and was killed instantly!

A blood!

Also kicked by the Centaur Charge were the top two heroes on the blue side, and they both had residual health!

The people on the blue side obviously did not expect that the damage caused by the kick of the centaur and the horse was so terrible. In their minds, the centaur and the horse would lose at most one-fifth of their health with one kick.

But this time the people and horses are too fierce!

The big devil's men took advantage of the acceleration of the spring water, and sacrificed the interests of four teammates to speed up the men and horses. This made the first-level damage to the men and horses so terrifying.

He is indeed the Great Demon King!

When Blue Sword Girl and Wu Zetian saw that they had residual health, they were chased to death by men with swords before they even had time to flash!

Three kills!

The situation changed instantly.

There were only two people left on the blue side, who originally went against the wild, and the other teammates on the red side also took advantage of the acceleration and rushed over.

Five against two, the remaining two players on the blue side knew they couldn't survive without Flash, so they just waited to die.

The group is destroyed!

【The group is destroyed! Damn it! 】

[What the hell is this man and horse? Why is the damage so high? 】

[No wonder the spring water has to be released. The spring water has an acceleration effect when transmitted! 】

[The spring water transports people and horses, and the big devil brings a new way to play! 】

[Central and horse can still play like this, learn from it! 】

[This gameplay relies too much on teleportation. If you can't teleport from the spring, your movement speed will be doubled, and the damage will be much worse. 】

[But one teleportation sealed the victory. 】

[The big devil is still the same big devil. 】


This wave of operations by the Great Demon King Lin Li directly wiped out the opponent's team, and also raised the cavalry to level 2.

The centaur without a jungle knife can easily absorb the red buff. By the time it reaches level 3, there is no problem with the centaur without a jungle knife.

In other words, if you don’t have a jungle knife, you will have less experience, but if the first-level team kills people, the experience will make up for it.

So there was not much delay in the development of the centaur and the horse.

The people on the blue side quickly came to life, and they also typed in the game channel to express their feelings.

Wu Zetian: "This is a wild horse running wild!"

Sword Girl: "This guy is called the Great Demon King? Is he the legendary Great Demon King?"

Mantis: "Damn it, he is really a big devil!"

Niutou: "Take a photo for me to remember!"

Xiaopao: "Who are you talking about, what kind of big devil?"

Sword Girl: "You don't know?"

Niutou: “It’s rare to see young people like this who don’t listen to what’s going on outside the window and only focus on playing ranked matches.”

Mantis: "Let's vote in fifteen minutes. With the big devil here, there is no chance for this one."

Wu Zetian: "Don't vote, the big devil must be live broadcasting now, and tomorrow we can also go to Station D to see a video of him appearing."

Niutou: "Yes, I won't vote. If we can defeat the big devil, we will become famous in one battle!"

Xiaopao: "At the beginning I thought I could win, but now..."

Sword Girl: "I'm going to watch that Satan's live broadcast. They must be live broadcasting. In this case, we can see their location through the live broadcast, hehe!"

Wu Zetian: "This is a good method. Although it is a bit despicable, I think the big devil will not mind. So what if we have full view!"

Niutou: "Haha, that makes sense!"


In the game "Glory of Heroes", when reaching the master round, vision can be said to be more important than operation and lineup.

If the other party has insight into the location and direction, it is likely to be targeted or ambushed.

And after the other party recognized the Great Demon King Lin Li, several people from the blue side would definitely come to watch Satan's live broadcast.

In this case, they can see the location of everyone on the red side through Satan Live.

In this way, the game is completely unfair.

But if they can defeat the big devil, that group of people will really become famous in one battle, so why do they care about using such small tricks.

Sure enough, the blue team's position on the red team's personnel was very clear after that. Not only did they ambush well, but they also used their field of vision to counterattack a lot of enemies.

The red side was fine in the middle lane, but with Sun Bin and Father Time in the bottom lane, they couldn't match the blue side's small cannons and bull heads. The red side's disadvantage of losing five heads at the beginning was gradually recovered.

The men and horses took five heads at the beginning, and soon came out with five-speed shoes. The movement speed of the men and horses after leaving the battle has reached 500.

But this was far from enough. The other party knew their location. As soon as the men and horses were about to catch people, the blue team's people huddled under the tower.

Seeing that the blue side had stabilized the situation, the blue side started to cause trouble again.

Thanks to the red side's vision, they all did things on the side where the men and horses were not present.

For example, if the man and horse are on top, they will capture the jungler, and if the man and horse are at the bottom, they will capture the top lane. Moreover, they can also see the red square ward and always avoid the ward to capture.

After a few times, the blue side really caught the two red side bottom laners to death.

The situation seems to be tilting towards the blue side little by little.

Not long after, the blue team made a time difference for the ward to disappear, ambush and caught the Satan in the middle.

Satan was so angry that he yelled in the live broadcast room: "Hey, hey, hey, those on the opposite side, I know you are watching my live broadcast, you can't do this, this is cheating!"

In the game, Wu Zetian: "You have a big devil who is also cheating!"

[Hahaha, you are laughing so hard, Satan is telling you to yell! 】

[On the other side, fight hard. If you still lose in the end if you have red side vision, then you will really lose the face of master-level people. 】

[This time the big devil is in danger and his position is exposed. How to fight! 】

[Indeed, we are probably going to lose, but this routine can still be learned. After all, the opponent doesn't know our position when we fight, so it's very good to catch people. 】

[You guys underestimate the big devil too much. I think the big devil will defy heaven in the end! 】


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