The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 373 She is not as feminine as me

Sun Yunhan looked at Bai Wuchang from close range for a long time and then said she was so beautiful without any other useful information. This made the guessing team and the audience very dissatisfied.

Although they were not satisfied, Sun Yunhan's words were quite funny. Everyone felt like they wanted to be angry but couldn't.

"You have been looking at it for so long and found such useless information?" Cai Wenli spat.

Sun Yunhan was a little embarrassed. She had seen a lot of beauties in the entertainment industry, and she liked watching it, but this was the first time she watched it and she was stunned. She had never seen it before, and it was on a radio station.

"Then she is indeed pretty!" Sun Yunhan complained shyly.

The audience and the judging panel all laughed.

Seeing that the atmosphere was so good, Li Hao naturally would not let go of the topic and continued to ask Sun Yunhan: "Then who do you think is more beautiful between you and her?"

Sun Yunhan glanced at Bai Wuchang and said, "It must be her. Seeing her reminded me of a poem."

Li Haoxiao asked: "Have you also followed the path of literature and art? Isn't this the path of Teacher Cai Wenli?"

Cai Wenli followed the literary route when commentating on "The Voice", and now she does the same on "The Masked Singer", occasionally uttering some famous quotes or poems.

Everyone became curious when they heard that Sun Yunhan thought about poetry.

Cai Wenli said: "Yunhan, if you think of any poem, you might as well read it out."

"Yes, read it out." Li Hao also said.

Sun Yunhan thought for a while, then recalled and read.

If it's the beginning of fresh snow, the full moon will be in the sky

There is a bright shadow underneath

Bright silver flows on it

And you walked towards me with a smile

Between moonlight and snow

You are the third kind of beauty!

After Sun Yunhan finished reading, the audience burst into applause.

When Bai Wuchang was singing just now, he really had a feeling of the beauty of the world under the snow and moonlight. Sun Yunhan's poem was very suitable for the scene.

After everyone finished applauding, Cai Wenli said: "Maybe you don't know, but let me tell you that the poem Yunyan read was written by Lin Li."

Everyone at the scene knew that Lin Li wrote poetry, and they also knew that Lin Li's poems were very good, but only a small number of people had read Lin Li's poems, and most of them had read some of Lin Li's more famous poems.

For example, "Love Life", "Believe in the Future", "Dead Water" and "Answer" are some of the more famous poems. Not many people know the poem "Stunning Beauty", and even fewer know that it was written by Lin Li.

After Cai Wenli's popular science, the audience realized that it was written by Lin Li. They didn't expect that a straight man like Lin Li could write such a sultry love poem.

"The implication is fine, I have memorized this poem." Li Hao said.

"This poem is well written." Sun Yunhan said.

Cai Wenli said: "You praise Lin Li so much, but I don't know if Lin Li can watch our show. Do you want me to give you a message for him?"

Sun Yunhan smiled and said, "Sorry to trouble you."

Everyone laughed, and Hong Jianping said: "Yunhan, you are trying to take advantage of Lin Li's popularity again."

One word after another, it was revealed that this was not the first time that Sun Yunhan had done this, and the previous episodes of the program had made fun of Sun Yunhan and Lin Li.

Sun Yunhan smiled proudly: "I am officially authorized!"

Everyone laughed, and the topic turned to Lin Li. Li Hao quickly brought the topic back and asked Bai Wuchang: "Other people cost money to sing, but singing costs me life. Sun Yunhan read such a poem and praised you so much. What do you think? Said."

Bai Wuchang said: "She has some taste."

Lin Li meant that Sun Yunhan used his own poem, which was a bit tasteful, but people at the scene would have misunderstood it, thinking that Bai Wuchang was talking about Sun Yunhan praising her for being beautiful and discerning.

Hearing that Bai Wuchang was so narcissistic, everyone at the scene laughed.

Xu Zhenchun saw the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and asked: "Other people cost money to sing, but singing costs money, how do you think you compare with Sun Yunhan?"

I can no longer guess who Bai Wuchang is, so let’s just focus on the interaction of variety show effects. Xu Zhenchun is a senior in variety show effects, so he naturally has his own skills.

After Xu Zhenchun finished speaking, everyone looked at Bai Wuchang.

"I think...she is not as feminine as me." Bai Wuchang said matter-of-factly.

The audience burst into laughter again.

Sun Yunhan was angry and laughed after hearing this, and said, "I'm very feminine, okay!"

After saying that, Sun Yunhan went to the guessing group angrily.

Xu Zhenchun joked: "You seem to be running away in shame now."

The whole audience burst into laughter.

After being unable to guess Bai Wuchang's identity, everyone seemed to relax a lot, and the atmosphere was the best in the history of the show.

Although everyone is still very curious about Bai Wuchang's identity, the guessing team has tried their best. It seems that we can only wait until the weekend show is broadcast to see what netizens guess.

"Okay, after watching and asking, can the on-site guessing team give answers?" Li Hao asked.

The question was thrown to the guessing team again. The people in the guessing team looked at each other. This was their first real guessing. They didn't expect to meet such a mysterious figure!

It's really too difficult.

"Just give me a name." Xu Zhenchun took the lead.

"How about guessing Sun Yunhan?" Liu Gang said jokingly.

"No, I can't sing this song." Sun Yunhan waved his hands repeatedly.

Cai Wenli said: "I guess you may not have been scolded enough by the audience."

Liu Gang reacted and said with a smile: "Director team, cut this section!"

The scene was filled with laughter again.

"Come on, let's discuss it seriously and give you an answer." Xu Zhenchun said seriously.

The people in the judging panel put away their smiles and got together to discuss.

After chatting for a while, Sun Yunhan, as the representative of this announcement, said: "We are still not sure, but there is no way. We have to give a name, so in the end... the answer we gave is: Xu Zhenliang."

Xu Zhenliang is a female singer who is currently active on the front line. Although she is a little less popular than Leng Ying, in terms of singing, she is indeed one of the best among young female singers.

I guess the judges have been in this situation before. They knew that the name they said was wrong, but they still had to say it. This time they also knew that the name they said was wrong, but they still had to say it.

The difference is that before, they knew who they were meeting but couldn't tell because of the hidden rules of the show, but this time they really couldn't guess.

The audience at the scene also started talking after hearing the name Xu Zhenliang given by the guessing team.

"Is it Xu Zhenliang?"

"It doesn't seem like it, it doesn't feel like it."

"But except for Xu Zhenliang, the others are even less similar."

"I think it might be Tan Jia."

"No, I think Leng Yingdu is more likely than Tan Jia."

"Say, Leng Ying is too expensive, and the sound is not very similar."

"After all, Xu Zhenliang is more likely."

"Others have a 10% chance. Xu Zhenliang only has an 11% chance. They don't look alike anyway."


On the stage, the guessing team gave the names of the people, and Li Hao continued to host: "Okay, the guessing team has guessed Xu Zhenliang, then if you ask others to sing and ask for money, I will sing to death and go to the unveiling area!"

Eight foreigners quickly walked onto the stage and carried Bai Wuchang to the unveiling area. The screen in the unveiling area slowly fell down.

Li Hao waited for a few seconds before saying: "Let's count down the five numbers together. Let's see which one comes out. Others sing for money, I sing for life, or Xu Zhenliang."

The whole audience was counting down together. This is the first time that so many people are counting down with such anticipation after the show has been running for so long.






The countdown ended, and the screen in the unveiling area slowly opened. Everyone looked at it intently. Bai Wuchang was still sitting in the sedan chair. Her face was expressionless and her eyes were cold and indifferent.

Sure enough, it’s not Xu Zhenliang!

The audience applauded.

"I'll just say it's not Xu Zhenliang!"

"Damn, it's not Xu Zhenliang, who else could it be?"

"Ji Yongshan."

"Maybe they are really new people and we don't know each other at all."

"No way, this singing skill will not lead to obscurity."

"Anyway, I can't guess it. I can only wait for the show to air and let's see what netizens guess."

"Haha, this show is pretty good. It's not as embarrassing as others say."

"That was before. This issue of Bai Wuchang has taken over all the highlights."

"Well, I must come back to watch the next episode!"


Although the guessing team did not guess correctly, it means that we can see Bai Wuchang again in the next issue, and the audience was still very happy.

The applause was even louder.

When the applause gradually subsided, Li Hao said: "Now, everyone has seen the result. It's not Xu Zhenliang. Who is this mysterious guest? Let's guess in the next issue! At this point, all the guests in this issue have finished singing. We All guests please come on stage together!”

All seven guests came on stage. Except for me, who is a master of time management, and others cost me money to sing and I sing to death, everyone else showed their true colors.

The seven people said a few words one by one as the conclusion of this episode. After finishing speaking, Li Hao announced that this episode of the program was over.

Bai Wuchang was still carried down by eight foreigners. In comparison, the other people leaving seemed much shabby.

It even seemed that the other guests were like Bai Wuchang's servants, which made everyone want to laugh.

After returning to the hotel and sleeping one more night, Lin Li returned to Su City with his mother the next day.

It has been nearly five months since the military training left Sioux City at the end of August.

After returning home and lying on his long-lost bed, Lin Li suddenly felt relaxed.

After a while, someone came to the house.

"Son, come out, Ruobing is here." Song Wenjie shouted from the living room.

Lin Li got up from the bed and walked out of the room. Wu Ruobing's family was outside.

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Lin Li called.

Wu Yong glanced at Lin Li and said, "Lin Li has grown taller. He is now about 1.8 meters tall."

"One eighty two."

"Yeah, it's just right to be this tall. Don't let it grow any longer. Your neck will hurt if you grow longer. Look at our Bingbing, she's only 1.6 meters tall." Zhang Li said with a smile.

Wu Ruobing was anxious and said, "Mom, what does it mean to be talented? A girl is not short at 1.6 meters. Besides, if I wear high heels from now on, it won't be much different!"

Lin Li smiled and said, "It's hard to buy 20-centimeter high heels, isn't it?"

Everyone laughed.

Wu Ruobing turned around, punched Lin Li, and cursed: "You bastard, you said something embarrassing about me in "Tucao Pai" before and I haven't settled the score with you yet!"

"Why don't you also say that I'm embarrassed? It's even."

"Go away, my image has been ruined by you!" Wu Ruobing said angrily.

"No, after I saw the show aired, everyone on your Weibo said you were very real and cute. You seem to have gained hundreds of thousands of followers."

Wu Ruobing glanced at Lin Li, hiding a smile on her lips, and said: "Well... I still have some conscience and know how to pay attention to me."

Lin Li asked: "Then I will take care of you again. Are you on vacation?"

Wu Ruobing shook her head and said, "The final exam is over, and I will continue to go to school to make up lessons tomorrow."

Lin Li is also a graduate of Sioux City No. 3 Middle School, so he naturally knows the tradition of Sioux City No. 3 Middle School. The senior year of high school has to take extra classes until the New Year's Eve.

Speaking of studying, Zhang Li spoke: "Lin Li, you are good at studying. If you have nothing to do, please give Bingbing some guidance."

Before Lin Li could say anything, Wu Ruobing said first, "Him? He went to Kyoto for half a year to cause trouble. He had long forgotten his high school knowledge, and he was still tutoring me!"

"Don't talk nonsense. No matter how bad Lin Li is, he was still number one in your school last year!" Wu Yong said.

Zhang Li also said: "That's right, I still haven't taken the exam in one subject!"

Wu Ruobing said without confidence: "I'm not bad least I'm in the top thirty..."

Lin Li said humiliatedly: "Well, it's not bad. With a counselor like me, there's no problem in getting into the top ten."

Wu Ruobing rolled her eyes at Lin Li, and then said, "I know how to brag. If I don't get into the top ten, you will be dead!"

"How are you talking? You don't know that Lin Li is a famous person now. His appearance fee is 800,000 yuan. Just be satisfied if he is willing to give you guidance!" Zhang Li spat.

"Hey, Lin Li only earns 8 million for his appearance, so he has to take Bingbing's matter to heart." Song Wenjie said with a smile.

"Yes, the more famous you become, the less you must forget your roots!" Lin Changmin also said to Lin Li, "You know?"


Lin Li said that he had always listened to his parents' principles since he was a child, but overall, they still made sense.

"Okay, you guys talk about your business, and we go buy groceries and prepare dinner." Song Wenjie said.

After saying that, the four adults went out together, leaving Lin Li and Wu Ruobing alone in the room.

Wu Ruobing looked at Lin Li and said, "I watched Weibo Night."

Lin Li smiled and said, "How many votes did you give me?"

Wu Ruobing raised her eyebrows and said, "More than a hundred votes, please give me back the money quickly!"

On Weibo Night, every annual Weibo member has one vote, and more than 100 votes cost tens of thousands of dollars.

Lin Li couldn't tell whether what Wu Ruobing said was true or false, so he smiled and said, "These tens of thousands of yuan can be evened out if I give you one hour of tutoring."

"No, at least a hundred hours!" Wu Ruobing said.

"Hey, my time is so worthless. It's worse than those tutors. At least brother, I'm on the right track now."

"You are an international superstar, and you are worth this to me. Don't talk nonsense. My time is still precious. If you don't coach well, I won't want you!"

"Oh, Xiaozui is still so powerful!" Lin Li said helplessly.

After saying that, Wu Ruobing went home and brought a book to review with Lin Li in the living room.

In the evening, the two families had dinner together. Lin Li hadn't gone out for a long time, so he said, "I want to go out for a walk."

"You are a famous person in Sioux City now. You have to be careful when you go out." Zhang Li said, "My Bingbing will always be surrounded when she goes out, let alone you."

"It's okay, I'll wrap it up tightly," Lin Li said.

Lin Li hadn't gone shopping in Sioux City for a long time. He couldn't bear the restlessness tonight, so he put on his coat, scarf, mask and knitted hat and went out.

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