The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 372 Sun Yunhan’s major discovery

The guessing team guessed several famous female singers in the music industry who can sing high notes, and found that they didn't exactly match the person in front of them.

The singers they mentioned are all very famous singers, and the audience at the scene are also familiar with them, but it is true that no one among the people mentioned by the judging panel is the same as Bai Wuchang in terms of timbre or technique.

This made everyone more curious, who is this Bai Wuchang? ?

"It's not quite right."

After a round of guessing and no result, the judging panel and the audience were even more confused.

"I think we need to change our thinking, and don't analyze it from the perspective of singing skills." Hong Jianping said, looking at Bai Wuchang, "This song is so good, I want to ask this question: Others cost money to sing, but I cost my life to sing. This song is for you. Did you write it yourself?”

Others cost money when singing, but singing costs money. There are many reasons why she shocked everyone today. Her mysterious appearance, eye-catching appearance, amazing singing skills, and moving songs are all the reasons why she attracts attention and curiosity.

And these things will all be part of the guessing team's analysis of the guest's true identity.

Hong Jianping asked if this song was her own original creation, just to narrow down the range. If it was an original singer, then the range of guessed singers would be more than half smaller.

Many original singers have come to this show and have sung many original songs, but there are also some songs that I have never heard of that were not written by the singers themselves, but were written by someone hired by the agency, and a few of them were invited to be released. songs from the new album.

Therefore, although no one has heard of this song, there is no guarantee that this song was written by Bai Wuchang. Whether he is the original singer has yet to be confirmed.

Bai Wuchang in the sedan chair replied: "You can say yes, you can also say no."

"It's as if you didn't answer!" Sun Yunhan laughed.

"But what I said is the truth." Bai Wuchang said lightly.

"I said she must have said that on purpose to confuse us." Zhang Xiao said.

In order to conceal their identities, most of the guests on the stage gave untrustworthy answers.

Liu Gang is a music producer and knows more about arrangers. He said: "This song is indeed very good, but the arranger is even better. There are not many people in the circle who have this level of arranger. I went back to ask around and found out... Know who it is."

Everyone looked at Bai Wuchang, she didn't seem to be panic at all, she just said: "You will be disappointed."

Sun Yunhan said: "I think she is very cool."

Cheng Qinghong said: "After all, wearing this kind of clothes, it would be really scary if you jump around."

The audience burst into laughter.

Zhang Xiao was inspired and asked: "I have a question to ask, but I don't know if it would be rude."

Hearing that it was a bit rude, everyone knew what Zhang Xiao was going to ask, and they all looked at Bai Wuchang.

Bai Wuchang said lightly: "My legs are normal, I just don't want to walk. It would be great if someone could lift them."

When everyone heard it, Bai Wuchang's answer was obviously that her legs and feet were fine, but similarly, what the guests said on the stage was not credible.

"Everyone knows that there is an inspirational male singer in the music industry who is in a wheelchair, but there is no female singer with bad legs and feet. I don't think she is lazy. She is definitely trying to hide something by sitting in the sedan chair!" Hong Jianping said.

"I think it's possible. Are you trying to hide your height?" Xu Zhenchun said.

Guess the judging panel is not a vegetarian after all, and finally got to the point.

"It's really possible. I guess she must be very tall. She will definitely be guessed when she appears like this, so she chose this way of appearance." Liu Gang said.

The guessing team and others analyzed it for a while, and the audience also felt that it made sense. For the first time, they felt that the guessing team was really analyzing instead of reading the script. Everyone began to look away from the sopranos they had guessed before. The singer shifted.

Cai Wenli said: "There are many very tall female singers, but not many can sing like this."

"At this height, I think he is at least 1.7 meters tall with bare feet." Zhang Xiao said.

Liu Gang said: "I think it's more than that."

"Could it be Ji Yongshan? She is a model." Sun Yunhan said.

"No, Yongshan can't sing this song. Yongshan is a mezzo-soprano." Liu Gang said.

"Then... who could it be? Fan Yuting?"

"Unlike, I have worked with Fan Yuting. She sings with more of a nasal voice, and her voice is not so charming and cold."

The judging panel suddenly fell silent. There is no such thing as a tall female singer who can sing so well.

Having reached a dead end, the guessing team had no choice but to take another route.

Xu Zhenchun said: "Is it possible that she recently injured her leg, so she can only sit? Isn't she trying to hide her height?"

This does provide everyone with new ideas.

"Recently it seems that Fan Yin said that his leg was injured." Hong Jianping said.

"No, no, Fan Yin's voice is very magnetic, and it doesn't match this voice." Cai Wenli said.

"Yeah, it sounds different." Liu Gang agreed.

"Then who else's leg is injured?" Zhang Xiao said.

The people on the judging panel thought silently for a moment, then shook their heads: "I didn't expect it."

The guessing team on the stage racked their brains and still had no clue.

The audience in the audience became more and more confused and began to talk about it.

"Who is it? I can't guess it."

"I listed so many people, but none of them seemed right."

"It looks like everyone at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, it doesn't look like anything!"

"The Masked Singer finally has a hard-to-guess character."

"It seems that the judging panel really can't guess it. From the look of them, it doesn't look like they are acting."

"Yes, if they know who the guest is, their acting this time will definitely win the Best Actor Award."

"If they had such acting skills, they would have already acted. Why would they come to this show and be scolded? I really can't guess."

"Ah, now that I say that, I'm even more curious about who this guest is."


The judging panel was still unable to give an answer, so the host Li Hao spoke up.

"Judges, you are almost out of time, can you give us your answers?"

Hong Jianping shouted: "There is no answer yet, we need to discuss it again."

"Yes, the more we guess, the more unclear we become. We need to analyze it again." Sun Yunhan said.

Xu Zhenchun also said: "Let's analyze it further."

It was also the first time that Li Hao saw such a weird guest on the show. The judging panel almost pulled out most of the singers in the music industry to analyze it, but no one could get it right.

"Okay, I'll give the guessing team five minutes." Li Hao said.

The people on the judging panel started whispering among themselves, and not long after, Liu Gang spoke to the camera.

"Do you remember that when the host first introduced this guest, they said he came alone without an assistant or agent. I think this is very suspicious."

Hong Jianping immediately agreed: "Yes, I think we guessed that so many people couldn't guess correctly, which means that this person is probably someone we don't know. He should be a newcomer, just starting out, so he doesn't have an assistant or a separate agent. When many newcomers first debut, if the company is not optimistic about them, one manager will lead several artists."

"It's impossible. With singing skills that cost me my life while other people sing, if I'm a newcomer, I'm sure there's a bright future. It's impossible not to be optimistic about any company I go to." Cai Wenli said.

"I have an assistant and an agent. She is much better than me. It is impossible not to have her. On the contrary, I think she may be too famous. Even the agent and assistant are known to her. That's why I don't have her. I want to hide it. Stay with us." Sun Yunhan said.

"Well, that's really possible." Cheng Qinghong said.

Zhang Xiao said: "No way. Brother Li also said just now that we can't afford top-tier celebrities for our show."

There was laughter again.

Xu Zhenchun said: "I don't think it is possible. If she is very famous, it is impossible for us not to know her, and it is impossible not to guess her. We have guessed most of the first-line singers and singers from all walks of life, and we have not seen anyone who is particularly suitable." .”

Liu Gang said: "Look at her look, it must have been done by a very powerful stylist and makeup artist. If she is not a diva, she probably won't spend such a large amount of money for one of our shows."

The people who guessed the judging panel suddenly fell silent.

Let alone who this Bai Wuchang is, now everyone is a little confused whether she is a famous singer or a new singer.

The more I guess, the more confused I become.

It's like a bad student faced with a difficult problem, with a bunch of formulas and analysis in his mind, but when he was about to put pen to paper, he found that he couldn't write anything!

The guessing team changed their strategy again. It was useless to analyze it themselves, so they could only ask Bai Wuchang.

Although the answers given by the guests on the stage cannot be trusted, it is better than asking nothing at all. Everyone who guesses the judging panel knows that talking too much will lead to mistakes.

Cai Wenli asked first: "I would like to ask this question: Others cost money to sing while singing costs money. How many of the judging teams on stage do you know?"

Cai Wenli is scheming, so this kind of question doesn't sound like a problem. After all, these people on the stage know many singers, and telling the truth doesn't seem to expose themselves.

I just guess that everyone on the judging panel knows a lot of singers, but there are not many singers who have crossed paths with several of them. If Bai Wuchang tells the truth, guess who among the judging panel is a couple. Much smaller.

Seemingly seeing through Cai Wenli's trick, Bai Wuchang said: "You haven't guessed me like this. Aren't you embarrassed if I tell you that I know you?"

The audience burst into laughter, and those on the judging panel couldn't help but laugh.

Cai Wenli was completely speechless by Bai Wuchang. She smiled and said: "I hope we don't know each other in the end, otherwise, I feel that our friendship will end here."

There was laughter again.

Cheng Qinghong asked: "I also have a question. Others cost money to sing, but singing costs me life. Have you ever acted?"

Bai Wuchang responded: "Life is like a play, I act every day."

Cheng Qinghong: "..."

Sun Yunhan stood up and said, "I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it."

Bai Wuchang didn't say anything. Li Hao said, "Tell me about it."

"I want to go on stage and take a close look at Bai Wuchang, okay?" Sun Yunhan asked.

The stage was six or seven meters away from the judging panel's seats, and since they were masked, the judging panel members had never really seen the faces of the guests. Before, they had all guessed based on their body movements and singing skills.

But today, when it comes to guessing the physical body and singing skills, it is obviously impossible to guess the answer.

That's why Sun Yunhan made such a request.

Although Li Hao seems to know who this Bai Wuchang is, he also knows that only by not revealing Bai Wuchang's identity at this time can he continue to attract the audience.

"Guessing judges, your request is a bit too much. I think the time is almost up. Why don't you give me an answer? If you can't guess, we can continue in the next issue?"

Guess the judging panel also heard the foreign voice of Li Hao's words.

While others sing for money, I sing for my life. She is the most mysterious and difficult-to-guess guest in the history of this show. The show team must have hoped that she would not be revealed so soon.

Moreover, the time spent by the guessing team this time was indeed too long, more than twice as long as the time spent by other guests.

After listening to Li Hao's words, Sun Yunhan nodded and sat down.

As a result, everyone saw Bai Wuchang pick up the microphone and said nonchalantly: "I think it's okay."

The audience heard that Bai Wuchang was so confident and applauded in appreciation!

Bai Wuchang is Bai Wuchang, such a confident, perfect empress type!

Li Hao didn't expect that Bai Wuchang would disrupt the show. She said in front of so many viewers that she could come and watch, so Li Hao naturally couldn't stop her.

Li Hao had taken a closer look several times before, but he really didn't realize who Bai Wuchang was.

"Other people want money to sing, but I want to sing to make a living, so come on!" Li Hao said.

Sun Yunhan was surprised, but immediately got up excitedly and went to the stage.

Sun Yunhan squatted in front of the sedan chair and looked at Bai Wuchang inside.

In "The Masked Singer", many singers are so masked that they can't even see their eyes, but Bai Wuchang in front of him is obviously the simplest one.

Bai Wuchang's style did not cover his face, but was painted with white oil paint. Sun Yunhan felt that he could at least distinguish the facial features after looking closer.

But after Sun Yunhan took a closer look, he found that his facial features were exactly the same as those of Bai Wuchang in "The Legend of Jianghu"!

Sun Yunhan couldn't believe his eyes and wanted to pinch Bai Wuchang's face to see if it was true.

"How's it going? Does it look like anyone?"

Liu Gang from the guessing team asked impatiently.

Sun Yunhan shook his head and said, "I can't feel it."

"Look at the eyes. You can fake everything else, but not the eyes. Whose eyes do you think they look like?" Hong Jianping also gave Sun Yunhan some advice.

When Sun Yunhan heard Hong Jianping's words, he began to stare into Bai Wuchang's eyes.

Bai Wuchang did not avoid it, and looked at Sun Yunhan.

Sun Yunhan saw the soft light in Bai Wuchang's eyes and the infinite charm, and couldn't help but be stunned.

The audience and the judging panel discovered a very funny thing at this time, that is, Sun Yunhan squatted in front of the sedan chair, rested his eyes on his hands and looked into the sedan chair. He was stunned and did not make a sound for a long time. action.

"Hey, Sun Yunhan, what are you doing?!" Xu Zhenchun shouted exaggeratedly.

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Only then did Sun Yunhan come to his senses. He stood up and faced the audience and the judging panel with some embarrassment.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?" Cheng Qinghong of the guessing team asked.

Sun Yunhan nodded and said, "I found something."

"What did you find?!"

The judges and the audience held their breaths and looked at Sun Yunhan, hoping that she had really discovered the true identity of this brother Bai Wuchang.

"I found really beautiful!" Sun Yunhan couldn't help but say.

Live audience:"…………"

Guess the judging panel: “…………”

Li Hao: “…………”

Lin Li: “…………”

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